Nice American Article: US vs. Canada


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
Well I know when my wife had 2 kids, when we go to hospital for stitches or when I got my appendix out I never received a bill. We have loads of job training programs for people who chose to use them. If someone needs help they can get it. It may not always be easy but it is there.

I saw on CNN that December is time for Americans to re new their health care and people pay well over 200 a month for coverage and then still get stiffed when they check out.

America has more uninsured people than Canada's entire population. Sure our taxes are higher but being middle class I would have trouble paying any "medical bills" i would receive from hospitals in the US when I checked out. I prefer our free medical, because even with taxes I pay I know I never truly pay the total cost for a hospital or doctor visit.

Why do you Americans come up in droves for your prescriptions then? and flu shots? It is a booming business in Border (Vancouver, southern Ontario) towns and in Manitoba especially.

America unfriendly? You don't know Jack about our discrimination Laws and how they work!

Maybe not as much as I should however, I never see our Prime minister threating to change constitution to Ban gay marriage. Unlike George "W" Bush. We don't round up people on a mass scale and hold them without charge or lawyers.

I also know we don't beat kids in schools with 24"x6" pieces of wood, like it is a common practise in the American south. Actually parents can only use a open hand on the buttocks here and no weapons and no slapping the face and only if they are between 3 and 12.(In Canada) or be charged with common assault. That comes from Supreme court of Canada. Most civilized countries have banned that practise but not America.

America and Somalia (good company America keeps) are the only Two countries in the world that never signed the "UN rights of child"

I was in Chicago in 1999 and I could not believe the poverty. People in the low income building or the "projects" I guess is What Americans call them, Actually look like 3rd world slums and that no bull either.

Our Prime ministers past and present can be goofballs at times but they don't outright lie to the people like America's past two presidents "I have never had sexual relations with that women" when he did and "Iraq is a hotbed of terrorism and they have WMD" when there is and never will be any evidence.

I am not trying to be a prick but I would never want to live in America. American's have a false belief everyone wants to live there but when that world survey was released it showed quite the opposite. I will try to find link.

but we have more gays in Mississippi than you have in Saskatchewan!
Yes you may have more gays in Mississippi than Saskatchewan but here they are not discriminated against like in America. They have equal rights. and what is wrong with that? Civilized countries have constitutions to make sure the minority is protected and not going around threatening to change constitutions to deny a minority group their legal rights.

I thought America is the home of Freedom? But I guess for only certain members of society.

Well I have to go and drink some real beer (not coloured water they have in America :) )now and I think I will have a Cuban, its been a long day. Too bad Americans can't enjoy a "cuban" let alone visit there.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
Well I know when my wife had 2 kids, when we go to hospital for stitches or when I got my appendix out I never received a bill. We have loads of job training programs for people who chose to use them. If someone needs help they can get it. It may not always be easy but it is there.

I saw on CNN that December is time for Americans to re new their health care and people pay well over 200 a month for coverage and then still get stiffed when they check out.

America has more uninsured people than Canada's entire population. Sure our taxes are higher but being middle class I would have trouble paying any "medical bills" i would receive from hospitals in the US when I checked out. I prefer our free medical, because even with taxes I pay I know I never truly pay the total cost for a hospital or doctor visit.

Why do you Americans come up in droves for your prescriptions then? and flu shots? It is a booming business in Border (Vancouver, southern Ontario) towns and in Manitoba especially.

America unfriendly? You don't know Jack about our discrimination Laws and how they work!

Maybe not as much as I should however, I never see our Prime minister threating to change constitution to Ban gay marriage. Unlike George "W" Bush. We don't round up people on a mass scale and hold them without charge or lawyers.

I also know we don't beat kids in schools with 24"x6" pieces of wood, like it is a common practise in the American south. Actually parents can only use a open hand on the buttocks here and no weapons and no slapping the face and only if they are between 3 and 12.(In Canada) or be charged with common assault. That comes from Supreme court of Canada. Most civilized countries have banned that practise but not America.

America and Somalia (good company America keeps) are the only Two countries in the world that never signed the "UN rights of child"

I was in Chicago in 1999 and I could not believe the poverty. People in the low income building or the "projects" I guess is What Americans call them, Actually look like 3rd world slums and that no bull either.

Our Prime ministers past and present can be goofballs at times but they don't outright lie to the people like America's past two presidents "I have never had sexual relations with that women" when he did and "Iraq is a hotbed of terrorism and they have WMD" when there is and never will be any evidence.

I am not trying to be a prick but I would never want to live in America. American's have a false belief everyone wants to live there but when that world survey was released it showed quite the opposite. I will try to find link.

but we have more gays in Mississippi than you have in Saskatchewan!
Yes you may have more gays in Mississippi than Saskatchewan but here they are not discriminated against like in America. They have equal rights. and what is wrong with that? Civilized countries have constitutions to make sure the minority is protected and not going around threatening to change constitutions to deny a minority group their legal rights.

I thought America is the home of Freedom? But I guess for only certain members of society.

Well I have to go and drink some real beer (not coloured water they have in America :) )now and I think I will have a Cuban, its been a long day. Too bad Americans can't enjoy a "cuban" let alone visit there.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
Well I know when my wife had 2 kids, when we go to hospital for stitches or when I got my appendix out I never received a bill. We have loads of job training programs for people who chose to use them. If someone needs help they can get it. It may not always be easy but it is there.

I saw on CNN that December is time for Americans to re new their health care and people pay well over 200 a month for coverage and then still get stiffed when they check out.

America has more uninsured people than Canada's entire population. Sure our taxes are higher but being middle class I would have trouble paying any "medical bills" i would receive from hospitals in the US when I checked out. I prefer our free medical, because even with taxes I pay I know I never truly pay the total cost for a hospital or doctor visit.

Why do you Americans come up in droves for your prescriptions then? and flu shots? It is a booming business in Border (Vancouver, southern Ontario) towns and in Manitoba especially.

America unfriendly? You don't know Jack about our discrimination Laws and how they work!

Maybe not as much as I should however, I never see our Prime minister threating to change constitution to Ban gay marriage. Unlike George "W" Bush. We don't round up people on a mass scale and hold them without charge or lawyers.

I also know we don't beat kids in schools with 24"x6" pieces of wood, like it is a common practise in the American south. Actually parents can only use a open hand on the buttocks here and no weapons and no slapping the face and only if they are between 3 and 12.(In Canada) or be charged with common assault. That comes from Supreme court of Canada. Most civilized countries have banned that practise but not America.

America and Somalia (good company America keeps) are the only Two countries in the world that never signed the "UN rights of child"

I was in Chicago in 1999 and I could not believe the poverty. People in the low income building or the "projects" I guess is What Americans call them, Actually look like 3rd world slums and that no bull either.

Our Prime ministers past and present can be goofballs at times but they don't outright lie to the people like America's past two presidents "I have never had sexual relations with that women" when he did and "Iraq is a hotbed of terrorism and they have WMD" when there is and never will be any evidence.

I am not trying to be a prick but I would never want to live in America. American's have a false belief everyone wants to live there but when that world survey was released it showed quite the opposite. I will try to find link.

but we have more gays in Mississippi than you have in Saskatchewan!
Yes you may have more gays in Mississippi than Saskatchewan but here they are not discriminated against like in America. They have equal rights. and what is wrong with that? Civilized countries have constitutions to make sure the minority is protected and not going around threatening to change constitutions to deny a minority group their legal rights.

I thought America is the home of Freedom? But I guess for only certain members of society.

Well I have to go and drink some real beer (not coloured water they have in America :) )now and I think I will have a Cuban, its been a long day. Too bad Americans can't enjoy a "cuban" let alone visit there.

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: RE: Nice American Article: US vs. Canada

no1important said:
Well I know when my wife had 2 kids, when we go to hospital for stitches or when I got my appendix out I never received a bill. We have loads of job training programs for people who chose to use them. If someone needs help they can get it. It may not always be easy but it is there.

I saw on CNN that December is time for Americans to re new their health care and people pay well over 200 a month for coverage and then still get stiffed when they check out.

America has more uninsured people than Canada's entire population. Sure our taxes are higher but being middle class I would have trouble paying any "medical bills" i would receive from hospitals in the US when I checked out. I prefer our free medical, because even with taxes I pay I know I never truly pay the total cost for a hospital or doctor visit.

Why do you Americans come up in droves for your prescriptions then? and flu shots? It is a booming business in Border (Vancouver, southern Ontario) towns and in Manitoba especially.

You pay for medical care one way or another, in Canada its the tax support that pays the status quo and here its private insurance for us working stiffs and the government picks up the tap for the poor! Our social programs are built on need and you have to qualify to get into the system! Here in Louisiana we have a system of Hospitals called the "Charity System" operated by the Government which are free. (Don't let the name fool ya, it was set up in the late 1700's by a Spanish Sailor who willed his money to Louisiana (Then a Spanish colony) for the care of the sick.) Medical Care is expensive with the advances in technology allowing for more options in care, I don't care about whether I have to pay, but that I am alive to pay, wether it be taxes or my employer's benefit! My wife works so she get a paid medical and between the both of us being cross insurred, our costs are really very low. I guess the main difference between the two systems is who pays, still don't be fooled, we have a large bureaucracy set up for medical stuff called medicare which is waiting for the larger population (those under 65 and working) to be brought under its wing so the private clinics can reap a fortune! When we get a larger basic medical care system, costs here will rise even more.

As far as prescription drugs, I know there are price controls in Canada which tends to limit the availability of drugs, in summer of 2004 I was up in Nova Scotia when we ran short of one of my sons epilepsy drugs and found out it was not available in Canada! I called back to Louisiana and had the Prescription filled and sent overnight to Bar Harbour, Maine where I rode the ferry over to pick it up and bring it back to Yarmouth, NS (We were in the SW of Nova Scotia with the Acadien Congress). On the return trip back over to NS I was fortunate to be among some distiguished guests who heard of my plight about the drugs and sought me out. It seems that the regional governor's confrence was being held in Massachusetts and several members of the MLA of NS (Members of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia) spoke to me about this matter of not having this drug in Canada! It seems that the manufactor of this drug doesn't do business in Canada since his cost of research would not be recoverable under Canadian Tax Law and the price control board would not allow drug in as a consequence! When I shared the literature about drug, the MLAs were astonished that Canada did not have this wonder drug which helps with so many different types of seizures! I later learned that the drug has been approved in Canada and is helping people out who might have not otherwise had a chance.

no1important said:
America unfriendly? You don't know Jack about our discrimination Laws and how they work!

Maybe not as much as I should however, I never see our Prime minister threating to change constitution to Ban gay marriage. Unlike George "W" Bush. We don't round up people on a mass scale and hold them without charge or lawyers.

Our marriage laws need a history lesson, so here goes, most people are unaware of US history and the Mormons who practised polygamy! Since marriage is usually regulated by the State Governments, in the late 1800's all types of marriage laws predominated in certain states! In Utah, polygamy was legal! In some states the statutes were vague and misleading! In 1896 when Utah came into the union, polygamy and polyandry went out the back door or so you thought! In certain parts of Utah, splinter sects of Mormons still practice polygamy! Real strange crowd and since I have an Aunt that married into a Utah Mormon Family (They are mainstream Mormons, none of that polygamy here, now) they tell about the strange bunch back in the Mountains who follow the old ways!

Most people here are scared to tinker with the marriage laws since once you allow two guys or gals to marry, whats to stop polygamy or polyandry fro being recognised!

Remeber the Rene Levesque affair, Canada done the same thing! I am not comfortable with the holding of prisoners without civil rights and have expressed my concerns to my congressman for us to have trials, fair and in the open to determine what their status should be.

no1important said:
I also know we don't beat kids in schools with 24"x6" pieces of wood, like it is a common practise in the American south. Actually parents can only use a open hand on the buttocks here and no weapons and no slapping the face and only if they are between 3 and 12.(In Canada) or be charged with common assault. That comes from Supreme court of Canada. Most civilized countries have banned that practise but not America.

America and Somalia (good company America keeps) are the only Two countries in the world that never signed the "UN rights of child"

I don't know where you got your info from but here in Louisiana it is basically the same rules, you can not use anything to strike a child with except your hand on their bum! And only parental dicipline is allowed, Corporal Punishment is OUTLAWED in school! Any teacher or other school person is not allowed to administer Corporal Punishment! I don't know where you got the info about 2 by 4s being used but Louisiana and Texas it ain't. Lawsuits from parents have stopped the practise in Louisiana !

The reason why most UN Treaties have been left unsigned by the US is for the legal reason of not surrendering soveriegnty to diplomats from unfriendly countries and clauses which demand the surrender of local autonomy in favor of international tribunals. I have my doubts on the UN and its impartiality, for the most part, I think fairplay would rule out the day but others fear if some anti-american fool decided to advance his agenda, it could be chaos.

no1important said:
I was in Chicago in 1999 and I could not believe the poverty. People in the low income building or the "projects" I guess is What Americans call them, Actually look like 3rd world slums and that no bull either.

They are called projects in Toronto also and the OPP will not answer a call after nightfall in there without back up! The proplem with on going poverty is that to address the root cause is hard! Don't think Canada is immune to poverty, you should visit the First Nation's REZs sometimes, the Micqmaw in NS and NB demonstrated this first hand this summer and I was not proud of what I saw! As an acadien, we have had a working relationship with the Native Peoples but the WASP society shunned it!

Ever heard of LBJ's Great society? Well, another history lesson, in 1965 the US declared "war" on poverty and it gave us a lesson in socialism that doesn't work! You see, out of this idea came Food Stamps, Federalized General assistance (Welfare), Job training, medicare and host of other programs. It was a good idea to help but it created dependency class that tended to stagnate where they were located at! Our government handouts are quite generous and frankly, with our massive population it is hard to track and qualify who needs the aid the most.

I spent some time in the "projects" in New Orleans and the poverty is overwhelming but most people would not take the assistance for job training since if you got a job, you no longer "qualified" for free housing, food stamps or Cash Assistance!

What is the solution, I got some ideas but its not only found in America friend, its everywhere!

no1important said:
Our Prime ministers past and present can be goofballs at times but they don't outright lie to the people like America's past two presidents "I have never had sexual relations with that women" when he did and "Iraq is a hotbed of terrorism and they have WMD" when there is and never will be any evidence.

Dou you know how tell when a politician's lying, when his lips are moving!

no1important said:
I am not trying to be a prick but I would never want to live in America. American's have a false belief everyone wants to live there but when that world survey was released it showed quite the opposite. I will try to find link.

There are place in America I wouldn't want to live in or in some parts of Canada, My Daughters have been called frogs in Ontario (Because they speak, read and write French and are Acadiennes), my mother was called a Half-breed in Alberta (Being Acadian French with a Spanish Grandfather did not help her complection any) and the Drunken Fool in Toronto who followed me around screaming about "American Politics and those dirty Americans"! Really a low class Bas***d if the Cnadian or American version of Funk and Wagnells ever needed a poster child.

I would live in BC, Port Perry, Ont., Dieppe, NB., Quebec Province or the Maritimes. I am partial in the States to Louisiana, Eastern Tennessee, Colorado, and Michigan.

I don't recommend the crowded areas of New York, California, or Florida.

Where I live is a function of my ancestrial makeup and I have a strange calling to go Grand Pre and WAIL! We were Canadians first, then exiled to Louisiana!

About the whole workd coming, most people that end up here are looking for economic benefits (a better life). Switzerland is nice, we speak French and it is a free republic, nice to visit but I would not want to live there either! Hollywood show America in a strange light, a dream world, hey, but then out of people who are emigrating, the US and CANADA is the top draw.

no1important said:
Yes you may have more gays in Mississippi than Saskatchewan but here they are not discriminated against like in America. They have equal rights. and what is wrong with that? Civilized countries have constitutions to make sure the minority is protected and not going around threatening to change constitutions to deny a minority group their legal rights.

Read the US constitution and then read the constitutions of most other nations, we had a Bill of Rights when Europe still had autocratic kings who thought taking off the head was sport! We not only championed the rights of the common man, we enshrined them before the world! Remember what I said about our discrimination laws, they cover situations that have cropped up throught US history, the Gays are no exception! Discriminate against a person based upon sexual orientation and you will have a herd of lawyers on you like white on rice! The US leads the world in the Amount of Lawyers to Population and they are always looking for something to litigate! Hell, even the Gitmo prisoners have been ruled by the Supreme Court that they must be represented by lawyers (Of their choosing), a real hot potato in the States right now.

no1important said:
I thought America is the home of Freedom? But I guess for only certain members of society.

Well I have to go and drink some real beer (not coloured water they have in America :) )now and I think I will have a Cuban, its been a long day. Too bad Americans can't enjoy a "cuban" let alone visit there.

Freedom is relative, you see I can still own a pistol or firearm without a government licence, listen to a digital scanner, or drink in my front yard in full view of the police (They still frown on driving, however).

As to drinking beer, there is imported and I still have some Alexander Kieth's hidden away! I am saddened by Coors buying out Molson. As far as lighting up a "Cuban," I don't smoke but did bring some back when my wife's Aunt (who is Cuban) invited us down to Cuba for a Family Visit (Allowed under US law). Since Me hablo un poquito de Esapnaol, I learned quite a lot and several of Aunt XXXXXX (Name deleted to protect her relatives) relatives want to come so bad to USA. Not a nice place, people are friendly and warm, they have been handed a sh***ty hand to play and I wish the US would open up.

i have very little influence on National Politics, I just stick to what is under my control.

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: RE: Nice American Article: US vs. Canada

no1important said:
Well I know when my wife had 2 kids, when we go to hospital for stitches or when I got my appendix out I never received a bill. We have loads of job training programs for people who chose to use them. If someone needs help they can get it. It may not always be easy but it is there.

I saw on CNN that December is time for Americans to re new their health care and people pay well over 200 a month for coverage and then still get stiffed when they check out.

America has more uninsured people than Canada's entire population. Sure our taxes are higher but being middle class I would have trouble paying any "medical bills" i would receive from hospitals in the US when I checked out. I prefer our free medical, because even with taxes I pay I know I never truly pay the total cost for a hospital or doctor visit.

Why do you Americans come up in droves for your prescriptions then? and flu shots? It is a booming business in Border (Vancouver, southern Ontario) towns and in Manitoba especially.

You pay for medical care one way or another, in Canada its the tax support that pays the status quo and here its private insurance for us working stiffs and the government picks up the tap for the poor! Our social programs are built on need and you have to qualify to get into the system! Here in Louisiana we have a system of Hospitals called the "Charity System" operated by the Government which are free. (Don't let the name fool ya, it was set up in the late 1700's by a Spanish Sailor who willed his money to Louisiana (Then a Spanish colony) for the care of the sick.) Medical Care is expensive with the advances in technology allowing for more options in care, I don't care about whether I have to pay, but that I am alive to pay, wether it be taxes or my employer's benefit! My wife works so she get a paid medical and between the both of us being cross insurred, our costs are really very low. I guess the main difference between the two systems is who pays, still don't be fooled, we have a large bureaucracy set up for medical stuff called medicare which is waiting for the larger population (those under 65 and working) to be brought under its wing so the private clinics can reap a fortune! When we get a larger basic medical care system, costs here will rise even more.

As far as prescription drugs, I know there are price controls in Canada which tends to limit the availability of drugs, in summer of 2004 I was up in Nova Scotia when we ran short of one of my sons epilepsy drugs and found out it was not available in Canada! I called back to Louisiana and had the Prescription filled and sent overnight to Bar Harbour, Maine where I rode the ferry over to pick it up and bring it back to Yarmouth, NS (We were in the SW of Nova Scotia with the Acadien Congress). On the return trip back over to NS I was fortunate to be among some distiguished guests who heard of my plight about the drugs and sought me out. It seems that the regional governor's confrence was being held in Massachusetts and several members of the MLA of NS (Members of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia) spoke to me about this matter of not having this drug in Canada! It seems that the manufactor of this drug doesn't do business in Canada since his cost of research would not be recoverable under Canadian Tax Law and the price control board would not allow drug in as a consequence! When I shared the literature about drug, the MLAs were astonished that Canada did not have this wonder drug which helps with so many different types of seizures! I later learned that the drug has been approved in Canada and is helping people out who might have not otherwise had a chance.

no1important said:
America unfriendly? You don't know Jack about our discrimination Laws and how they work!

Maybe not as much as I should however, I never see our Prime minister threating to change constitution to Ban gay marriage. Unlike George "W" Bush. We don't round up people on a mass scale and hold them without charge or lawyers.

Our marriage laws need a history lesson, so here goes, most people are unaware of US history and the Mormons who practised polygamy! Since marriage is usually regulated by the State Governments, in the late 1800's all types of marriage laws predominated in certain states! In Utah, polygamy was legal! In some states the statutes were vague and misleading! In 1896 when Utah came into the union, polygamy and polyandry went out the back door or so you thought! In certain parts of Utah, splinter sects of Mormons still practice polygamy! Real strange crowd and since I have an Aunt that married into a Utah Mormon Family (They are mainstream Mormons, none of that polygamy here, now) they tell about the strange bunch back in the Mountains who follow the old ways!

Most people here are scared to tinker with the marriage laws since once you allow two guys or gals to marry, whats to stop polygamy or polyandry fro being recognised!

Remeber the Rene Levesque affair, Canada done the same thing! I am not comfortable with the holding of prisoners without civil rights and have expressed my concerns to my congressman for us to have trials, fair and in the open to determine what their status should be.

no1important said:
I also know we don't beat kids in schools with 24"x6" pieces of wood, like it is a common practise in the American south. Actually parents can only use a open hand on the buttocks here and no weapons and no slapping the face and only if they are between 3 and 12.(In Canada) or be charged with common assault. That comes from Supreme court of Canada. Most civilized countries have banned that practise but not America.

America and Somalia (good company America keeps) are the only Two countries in the world that never signed the "UN rights of child"

I don't know where you got your info from but here in Louisiana it is basically the same rules, you can not use anything to strike a child with except your hand on their bum! And only parental dicipline is allowed, Corporal Punishment is OUTLAWED in school! Any teacher or other school person is not allowed to administer Corporal Punishment! I don't know where you got the info about 2 by 4s being used but Louisiana and Texas it ain't. Lawsuits from parents have stopped the practise in Louisiana !

The reason why most UN Treaties have been left unsigned by the US is for the legal reason of not surrendering soveriegnty to diplomats from unfriendly countries and clauses which demand the surrender of local autonomy in favor of international tribunals. I have my doubts on the UN and its impartiality, for the most part, I think fairplay would rule out the day but others fear if some anti-american fool decided to advance his agenda, it could be chaos.

no1important said:
I was in Chicago in 1999 and I could not believe the poverty. People in the low income building or the "projects" I guess is What Americans call them, Actually look like 3rd world slums and that no bull either.

They are called projects in Toronto also and the OPP will not answer a call after nightfall in there without back up! The proplem with on going poverty is that to address the root cause is hard! Don't think Canada is immune to poverty, you should visit the First Nation's REZs sometimes, the Micqmaw in NS and NB demonstrated this first hand this summer and I was not proud of what I saw! As an acadien, we have had a working relationship with the Native Peoples but the WASP society shunned it!

Ever heard of LBJ's Great society? Well, another history lesson, in 1965 the US declared "war" on poverty and it gave us a lesson in socialism that doesn't work! You see, out of this idea came Food Stamps, Federalized General assistance (Welfare), Job training, medicare and host of other programs. It was a good idea to help but it created dependency class that tended to stagnate where they were located at! Our government handouts are quite generous and frankly, with our massive population it is hard to track and qualify who needs the aid the most.

I spent some time in the "projects" in New Orleans and the poverty is overwhelming but most people would not take the assistance for job training since if you got a job, you no longer "qualified" for free housing, food stamps or Cash Assistance!

What is the solution, I got some ideas but its not only found in America friend, its everywhere!

no1important said:
Our Prime ministers past and present can be goofballs at times but they don't outright lie to the people like America's past two presidents "I have never had sexual relations with that women" when he did and "Iraq is a hotbed of terrorism and they have WMD" when there is and never will be any evidence.

Dou you know how tell when a politician's lying, when his lips are moving!

no1important said:
I am not trying to be a prick but I would never want to live in America. American's have a false belief everyone wants to live there but when that world survey was released it showed quite the opposite. I will try to find link.

There are place in America I wouldn't want to live in or in some parts of Canada, My Daughters have been called frogs in Ontario (Because they speak, read and write French and are Acadiennes), my mother was called a Half-breed in Alberta (Being Acadian French with a Spanish Grandfather did not help her complection any) and the Drunken Fool in Toronto who followed me around screaming about "American Politics and those dirty Americans"! Really a low class Bas***d if the Cnadian or American version of Funk and Wagnells ever needed a poster child.

I would live in BC, Port Perry, Ont., Dieppe, NB., Quebec Province or the Maritimes. I am partial in the States to Louisiana, Eastern Tennessee, Colorado, and Michigan.

I don't recommend the crowded areas of New York, California, or Florida.

Where I live is a function of my ancestrial makeup and I have a strange calling to go Grand Pre and WAIL! We were Canadians first, then exiled to Louisiana!

About the whole workd coming, most people that end up here are looking for economic benefits (a better life). Switzerland is nice, we speak French and it is a free republic, nice to visit but I would not want to live there either! Hollywood show America in a strange light, a dream world, hey, but then out of people who are emigrating, the US and CANADA is the top draw.

no1important said:
Yes you may have more gays in Mississippi than Saskatchewan but here they are not discriminated against like in America. They have equal rights. and what is wrong with that? Civilized countries have constitutions to make sure the minority is protected and not going around threatening to change constitutions to deny a minority group their legal rights.

Read the US constitution and then read the constitutions of most other nations, we had a Bill of Rights when Europe still had autocratic kings who thought taking off the head was sport! We not only championed the rights of the common man, we enshrined them before the world! Remember what I said about our discrimination laws, they cover situations that have cropped up throught US history, the Gays are no exception! Discriminate against a person based upon sexual orientation and you will have a herd of lawyers on you like white on rice! The US leads the world in the Amount of Lawyers to Population and they are always looking for something to litigate! Hell, even the Gitmo prisoners have been ruled by the Supreme Court that they must be represented by lawyers (Of their choosing), a real hot potato in the States right now.

no1important said:
I thought America is the home of Freedom? But I guess for only certain members of society.

Well I have to go and drink some real beer (not coloured water they have in America :) )now and I think I will have a Cuban, its been a long day. Too bad Americans can't enjoy a "cuban" let alone visit there.

Freedom is relative, you see I can still own a pistol or firearm without a government licence, listen to a digital scanner, or drink in my front yard in full view of the police (They still frown on driving, however).

As to drinking beer, there is imported and I still have some Alexander Kieth's hidden away! I am saddened by Coors buying out Molson. As far as lighting up a "Cuban," I don't smoke but did bring some back when my wife's Aunt (who is Cuban) invited us down to Cuba for a Family Visit (Allowed under US law). Since Me hablo un poquito de Esapnaol, I learned quite a lot and several of Aunt XXXXXX (Name deleted to protect her relatives) relatives want to come so bad to USA. Not a nice place, people are friendly and warm, they have been handed a sh***ty hand to play and I wish the US would open up.

i have very little influence on National Politics, I just stick to what is under my control.

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: RE: Nice American Article: US vs. Canada

no1important said:
Well I know when my wife had 2 kids, when we go to hospital for stitches or when I got my appendix out I never received a bill. We have loads of job training programs for people who chose to use them. If someone needs help they can get it. It may not always be easy but it is there.

I saw on CNN that December is time for Americans to re new their health care and people pay well over 200 a month for coverage and then still get stiffed when they check out.

America has more uninsured people than Canada's entire population. Sure our taxes are higher but being middle class I would have trouble paying any "medical bills" i would receive from hospitals in the US when I checked out. I prefer our free medical, because even with taxes I pay I know I never truly pay the total cost for a hospital or doctor visit.

Why do you Americans come up in droves for your prescriptions then? and flu shots? It is a booming business in Border (Vancouver, southern Ontario) towns and in Manitoba especially.

You pay for medical care one way or another, in Canada its the tax support that pays the status quo and here its private insurance for us working stiffs and the government picks up the tap for the poor! Our social programs are built on need and you have to qualify to get into the system! Here in Louisiana we have a system of Hospitals called the "Charity System" operated by the Government which are free. (Don't let the name fool ya, it was set up in the late 1700's by a Spanish Sailor who willed his money to Louisiana (Then a Spanish colony) for the care of the sick.) Medical Care is expensive with the advances in technology allowing for more options in care, I don't care about whether I have to pay, but that I am alive to pay, wether it be taxes or my employer's benefit! My wife works so she get a paid medical and between the both of us being cross insurred, our costs are really very low. I guess the main difference between the two systems is who pays, still don't be fooled, we have a large bureaucracy set up for medical stuff called medicare which is waiting for the larger population (those under 65 and working) to be brought under its wing so the private clinics can reap a fortune! When we get a larger basic medical care system, costs here will rise even more.

As far as prescription drugs, I know there are price controls in Canada which tends to limit the availability of drugs, in summer of 2004 I was up in Nova Scotia when we ran short of one of my sons epilepsy drugs and found out it was not available in Canada! I called back to Louisiana and had the Prescription filled and sent overnight to Bar Harbour, Maine where I rode the ferry over to pick it up and bring it back to Yarmouth, NS (We were in the SW of Nova Scotia with the Acadien Congress). On the return trip back over to NS I was fortunate to be among some distiguished guests who heard of my plight about the drugs and sought me out. It seems that the regional governor's confrence was being held in Massachusetts and several members of the MLA of NS (Members of the Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia) spoke to me about this matter of not having this drug in Canada! It seems that the manufactor of this drug doesn't do business in Canada since his cost of research would not be recoverable under Canadian Tax Law and the price control board would not allow drug in as a consequence! When I shared the literature about drug, the MLAs were astonished that Canada did not have this wonder drug which helps with so many different types of seizures! I later learned that the drug has been approved in Canada and is helping people out who might have not otherwise had a chance.

no1important said:
America unfriendly? You don't know Jack about our discrimination Laws and how they work!

Maybe not as much as I should however, I never see our Prime minister threating to change constitution to Ban gay marriage. Unlike George "W" Bush. We don't round up people on a mass scale and hold them without charge or lawyers.

Our marriage laws need a history lesson, so here goes, most people are unaware of US history and the Mormons who practised polygamy! Since marriage is usually regulated by the State Governments, in the late 1800's all types of marriage laws predominated in certain states! In Utah, polygamy was legal! In some states the statutes were vague and misleading! In 1896 when Utah came into the union, polygamy and polyandry went out the back door or so you thought! In certain parts of Utah, splinter sects of Mormons still practice polygamy! Real strange crowd and since I have an Aunt that married into a Utah Mormon Family (They are mainstream Mormons, none of that polygamy here, now) they tell about the strange bunch back in the Mountains who follow the old ways!

Most people here are scared to tinker with the marriage laws since once you allow two guys or gals to marry, whats to stop polygamy or polyandry fro being recognised!

Remeber the Rene Levesque affair, Canada done the same thing! I am not comfortable with the holding of prisoners without civil rights and have expressed my concerns to my congressman for us to have trials, fair and in the open to determine what their status should be.

no1important said:
I also know we don't beat kids in schools with 24"x6" pieces of wood, like it is a common practise in the American south. Actually parents can only use a open hand on the buttocks here and no weapons and no slapping the face and only if they are between 3 and 12.(In Canada) or be charged with common assault. That comes from Supreme court of Canada. Most civilized countries have banned that practise but not America.

America and Somalia (good company America keeps) are the only Two countries in the world that never signed the "UN rights of child"

I don't know where you got your info from but here in Louisiana it is basically the same rules, you can not use anything to strike a child with except your hand on their bum! And only parental dicipline is allowed, Corporal Punishment is OUTLAWED in school! Any teacher or other school person is not allowed to administer Corporal Punishment! I don't know where you got the info about 2 by 4s being used but Louisiana and Texas it ain't. Lawsuits from parents have stopped the practise in Louisiana !

The reason why most UN Treaties have been left unsigned by the US is for the legal reason of not surrendering soveriegnty to diplomats from unfriendly countries and clauses which demand the surrender of local autonomy in favor of international tribunals. I have my doubts on the UN and its impartiality, for the most part, I think fairplay would rule out the day but others fear if some anti-american fool decided to advance his agenda, it could be chaos.

no1important said:
I was in Chicago in 1999 and I could not believe the poverty. People in the low income building or the "projects" I guess is What Americans call them, Actually look like 3rd world slums and that no bull either.

They are called projects in Toronto also and the OPP will not answer a call after nightfall in there without back up! The proplem with on going poverty is that to address the root cause is hard! Don't think Canada is immune to poverty, you should visit the First Nation's REZs sometimes, the Micqmaw in NS and NB demonstrated this first hand this summer and I was not proud of what I saw! As an acadien, we have had a working relationship with the Native Peoples but the WASP society shunned it!

Ever heard of LBJ's Great society? Well, another history lesson, in 1965 the US declared "war" on poverty and it gave us a lesson in socialism that doesn't work! You see, out of this idea came Food Stamps, Federalized General assistance (Welfare), Job training, medicare and host of other programs. It was a good idea to help but it created dependency class that tended to stagnate where they were located at! Our government handouts are quite generous and frankly, with our massive population it is hard to track and qualify who needs the aid the most.

I spent some time in the "projects" in New Orleans and the poverty is overwhelming but most people would not take the assistance for job training since if you got a job, you no longer "qualified" for free housing, food stamps or Cash Assistance!

What is the solution, I got some ideas but its not only found in America friend, its everywhere!

no1important said:
Our Prime ministers past and present can be goofballs at times but they don't outright lie to the people like America's past two presidents "I have never had sexual relations with that women" when he did and "Iraq is a hotbed of terrorism and they have WMD" when there is and never will be any evidence.

Dou you know how tell when a politician's lying, when his lips are moving!

no1important said:
I am not trying to be a prick but I would never want to live in America. American's have a false belief everyone wants to live there but when that world survey was released it showed quite the opposite. I will try to find link.

There are place in America I wouldn't want to live in or in some parts of Canada, My Daughters have been called frogs in Ontario (Because they speak, read and write French and are Acadiennes), my mother was called a Half-breed in Alberta (Being Acadian French with a Spanish Grandfather did not help her complection any) and the Drunken Fool in Toronto who followed me around screaming about "American Politics and those dirty Americans"! Really a low class Bas***d if the Cnadian or American version of Funk and Wagnells ever needed a poster child.

I would live in BC, Port Perry, Ont., Dieppe, NB., Quebec Province or the Maritimes. I am partial in the States to Louisiana, Eastern Tennessee, Colorado, and Michigan.

I don't recommend the crowded areas of New York, California, or Florida.

Where I live is a function of my ancestrial makeup and I have a strange calling to go Grand Pre and WAIL! We were Canadians first, then exiled to Louisiana!

About the whole workd coming, most people that end up here are looking for economic benefits (a better life). Switzerland is nice, we speak French and it is a free republic, nice to visit but I would not want to live there either! Hollywood show America in a strange light, a dream world, hey, but then out of people who are emigrating, the US and CANADA is the top draw.

no1important said:
Yes you may have more gays in Mississippi than Saskatchewan but here they are not discriminated against like in America. They have equal rights. and what is wrong with that? Civilized countries have constitutions to make sure the minority is protected and not going around threatening to change constitutions to deny a minority group their legal rights.

Read the US constitution and then read the constitutions of most other nations, we had a Bill of Rights when Europe still had autocratic kings who thought taking off the head was sport! We not only championed the rights of the common man, we enshrined them before the world! Remember what I said about our discrimination laws, they cover situations that have cropped up throught US history, the Gays are no exception! Discriminate against a person based upon sexual orientation and you will have a herd of lawyers on you like white on rice! The US leads the world in the Amount of Lawyers to Population and they are always looking for something to litigate! Hell, even the Gitmo prisoners have been ruled by the Supreme Court that they must be represented by lawyers (Of their choosing), a real hot potato in the States right now.

no1important said:
I thought America is the home of Freedom? But I guess for only certain members of society.

Well I have to go and drink some real beer (not coloured water they have in America :) )now and I think I will have a Cuban, its been a long day. Too bad Americans can't enjoy a "cuban" let alone visit there.

Freedom is relative, you see I can still own a pistol or firearm without a government licence, listen to a digital scanner, or drink in my front yard in full view of the police (They still frown on driving, however).

As to drinking beer, there is imported and I still have some Alexander Kieth's hidden away! I am saddened by Coors buying out Molson. As far as lighting up a "Cuban," I don't smoke but did bring some back when my wife's Aunt (who is Cuban) invited us down to Cuba for a Family Visit (Allowed under US law). Since Me hablo un poquito de Esapnaol, I learned quite a lot and several of Aunt XXXXXX (Name deleted to protect her relatives) relatives want to come so bad to USA. Not a nice place, people are friendly and warm, they have been handed a sh***ty hand to play and I wish the US would open up.

i have very little influence on National Politics, I just stick to what is under my control.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
peapod said:
I don't watch american news, so I don't know most of these people, but someone sent this to me, humor or arrongance.

It shows the arrogance AND stupidity of americans...... They "ALLOW" us to live in North America? They could "TAKE US OVER" any time they want? We "NEED" them "MORE" than they "NEED" us?????

I've said it before....shut the F'n water, gas, and electicity off to these arrogant son's of bitches and see how long they last in the dark and cold. Do it NOW in the middle of winter and see who needs who more.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
peapod said:
I don't watch american news, so I don't know most of these people, but someone sent this to me, humor or arrongance.

It shows the arrogance AND stupidity of americans...... They "ALLOW" us to live in North America? They could "TAKE US OVER" any time they want? We "NEED" them "MORE" than they "NEED" us?????

I've said it before....shut the F'n water, gas, and electicity off to these arrogant son's of bitches and see how long they last in the dark and cold. Do it NOW in the middle of winter and see who needs who more.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
peapod said:
I don't watch american news, so I don't know most of these people, but someone sent this to me, humor or arrongance.

It shows the arrogance AND stupidity of americans...... They "ALLOW" us to live in North America? They could "TAKE US OVER" any time they want? We "NEED" them "MORE" than they "NEED" us?????

I've said it before....shut the F'n water, gas, and electicity off to these arrogant son's of bitches and see how long they last in the dark and cold. Do it NOW in the middle of winter and see who needs who more.

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
gerryh said:
peapod said:
I don't watch american news, so I don't know most of these people, but someone sent this to me, humor or arrongance.

It shows the arrogance AND stupidity of americans...... They "ALLOW" us to live in North America? They could "TAKE US OVER" any time they want? We "NEED" them "MORE" than they "NEED" us?????

I've said it before....shut the F'n water, gas, and electicity off to these arrogant son's of bitches and see how long they last in the dark and cold. Do it NOW in the middle of winter and see who needs who more.

It's Ann Coulter who would like the French-Canadians to disappear too! BTW, does Laura Bush know about Georgies little fixation or does she wear a an Ann Coulter Wig to get him started?

Gerry, before you cut off the power send a signal to the Acadiens in Louisiana, we'll close the pipeline on this end, nothing like a yankee freezing in the dark to get their attention!

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
gerryh said:
peapod said:
I don't watch american news, so I don't know most of these people, but someone sent this to me, humor or arrongance.

It shows the arrogance AND stupidity of americans...... They "ALLOW" us to live in North America? They could "TAKE US OVER" any time they want? We "NEED" them "MORE" than they "NEED" us?????

I've said it before....shut the F'n water, gas, and electicity off to these arrogant son's of bitches and see how long they last in the dark and cold. Do it NOW in the middle of winter and see who needs who more.

It's Ann Coulter who would like the French-Canadians to disappear too! BTW, does Laura Bush know about Georgies little fixation or does she wear a an Ann Coulter Wig to get him started?

Gerry, before you cut off the power send a signal to the Acadiens in Louisiana, we'll close the pipeline on this end, nothing like a yankee freezing in the dark to get their attention!

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
gerryh said:
peapod said:
I don't watch american news, so I don't know most of these people, but someone sent this to me, humor or arrongance.

It shows the arrogance AND stupidity of americans...... They "ALLOW" us to live in North America? They could "TAKE US OVER" any time they want? We "NEED" them "MORE" than they "NEED" us?????

I've said it before....shut the F'n water, gas, and electicity off to these arrogant son's of bitches and see how long they last in the dark and cold. Do it NOW in the middle of winter and see who needs who more.

It's Ann Coulter who would like the French-Canadians to disappear too! BTW, does Laura Bush know about Georgies little fixation or does she wear a an Ann Coulter Wig to get him started?

Gerry, before you cut off the power send a signal to the Acadiens in Louisiana, we'll close the pipeline on this end, nothing like a yankee freezing in the dark to get their attention!


New Member
Jan 16, 2005
This may be a long one, but I feel its worth reading to clarify some things about the U.S. and Canada's healthcare systems.

Okay, first off, let us speak about the difference in medical practices. We Americans pay privately (mostly through plans made available to us by the places we work) and Canadian's pay through taxes. In America, our medical systems are trully failing. I am a nurse, and see this first hand (just to clarify). American health insurance is relatively costly for the middle-class, especially if you have a current existing health problem. Unless a doctor deems your current condition in need of emergency surgery to save your life, you can be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you will recieve the treatments that saves the hospital the most money (I.E. Your medicines will be generic, and you will spend most of your time recooperating at home, even if you feel you're not ready to return home. Its up to the doctor, not you). I have no wife or children. I take care of myself, and have had no major accidents or diseases. In short, I don't go to the hospital because I haven't been sick for A LONG time. But if I didn't pay this extreme amount of money for this health insurance, and had a terrible accident, the hospital would only stabilize me to sustain life and say "Sorry man, no life saving operations or medications for you without health insurance". So technically, they could jack their insurance prices even higher, and I would still have to pay. But thats what insurance is, to insure you when something bad happens. But morally...don't people deserve to live? That is what healthcare is about...caring about your health and well-being...jut not in America. And just an insider's tip, you will pay a percentage of your bill. "Percentage, well isn't that cheap"? No, its not, especially when you pay $4 for a single motrin.

Amercian's argument against the Canadian healthcare system is that you have to wait for healthcare, and that there are shortages of healthcare professionals. You're right, you do, and there is a shortage in Canada. But in Canada, their is a prioritization system. If you need an emergency surgery, and you need it today in Canada, you WILL get it. In America, you'll also get it, but you'll have an exceedingly large bill afterwords. If your surgery is a $20k proceedure, with a 1 week hospital stay at $30k, and you pay for 20% of your insurance, that stiff you with a bill of $10,000. Good luck with your new car payment. As for the healthcare worker shortage, there is a shortage everywhere, and with the baby-boomer generation getting older and experiencing more health problems brought on by America's typical sedentary, high-fat, low excercising, over endulgance lifestyle, you can be sure it'll get much worse.

Now what about tolerance? I'm not certain how it works in Canada, I've only been there a few times, but I live in America. Racism is alive and well (lets not lie to ourselves). Straight people hate gays for the most part, but are forced to tolerate them, but won't allow them to marry or adopt children. If you use the "N" word, you have committed a hate crime. If You are white and you are discriminated against by being called a "cracker", "honkey", or even "white boy" (which Shaquille O'Neil often uses to depict white guys in the NBA) you are not protected by any law. Look for it yourself, has anyone ever been punished for decsriminating against whites? I'm not racist but there was an incident in my life where I saw this happen, and no action was taken.

What about jobs? America has more employed Americans than Canada has employed Americans. But that is because the population is higher. But as you can see, unemployment is also higher here in America than Canada, and with our president's policy on outsourcing, its only growing. I'm not sure how it works in Canada, but in America, it's okay to pay people in other countries less to do the job of American workers. They may not be making ends meat, their quality of living may go down, and they are no longer as large of consumer's they once were, but as long as someone is making millions off of the deal, our government will gladly give you a tax break so you can make your money. I can say this with confidence, despite the argument of how these companies benefit the U.S. with the tax money they generate because I live in a place that thrives on industry. I have seen hundreds unemployed due to outsourcing. I'm not sure about the numbers because politics is only a minor hobby to me. But I know that these people won't be making $30k a year on unemployment, or at Burger King.

Also, I heard somewhere that Canada's currency is worth more than the U.S. dollar. Anyone want to clarify?

Hey what about crime? I went to New York to pick up my sister. While there, I was robbed and my car was broken into. I've been to Canada, I didn't lock my car doors (found that out later), left it in a parking lot all night because it wouldn't start, and walked about 200 yards before I was offered a ride from a complete stranger. I got to a friend's house, and returned to my car in the morning. You know what I found? My car, just like I left it, with the dorrs unlocked and everything. You can't really compare the crime rates in each country because of the massive population difference. Ten times more people means more crime, and it depends on the type of crimes as well. All I know is that I and my car wasn't robbed in Canada over the weeks I've accumulated in time being there, but I've fell victim to crimes in America multiple times, even after only spending a few hours in New York.

In conclusion, America is an awful place to live, and I do plan on leaving. I would gladly give up my U.S. citizenship to combat whatever "problems" I may "suffer" in Canada because I am certain it wouldn't be worse than what I have to put up with in the great United States of America.


New Member
Jan 16, 2005
This may be a long one, but I feel its worth reading to clarify some things about the U.S. and Canada's healthcare systems.

Okay, first off, let us speak about the difference in medical practices. We Americans pay privately (mostly through plans made available to us by the places we work) and Canadian's pay through taxes. In America, our medical systems are trully failing. I am a nurse, and see this first hand (just to clarify). American health insurance is relatively costly for the middle-class, especially if you have a current existing health problem. Unless a doctor deems your current condition in need of emergency surgery to save your life, you can be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you will recieve the treatments that saves the hospital the most money (I.E. Your medicines will be generic, and you will spend most of your time recooperating at home, even if you feel you're not ready to return home. Its up to the doctor, not you). I have no wife or children. I take care of myself, and have had no major accidents or diseases. In short, I don't go to the hospital because I haven't been sick for A LONG time. But if I didn't pay this extreme amount of money for this health insurance, and had a terrible accident, the hospital would only stabilize me to sustain life and say "Sorry man, no life saving operations or medications for you without health insurance". So technically, they could jack their insurance prices even higher, and I would still have to pay. But thats what insurance is, to insure you when something bad happens. But morally...don't people deserve to live? That is what healthcare is about...caring about your health and well-being...jut not in America. And just an insider's tip, you will pay a percentage of your bill. "Percentage, well isn't that cheap"? No, its not, especially when you pay $4 for a single motrin.

Amercian's argument against the Canadian healthcare system is that you have to wait for healthcare, and that there are shortages of healthcare professionals. You're right, you do, and there is a shortage in Canada. But in Canada, their is a prioritization system. If you need an emergency surgery, and you need it today in Canada, you WILL get it. In America, you'll also get it, but you'll have an exceedingly large bill afterwords. If your surgery is a $20k proceedure, with a 1 week hospital stay at $30k, and you pay for 20% of your insurance, that stiff you with a bill of $10,000. Good luck with your new car payment. As for the healthcare worker shortage, there is a shortage everywhere, and with the baby-boomer generation getting older and experiencing more health problems brought on by America's typical sedentary, high-fat, low excercising, over endulgance lifestyle, you can be sure it'll get much worse.

Now what about tolerance? I'm not certain how it works in Canada, I've only been there a few times, but I live in America. Racism is alive and well (lets not lie to ourselves). Straight people hate gays for the most part, but are forced to tolerate them, but won't allow them to marry or adopt children. If you use the "N" word, you have committed a hate crime. If You are white and you are discriminated against by being called a "cracker", "honkey", or even "white boy" (which Shaquille O'Neil often uses to depict white guys in the NBA) you are not protected by any law. Look for it yourself, has anyone ever been punished for decsriminating against whites? I'm not racist but there was an incident in my life where I saw this happen, and no action was taken.

What about jobs? America has more employed Americans than Canada has employed Americans. But that is because the population is higher. But as you can see, unemployment is also higher here in America than Canada, and with our president's policy on outsourcing, its only growing. I'm not sure how it works in Canada, but in America, it's okay to pay people in other countries less to do the job of American workers. They may not be making ends meat, their quality of living may go down, and they are no longer as large of consumer's they once were, but as long as someone is making millions off of the deal, our government will gladly give you a tax break so you can make your money. I can say this with confidence, despite the argument of how these companies benefit the U.S. with the tax money they generate because I live in a place that thrives on industry. I have seen hundreds unemployed due to outsourcing. I'm not sure about the numbers because politics is only a minor hobby to me. But I know that these people won't be making $30k a year on unemployment, or at Burger King.

Also, I heard somewhere that Canada's currency is worth more than the U.S. dollar. Anyone want to clarify?

Hey what about crime? I went to New York to pick up my sister. While there, I was robbed and my car was broken into. I've been to Canada, I didn't lock my car doors (found that out later), left it in a parking lot all night because it wouldn't start, and walked about 200 yards before I was offered a ride from a complete stranger. I got to a friend's house, and returned to my car in the morning. You know what I found? My car, just like I left it, with the dorrs unlocked and everything. You can't really compare the crime rates in each country because of the massive population difference. Ten times more people means more crime, and it depends on the type of crimes as well. All I know is that I and my car wasn't robbed in Canada over the weeks I've accumulated in time being there, but I've fell victim to crimes in America multiple times, even after only spending a few hours in New York.

In conclusion, America is an awful place to live, and I do plan on leaving. I would gladly give up my U.S. citizenship to combat whatever "problems" I may "suffer" in Canada because I am certain it wouldn't be worse than what I have to put up with in the great United States of America.


New Member
Jan 16, 2005
This may be a long one, but I feel its worth reading to clarify some things about the U.S. and Canada's healthcare systems.

Okay, first off, let us speak about the difference in medical practices. We Americans pay privately (mostly through plans made available to us by the places we work) and Canadian's pay through taxes. In America, our medical systems are trully failing. I am a nurse, and see this first hand (just to clarify). American health insurance is relatively costly for the middle-class, especially if you have a current existing health problem. Unless a doctor deems your current condition in need of emergency surgery to save your life, you can be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you will recieve the treatments that saves the hospital the most money (I.E. Your medicines will be generic, and you will spend most of your time recooperating at home, even if you feel you're not ready to return home. Its up to the doctor, not you). I have no wife or children. I take care of myself, and have had no major accidents or diseases. In short, I don't go to the hospital because I haven't been sick for A LONG time. But if I didn't pay this extreme amount of money for this health insurance, and had a terrible accident, the hospital would only stabilize me to sustain life and say "Sorry man, no life saving operations or medications for you without health insurance". So technically, they could jack their insurance prices even higher, and I would still have to pay. But thats what insurance is, to insure you when something bad happens. But morally...don't people deserve to live? That is what healthcare is about...caring about your health and well-being...jut not in America. And just an insider's tip, you will pay a percentage of your bill. "Percentage, well isn't that cheap"? No, its not, especially when you pay $4 for a single motrin.

Amercian's argument against the Canadian healthcare system is that you have to wait for healthcare, and that there are shortages of healthcare professionals. You're right, you do, and there is a shortage in Canada. But in Canada, their is a prioritization system. If you need an emergency surgery, and you need it today in Canada, you WILL get it. In America, you'll also get it, but you'll have an exceedingly large bill afterwords. If your surgery is a $20k proceedure, with a 1 week hospital stay at $30k, and you pay for 20% of your insurance, that stiff you with a bill of $10,000. Good luck with your new car payment. As for the healthcare worker shortage, there is a shortage everywhere, and with the baby-boomer generation getting older and experiencing more health problems brought on by America's typical sedentary, high-fat, low excercising, over endulgance lifestyle, you can be sure it'll get much worse.

Now what about tolerance? I'm not certain how it works in Canada, I've only been there a few times, but I live in America. Racism is alive and well (lets not lie to ourselves). Straight people hate gays for the most part, but are forced to tolerate them, but won't allow them to marry or adopt children. If you use the "N" word, you have committed a hate crime. If You are white and you are discriminated against by being called a "cracker", "honkey", or even "white boy" (which Shaquille O'Neil often uses to depict white guys in the NBA) you are not protected by any law. Look for it yourself, has anyone ever been punished for decsriminating against whites? I'm not racist but there was an incident in my life where I saw this happen, and no action was taken.

What about jobs? America has more employed Americans than Canada has employed Americans. But that is because the population is higher. But as you can see, unemployment is also higher here in America than Canada, and with our president's policy on outsourcing, its only growing. I'm not sure how it works in Canada, but in America, it's okay to pay people in other countries less to do the job of American workers. They may not be making ends meat, their quality of living may go down, and they are no longer as large of consumer's they once were, but as long as someone is making millions off of the deal, our government will gladly give you a tax break so you can make your money. I can say this with confidence, despite the argument of how these companies benefit the U.S. with the tax money they generate because I live in a place that thrives on industry. I have seen hundreds unemployed due to outsourcing. I'm not sure about the numbers because politics is only a minor hobby to me. But I know that these people won't be making $30k a year on unemployment, or at Burger King.

Also, I heard somewhere that Canada's currency is worth more than the U.S. dollar. Anyone want to clarify?

Hey what about crime? I went to New York to pick up my sister. While there, I was robbed and my car was broken into. I've been to Canada, I didn't lock my car doors (found that out later), left it in a parking lot all night because it wouldn't start, and walked about 200 yards before I was offered a ride from a complete stranger. I got to a friend's house, and returned to my car in the morning. You know what I found? My car, just like I left it, with the dorrs unlocked and everything. You can't really compare the crime rates in each country because of the massive population difference. Ten times more people means more crime, and it depends on the type of crimes as well. All I know is that I and my car wasn't robbed in Canada over the weeks I've accumulated in time being there, but I've fell victim to crimes in America multiple times, even after only spending a few hours in New York.

In conclusion, America is an awful place to live, and I do plan on leaving. I would gladly give up my U.S. citizenship to combat whatever "problems" I may "suffer" in Canada because I am certain it wouldn't be worse than what I have to put up with in the great United States of America.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
I can clarify a few things for you, Spanky.

Okay, first off, let us speak about the difference in medical practices.

The biggest failing with the Canadian system is that it's been underfunded. If it was properly funded it would still cost less per capita than the US system, but would work properly. That has been shown in study after study. There has been a very real push for twenty years to bring in an Americanized system, and that is still continuing. Many of us feel that the underfunding was purposeful attempt to bring in that Americanized system by the federal government.

I'm not certain how it works in Canada, I've only been there a few times, but I live in America. Racism is alive and well

Here too. In Winnipeg it is mostly directed at natives, but other places with higher percentages of other minorities direct it their way.

What about jobs? America has more employed Americans than Canada has employed Americans. But that is because the population is higher. But as you can see, unemployment is also higher here in America than Canada, and with our president's policy on outsourcing, its only growing.

Our economy is doing well, so we don't have the unemployment problem that you guys have right now. We do have an outsourcing problem though, with many jobs going to low-wage countries. That is the result of globalisation and the race to the bottom that the men with the money like so much.

Also, I heard somewhere that Canada's currency is worth more than the U.S. dollar. Anyone want to clarify?

It has made some huge gains lately, but our dollar is still worth 15 to 20 cents less than yours, depending on the day. The US dollar is in a pretty precarious position though. The Canadian dollar has been stable against other currencies, the devaluation of the US greenback is what has mode ours rise.

Hey what about crime?

It depends where you are. In my neighbourhood your car would have been safe. Twenty minutes away in the downtown it likely would have been ripped off. Our violent crime rates and gun crime rates are lower than yours on a per capita basis though.

In conclusion, America is an awful place to live, and I do plan on leaving. I would gladly give up my U.S. citizenship to combat whatever "problems" I may "suffer" in Canada because I am certain it wouldn't be worse than what I have to put up with in the great United States of America.

Our immigration laws are kind of tough, we only like people who are rich or can do a job that there are no Canadians for. We'd welcome you though, and the rules seem to be changing slowly.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
I can clarify a few things for you, Spanky.

Okay, first off, let us speak about the difference in medical practices.

The biggest failing with the Canadian system is that it's been underfunded. If it was properly funded it would still cost less per capita than the US system, but would work properly. That has been shown in study after study. There has been a very real push for twenty years to bring in an Americanized system, and that is still continuing. Many of us feel that the underfunding was purposeful attempt to bring in that Americanized system by the federal government.

I'm not certain how it works in Canada, I've only been there a few times, but I live in America. Racism is alive and well

Here too. In Winnipeg it is mostly directed at natives, but other places with higher percentages of other minorities direct it their way.

What about jobs? America has more employed Americans than Canada has employed Americans. But that is because the population is higher. But as you can see, unemployment is also higher here in America than Canada, and with our president's policy on outsourcing, its only growing.

Our economy is doing well, so we don't have the unemployment problem that you guys have right now. We do have an outsourcing problem though, with many jobs going to low-wage countries. That is the result of globalisation and the race to the bottom that the men with the money like so much.

Also, I heard somewhere that Canada's currency is worth more than the U.S. dollar. Anyone want to clarify?

It has made some huge gains lately, but our dollar is still worth 15 to 20 cents less than yours, depending on the day. The US dollar is in a pretty precarious position though. The Canadian dollar has been stable against other currencies, the devaluation of the US greenback is what has mode ours rise.

Hey what about crime?

It depends where you are. In my neighbourhood your car would have been safe. Twenty minutes away in the downtown it likely would have been ripped off. Our violent crime rates and gun crime rates are lower than yours on a per capita basis though.

In conclusion, America is an awful place to live, and I do plan on leaving. I would gladly give up my U.S. citizenship to combat whatever "problems" I may "suffer" in Canada because I am certain it wouldn't be worse than what I have to put up with in the great United States of America.

Our immigration laws are kind of tough, we only like people who are rich or can do a job that there are no Canadians for. We'd welcome you though, and the rules seem to be changing slowly.