Well I know when my wife had 2 kids, when we go to hospital for stitches or when I got my appendix out I never received a bill. We have loads of job training programs for people who chose to use them. If someone needs help they can get it. It may not always be easy but it is there.
I saw on CNN that December is time for Americans to re new their health care and people pay well over 200 a month for coverage and then still get stiffed when they check out.
America has more uninsured people than Canada's entire population. Sure our taxes are higher but being middle class I would have trouble paying any "medical bills" i would receive from hospitals in the US when I checked out. I prefer our free medical, because even with taxes I pay I know I never truly pay the total cost for a hospital or doctor visit.
Why do you Americans come up in droves for your prescriptions then? and flu shots? It is a booming business in Border (Vancouver, southern Ontario) towns and in Manitoba especially.
Maybe not as much as I should however, I never see our Prime minister threating to change constitution to Ban gay marriage. Unlike George "W" Bush. We don't round up people on a mass scale and hold them without charge or lawyers.
I also know we don't beat kids in schools with 24"x6" pieces of wood, like it is a common practise in the American south. Actually parents can only use a open hand on the buttocks here and no weapons and no slapping the face and only if they are between 3 and 12.(In Canada) or be charged with common assault. That comes from Supreme court of Canada. Most civilized countries have banned that practise but not America. www.nospank.net
America and Somalia (good company America keeps) are the only Two countries in the world that never signed the "UN rights of child" http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/1995/19951024.hr4197.html
I was in Chicago in 1999 and I could not believe the poverty. People in the low income building or the "projects" I guess is What Americans call them, Actually look like 3rd world slums and that no bull either.
Our Prime ministers past and present can be goofballs at times but they don't outright lie to the people like America's past two presidents "I have never had sexual relations with that women" when he did and "Iraq is a hotbed of terrorism and they have WMD" when there is and never will be any evidence.
I am not trying to be a prick but I would never want to live in America. American's have a false belief everyone wants to live there but when that world survey was released it showed quite the opposite. I will try to find link.
I thought America is the home of Freedom? But I guess for only certain members of society.
Well I have to go and drink some real beer (not coloured water they have in America
)now and I think I will have a Cuban, its been a long day. Too bad Americans can't enjoy a "cuban" let alone visit there.
I saw on CNN that December is time for Americans to re new their health care and people pay well over 200 a month for coverage and then still get stiffed when they check out.
America has more uninsured people than Canada's entire population. Sure our taxes are higher but being middle class I would have trouble paying any "medical bills" i would receive from hospitals in the US when I checked out. I prefer our free medical, because even with taxes I pay I know I never truly pay the total cost for a hospital or doctor visit.
Why do you Americans come up in droves for your prescriptions then? and flu shots? It is a booming business in Border (Vancouver, southern Ontario) towns and in Manitoba especially.
America unfriendly? You don't know Jack about our discrimination Laws and how they work!
Maybe not as much as I should however, I never see our Prime minister threating to change constitution to Ban gay marriage. Unlike George "W" Bush. We don't round up people on a mass scale and hold them without charge or lawyers.
I also know we don't beat kids in schools with 24"x6" pieces of wood, like it is a common practise in the American south. Actually parents can only use a open hand on the buttocks here and no weapons and no slapping the face and only if they are between 3 and 12.(In Canada) or be charged with common assault. That comes from Supreme court of Canada. Most civilized countries have banned that practise but not America. www.nospank.net
America and Somalia (good company America keeps) are the only Two countries in the world that never signed the "UN rights of child" http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/1995/19951024.hr4197.html
I was in Chicago in 1999 and I could not believe the poverty. People in the low income building or the "projects" I guess is What Americans call them, Actually look like 3rd world slums and that no bull either.
Our Prime ministers past and present can be goofballs at times but they don't outright lie to the people like America's past two presidents "I have never had sexual relations with that women" when he did and "Iraq is a hotbed of terrorism and they have WMD" when there is and never will be any evidence.
I am not trying to be a prick but I would never want to live in America. American's have a false belief everyone wants to live there but when that world survey was released it showed quite the opposite. I will try to find link.
Yes you may have more gays in Mississippi than Saskatchewan but here they are not discriminated against like in America. They have equal rights. and what is wrong with that? Civilized countries have constitutions to make sure the minority is protected and not going around threatening to change constitutions to deny a minority group their legal rights.but we have more gays in Mississippi than you have in Saskatchewan!
I thought America is the home of Freedom? But I guess for only certain members of society.
Well I have to go and drink some real beer (not coloured water they have in America