Nestlé chairman says water is not a human right


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Short version? They won, we lost.

And now they've extended that rule to food and water. I calculate air ain't far off.
I don't even know how you begin to solve that problem, it would seem all peoples everywhere have at one time or another been conquered and it is only recently that we humans have grasped that it is wrong, well actually we haven't grasped that yet have we?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
This company is another of those companies that care about profit only
like the Dairy giant Supto that owns Dairyland. It is time we started to
address the indiscretions of such companies and ensure they become
ethical. One of the reasons we sit back and do nothing is our own greed
in many cases. Through RRSP and other managed funds many own
shares in them or through investments.
We rant against their behaviour but we support them on the exchange
if the price is right. I first started thinking about this when I heard about
professional lecture series, Ethics seminars for lawyers, Doctors and so


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
8O............Jeez; and I thought all along that Nestle was a nice little company that made chocolate milk powder.

Turns out they're just another ravening capitalist shlt crawler.

Dalton Mc****stick wanted to charge us for using water from our wells. That's been put on the back burner, but it's probably still simmering in some politicos cesspool of a mind.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
8O............Jeez; and I thought all along that Nestle was a nice little company that made chocolate milk powder.

Turns out they're just another ravening capitalist shlt crawler.

Dalton Mc****stick wanted to charge us for using water from our wells. That's been put on the back burner, but it's probably still simmering in some politicos cesspool of a mind.
They've been questionable for a long time.

Back in the day, they were convincing women in poor African countries that they should buy their baby formula and not use breast milk. Babies were dying because they didn't have clean water to mix the formula. Duh, bunch of bureaucratic thugs not thinking things out.

At that time they owned Laura Secord too. It was tough to boycott all Nestle products because you have to research what they own at the time and it is always massive. And damn but I loved my Laura Secord chocolate before the day when they made it all waxy to make bigger profits. Shocker

I am never certain about boycotting, I know you have to hit them in their soft spots which would be their profite/earning nuts but I am not convinced you make a dent. Ya still have to try.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Interesting that Christy Clark isn't whining about getting 'fairshare' or royalties from the company on this like she wanted from an oil pipeline.

(btw - too little, too late on the pipeline Christy - the line is heading East now)

Pushing this is not a good idea. Too many of us live on well water. Besides currently the laws in BC say you cannot charge for water but you can charge for delivery. I think this was to prevent private water distribution companies in towns to charge for water.