N.D.P. drops bitch


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
and she can run as an independent and do exactly that.

see above

she can run as an independent if she so wishes, she just can't represent the BC NDP party with those beliefs.
Punished for speaking freely... the very definition of not free speech, lol.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Punished for speaking freely... the very definition of not free speech, lol.

no, she was removed as an NDP candidate for having views counter to the BC NDP, which she is supposed to represent. She can still run as an independent candidate if she so wishes. She did not "lose" any "job".


Jan 6, 2007
Meh, I'm not un-OK with it. It's a commonly held myth. But more importantly I think politicians should be allowed to say what they really believe about public issues.

That way we might actually get something more akin to what we actually voted for.

Agreed. But she shouldn't lose her position for it.

Ummm, OK.

When did freedom of speech trump freedom of association?

You're going to FORCE (or even expect) the NDP to be represented by someone who does not reflect their views/values?

That's bizarre.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Punished for speaking freely... the very definition of not free speech, lol.

When you are running for election and representing a political party I believe the goal posts move a tad. I think you are supposed to say things that appeal to the largest number of people possible and at any rate have a philosophy that coincides with that of the party. I know it happened a couple of years before the fact, but you can't unfry an egg.

no, she was removed as an NDP candidate for having views counter to the BC NDP, which she is supposed to represent. She can still run as an independent candidate if she so wishes. She did not "lose" any "job".

Now, you are making sense, Gerry.

When did freedom of speech trump freedom of association?

You're going to FORCE the NDP to be represented by someone who does not reflect their views/values?

That's bizarre.

You hit the nail on the head Karrie. -:)


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
no, she was removed as an NDP candidate for having views counter to the BC NDP, which she is supposed to represent. She can still run as an independent candidate if she so wishes. She did not "lose" any "job".
Punished for speaking freely, the very definition of not free speech.

When did freedom of speech trump freedom of association?
I don't know, when?

You're going to FORCE (or even expect) the NDP to be represented by someone who does not reflect their views/values?
I said force?

I actually don't expect any politician to embrace every single position in a party's platform (I think there's a thread on that very topic on the go right now).

If they say they do, I'll show you a lying politician.

That's bizarre.
Not nearly as bizarre as thinking a lock step mentality for an entire party of individuals is a a good thing, let alone an honest thing.


Jan 6, 2007
Punished for speaking freely, the very definition of not free speech.

I don't know, when?

I said force?

I actually don't expect any politician to embrace every single position in a party's platform (I think there's a thread on that very topic on the go right now).

If they say they do, I'll show you a lying politician.

Not nearly as bizarre as thinking a lock step mentality for an entire party of individuals is a a good thing, let alone an honest thing.

There's a difference between not embracing every position, and publicly espousing a position that is repugnant to the party.

Is the current party system right? No. But, I don't think the idea that they have to keep politicians they dislike, disagree with, or who poorly represent them, is right either.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I actually don't expect any politician to embrace every single position in a party's platform (I think there's a thread on that very topic on the go right now).

If they say they do, I'll show you a lying politician.

Telling the truth is not a forte of politicians, so I don't think they should be shouting out "what they perceive as the truth" when it's detrimental to the goals of the party. (getting elected, staying elected, getting to wallow in the trough and collecting the fat pension) -:)


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
There's a difference between not embracing every position, and publicly espousing a position that is repugnant to the party.
I disagree.

Is there a meter somewhere they use, or is just knee jerk reactions to public opinion?

Is the current party system right? No. But, I don't think the idea that they have to keep politicians they dislike, disagree with, or who poorly represent them, is right either.
We'll have to agree to disagree.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
So its not okay to punish MP's who don't tow the party line when you're a Conservative, but it's okay to do so if you're in the NDP.

I see how this works now...


Jan 6, 2007
I disagree.

Is there a meter somewhere they use, or is just ,knee jerk reactions to public opinion?

We'll have to agree to disagree.

In terms of the current system, yes, we'll have to agree to disagree. Clubs, parties, anything with a membership has the right to remove members, for whatever reason they see fit. And if the public dislikes the reasons, no worries, because it will stop getting them 'business'.

But, if you're talking about outside of the current system, well, I don't know if we need to agree to disagree....
If they have to just keep any politician, no matter what their views are, then you may as well scrap the party system, imo. And I don't know that that would be a bad thing.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
In terms of the current system, yes, we'll have to agree to disagree. Clubs, parties, anything with a membership has the right to remove members, for whatever reason they see fit. And if the public dislikes the reasons, no worries, because it will stop getting them 'business'.
But she's an Dipper.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
You see Bear. This policy is only bad when applied by the Conservatives. I don't know why that is so hard for you to understand.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
You see Bear. This policy is only bad when applied by the Conservatives. I don't know why that is so hard for you to understand.

I can't find any where that a conservative MP or Candidate that has made idiotic statements like this having been removed from the party. Maybe you can produce some, with corresponding indignation from opposition parties.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I can't find any where that a conservative MP or Candidate that has made idiotic statements like this having been removed from the party. Maybe you can produce some, with corresponding indignation from opposition parties.

I'm guessing it would be a little tougher to get an elected member removed than a candidate.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
This is not about free speech its about being at odds with the fundamental principals
of the NDP. This is not the Provincial Office's problem it is the local constituency who
did not vet the Candidate. There are a series of questions asked by all parties when
a person throws their hat in the ring. How much does the candidate know about the
issues and the parties position on those issues. Is the person suited to be a member
of the house in government or the opposition.
I went to the opening of the campaign office and talked to candidates and asked questions
and frankly, I had some reservations myself.
I go to campaign headquarters and public forums its good to know what people do or do not
The fact is Dix acted immediately after he was filled in on what happened.
I will vote NDP in this election I have all ready said that, but I have an adopted daughter and
three grand kids who are Native, I was offended by her comments. I have a number of family
that have joined our clan through marriage who are French I was offended by the comments.
Lets be clear there is a difference between being critical of a specific situation, but to use the
forum to just make generalities different matter.