Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Let me be the first to say it, "Hey, Iran, you need to apologize to Israel and America."
And remember, this is what happens when you jump to conclusions.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
We made it to Honolulu on the bloody Mac 8. Loud & not very much room as someone previously stated. Oh well aloha!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Tel Aviv is a troublemaker in the Middle East and a source of unrest... they kill thousands of people in Gaza and say it is only self-defense.

Tel Aviv is a great danger to all countries in the Middle East: a danger to the Palestinian people, a danger to Lebanon, a danger to Jordan, to Egypt, to Syria, to Iraq, to Iran, to Turkey, to the Kurds, to the Arabs, to Pakistan, to all the Arab and Muslim countries in Asia and Africa and to any Muslim everywhere.

Tel Aviv with its policy and military actions, is a risk and a great danger to Europe, and to America itself.
Tel Aviv drags the USA and UK to many problems and makes them tremendous troubles that are unnecessary and can easily be avoided if Tel Aviv does not exist.

Now, let us imagine a world without Tel Aviv and its Zionists:
everything will be OK and there will be peace, prosperity, and cooperation between the states of the world, and better relations with the USA and will be much progress and good welfare of people in general.

Truly, if Tel Aviv is supported constantly, as the situation is now, this will lead to wars and conflicts which endanger the Global Peace in the end, if not at present.

Jews Work According to Their Illusions
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Jews have been exploited by the Englo-Americans:

UK and USA on the other hand have exploited the Zionists of Tel Aviv by provoking them and setting them on the Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East and elsewhere in Asia and Africa... to make Jews hated and endanger their prosperous life.

The purpose of the Englo-Americans is to make trouble for the Arab and Muslim countries to prevent their unity and to make them weak ... in order to plunder their wealth, like Petrol and others.

England Aimed From This Declaration to Two Goals
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The conceit of Tel Aviv Zionists:

They have fallen into the conceit, like their ancestors in the past, so they do not think rationally and logically.
At present, they see themselves with their many weapons and military equipment, and the support of Western imperialism... in addition, they see the surrounding Arab countries as weak and divided and conflicting among themselves... so they imagine that they can overcome them with power and by force and to subdue them.
Therefore, they went without wise thinking to increase their transgression on the Arabs and Muslims.

But they forget about lessons of history, and forget that this is an abnormal situation that will not last forever:
The support of the West may change when their advantages are at risk, or if dangerous wars occur between some large countries ... etc.

So every wise individual should avoid troubles with neighbors and with other people... in fact, the intelligent man should have good relations and friendship with all people and avoid enmity with anyone.. if he wants to live peacefully... the same thing is true about countries and states.

Therefore, Priest Anania of Jerusalem made a fatal mistake when he revolted against the Romans driven by his conceit, about the year 70 AD:
"In the year 66 AD a rebellion started among the Jews of Jerusalem and its precincts, under the leadership of Anania the chief of the priests, for managing a revolution against the Roman Byzantine to achieve the independence of Israel and to revive its lost glory.
The movement grew quickly because of the Byzantine persecution and the recurrent conflicts; so the revolutionaries succeeded at the start in occupying all the city centers, and they drove the Byzantines out of them.
But shortly Rome sent a big army to the rebellious state, under the leadership of Titus the well-known Roman Byzantine general. He came to the city in the year 70 AD; he besieged it and started to occupy its centers one by one until he completed its occupation entirely.
So he killed all the adults both the military and civilian, sold the children as captives, and destroyed all their houses, the wall, and the temple, to the extent that one who saw it from a distance, could not believe that there was a city in its place."

Moreover, people ignore their God the Lord of all nations and the Creator Who owns the heavens and the earth and who removes states and kingdoms and bring about other kings and presidents... therefore, man should work according to God's commandments and His instructions.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If They Do Not Believe in the Quran
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If Tel Aviv is kind to Palestinians and deals with them in a humane way of dealing and does not transgress on them, no war will occur and not conflict.
But the transgression and haughtiness of the Zionists led the Palestinians and all the world to dislike Tel Aviv and its wicked Zionists,.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
So every wise individual should avoid troubles with neighbors and with other people... in fact, the intelligent man should have good relations and friendship with all people and avoid enmity with anyone.. if he wants to live peacefully... the same thing is true about countries and states.
Have you see this one? For balance, it’s the same or similar flavour to yours, but using Iran instead of Israel to demonize.
Iran is engaged in an ongoing struggle for influence in the Middle East and other regions of the Muslim world so not exactly avoiding trouble with its neighbours.

Iran has provided varying degrees of support to opposing sides in nearby conflicts, including the civil wars in Syria and Yemen; and disputes in Bahrain, Lebanon, Qatar, and Iraq. The struggle also extends to disputes or broader competition in other countries globally including in West, North and East Africa, South, Central, Southeast Asia, the Balkans, and the Caucasus for variety.

Torch light, are you being just a tad hypocritical with respect to Israel if you yourself are in & support Iran? Do you recall shooting missiles into Pakistan way back earlier this week even, in the nature of keeping peace with your neighbours??

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Torch light? How are relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia?

How about relations between Iran and Pakistan? Syria?

How are relations between Iran and Iraq? How are relations with Iran & Yemen?

How are relations between Iran & Bahrain? Etc…in the nature of not causing strife with your neighbors?
All these conflicts have been triggered by Tel Aviv and its intelligence agents and organizations working to destroy and disturb these countries; e.g. there was activity of the Mosad in Iraq, particularly in the north of Iraq for the past years.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The start was before October 7

But the start was when the Zionists of Tel Aviv transgressed on the cities of the West Bank and on the Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds/Jerusalem.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
The start was before October 7

But the start was when the Zionists of Tel Aviv transgressed on the cities of the West Bank and on the Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds/Jerusalem.
The start was when a bunch of muzzie terrorists attacked a concert in Israel. It will end when there is no more Islam.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
If Tel Aviv is kind to Palestinians and deals with them in a humane way of dealing and does not transgress on them, no war will occur and not conflict.
But the transgression and haughtiness of the Zionists led the Palestinians and all the world to dislike Tel Aviv and its wicked Zionists,.

No, that's been proven a lie for a while now?

And you know it.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv kill tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank...
Tel Aviv in this respect is like Cain who killed Abel.

A call to man: the wrongdoer
You wrong your brother in humanity with your haughtiness while your shit in your bowel... and you are drunken with your present temporary power.. don't you take the lesson of history: where are the tyrants like Hilter and others? Hitler perished, and Pharaoh perished and every tyrant perished. Empires also perished and ended.
Zionists of Tel Aviv, you have transgressed the bounds.. do you think you can escape with your crimes?
Don't you consider God Who is Almighty and is more powerful than the USA and UK?

Who is the miserable: the victim or the criminal? If one thinks wisely: the criminal is the miserable one with bad ominous consequences.

This is about the story of Cain and Abel in the Quran, which was also mentioned in the Torah Collection: the Book of Genesis.

[After God – be glorified – explained about the obstinacy and stubbornness of Jews towards their own Prophet Moses, He followed that by telling about their envying His messenger Mohammed, because of sending down the revelation to him, and discontinuing the revelation to them:]
Quran 5: 30-35, which mean:
(30. [Mohammed] tell the [Jews] the true story of [Abel and Cain:] the two sons a of Adam, when [each of] them offered an offering, and it was accepted from one of them [: Abel], but it was not accepted from the other [: Cain]. [Cain] said [to his brother Abel]: "I will kill you [because your offering is accepted, while mine is not accepted.]‖ [Abel] said: "God accepts only from the God-fearing."
31. "If you extend your hand to kill me; I will not extend my hand to kill you; for I fear God, Lord of worlds."
32. "I wish that you may return [in the Next Life] laden with my sins and your sins, and be [one] of the fellows of the Fire, for such is the requital of wrong-doers.
33. Then his soul prompted him to kill his brother, so he killed him, and became one of losers.
34. Then God sent a crow: scratching into the ground [and burying a dead crow with earth], to show him how to cover his brother‘s shame. "Woe to me!" Said he, "Have I failed to be like this crow and cover my brother‘s shame [with earth]?" So he became one of the remorseful [about killing him.]
35. Because of that [incident which happened between the two sons of Adam], We prescribed for the Children of Israel [in their Torah:] that whoever kills a human being – [unless in retribution] for [his murdering] a human being, or [unless for his working] corruption on earth – [his retribution in the Next Life] will be as [the retribution of one who] had killed all mankind; and whoever saves the [life of a human being], [his reward in the Next Life] will be as [the reward of one who] had saved the lives of all mankind. Truly, Our messengers came to the [Children of Israel] with the evident signs [indicating their truthfulness]; yet even after all that, so many of the [Children of Israel] commit excesses on earth [in killing people.]) m

a They were Abel and Cain, and how Cain envied his brother Abel because of his fiancée: because his fiancée was more beautiful than the fiancée of Cain; so the consequence [of his envy] was that he lost in his life of the World and lost the reward in his Next Life, because of the envy. While his brother Abel gained a good reputation in the life of the World and prosperity in the Hereafter. Therefore, Mohammed, remind them of this incident, so that they may take the lesson and abandon their envy, and believe in that which God revealed to you, and they should not be like Cain, and lose in their life of the World and their Hereafter, as did Cain lose ..

m If you like to make sure about their excessive killing of people, read the Book of Judges in their Torah, chapter 20 and what follows it, about an incident which happened with them, when they fought each other and thousands were slain from both sides.

See the complete explanation of these ayat in the following link:
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
A call to Jews in the Occupied Palestine and elsewhere:
A Call to Contemporary Jews

O people of the Scripture, your Scripture (or Book) was torn up by Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, and your present Torah was altered by the hand of Ezra, the son of Siraeh. The statements, that God had revealed to His messenger Moses the son of Imran, have been changed, and the laws have been altered. Therefore, your religious duties have been altered, and your religious deeds (or rituals) have become wrong. So your religion has become torn up just as had your Book been torn.

While God – be glorified – has ordered you to believe in the religion of Islam, so obey the order of God, and believe in His messenger Mohammed, the son of Abdullah, and don’t be like the stubborn deniers: who deny God’s messengers; because that will let you lose in the Next Life, just as did your fathers lose, because they denied God’s prophets and hurt them, and “the man who warns he should not be blamed.”
God – be glorified – said in the Quran 5: 15, which means:
(People of the Bible [: Jews and Christians], now has Our messenger [Mohammed] come expounding to you many things in the Book [or the Bible] that you were concealing, and many things else he disregards. There has come to you light from God and a clear 'Book' [: the Quran.])

O people of the Bible, believe in the Quran which was sent down from God to Mohammed, the messenger of God, and which includes the word of God, and abandon the books which have been altered by the hands of men so they changed their rules and distorted their programs; so that you ceased to wash your bodies with water after copulation while that is prohibited for you, and you work with usury while it is prohibited by all religions. Therefore, do not hold fast with such religion.

Moreover, God has invited you to the religion of Islam, the generous religion that is the religion of easiness in which there are no restraints or difficulties, as it has been restrained for you in the Torah. It had been restrained for you as a punishment because you disobeyed His commandment and rebelled against His messenger Moses, so He made the religious duties (or rituals) heavy on you.

But now listen to my words, follow my advice, and believe in all God’s messengers so that God will be pleased with you and you will succeed in your Worldly life and in the Next Life, and abandon the stubbornness and pride; because the consequence of the stubbornness is only the regret and loss, just as how your forefathers lost when they denied and hurt the messengers (or apostles) of God; then likewise you will lose if you do not believe in Mohammed the son of Abdullah, the messenger of God.

God – be glorified – said in the Quran 3: 85, which means:
(Anyone seeks any religion, other than Islam, [his righteous work] will not be accepted from him [because the past religions were altered],
and he shall, in the Next Life, be of those who lose [the prosperity of Paradise.]
God gave you respite, this whole period, [for reflection] to contemplate in his apostle-hood and to study His Quran and that you should believe in him.

God – be glorified – said in the Quran 7: 185, which means:
(And it may be their term is already drawing nigh [by death]; in what relation, after this [Quran], then will they believe?)
The interpretation:
There will be no heavenly book after the Quran to believe in it. Therefore, no excuse for you from now on, and anyone who will believe, a period of time after this explanation, then his belief will not be accepted from him.

God – be glorified – said in the Quran 6: 158, which means:
(On the day [that] one of your Lord's portents will come, it shall not profit a soul to believe [at that time] that never believed before [the occurrence of that portent], or earned some good by his belief.
Say [Mohammed to these 'associaters and idolaters']: "Wait for [the occurrence of that portent; for] we [too] are waiting [for your death so that We will punish you in the world of souls].")

The Conflict between the Torah and the Quran

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Good morning Torch light. It’s Sunday morning & I just can’t bring myself to read though a couple of feet of your Bible according to Ally Bin Whatever, as I’m assuming it all just circles back to Israel is bad and Jews are evil, right?

How Dare Israel react to Oct 7th? What a pack of Bastards! How dare they demand their own kidnapped citizens returned! Who do they think they are…reading the wrong God Book & everything!

Then, assumably, something like your God is bigger (or faster, or newer, or smells better) than their God? Right?

Then something like Hezbollah (or Hamas, or Houthi Whatever’s, or some other group of Iranian sponsored militias) are doing your Lords work in knocking the stink off the Middle East? Am I close?

Then something like those in Gaza are all innocents, and Israel are meanies for reacting to Oct 7th militarily and not stopping until their abducted citizens are returned & Hamas can’t attack them again repeatedly. Damn Israeli’s and their Jewishness! Am I on the right track here?

Anyway, how’s the weather over there? We’ve had a fairly mild winter so far except for an exceptionally ugly stretch for a couple of weeks. I sure to look forward to the El Niño years more and more as I age.
Hope you’re doing well, and that Iran chills out on its poking sticks at its sponsored tentacles across the region so they in turn by proxy poke others trying to conduct international trade & shipping, or generally just stirring the pot of hate and unrest in that region before the big dogs get fed up with Iran’s behind the scenes antics and send in some 500lb bombs that you might end up wearing like a hat.

That wouldn’t bode well in our continued online interweb debates.