Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
1- The recent conflict has been started by the Tel Aviv Zionists transgression on many cities in the West Bank by killing many Palestinians and destroying many houses and intimidating Palestinian civilians ---- the purpose is to evacuate the West Bank from its people and drive away them to Jordan.
2- There were many incursions and violations of the Aqsa Mosque in the Quds/ Jerusalem .... the purpose was to evacuate the Aqsa Mosque of worshipers so as to destroy it and build the Zionist Temple in its place.
3- The recent Palestinian action was in fact a reaction to this Zionist transgression with their plan to capture the entire land of Palestine after driving away its people from it.
4- The alleged claim of Tel Aviv that they have their right to self-defense is false because it is only their implementing of their plan to capture the entire land of Palestine after driving the Palestinians out of the West Bank and Gaza, and to capture the Aqsa Mosque in order to destroy it and build their Zionist Temple in its place.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So in sequence:
1- The Palestinians had been wronged at the start (by the Zionist transgression on their cities and on the Aqsa Mosque.
2- Then the Palestinians made their recent movement on October 7.
3- after which Tel Aviv started their transgression on Gaza (and the West Bank also) which is also the implementation of their plan to evacuate the West Bank and Gaza and the Aqsa Mosque.

Quran 22: 60, which means:
(Whoever retaliates [the unbelievers] in the same manner as he was injured, and then [the unbelievers once again repeat] their transgression on him, God will surely help him [against them.])

See the explanation of this great aya here:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The sequence of events of the Gaza conflict:
1- The start was by the Zionists of Tel Aviv: they had a plan to occupy the entire of Palestine: to drive the Palestinians in the West Bank to Jordan, then to occupy the West Bank; so Tel Aviv worked to transgress on the cities of the West Bank.
2- The Zionists of Tel Aviv went inside the Holy Aqsa Mosque, and their violations went on repeatedly: their plan is to destroy the Holy Aqsa Mosque and to build their Temple in its place.a
3- The Palestinian action on October 7 was in fact a reaction to these transgressions and violations of the Aqsa Mosque and on the cities of the West Bank.
4- This has been followed by bombardment of Gaza and invading it by the militaries of Tel Aviv.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
5- Having started the violence, the Palestinians are whimpering about how MEAN Da Jooz are being to them!

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind"
--Hosea 8:7

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Therefore, it started with the transgression of Tel Aviv on the West Bank and on the Aqsa Mosque,
which was followed by the reaction of the Palestinians on Oct 7...
and this was followed by the Tel Aviv offensive against Gaza (and the West Bank.)

Quran 22: 60, which means:
(Whoever retaliates [the unbelievers] in the same manner as he was injured, and then [the unbelievers once again repeat] their transgression on him, God will surely help him [against them])

More explanation of this great aya is here:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
5- Having started the violence, the Palestinians are whimpering about how MEAN Da Jooz are being to them!

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind"
--Hosea 8:7
Zionists are cunning enough to turn the facts upside down to distort the truth, that they are the origin of every evil: not against the Palestinians alone, but against humanity as a whole.

The Dispraise of Jews in the Psalms
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
These people opposed God's messengers

"Sons of vipers" and other descriptions by Jesus Christ in the Gospel and by other prophets and messengers...
these people who dared to kill some of the Prophets of God like Isaiah and John Baptist and his father Zachariah.

Now they wrong the people of Gaza brutally and ruthlessly...
God Almighty! You see and hear and know them very well as You are watching over them and Your might is greater than their might ...

I and other people prayed God to break the fleet of the Americans with His might... but later I thought it is the miracle of the Mahdi that the opposing army will be destroyed by God as a miracle which will convince all the world, like the termination of Pharaoh and his troops and drowning them in the sea.

But anyhow, God does not like the wrongdoer and transgressor and does not like those who support the wrongdoer and the transgressor, which is considered a major sin leading man to go to Hell in the Hereafter.

Therefore, supporting the transgressor even by a word, will be considered a participation in the wrongdoing of the transgressor, like in these ayat of the Quran:
Quran 11: 113, which means:
([O believers] do not incline to those who do wrong, or else the Fire will touch you, and you will then have no protectors besides God [to protect you from His punishment], nor will you be helped [against your enemies.])

Moreover, to mediate for a wrongdoer will lead to a portion of his punishment being shared with him, as in the Quran 4: 85, which means:
(Whoever intercedes with a good intercession will have a portion of the [reward] because of it,
and whoever intercedes with a bad intercession will have a share of its [evil];
for God, surely, punishes according to everything [evil] in due time.)

And sooner or later, the wrongdoer will certainly be defeated and will lose, which is a divine rule.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Zionists are cunning enough to turn the facts upside down to distort the truth, that they are the origin of every evil: not against the Palestinians alone, but against humanity as a whole.

The Dispraise of Jews in the Psalms
You do realize that without the Torah Islam doesn't exist.

It's you and your faggot Ayatollah Ali Khomeni who have fallen and are sucking Shaitan's penis. Shaitan is the god of the Mater (material universe). Do you not think that what happens in the Mater impacts the Pater (ethereal universe)? You are fighting over material by using material such as weapons and Shaitans demons spreading falsehoods. As a Shia12er you of all people should be bending over backwards to protect ALL people of the word because we are all Israelites in Gods house even if war between Solomon's sons split Israel into Israelites and Judeans(Jews) The Mahdi (Jesus 2.0) isn't bringing rewards when returning, Hell no. There wont be joy for any of Shaitans cock sucking infidels who abandon the word of God in the Torah, New Testement and Quran to do Shaitan's bidding.

Its time you take the Laws of the Torah, and the and guidance and wisdom of the New Testement seriously. Allah does demand it.

Unless....Mohammad was visited by demons giving the Hadiths which were not the word of Allah but added by Mohammed which really is the work of Shaitan to keep you from entering Heaven by abandoning the only 2 books revealed by God. Jesus was clear that there wouldnt be any more Revelations from God like the Quran. If it were revealed to Mohammad by Angels its still not the 3rd Testement. Dont forget Shaitan is an Angel and the greatest deceiver or perhaps Mohammad himself was a demon or even Shaitan himself. It explains why he hid in a tent and staying out of "the light".

Ive always been fair to you even if I dont care for Judaism, Israel of today or how Islam and Judaism are bastardized versions of the Israelite Torah as well as the New and final Testement of God.

I'll set the Judean Talmidic bastardization and why God sent Jesus to reunify Judea and Israel aside for now and focus on the alleged word of Allah in the Quran.

If you truly belive the word of Allah
Muslims, are we supposed to believe what Allah says in the Quran or not? Do you believe the Quran?

I ask because of this ayah:

Surah 5:47
“Let the People of the Gospel judge by that which Allah hath revealed therein. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are evil-livers.”

Allah says we Christians are supposed to judge by the Gospel. Am I allowed to obey this verse?

But muslims claim that the Gospel has been lost to corruption.

So why did Allah tell us to judge by a Gospel that you say has been lost?

How can I obey Sura 5:47?

Did Allah not know it had been lost or that it was going to be lost?

How can you know something that Allah didn’t speak about when he wrote the Quran?
If you say the Gospel was lost later, then you are still insulting Allah’s words in 5:47 by claiming that the words your God spoke is obsolete and invalid today. His word has lost it’s relevance.

Things get just as bad because of this ayah as well:

Surah 5:68

“Say O People of the Scripture! Ye have naught (of guidance) till ye observe the Torah and the Gospel and that which was revealed unto you from your Lord. That which is revealed unto thee (Muhammad) from thy Lord is certain to increase the contumacy and disbelief of many of them. But grieve not for the disbelieving folk.”

Are Christians allowed to follow Sura 5:68?

So according to Muslims, we Jews and Christians cannot find guidance as prescribed by 5:68 because the Torah and the Gospel is lost.

But that’s not what Allah says here. You are defying His words. He says we are to find guidance in the Torah and Gospel. So are we supposed to believe the Quran or not?

Is Sura 5:68 also obsolete and invalid? How much more of the Quran have you muslims declared obsolete and invalid when Allah never said any such thing.

Muslims believe Allah wrote the Book in eternity, but He could not preserve it. How much more of insults will Allah take from the Muslims?

Zionists are cunning enough to turn the facts upside down to distort the truth, that they are the origin of every evil: not against the Palestinians alone, but against humanity as a whole.

The Dispraise of Jews in the Psalms
There were no Jews when David wrote the Psalms only Israelites.

Now what is my opinion on the bullshit lies spread by the Judean Zionist's claim to Israel?

They dont have one but Israelites do. Who are today's Israelites? They are real Christians, Muslims and those who still stick strictly to the Torah which are Sephardics and a true bloodline to the right to occupy Israel.

Give the Jews the Province of Judea run by Israelites directed by Gods word in the Torah, the New Testement and the Surahs of Quran. Zero Talmidic or Hadith crap and zero input from the Satanists that call themselves born again Judeo Christians. Funny thing is, only Judeans can be born again according to the New Testement

Bottom line is the truth of history is in the Torah and New Testement. God spared the Israelites from the Philistines and Nebakaneezer but made life for Judeans miserable when He shunned them by coming to Earth in human form to reveal a new contract (Testement) with the Israelites and Judeans to fulfill the promise of one Israel.

The by now heavily influence by Babylonian Judeans didnt accept the old ways of the Torah and New Testement as the word of God and neither do you. Im sorry to say but in Gods eyes you are no better than the Jews until you fully accept all his revelations of the two Testements.

If you have doubts on what Ive read in the Bible as truth as to who is who I suggest you read it.
Start at Kings II which documents how Judea split from Israel creating this 2500 year old mess.

Satan got to Saul. Together they destroyed the one true Israel.

If you want my Whats App we can discuss the New Testement, its message and how and when Jesus aka the Mahdi returns its only going to be those who follow Gods words and only God's word in all 3 books.

I dont wish any hate on the Satanic Talmidic Zionists of Judah, or the Born Again christians or Muslims who follow the word of man that are part of the Quaran. Killing someone only hands their souls to Satan.The hate and Jihad against Judeans is pointless. Your and my time and energy need to be focused on fighting Satan with prayer along with Gods word and light in the New Testement. Light is superior to darkness. It only take one candle or oil lamp to fill a room with light and one in a lantern to light your way down a path. A little bit goes a long way. Id rather they were brought out of the darkness and their souls in Gods hands.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
These people opposed God's messengers

"Sons of vipers" and other descriptions by Jesus Christ in the Gospel and by other prophets and messengers...
these people who dared to kill some of the Prophets of God like Isaiah and John Baptist and his father Zachariah.

Now they wrong the people of Gaza brutally and ruthlessly...
God Almighty! You see and hear and know them very well as You are watching over them and Your might is greater than their might ...

I and other people prayed God to break the fleet of the Americans with His might... but later I thought it is the miracle of the Mahdi that the opposing army will be destroyed by God as a miracle which will convince all the world, like the termination of Pharaoh and his troops and drowning them in the sea.

But anyhow, God does not like the wrongdoer and transgressor and does not like those who support the wrongdoer and the transgressor, which is considered a major sin leading man to go to Hell in the Hereafter.

Therefore, supporting the transgressor even by a word, will be considered a participation in the wrongdoing of the transgressor, like in these ayat of the Quran:
Quran 11: 113, which means:
([O believers] do not incline to those who do wrong, or else the Fire will touch you, and you will then have no protectors besides God [to protect you from His punishment], nor will you be helped [against your enemies.])

Moreover, to mediate for a wrongdoer will lead to a portion of his punishment being shared with him, as in the Quran 4: 85, which means:
(Whoever intercedes with a good intercession will have a portion of the [reward] because of it,
and whoever intercedes with a bad intercession will have a share of its [evil];
for God, surely, punishes according to everything [evil] in due time.)

And sooner or later, the wrongdoer will certainly be defeated and will lose, which is a divine rule.
The wrongdoers and trangressers are people who are duped by Satan and can be saved thats why God isnt going to smash anything. You do realize you are just as much a transgressor by thinking you can fight evil with evil.

Keep in mind one of the 10 Commandments that says "Thou shalt not murder." You can kill but you cant murder. The shit going on is murder on all sides and it needs to stop.

BTW Im Ukrainian. Iranian Shithed drones are murdering my people. Why are you allowing your Satanic cocksucking faggot Ayatollah to stray from the word of the 3 sacred texts? What did Ukraine do to Iran?

You do realize Crimea which is rightfully Muslim Tartar land is being fought for by Ukraine so the Muslim people can return and live in peace and safety under the Ukrainian flag.

Fix your country.
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