Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Only Israel was supposed to honour the ceasefire.
Israel should know better, and have standards, and restraint, and is a country, but Palestinian is also a country, but Hamas is a terrorist organization, but also the government, health ministry, education ministry, etc…for Gaza, but not expected to have standards or restraint, etc…
To say that politics in the Middle East is a tangled web is beyond being an understatement.
The more I learn about the Middle East, the less I know about the region and its interwoven political goat-rodeo.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Palestinian man, Mohammed Nazal, who was serving a jail sentence in Israel for terror-related offenses before being exchanged for Israeli hostages, claimed both his arms were broken by Israeli police officers while in jail.

After being released, he is seen embracing relatives with both of his arms in tact and perfectly normal.

However, shortly after greeting his relatives his arms were placed in casts while he was paraded in several staged Hamas propaganda videos where he claimed his arms had been broken prior to his release from prison.


I'm shocked he didn't get family members to break his arms then put them into casts.

Fucking idiot.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I find it funny the group that was crying for a ceasefire with the world in support, refused to extend and then broke the seize fire

You would.

I find it not a shock at all.

Anyone who thought Hamas would bargain in any sort of good faith for long was fooling themselves.

But then the hostages were the bargaining chip.

Don't be surprised if they start being found among the dead in Gaza soon.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
You would.

I find it not a shock at all.

Anyone who thought Hamas would bargain in any sort of good faith for long was fooling themselves.

But then the hostages were the bargaining chip.

Don't be surprised if they start being found among the dead in Gaza soon.
Already many reports that a lot of the hostages are dead


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Israel should know better, and have standards, and restraint, and is a country, but Palestinian is also a country, but Hamas is a terrorist organization, but also the government, health ministry, education ministry, etc…for Gaza, but not expected to have standards or restraint, etc…

The only way Israel should have 'known better' in this case was to know that Hamas would give any excuse to stop the trade off's of hostages vs. prisoners.

It still had to be tried, don't get me wrong.

Now the "fault" of everything is back square on the shoulders of Hamas for breaking the deal and starting things up again.

What Israel SHOULD be doing - or should have been doing - was prepping small, coordinated units to focus assault to get the hostages that Hamas still had for the moment when the talks broke down. In doing so, it'd look more like it has control of the situation, focus on the actual needs of the moment and LESS likely to kill innocents which are the reason Israel is getting the backlash it is. Instead, it's back to mass destruction without a shit given to guilty or innocent.

Seriously, I don't get why people don't understand that.

The more I learn about the Middle East, the less I know about the region and its interwoven political goat-rodeo.

That's why it's not the simple Palestine Bad, Israel Good themes people like Tax and TM like to pretend it is.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Already many reports that a lot of the hostages are dead

Reports starting when? Admittedly the past couple of days I haven't followed up to the second on things, so haven't seen any reports of hostages dead.

That being said if it's already starting to happen, Hamas is even more fucking stupid than it was before and sooner they're wiped out the better

(oh, wait what did I just say :oops: .... :rolleyes: )
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
And that's a problem?
Never said it was. The news story was from Aljezera for balance…so as long as trying to balance news sources isn’t a problem?
That's true enough. Cause poor widdle Israel is all alone and so very, very unable to defend itself!
Israel isn’t surrounded by too many allies, and even those seeking mutually ‘normalized’ relations with Israel would prefer to see them driven into the Sea, so I’d say they’re a product of their immediate surroundings.
(maybe if their intelligence people and Government actually gave a shit and listened to what they're told about Hamas...)
Yeah, they missed this one. I also watched that last Beau Vid, and Israel hasn’t had their Vietnam yet, so they underestimated (sounds like a sound theory) their neighbours. Doesn’t sound like they’re going to make that mistake again, at least with an entity named “Hamas” anyway.
Had it been "kids force teacher to hide because they attended a pro-Israel rally and the kids disagreed" it'd be more truthful.
But that’s not what happened. The teacher went to a pro-Israel rally, days later the students found out somehow, teacher was threatened ‘cuz….whatever….and then the students rioted from the sounds of things, and the videos on YouTube.
But again, clicks make the $$ flow.
Not sure what you mean here but OK.
Kids aren't being 'radicalized'. JFC. Kids are jumping on the bandwagon that outrages them more without the context to properly get what's going on, because they've been spoon fed either "Palestinians = evil, Israel is everything good and sweet and innocent and oh the poor Israeli's!" or "Israel = evil and Palestinians are all innocent and just trying to exist and the poor Palestinians". They aren't getting the actual facts/reality of the situation.
Yeah, that looks like normal behaviour. How Dare that teacher be a Jew!! Goes to a pro-Israel rally on her own time. Seems pretty antagonistic to me that she got herself photographed at a rally. Shame on her.
And they're kids; emotions work before brains.
You ever riot in your school? I’m assuming not, & I never did either. Something is very different here.
Well if true at least the teacher actually lines up with people in Israel and anyone else with common sense.
Well, that teacher still has to function in the middle of that volatile environment, so yeah, I get why she said what she did once peace was restored.
And that's what SHOULD have happened when this insanity began and became an issue outside of the region, when opinions began to be thrown out there. Teachers should be taking this fiasco as the opportunity to TEACH what is going on - and the truth of it, not glossed over parts that makes one side look worse than the other - so these kids realize that it's complicated, complex and no one side has the single hold on being "bestest nation" over the other.
I hope that’s what’ll happen now that’s it’s bigger than just that one schools staff trying to keep a lid on that behaviour now.
Then again, teachers are being so fucking muzzled, what they can and can't teach anymore likely gives them complexes. Stuff like this doesn't help.
Well, this one sure is, under threat of violence.
LOL - But I'm sure the right of Palestinian's to exist is another story? Not exactly a great way to start an opinion piece unless you want to be painted as one of those extremist Israeli types who want the destruction of Palestine/Arabs/Muslims.
How many Mosques or Palestinian Schools have been shot at in Canada since the Hamas terrorist raid on Oct 7th into Israel?

That was what that story was about. Written by a Lorrie Goldstein from Toronto.
No, those are being done by fucking idiots who are using the stupidity of Israel's right wing "end them all" government to lash out and be fucking bigots and racists.
That’s got to be it. It’s Israel’s “right wing” government forcing bullets to be shot at Jewish schools & places of worship in Canada, and Jewish business owners in Canada and their customers to be harassed because of their control of the “right wing” gov’t in Israel. That makes complete sense.
Nah, you didn't do any of these things. Ignorance, bigotry, racism and just plain stupidity did these things. I'm glad you did point out that there are acts of hatred against Canadians of Palestinian/Arab/Muslim origin; that's more than some will do.
It’s a cut&paste from the Toronto Sun from
I also posted from & provided a link to Al Jezerra and they also have a bias in the other direction.
But that doesn't absolve the article coming off at the start as from someone who is a bigot against Palestinians and a pretentious prick as well.
Frustrated too from the sounds of it. It’s an opinion piece. He must be a frustrated bigot for having this opinion.
And that it never stops with the Jews, although that's also poor wording, throwing in a "just" before the "the Jews" would'a made things clearer.
Not having it makes that sound like the Jews are the extra-special hated group above all hated groups. And while some might agree, hatred towards any group shouldn't be a fucking pissing/dick measuring/who hates us more contest.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Palestinian man, Mohammed Nazal, who was serving a jail sentence in Israel for terror-related offenses before being exchanged for Israeli hostages, claimed both his arms were broken by Israeli police officers while in jail.

After being released, he is seen embracing relatives with both of his arms in tact and perfectly normal.

However, shortly after greeting his relatives his arms were placed in casts while he was paraded in several staged Hamas propaganda videos where he claimed his arms had been broken prior to his release from prison.

I'm shocked he didn't get family members to break his arms then put them into casts.

Fucking idiot.
Here’s Al Jezerra’s version of this story:
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Being half an hour away from Moncton, yeah, this is a... "thing". Sort of.

Despite the excuse that it's based on religion (no) yeah, it's likely because of the idiocy in the middle east. At least Monkeytown could have come out to be truthful that because of the backlash, they don't want to put up things that will draw problems to City Hall. But then again, it is Monkeytown for a reason.

Personally if that's the actual concern and not 'religion', that's fine, makes sense. If religion is the excuse they want to stick with, then they need to remove the angels from display as those are religious. The Christmas tree though is not so dude who suggested removing that can fuck off with the tree claim. But expecting Moncton city council to be open and honest is a laughable thing around here.

Side note: Not that anyone goes to M'ton for city hall's display. If anything, Riverview is the place to go for their lights along the river. Gorgeous as anything when snow is down.

And that's a problem?

That's true enough. Cause poor widdle Israel is all alone and so very, very unable to defend itself!

(maybe if their intelligence people and Government actually gave a shit and listened to what they're told about Hamas...)

Had it been "kids force teacher to hide because they attended a pro-Israel rally and the kids disagreed" it'd be more truthful.

But again, clicks make the $$ flow.

Kids aren't being 'radicalized'. JFC. Kids are jumping on the bandwagon that outrages them more without the context to properly get what's going on, because they've been spoon fed either "Palestinians = evil, Israel is everything good and sweet and innocent and oh the poor Israeli's!" or "Israel = evil and Palestinians are all innocent and just trying to exist and the poor Palestinians". They aren't getting the actual facts/reality of the situation.

And they're kids; emotions work before brains.

Well if true at least the teacher actually lines up with people in Israel and anyone else with common sense.

And that's what SHOULD have happened when this insanity began and became an issue outside of the region, when opinions began to be thrown out there. Teachers should be taking this fiasco as the opportunity to TEACH what is going on - and the truth of it, not glossed over parts that makes one side look worse than the other - so these kids realize that it's complicated, complex and no one side has the single hold on being "bestest nation" over the other.

Then again, teachers are being so fucking muzzled, what they can and can't teach anymore likely gives them complexes. Stuff like this doesn't help.

LOL - But I'm sure the right of Palestinian's to exist is another story? Not exactly a great way to start an opinion piece unless you want to be painted as one of those extremist Israeli types who want the destruction of Palestine/Arabs/Muslims.

No, those are being done by fucking idiots who are using the stupidity of Israel's right wing "end them all" government to lash out and be fucking bigots and racists.

Nah, you didn't do any of these things. Ignorance, bigotry, racism and just plain stupidity did these things. I'm glad you did point out that there are acts of hatred against Canadians of Palestinian/Arab/Muslim origin; that's more than some will do. But that doesn't absolve the article coming off at the start as from someone who is a bigot against Palestinians and a pretentious prick as well.

And that it never stops with the Jews, although that's also poor wording, throwing in a "just" before the "the Jews" would'a made things clearer. Not having it makes that sound like the Jews are the extra-special hated group above all hated groups. And while some might agree, hatred towards any group shouldn't be a fucking pissing/dick measuring/who hates us more contest.
Well Jews are the most hated & I still don't understand why. Israel & Jewish people like everyone everywhere are not perfect. (See Trudeau) but for the most part they're compassionate, hard working people just like us. They bleed red, just like the rest of us. Their politicians make mistakes just like ours do yet the hatred against them is not rational. Makes one wonder what is in store for us in the future - hatred is blossoming which doesn't bode well for any of us no matter where we live where we come from, what culture has given us, what color we are. What is coming down the pipe is not good & we need get get off our asses & fight against the insidious tyranny that is being imposed on western countries. It's already happened to other countries now they're coming for us.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Do the Zionists of Tel Aviv think they will escape with their crimes?
Certainly, God will punish them for their recent crimes against Gaza and the other regions of Palestine... as God had done to them many times in history, if they could deny this.
And the Western imperialist states like the UK and the other states ... they support Tel Aviv, and God will also give them their share of the punishment, and they cannot escape His revenge against the wrongdoers.
And you fan of the Zionists of Tel Aviv: each will receive his individual punishment from his Lord.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Palestinians have their right of self-defense:

The wrongdoing Zionists claim they have their right of self-defense, but have the Palestinians their right of self-defence?
The falsehood followers: the Zionists of Tel Aviv allege many lies and allegations indicating their arrogance and tyranny.
So now the Zionists of Tel Aviv killed more than 20, 000 thousands Palestinians half of these are children and women ... this is claimed the right of self-defense of the Zionists of Tel Aviv.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The fans of Tel Aviv are like the followers of Pharaoh

Pharaoh's people agreed with him whatever he said or did... so they were in this respect, like the Jews and other Zionists who are fans of Tel Aviv and its crimes and transgression on Gaza and the West Bank and the Holy Aqsa Mosque.
Almost all the people of Pharaoh agreed and supported him in their anti-God and anti-Moses policy.
So you, fans of Tel Aviv, are unfair and unjust, closing your eyes from seeing the crimes of Tel Aviv and its Zionists.

Jews Work According to Their Illusions

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The support of the Western imperialist states UK and USA brought Tel Aviv to existence
And till now they support Tel Aviv with their intelligence and weapon support to destroy the Palestinians and the Arab and Muslim countries.

Balfour’s Declaration November, 2, 1917