Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light


Time Out
Jan 8, 2020
The USA should reconsider themselves on whether their country deserves to exist after all the terrible things they have done.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The USA should reconsider themselves on whether their country deserves to exist after all the terrible things they have done.

Certainly, the American people have many virtues: like that they are kind to pets like dogs, cats, birds etc.
They have the good virtue of helping each other especially the one in danger: they rescue the one in danger especially when he asks for help.
Another virtue: I saw it many times in movies: when one says to another: I need you .. that one will be obliged to help the other.
Another virtue: is their love of science and knowledge.
Another virtue of the American people: is their love of the adventure ... and they grow their children to be self-dependent.
Among their good features also is the contribution to the poor.

But like many peoples of the world: there are bad things among them.
E.g. of the bad manners: is the atheism that prevailed among many of the American.

Another bad manner: is the adultery in contradiction of God's commandments.. such adultery committed in the name of love.

The ugly thing among the American in fact concerns the USA government which is the alliance of the American government to the side of the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv to the disadvantage of the Palestinian and the Arab.
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If the USA keeps to its injustice

in dealing with peoples of the world: like what its Zionist president Trump has recently done in biasing to the side of the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv.. to the disadvantage of Muslims and the transgression on God's House of worship: the Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem ..

then America will deteriorate and crumble away like the transgressor and tyrant empires in the past.

Donald Trump is in fact a Jew concealing his true identity .. this corrupt Zionist Jew has succeeded in sneaking into the American government .. to subject America to the Wicked Zionist plan against humanity and against Muslims.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
You are extremely fortunate that Zionists are such tolerant people. The rest of us would have removed the terrorist muslim world from the face of the earth decades ago.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
You are extremely fortunate that Zionists are such tolerant people. The rest of us would have removed the terrorist muslim world from the face of the earth decades ago.
"The rest of us?"

Literally nobody wants you on their team.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You are extremely fortunate that Zionists are such tolerant people. The rest of us would have removed the terrorist muslim world from the face of the earth decades ago.

If we remove the terrorist Muslims from the world, can we remove terrorist Christians as well, and terrorists of other religions too?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If we remove the terrorist Muslims from the world, can we remove terrorist Christians as well, and terrorists of other religions too?

What 'other religions' don't you dare to say, or you don't want to say? :laughing6:

Are there also terrorist Communists or atheists or idolaters?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
History tells us that the UK and the USA founded Israel, and they keep supporting it by all means.

Therefore, the true criminal against the Palestinian, the Arab and Muslims .. are principally the USA.. so it is responsible about the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv and all their crimes.

In consequence, God's punishment may include the USA, unless they become just and do not usurp the rights of the Palestinian and do not transgress on the Holy Aqsa Mosque or God's House for worship and servitude.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Essential point for Iran to get rid of the Coronavirus:

1- Close the shrine and tombs of Imam Riza and other shrines:
Because the infection will spread among the visitors of these tombs and they will spread it more withing the community.

2- Don't pay attention to the idolaters and enthusiastic about the imams and their tombs: those who say, it is the blessing .. while at the same time they prevented the Friday Prayers, which indicate their enthusiasm and idolatry.

3- Take all precautions and measures like avoiding the crowds and cleaning of hands ..etc.

4- First of all pray God alone to save you, but don't pray the imams and the prophet himself, because this will increase the disease among people.

Comment: Once I asked the interpreter of the Quran, Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly: Were there wars in the past years?
He said: There were epidemics which killed large number of people.
I said: And what they did in response?
He said: They made celebrations for Imam Hussein, and then the epidemic would increase more and more.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This is a trap for Turkey

This trap for Turkey has been designed by the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv and their allies the USA.

That is to let Turkey fall in the trap to be entangled in Syria and Libya
And to entangle Turkey with direct or indirect clash with Russia.

Better for Turkey, is to withdraw with wisdom as soon as possible, before losing much: bleeding and financial loss, etc.
God is the All-Knowing.

Quran 5: 64, which means:
(Every time [Jews] kindle [with sedition] the fire of war [against Muslims], God does extinguish it.
They strive to make mischief in the earth, but God loves not mischief-makers.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Can Turkey get out of this Zionist trap?

It needs wisdom and firm will of Turkey to get as soon as possible from this trap, which may cause it a most perilous consequences and will bring about much destruction to Turkey before others.