Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
That basically confirms what I said. Your condemnation is one sided, your support is overwhelming in favourite of Palestine and the Arab countries.

Nah, it just means you posted up where I've posted on Israeli threads and said Israel is doing bad shyte.

You didn't read any of it to see that despite that, I say Israel is just as bad as Palestine.

I don't favour Palestine OR Arab Countries. Far from it.

But I also don't absolve the Israeli state from being culpable for it's own brand of terroristic activities unlike some.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Nope, won land through spoils of war, after being attacked. IMO, Israel should never have returned the land they annexed.
Excellent argument. I'll keep it in mind when we annex parts of Canada.
Asked and answered.
Again, link.
Destroying the houses of "terrorists," punishing the innocent along with the guilty. War crime.
[quote[Sorry, I don't see it.[/QUOTE]
Unsurprising, all things considered. I'll see if I can make it simple for you.

Israel has the right to exist within secure borders. This is the right of any nation-state, and Israel's right is, if anything, superior to that of other nation-states, being the only nation-state whose existence was ratified by the only organization having even a shaky claim to speak for the world.

That does not mean everything they take it into their heads to do is above question or criticism.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Excellent argument. I'll keep it in mind when we annex parts of Canada.
Asked and answered.
Destroying the houses of "terrorists," punishing the innocent along with the guilty. War crime.

Unsurprising, all things considered. I'll see if I can make it simple for you.
Israel has the right to exist within secure borders. This is the right of any nation-state, and Israel's right is, if anything, superior to that of other nation-states, being the only nation-state whose existence was ratified by the only organization having even a shaky claim to speak for the world.
That does not mean everything they take it into their heads to do is above question or criticism.

Wow, Israel took/occupied land while defending itself against Egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian aggression in 1967. Israel did not arbitrarily decide to take what wasn't their's, so your comparison is bullshit.

Sorry, destroying houses of terrorists, terrorists that attack Israel, is not "war crimes". You want to blame someone, then Blame Hamas and the other terrorist groups that fire missiles from non combative neighborhoods and use children as human shields.
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Nah, it just means you posted up where I've posted on Israeli threads and said Israel is doing bad shyte.
You didn't read any of it to see that despite that, I say Israel is just as bad as Palestine.
I don't favour Palestine OR Arab Countries. Far from it.
But I also don't absolve the Israeli state from being culpable for it's own brand of terroristic activities unlike some.

Bullshit. From all your posts, you criticize Israel with no criticism of surrounding Arab States or Palestine. The closest you come is when pushed, you will say what you said above, Israel is as bad as Palestine. When it's brought up that the wars fought by Israel have been because of aggression by their neighbour's, you ignore.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Bullshit. From all your posts, you criticize Israel with no criticism of surrounding Arab States or Palestine. The closest you come is when pushed, you will say what you said above, Israel is as bad as Palestine. When it's brought up that the wars fought by Israel have been because of aggression by their neighbour's, you ignore.

If you say so.

But that doesn't make you right, Gerryh.

Just remember that.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
This is a subject that has been beaten to death. Not only are there dozens of vocals groups that go on to college campuses, city streets, etc. in the name of Palestine (harassing and threatening Jewish students along the way), but there is the BDS movement that attempts to cripple the Israeli economy.

I know, I've seen the news and documentaries on this kind'a stuff. It's not just stupid, it's dangerous and blatantly anti-Semitic.

Got proof about people out to cripple the economy though?

And what about the other side where Extreme Christians are doing all they can to fund Israeli expansion to bring in Revelations?

Try walking down cities in Europe with traditional Jewish orthodox clothing. You run the risk of being beaten in the streets.

I know.

You know what else? Orthodox Jews are like Extremist Christians and Extremist Muslims... they are pro Jewish and anti everything/everyone else and if you don't follow their version of their religion, you're not Jewish.

Yet there are perhaps hundreds of oppressed groups in the World. Why not East Timor? Tibet? Hong Kong? Chechnya? The Indigenous people in South America?

There are, and so many others too like the Uyghurs in China.

Piling on Israel is the cowardly and lazy way out. Have some guts and pick a cause that people are not familiar with.

Look at this chart:

The higher the score, the more human rights violations a nation has:

2014 score

Canada 2.1
USA 3.5
Russia 8.7
China 9.1
Saudi Arabia 8.8
Israel 7.1
South Sudan 9.9
Congo 10.0
Indonesia 6.2
India 5.6
Syria 9.9
Egypt 9.7
Jordan 7.3
Iraq 8.7
Iran 9.3

So... because I keep to the topic of Israel in an Israel based thread, that *obviously* means I don't have any opinions, especially negative, against other nations that are worse?


You want my opinion on these other places, put up a thread on em. Or just ask.

Until then, I'll stick to making comments about how Palestine and Israel are both effin' terrible to each other, neither side wants peace and Israel has no right to claim that they're oh so put upon after how they treat people in Palestine over the last few years.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The fault lies with surrounding Arab countries for not accepting Palestinian immigrants, and with the Palestinian leadership itself, for their obsession with driving the Jews away from the Holy Land.

Israel is just doing what every other nation would do under the circumstances.

I don't deny fault lies with other Arab countries.

Regardless, Palestinians were on that land before it was given to Israel, they're rightfully fighting for their homes, even now. Not all, mind you, but in some cases that's exactly what's happening.

By the way, the Holy Land isn't just Holy to the Jews, but Christians and Muslims too. Which is another reason why it's such a bone of contention.

Israel is doing what any other nation would, and Palestinians are doing what any other people would do.

In the end, it's still as I said, NEITHER side wants peace, and there won't be peace until they stop being so stupid or they mutually destroy one another.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Since you keep ignoring the obvious:

Jews were there first!

No, I don't keep ignoring the obvious.

It's just not relevant.

Unless you wish to make it so and thus open up a whole can of worms with that.

Christianity and Islam are derived from the Torah, the Jewish bible.

Wow! No hiding anything from you! Damn, they must'a nicknamed you Tack, you're so sharp...

Doesn't negate the fact all three religions have contentions in the area religion wise which adds other factors into all the bullshittery going on.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Well, it was the Palestinians that flatly rejected the 1947 UN Partition Plan, while the Jews accepted it.

Of course they did, it meant that the Brits would leave and the land would be theirs, the Jews would have been stupid not to accept. Meanwhile the Palestinians were the 'trash' of the Arab world and honestly no one would listen to them anyway (which was common enough actually in the era)

The Arabs rolled the dice, and underestimated the strength of the IDF, and were soundly defeated.

In 1949
In 1956
In 1967
In 1973

Sadly true. IMO trying to war with the new state that had US backing was effin' stupid on their part, but it's on their own heads really.

Maybe if the Palestinians had just left Israel alone, they would not find themselves in this predicament. They made their bed, let them lie in it.

Maybe if Britain hadn't given the land to the Jews to begin with and had either stayed in control of it (as a third party neutral overseer) or worked out a deal that Palestine COULD have gotten on board with, shit might have been avoided.

Palestine attacking Israel didn't help matters though and only earned them the ire of the West. And they rightly have it.

Now here we are; no peace, no sign of peace, and Israel becoming the monsters they've for years have been fighting against.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Sorry, destroying houses of terrorists, terrorists that attack Israel, is not "war crimes". You want to blame someone, then Blame Hamas and the other terrorist groups that fire missiles from non combative neighborhoods and use children as human shields.
Reprisals on civilians is a war crime. We executed Germans and Japanese for it.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Reprisals on civilians is a war crime. We executed Germans and Japanese for it.

No reprisals against civilians. Palestinians allowed terrorists to set up missile launchers within their neighborhoods, Israel fired on those launchers positions after being fired on.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The land belongs to God: He gives it as inheritance to whomever He pleases, and disrupts it from whomever He will.

When Jews disobeyed God and fell in the idolatry (in contradiction of the first commandment), God sent them many apostles or messengers out of themselves.. but they killed some of them and denied the others.. so He set on them Nebuchodonosor the king of Babylon.. and He disrupted the land of Palestine from them.. even God let their temple be demolished and their book the Torah be torn up.. such punishment is cited for every rebellious idolater as in the Book of Levites, chapter 26.

Then God gave them another chance and brought them back to Palestine.. and again they became idol worshipers, and wrong-doers.. so God sent them Jesus Christ and they denied him and tried to kill him, instead of supporting and obeying him.. so God for the last time set on them Titus the Roman Byzantine leader who destroyed them completely .. and God disrupted from them the land of Palestine forever (unless He brought them nowadays for their own destruction.)

The land of Palestine now is an inheritance to Muslims, specially the Aqsa Mosque where God's name is rehearsed day and night in prayers and Quran and devotion to God alone.

God set the Zionists on Muslims (only temporarily) as a punishment and discipline because Muslims fell also in the idolatry: the worship of tombs of the imams and the righteous men.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The indication that Jews follow the falsehood stubbornly:

The Israelite in the past had so many prophets and messengers of God, but after Jesus Christ, this has been curtailed, unless if they want to assign some impostors of their invention and forgery.

Then God sent Prophet Mohammed who was the lamp against the darkness of the ignorance and idolatry, and they denied either of Jesus and Mohammed.

And the prophets have stopped coming to the Israelite after Jesus Christ and after Prophet Mohammed.

Now the entire world awaits the Mahdi (or the Comforter) or (Elia or Elijah of the Last Days).

And as days pass by, the coming of the Mahdi becomes nearer and nearer and his signs and portents have been fulfilled.

And some people said to him: How could you be the Mahdi, while you are a weak old man?
He said: "Not by my own power, but by the power of God Almighty."

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