MP flirts with Chinese Journalist


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Normally I would say what a person does on their own time is there business but this does
have other implications. This MP is in fact connected to the Foreign Affairs department.
(that in itself is a great subtitle hehehe)
When you are serving in a direct position that has implications for the job you serve in on
behalf of the Canadian People, that is another matter.
How many remember the Profumo Scandal, that involved an East German woman at the time
of the cold war. Holy ole Hell was the order of the day. There have been affairs in the British
Foreign off office that involved prostitutes and spies and God knows what other activities.
This needs a closer look to determine what if any actions might give the Chinese access to
Canadian information. This is more about the perception of conflict than actual conflict at this
point. Suggesting someone needs to be removed at this point is a little early.
Conflict, position of trust, and other terms are appropriate only when wrong doing has been
established. Having said that, questions do have to be asked, to come to some information


Yup, we need information.... like how many times he fu cked her. Does she give good blow jobs. Does she like it up the hershey highway..... miss anything DG? Anything else you feel we need to know?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
lone wolf ,

Divorced Chinese lady? Poor her (sincerely)
I don't think so ,SINCERELY ,China .
Yeah ... they're treated like real queens aren't they?....


House Member
May 18, 2010
Normally I would say what a person does on their own time is there business but this does
have other implications. This MP is in fact connected to the Foreign Affairs department.
(that in itself is a great subtitle hehehe)
When you are serving in a direct position that has implications for the job you serve in on
behalf of the Canadian People, that is another matter.
How many remember the Profumo Scandal, that involved an East German woman at the time
of the cold war. Holy ole Hell was the order of the day. There have been affairs in the British
Foreign off office that involved prostitutes and spies and God knows what other activities.
This needs a closer look to determine what if any actions might give the Chinese access to
Canadian information. This is more about the perception of conflict than actual conflict at this
point. Suggesting someone needs to be removed at this point is a little early.
Conflict, position of trust, and other terms are appropriate only when wrong doing has been
established. Having said that, questions do have to be asked, to come to some information

Your absolutely correct.
Your making the point I tried to make earlier much better.

Btw, the easterners just don't get it.
I mean anyone who would call their neighbor and biggest trading customer bastards and morons, would never understand and would not understand implications ones behavior could have on future dealing with that country.

It should be noted that this Chinese lady really works for the Chinese Government even tho she is a reporter.
This was one of the concerns CISIS expressed in an interview last year, stating that they were concerned about some of the close tires some foreign governments were having with canadiian officials.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Gerry you know very well if someone is connected to foreign affairs its best not to have a
foreign affair. Love secrets are one thing, giving out national secrets or putting ones self
in a compromising position that could be used for blackmail purposes is another. The
political world is littered with forgotten names and faces all because they compromised a
position within government. One former Harper cabinet minister had an affair with an ex
bikers girlfriend and left important documents in her apartment. Cost him his job for a
while. Here we have some kind of a friendship with a news person from China a country
that is a competitor and a nation with ties to nations not currently friendly with Canada.
It is not necessary to have a score card, but it is necessary to determine what her ties are
to the Chinese Government. China's press is always tied to government. She is a good
looking woman, but then traps in the spy world usually are.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
For one thing not in the spy world and secondly the messages indicate they met in person at
some point. You have to remember what actually did or did not happen is immaterial, it is the
perception of some meeting other than official that has merit here, that is how the political
system works. If at some point people believe there was a meeting, this guy will resign to the
embarrassment of the Government. This isn't two people going for a walk in the park. Cyber
or real they had some form of unclear relationship and if not satisfactorily explained there is
a price for that.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
For one thing not in the spy world and secondly the messages indicate they met in person at
some point. You have to remember what actually did or did not happen is immaterial, it is the
perception of some meeting other than official that has merit here, that is how the political
system works. If at some point people believe there was a meeting, this guy will resign to the
embarrassment of the Government. This isn't two people going for a walk in the park. Cyber
or real they had some form of unclear relationship and if not satisfactorily explained there is
a price for that.

Nobody's fu cking business. Be4tween him, his wife, and the lady. Not your business, not mine, and not Durry's.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
He is an elected public official working in the area of foreign affairs and that makes it our
countries business and the business of Parliament. He will be lucky to keep his job here.
Gerry if this were an MP without a relationship to the Foreign Affairs Department I couldn't
agree more with you. However under these circumstances we best be sure the only secrets
that might have been compromised were personal ones. Other than that I don't care.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
For one thing not in the spy world and secondly the messages indicate they met in person at
some point. You have to remember what actually did or did not happen is immaterial, it is the
perception of some meeting other than official that has merit here, that is how the political
system works. If at some point people believe there was a meeting, this guy will resign to the
embarrassment of the Government. This isn't two people going for a walk in the park. Cyber
or real they had some form of unclear relationship and if not satisfactorily explained there is
a price for that.
What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Has anyone suspected that Condy Rice didn't screw MacKay's Peter into sending Canadian troops into more Afghan time? Funny thing is they're all people before they take the job and they're people when they leave. Maybe if they could be people on the job there'd be a lot less heartless in government....


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Lonewolf unfortunately we are talking about Parliament and the way things are in
reality guilt or not it is the perception of guilt that counts. When the Prime Minister
says I stand behind my Member one hundred percent, the MP is finished. it is the
opening line to the most efficient way of getting rid of the member.
When it come to government and the Governments survival Guilt or innocence
never enters into it. As a retired news guy, I am willing to bet the MP will be shifted
to the back benches for this, certainly he will have to resign from foreign affairs,
CSIS is already looking into it, are they not? That means its a red flag and Prime
Ministers don't like red flags, red flags mean explanations and explanations bring
scrutiny and questions and embarrassment. That means moving people around.
In fact MP's are warned about engaging in these kinds of events early on.
Besides we have been through all kinds of such scandals that involve women and
governments and sex and they all end up the same. Idealistic to think about guilt
or not, the damage is done

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Is there any proof that either one of them actually touched the other? Online communications aren't impossible to track and recover. Seems to me a lot of folks can't tell the difference between reality and what's on their TV screens and monitors.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
He is an elected public official working in the area of foreign affairs and that makes it our
countries business and the business of Parliament. He will be lucky to keep his job here.
Gerry if this were an MP without a relationship to the Foreign Affairs Department I couldn't
agree more with you. However under these circumstances we best be sure the only secrets
that might have been compromised were personal ones. Other than that I don't care.

Do you remember that cabinet minister under Bill Bennett who showed up at work with a black eye (was his name Jim Nielsen?) I think he got tangled up with the wrong guy's wife. I thought at the time that was OUR business as we were paying his salary. :smile:


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Is there any proof that either one of them actually touched the other? Online communications aren't impossible to track and recover. Seems to me a lot of folks can't tell the difference between reality and what's on their TV screens and monitors.

You can read how the Chinese "journalist" was suddenly recalled back to China. Odd eh. Some think that all Chinese who are employed by the Chinese govt in any fashion also double as spies, but we can't be sure. We just know China conducts a great deal of industrial espionage against governmental and non-governmental corporate bureaucracies.

In international affairs, you don't need evidence on the level of criminal law, one picture can convict you of very poor judgement. Considering all the Asian immigration Canada is getting, couldn't Dechert find a nice little Filipino girl? You won't likely hear about Dechert in the news in the future I'm guessing.

Yhe USA has convicted some Chinese spies.

Journalist in Bob Dechert affair returns to China - The Globe and Mail

China’s Growing Spy Threat | The Diplomat


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The chinese spy threat is way overblown. The resurgence of this idea is backpeddling by our politicians to downplay the event.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
:silent:..........Ohhhhhhhhhhh so bad! She Chinese spy fo sur.

She gone.


co-inch-a-dinch fo sur

And just to think, last week me and me darlin went out and had Chinese buffet...............unpatriotic bastards such as we are.

The dickhead shoulda known. It's gonna out. Stevo's gonna be pissed. Hell, he might even buy some more jets he gets pissed enough.

Some rockets even.

Happy Canada Day!:bounce:


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
It's not that bad!

He's got that new cool "Flirty Bob" nickname in the press now. They say there's no such thing as bad press.