Normally I would say what a person does on their own time is there business but this does
have other implications. This MP is in fact connected to the Foreign Affairs department.
(that in itself is a great subtitle hehehe)
When you are serving in a direct position that has implications for the job you serve in on
behalf of the Canadian People, that is another matter.
How many remember the Profumo Scandal, that involved an East German woman at the time
of the cold war. Holy ole Hell was the order of the day. There have been affairs in the British
Foreign off office that involved prostitutes and spies and God knows what other activities.
This needs a closer look to determine what if any actions might give the Chinese access to
Canadian information. This is more about the perception of conflict than actual conflict at this
point. Suggesting someone needs to be removed at this point is a little early.
Conflict, position of trust, and other terms are appropriate only when wrong doing has been
established. Having said that, questions do have to be asked, to come to some information
Yup, we need information.... like how many times he fu cked her. Does she give good blow jobs. Does she like it up the hershey highway..... miss anything DG? Anything else you feel we need to know?