Mars is inhabited.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Look at these images, eanassir: ESA - Mars Express - Crater Hale in Argyre basin

The top one is a tif file, uncompressed, no jpeg artifacts, you can download it and magnify it as much as you want, you'll see no structures. And read the text around the images. You'll see that the original photos have a ground resolution of 40 meters per pixel, which effectively means you can't identify anything smaller than about 80 metres across, but these aren't the originals, their resolution has been reduced for publication on the Internet. Examining that tif image in Photoshop and doing a little arithmetic with the known diameter of the crater suggests the actual resolution is about 100 meters per pixel, so nothing smaller than 200 meters across will be detectable. It's even worse than that, the images are made from two cameras, a monochrome and colour one, but the latter is much slower and lower resolution and the actual colour changes in the image occur on about a 5x5 pixel grid. The perspective views aren't even photographs, they're calculated from a digital terrain model. Bottom line: there's nothing to see there except geology and geography.

I don't insist; it may be you are right; but keep in mind that their images are not so precize; and I think, the coming journey will reveal many things concerning life and people on Mars.

Thank you Dexter for these informations.

The most important is their camera in the satellite that circle around Mars is not very precize; it is not like that used for Google earth.

The other thing is the communication with the satellite and with Earth is not very good. I saw on the National Geographic channel that the communicating order takes about 10 minutes to reach their rover on Mars, then takes about 24 hours to reach back to Earth.

This is in addition to the modification of their images.
Moreover, what they said that they mapped all the surface of Mars: foot by foot; this is not correct.


Why athiests and associaters (idolaters) incline to refuse life on Mars and the planets:

The discovery of life on Mars and the other planets will indicate the wisdom in the creation:
The planets of the solar system will have life on them, with marvelous modification of the condition of each particular planet to bear life: like the inclination of its axis, the succession of day and night, the seasons, the existence of water on the planets which as a whole follow the same general design. God Almighty and Omniscience creates life and intelligent beings to worship him and to live in justice and kindness to each other.

For this reason, the athiest generally try to antagonise the idea of life existing on the planets: to assert that the planets are found there haphazardly and for no purpose or aim; and this will be frustrated and prove to be absolutely wrong, and the solar system is created with wisdom and for a wise purpose and is filled with a large number of intelligent beings worshipping God Most Gracious.

On the other hand, the enthusiastic associater who associates Jesus, Ali, and the other saints and prophets; such enthusiastics also wish that no life is there on the planets; because the religion of the association and enthusiasm about Jesus and the saints and imams, will break down --> when intelligent life is discovered on the planets: because Jesus, the saints and imams are not known there, but only God the Creator.
The Discovery of Intelligent Beings on the Planets Will Refute the Enthusiasm

Believers contemplate about the wisdom in the creation of the solar system:

While God - be glorified - praised the believers who ponder and contemplate about the solar system and its marvellous formation and order: how the planets circle around the sun and spin around themselves to form the night and day, and how the axes of these planets incline with varying degrees to be proper for bearing life, in addition to the moons which serve for many functions including the calculations of days and months and years by the people of such planets.

As God said in the Quran 3: 190-191
{الَّذِينَ يَذْكُرُونَ اللّهَ قِيَامًا وَقُعُودًا وَعَلَىَ جُنُوبِهِمْ وَيَتَفَكَّرُونَ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ رَبَّنَا مَا خَلَقْتَ هَذا بَاطِلاً سُبْحَانَكَ فَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ}

The explanation:
(There – in the creation of the heavens and the earth [: the planets including the Earth],
and thealternation of the night and the day – are indicative signs [of a Wise CreatorWho created them perfectly] to men having discerning hearts:

[Those] who remember God when they stand up, sit downand recline,
and contemplate in the creation of the heavens and the earth [: the planets including the Earth],
[then say]: "Our Lord, not in vain have You created this [universe!]
Glorybe to You!
Protect us from the torment of the Fire.")

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Why athiests and associaters (idolaters) incline to refuse life on Mars and the planets:

The discovery of life on Mars and the other planets...
You were doing fine with that post until you tossed that silliness in, that's not the reason at all. The reason is because there's no evidence to support such a claim, and everything we know about the environments on the other planets makes them look pretty hostile to life.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
You were doing fine with that post until you tossed that silliness in, that's not the reason at all. The reason is because there's no evidence to support such a claim, and everything we know about the environments on the other planets makes them look pretty hostile to life. we know it. Life does not have to be Oxygen breathing carbon based units. Life has a tendency to adapt to its environment. Other planets may be hostile to us but not necessarily to life that evolved in that environment. I prefer to keep an open mind about such things so as not to be surprised if I happen to run into say a sulfur based unit while tripping to other solar systems, which I might ad, I plan to be doing in the not too distant future.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

The density of the atmosphere on Mars is about one one hundredth that of Earth's atmosphere so liquid water is not very likely on Mars. The surface of the planet Mars has been mapped and there are no seas or lakes or rivers, or forests.. It looks like there was once liquid water on the surface of Mars, but that was in the distant past. Unless the inhabitants of Mars are CO2-breathing Troglodytes who live underground, there are no people living on Mars either.

Yep, that is a little more realistic picture of it. There's a possibility there could be some viruses or the like dwelling there, but I doubt if there are beings that we would find good company!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yep, that is a little more realistic picture of it. There's a possibility there could be some viruses or the like dwelling there, but I doubt if there are beings that we would find good company!
But they may find us tasty. Life does not always fit our criteria for good company.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK we know it. Life does not have to be Oxygen breathing carbon based units.
Yes I know, my point was that eanassir's vision of human or human-like creatures with full blown civilizations worshipping god alone without associate on other planets in our solar system is fatuously illogical.



Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yes I know, my point was that eanassir's vision of human or human-like creatures with full blown civilizations worshipping god alone without associate on other planets in our solar system is fatuously illogical.

Ah! But I hear they grow some of the finest hash in deserts. Perhaps Mars has some really great hash and the inhabitants dream of humanoids (or other creature) dwelling on Earth who worship god alone without associate. Imagination is a two way street.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yes I know, my point was that eanassir's vision of human or human-like creatures with full blown civilizations worshipping god alone without associate on other planets in our solar system is fatuously illogical.


Does Eanassir have vision?:lol:


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Flowing water on Mars
NASA has found possible water flowing currently on Mars.
NASA Discovers Possible Flowing Water on Mars (PHOTOS), Christian News


And here is the video from NASA

Here I repeat what we believe about Mars: it is inhabited by people (may be more numerous than the people of Earth)
Mars has two poles covered by water ice, in addition to the tops of the high mountains there; but not all its surface is frozen.
There are seas which include salty water, and there is sweet water of the rivers and water springs and lakes.
There is considrable atmosphere on Mars, with winds causing the devils of the deserts and drifting the cloud in its sky.

The journey to Mars is successful

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Yeah, there's life on Mars alright. Here's a pic of one Martian inhabitant:

Eannasir, Mars doesn't even exist so how can there be life on it?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Yeah, there's life on Mars alright. Here's a pic of one Martian inhabitant:

Eannasir, Mars doesn't even exist so how can there be life on it?

Setting aside the fact that you'll be waiting a hell of a long time for a response to a question from Eannasir, Mars doesn't exist???? Come again?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yeah, there's life on Mars alright. Here's a pic of one Martian inhabitant:

Eannasir, Mars doesn't even exist so how can there be life on it?
Sadly, eanassir had a complete melt down a while back and threatened to kill a few people on here, so he is now among the living dead (to us).


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Chocoholics love Mars bars. Others love Mars-ipan. There is little hope for these lost souls.

Mars today, Pluto platters tomorrow!

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Setting aside the fact that you'll be waiting a hell of a long time for a response to a question from Eannasir,
aawwww NUTS!
Mars doesn't exist???? Come again?
Shhhhhttt! Just go along with it. winx

Sadly, eanassir had a complete melt down a while back and threatened to kill a few people on here, so he is now among the living dead (to us).
Well, that spoils a whole pile of fun for me.