There are people on Mars; I think the next journey to Mars will expose many things about life on Mars ...maybe ... God only knows.
NASA has doubts at least of the possibility of life on Mars: they chose this time two suspicious sites: Gale crater and Eberswalde crater.
Later on, 2 days ago, they decided to land their rover in the Gale crater at the base of a high mountain there.
Gale crater :
Gale Crater is shown with the rover's landing area circled in black.
Mars Science Laboratory: Possible MSL Landing Site: Gale Crater
So this time, I think they may find life; because they will land near a high mountain, and almost they may find water springs and water streams.
The planets are inhabited
What if on the contrary, the images that they obtained have artifacts and are changed and processed into things other than real.
The water that is different from the frozen water on the poles and on the tops of high mountains of Mars.
Such water doesn't freeze.
The mountain in the middle of the image is about 5 kilometers (3 miles) high, and yet it is not so clear; so how do some people claim that they viewed the surface of Mars foot by foot or they viewed all the details of the Martian surface?
NASA has doubts at least of the possibility of life on Mars: they chose this time two suspicious sites: Gale crater and Eberswalde crater.
Later on, 2 days ago, they decided to land their rover in the Gale crater at the base of a high mountain there.
Gale crater :
Gale Crater is shown with the rover's landing area circled in black.
Mars Science Laboratory: Possible MSL Landing Site: Gale Crater
So this time, I think they may find life; because they will land near a high mountain, and almost they may find water springs and water streams.
The planets are inhabited
The guy's an ignorant idiot who knows nothing about the limitations of digital imaging. It's a jpeg image, which means it's been processed by what's called a "lossy compression" algorithm, not all the data from the original image the spacecraft took is in it. Then he darkens it several times and magnifies it several hundred percent until he starts getting pixelation in some of the colours. The original I downloaded PhotoShop tells me is 200 pixels per inch, I magnify it 300 percent so I'm seeing 25 real pixels per inch, the software's interpolated the rest of them. What he's seeing are artifacts from his image processing software. I saw them in PhotoShop too, but not the same ones he saw, because we used different software.
What if on the contrary, the images that they obtained have artifacts and are changed and processed into things other than real.
What kind of water doesn't freeze at Martian temperatures?
The water that is different from the frozen water on the poles and on the tops of high mountains of Mars.
Such water doesn't freeze.
The mountain in the middle of the image is about 5 kilometers (3 miles) high, and yet it is not so clear; so how do some people claim that they viewed the surface of Mars foot by foot or they viewed all the details of the Martian surface?
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