I submit that yes, I do understand violence....and despite the fact that the appearance of armed uniformed gentlemen makes your knees quake and your bladder release into your panties, the mere fact of their presence only appears to be violence to the brain-dead.
The entire purpose of a uniform is to impress power onto people. A symbol cannot decide to impress some people and not others. It effect works on everyone. The body armour and hand gun are to further add to this perception. All this is violence. A majority of a small percentage of the population elects a leader who enforces his will by violence. We say it is majority rule but it is actually the will of about 18% or so that rules. 18% is not a majority of Canadians only of voters.
So to get the other 82% or so to comply with the will of the "majority" we have goons in armour.
1/2 of Canadians don't vote because they realize it doesn't make one bit of difference. We don't have a democracy, we have a ruling political class. It isn't as bad as the US but it is pretty bad.
The litmus test are all these unpopular laws that goons have to enforce. If we had a real democracy we wouldn't have unpopular laws. Only kings and fascists can have unpopular laws.
It's just the way it is.
So if you want to pretend its democracy go ahead but that's all your doing, pretending. There are thousands of people like myself watching that know and understand the truth about your little piggies and political elite scum they serve.
Police are in an interesting position. They run into the underclass, the people who are afraid of them, the people who would challenge their authority - provoke their violence. They never get to meet the people like me. Police do not scare me but they are my enemies. They use violence against me and my society. They seek to enforce their will over my own - that is an enemy. That is the enemy of freedom and liberty - that is the piggies.
As for your attitude towards the police, allow me to quote: "We sleep peacefully in our beds only because rough men stand ready to do violence on our behalf" George Orwell, who, BTW, was a policeman in his early life. You have heard of him?
The author that predicted our current police state; yes I've heard of him :lol:
I submit that in a world without rules and enforcement, in the reality of your anarchy, your lifespan would be measured in days, not years.
No, you don't understand anarchism. You think it is a society without structure. It has structure and it is meant to weed out little piggies and little fascists. That is why you hate it and your political puppet masters hate it so much. Nothing scares them more than people with real liberty because they know damn well no one would put up with their $hit for two seconds if they thought they didn't have to.
Rarely do you ever reveal any knowledge whatsoever about the subjects you so arrogantly condescend to address...........you don't have a clue. And when you are challenged on the foundations of your philosophy, you harump, roll your eyes, and refuse debate, as if that in some way verified the natural superiority of your position.
And I care if you understand me, why?
I want to hear your point of view because I like different opinions (right or wrong), I will voice mine too but if you believe or understand me is of no consequence to me.
Instead, your attitude simply reveals your inability to formulate and defend complex ideas.
Well sunshine, I have the complex ideas so obviously I can defend them. I mostly don't simply because they go too far or are too complicated to explain on a forum.
You, Sir, are a pompous ass.
Sometimes. I admit it.
And, just for your information, THAT was an attack.
No, that was your opinion of me and that isn't an attack. An attack is where you try and force your opinion on me onto me or others. If your assessment of me could hold me back or change my opinion then yes, it would be an attack, however, it doesn't have that power in my case.
I guessed you wouldn't realize that without help..........
Like I said; whether it is an attack or not, has nothing to do with you, it has only to do with how I take it.