Liberals, NDP leadership have tentative deal to support Trudeau government to 2025


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
They did their level best to worm out of giving a straight answer, Tec but were finally forced to admit the truth so I would not be the least bit surprised if they were covering up more blatant lies.
Yeah, I read the whole story. His command of waffling bullshit was impressive. Like most generals, top cops are politicians in uniform.

A regular goon woulda just blubbered "Ah wuz in fear of mah laf!" or whatever the cop union up there tells its guys is the get-out-of-jail-free card.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Interesting read. It is two leaders of political parties cobbling together an arrangement, the only object of which is their shared comfort and ease. Throw away any notion that their new partnership is in your interests, as both NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau insist. Your interests are the last things on their minds.

First, about the deal itself, I note considerable unease within the contracting parties when outsiders describe their pact as a “coalition.” Well, if it barks, has four legs, is called Spot and runs to the door when you come home, chances are it’s a dog. The affected sensitivity about calling it what it effectively is — even if it doesn’t meet the strict, formal definition of a coalition — arises from the fact that when two parties that are supposed to have real and separate identities, and have over their histories (and as recently as the last election) lambasted one another with fury and zeal and thrown up all sorts of harsh objections to one other, are seen heading off to the bedroom, hand-in-hand, people might start thinking that up to now they have been sold a bill of goods.

The sniping and abuse they have hurled at each other turns out to have been just a show — sciamachy and empty theatricals for the benefit of the cheap seats.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Man, I haven't had a heapin' helpin' of Jagmeet Singh in about forever!

I need to run down to that storefront and pick some up. Do they take orders on the internet, or do I have to call it in?
Well, get it while it’s in season. The champagne corks are popping in NDP headquarters, only the plucky socialists haven’t yet worked out that they’re toasting their own funeral.

With this week’s deal to prop up Justin Trudeau until 2025, the NDP has just given the Liberals all of the gains over the next three years in exchange for all of the pain of “coalition” government. To translate it into language NDP leader Jagmeet Singh will understand: come 2025, you’ll be the guy crying in the shower on TikTok.

In other words, being the junior partner in a confidence and supply arrangement is a bad gig. Trudeau will say he delivered X, while Singh will say he made him do it. I know which slogan I’d rather have.

So cheers, NDP. It was nice knowing you.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Ottawa Police Chief admits that no loaded firearms were found in trucks at the freedom protest

So….the Emergencies Act — the statute that replaced the War Measures Act, now that it was used in the Justin/Jagmeet show…. Is supposedly supposed to be reviewed by committee In Parliament.

Thankfully (for Justin/Jagmeet) Russia invaded the Ukraine to take the eyes off of the aftermath of the Emergencies Act being used in Canada… but does anybody have any idea how this is going and what’s happening??
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Here’s another potential end-run around answerability to parliament & the Canadian People:

In a move typically not seen until closer to the end of the spring sitting, the Liberals have given notice for a motion looking to revive late-night House sittings, while also proposing to give ministers the temporary power to table ‘without notice’ a motion to adjourn the Commons until the fall.

As it stands, other than a one week break in late May, the House is scheduled to sit straight through until June 23.

But should this motion pass as drafted, the Liberals would have the ability to rise in the Chamber, present “without notice, a motion to adjourn the House until Monday, September 19, 2022.”


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Here’s another potential end-run around answerability to parliament & the Canadian People:

In a move typically not seen until closer to the end of the spring sitting, the Liberals have given notice for a motion looking to revive late-night House sittings, while also proposing to give ministers the temporary power to table ‘without notice’ a motion to adjourn the Commons until the fall.

As it stands, other than a one week break in late May, the House is scheduled to sit straight through until June 23.

But should this motion pass as drafted, the Liberals would have the ability to rise in the Chamber, present “without notice, a motion to adjourn the House until Monday, September 19, 2022.”
Of course they do . We don’t need any tough questions and the stink might blow away by then .