Joe Biden appears to fall asleep during interview
Caitlyn Jenner roasted the president after the interview
Author of the article
enette Wilford
Publishing date:Oct 24, 2022 • 20 hours ago • 1 minute read • 18 Comments
Sleeping or just resting his eyes?
It was nearly a year ago that U.S. President Joe Biden earned the nickname “Sleepy Joe” on social media after he appeared to fall asleep at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow.
Biden’s latest apparent nap took place during an interview with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart – or, at the very least, when the president became lost for words for several awkward seconds.
When Biden was asked if First Lady Jill Biden would support him running for president again, he sat in seemingly stunned silence.
“I have not made that formal decision but it’s my intention to run again and we’ll have time to make that decision,” Biden told Capehart.
“Dr. Biden is for it?” Capehart joked, resulting in the extended silence from Biden, whose eyes remained open the entire time. “Mr. President …,” the flustered host followed up when the 79-year-old appeared to space out.
He eventually clued back in and replied, “Dr. Biden thinks that — my wife thinks that — that we’re doing something very important and that I shouldn’t walk away from it.”
Caitlyn Jenner roasted the president after the interview, posting a clip of the sit-down where he appeared to zone out.
“Xi is watching, Mr. President. Putin is watching. Voters are watching,” Jenner tweeted.
“You are not only a national embarrassment but an international security threat being this senile and illusive, on a DAILY BASIS,” she added. “Weakness breads instability, chaos, and violence. Get him out of office!”
The White House has long insisted that Biden intends to run again in 2024, though he said that an official decision would come after the midterm elections.
Biden is the oldest president in America’s history. If he were re-elected, he would be 86 at the end of a possible second term.
Caitlyn Jenner roasted the president after the interview
Author of the article
Publishing date:Oct 24, 2022 • 20 hours ago • 1 minute read • 18 Comments
Sleeping or just resting his eyes?
It was nearly a year ago that U.S. President Joe Biden earned the nickname “Sleepy Joe” on social media after he appeared to fall asleep at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow.
Biden’s latest apparent nap took place during an interview with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart – or, at the very least, when the president became lost for words for several awkward seconds.
When Biden was asked if First Lady Jill Biden would support him running for president again, he sat in seemingly stunned silence.
“I have not made that formal decision but it’s my intention to run again and we’ll have time to make that decision,” Biden told Capehart.
“Dr. Biden is for it?” Capehart joked, resulting in the extended silence from Biden, whose eyes remained open the entire time. “Mr. President …,” the flustered host followed up when the 79-year-old appeared to space out.
He eventually clued back in and replied, “Dr. Biden thinks that — my wife thinks that — that we’re doing something very important and that I shouldn’t walk away from it.”
Caitlyn Jenner roasted the president after the interview, posting a clip of the sit-down where he appeared to zone out.
“Xi is watching, Mr. President. Putin is watching. Voters are watching,” Jenner tweeted.
“You are not only a national embarrassment but an international security threat being this senile and illusive, on a DAILY BASIS,” she added. “Weakness breads instability, chaos, and violence. Get him out of office!”
The White House has long insisted that Biden intends to run again in 2024, though he said that an official decision would come after the midterm elections.
Biden is the oldest president in America’s history. If he were re-elected, he would be 86 at the end of a possible second term.

Joe Biden appears to fall asleep during interview
Biden’s latest apparent nap took place during an interview with MSNBC – or did the president just become lost for words for several seconds?