It's the Sun, Stupid.


Time Out
Sep 24, 2010
Holy apologist excuse making batman!

Go figure, there are nine million reasons why the people that made up all of their data are right and the people that use basic reasoning with the sun spot theory, proven to be correct in predicting temperature forever, are wrong.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So far, 2010 'tied for hottest year' | World | News | Toronto Sun - 2010 -Warmest year on record...So the Warming trend Continues- As the Climate Changes...and Yes Humans do have an effect on the weather, and ultimatley the climate...

Only 9,099 Of Last 10,500 Years Warmer Than 2010
By Brian Bolduc

On Watts Up With That?, Dr. Don J. Easterbrook notes the attention 2010 is getting as a contender for the warmest year of the century. And then he calms everyone down:
Another graph of temperatures from the Greenland ice core for the past 10,000 years is shown in Figure 5. It shows essentially the same temperatures as Cuffy and Clow (1997) but with somewhat greater detail. What both of these temperature curves show is that virtually all of the past 10,000 years has been warmer than the present.
Figure 5. Temperatures over the past 10,000 years recorded in the GISP2 Greenland ice core

So where do the 1934/1998/2010 warm years rank in the long-term list of warm years? Of the past 10,500 years, 9,100 were warmer than 1934/1998/2010. Thus, regardless of which year ( 1934, 1998, or 2010) turns out to be the warmest of the past century, that year will rank number 9,099 in the long-term list.
The climate has been warming slowly since the Little Ice Age (Fig. 5), but it has quite a ways to go yet before reaching the temperature levels that persisted for nearly all of the past 10,500 years.

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]A Concise History of the Rise and Fall of the Enviro Establishment[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]How Green Became the Color of Money[/SIZE][/FONT]Jeffrey St. Clair: How Green Became the Color of Money


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Where's the data for the last 95 years? There's no station data from the ice sheet where the ice core data comes from, and new snow layers are too contaminated, so the ice cores have nothing for the past 95 years.

Easterbrook's analysis is a farce, not surprising that the so-called skeptics haven't picked up on that. How do you compare the heat now to the reconstruction of temperature from the ice core?

The data apparently comes from here(see if you can find it):

And here's what Alley's analysis actually concluded:

The temperature estimated for the Younger Dryas using these techniques is about 15C colder than modern, with about half of the temperature change to today having occurred in an abrupt step and half in a ramp during the millennia following the Younger Dryas.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Easterbrook's analysis is a farce, not surprising that the so-called skeptics haven't picked up on that. How do you compare the heat now to the reconstruction of temperature from the ice core?

It's because they aren't skeptics at all. They are deniers or contrarians.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So Tonnington old man have you figured out what holds clouds up in the air yet or do you still think it's hot air? Like I bean sayin, until the electrics are credited with prime movership of all weather systems regardless of the state of matter being examined then there will be no climatological science worth using. The present dip into fridgeidity is normal she gets warm she get cold she gets just right but she does nothing without electrical charge, period. Now because the sun is unadjustable by currency it simply does not meet the requirements of the lids lips and suits to stampede the public into forking over the fix based on the latest dogooder ribbon campaign engineered by the damn bankers. Yes it's as simple as that they intend to reap enormous profit from the consumer (that's us, well mostly yous) selling a fix for the climate which isn't even broken and never can be if you think about it, in fact mankind poses absolutly no threat to this planet whatever and to believe so you got to be one giant horse**** sponge. On the other hand mankind is being threatened and by the exact same forces it has always worked arround or not. There is not now nor will there ever be any way for humans to adjust the solar thermostat to comfortable.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
If you believe a recent big snowstorm on the North American east coast disproves global warming, then you must be concerned about Global darkness phenomenon. I predict that sometime later today, it will become dark.

Skeptical Science
Scientific skepticism is healthy. Scientists should always challenge themselves to expand their knowledge and improve their understanding. Yet this isn't what happens in global warming skepticism. Skeptics vigorously criticise any evidence that supports man-made global warming and yet uncritically embrace any argument, op-ed piece, blog or study that refutes global warming.
So this website gets skeptical about global warming skepticism. Do their arguments have any scientific basis? What does the peer reviewed scientific literature say?...
Skeptical Science: Examining Global Warming Skepticism

Until about 1960, measurements by scientists showed that the brightness and warmth of the sun, as seen from the Earth, was increasing. Over the same period temperature measurements of the air and sea showed that the Earth was gradually warming. It was not surprising therefore for most scientists to put two and two together and assume that it was the warming sun that was increasing the temperature of our planet.

However, between the 1960s and the present day the same solar measurements have shown that the energy from the sun is now decreasing. At the same time temperature measurements of the air and sea have shown that the Earth has continued to become warmer and warmer. This proves that it cannot be the sun; something else must be causing the Earth's temperature to rise.

So, while there is no credible science indicating that the sun is causing the observed increase in global temperature, it's the known physical properties of greenhouse gasses that provide us with the only real and measurable explanation of global warming.

Solar activity & climate: is the sun causing global warming?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
" However, between the 1960s and the present day the same solar measurements have shown that the energy from the sun is now decreasing. At the same time temperature measurements of the air and sea have shown that the Earth has continued to become warmer and warmer. This proves that it cannot be the sun; something else must be causing the Earth's temperature to rise."

"So, while there is no credible science indicating that the sun is causing the observed increase in global temperature, it's the known physical properties of greenhouse gasses that provide us with the only real and measurable explanation of global warming."

You don't often see two stupider sentences in the same article but here we are. "Something else must be warming this planet" yes it's me and the beans. Idiotic is being sensitive. The sun warms this planet every day, even the church will admit that. Greenhouse gas is a disproved theory. Atmospheric gas can never radiate heat downward in defiance of thermodynamic basics.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
" However, between the 1960s and the present day the same solar measurements have shown that the energy from the sun is now decreasing. At the same time temperature measurements of the air and sea have shown that the Earth has continued to become warmer and warmer. This proves that it cannot be the sun; something else must be causing the Earth's temperature to rise."

"So, while there is no credible science indicating that the sun is causing the observed increase in global temperature, it's the known physical properties of greenhouse gasses that provide us with the only real and measurable explanation of global warming."

You don't often see two stupider sentences in the same article but here we are. "Something else must be warming this planet" yes it's me and the beans. Idiotic is being sensitive. The sun warms this planet every day, even the church will admit that.

Can CO2 trap heat?


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Is this the same network that was caught telling it's reporters how to report on climate?

Kind of similar to the Obama administration's choice of words regarding the Islamist menace.

Which, by the way, is REAL, while the Al Gore inspired Global Warming crap is just that: CRAP.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Kind of similar to the Obama administration's choice of words regarding the Islamist menace.

Which, by the way, is REAL, while the Al Gore inspired Global Warming crap is just that: CRAP.

Avro, normally I keep insane people off my "ignore" list, because they are usually good for a chuckle.

You failed. You are just pathetic, plain and simple. GOODBYE!

Avro, I don't put insane people on my "ignore" list because they are usually good for a chuckle.

You FAIL! You are just plain PATHETIC! GOODBYE!

Couldn't resist eh?



Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Couldn't resist eh?

Avro, once I put you on ignore, my world became an empty, joyless place without laughter.

I could not live without your wisdom, humour and wit.

To my everlasting shame, I had to break my word and remove you from the ignore list. Now I can face all that comes in my life, no matter how tragic or sad, because you never fail to provide the best medicine: LAUGHTER!



Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Avro, once I put you on ignore, my world became an empty, joyless place without laughter.

I could not live without your wisdom, humour and wit.

To my everlasting shame, I had to break my word and remove you from the ignore list. Now I can face all that comes in my life, no matter how tragic or sad, because you never fail to provide the best medicine: LAUGHTER!


Wow, that lasted almost a week.

Perhaps I'll put you on my ignore me...that will be the end.

Would you like that?

Faux News E-mail Shows Network's Slant on Geodesy

Faux News Channel's top Washington editor ordered the network's
reporters to couple any mention of a spheroidal earth with skepticism
about the data underlying such a scientific conclusion, according to an
e-mail released by a liberal media-watchdog group Wednesday.

Media Madness in America said the internal e-mail from Bill Trout, Faux
News's Washington bureau chief, called into question the network's
impartiality in reporting on the shape of the planet.

In an e-mail sent last December to Faux News's journalists after a
global conference on geodesy, Trout asked Faux journalists to "refrain
from asserting that the planet is round (or flat) without IMMEDIATELY
pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have
called into question. It is not our place as journalists to assert such
notions as facts, especially as this debate intensifies."

Media Madness, a group that tracks alleged conservative favoritism in
the news media, said it obtained the e-mail from a Faux News employee,
whom it did not identify.

Trout and Faux News could not immediately be reached for comment.

Trout's shape-of-the-earth comments were in the second leaked e-mail
from him to Faux News's staff released by Media Madness in the past
week. Last week, the organization disclosed an e-mail in which Trout
directed Faux journalists to refer to the so-called public option
provisions of the proposed science-education overhaul bill as the
"government option" - language that Media Madness said was designed to
rally young-Earth creationists and other assorted loonies.

Ari Rabbit-Haven, Media Madness head of research, said the latest e-mail
showed that Faux News was attempting to create a false impression of
geophysics, astronomy, etc. by giving a "fringe" minority of
flat-earthers equal weight with those who have concluded the planet has
three dimensions.

"The overwhelming, vast majority of scientists who have studied science"
accept the oblate-spheroid hypothesis as fact, he said.

Rabbit-Haven asserted that Faux was tilting toward conservatives who
oppose potential legislative efforts to acknowledge that science exists.

Media Madness said it is in possession of other internal e-mails from
Trout and other Faux News executives that indicate other efforts to
slant news reporting. Those memos will be released in coming weeks, the
group said.