So far, 2010 'tied for hottest year' | World | News | Toronto Sun - 2010 -Warmest year on record...So the Warming trend Continues- As the Climate Changes...and Yes Humans do have an effect on the weather, and ultimatley the climate...
So far, 2010 'tied for hottest year' | World | News | Toronto Sun - 2010 -Warmest year on record...So the Warming trend Continues- As the Climate Changes...and Yes Humans do have an effect on the weather, and ultimatley the climate...
Easterbrook's analysis is a farce, not surprising that the so-called skeptics haven't picked up on that. How do you compare the heat now to the reconstruction of temperature from the ice core?
Skeptical Science: Examining Global Warming SkepticismScientific skepticism is healthy. Scientists should always challenge themselves to expand their knowledge and improve their understanding. Yet this isn't what happens in global warming skepticism. Skeptics vigorously criticise any evidence that supports man-made global warming and yet uncritically embrace any argument, op-ed piece, blog or study that refutes global warming.
So this website gets skeptical about global warming skepticism. Do their arguments have any scientific basis? What does the peer reviewed scientific literature say?...
More fodder for the "that's not a News network" gang. - Eight Botched Environmental Forecasts
" However, between the 1960s and the present day the same solar measurements have shown that the energy from the sun is now decreasing. At the same time temperature measurements of the air and sea have shown that the Earth has continued to become warmer and warmer. This proves that it cannot be the sun; something else must be causing the Earth's temperature to rise."
"So, while there is no credible science indicating that the sun is causing the observed increase in global temperature, it's the known physical properties of greenhouse gasses that provide us with the only real and measurable explanation of global warming."
You don't often see two stupider sentences in the same article but here we are. "Something else must be warming this planet" yes it's me and the beans. Idiotic is being sensitive. The sun warms this planet every day, even the church will admit that.
Is this the same network that was caught telling it's reporters how to report on climate?
Kind of similar to the Obama administration's choice of words regarding the Islamist menace.
Which, by the way, is REAL, while the Al Gore inspired Global Warming crap is just that: CRAP.
Avro, normally I keep insane people off my "ignore" list, because they are usually good for a chuckle.
You failed. You are just pathetic, plain and simple. GOODBYE!
Avro, I don't put insane people on my "ignore" list because they are usually good for a chuckle.
You FAIL! You are just plain PATHETIC! GOODBYE!
Can CO2 trap heat?
Heat flows from positive to negative, never ever the other way. CO2 cannot trap heat.
Can't wait to read your paper debunking basic physics.
You just did.
Couldn't resist eh?
Avro, once I put you on ignore, my world became an empty, joyless place without laughter.
I could not live without your wisdom, humour and wit.
To my everlasting shame, I had to break my word and remove you from the ignore list. Now I can face all that comes in my life, no matter how tragic or sad, because you never fail to provide the best medicine: LAUGHTER!