Maybe God didn't create the Universe.....but maybe God created the "Laws
of Physics" from which the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence?
I don't think there will ever be an end to this debate, but that's only my opinion.
My theory is that there may have been a creator of the Universe, heck the Universe may be the Creator but that We (our higher selves) created ourselves. On the metaphysical and quantum physical levels we are just energy and the Earth provides the medium for us to manifest in the physical. I'm not the only one who thinks this, so no, the debate is not over.
Only if god herself came down and said, "look you pin heads, stop being so cruel to each other or I'll turn you all into amoebas" or some such.My theory is that I don't think there will ever be an end to this debate.
Stephen Hawking said so. What other proof is necessary?
Why does there need to be a God to have a Law of Physics? If God is needed to create anything and everything then the argument is who made God?I sure don't doubt Mr. Hawkings intelligence or he's one of the
brightest minds of our time....but....the argument might be made that even
the best & brightest Human mind is still only just a Human mind...and that if
a God exists, then it might be just so far beyond the Human experience that
we'll never truly understand the extent of a Gods actions or motivations or
abilities, etc....
That's not really necessary either. The laws of physics emerge quite naturally from certain symmetries. Read about the lady who figured it out: Emmy Noether - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMaybe God didn't create the Universe.....but maybe God created the "Laws
of Physics" from which the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence?
Why does there need to be a God to have a Law of Physics? If God is needed to create anything and everything then the argument is who made God?
it seems more logical that physics is physics.
My theory is that I don't think there will ever be an end to this debate.
Kreskin said hopefully: This ends the debate. Or does it?
I wonder if it ends like a racquetball court.
My theory is that the debate will end in a big bang. Or not. Then again... :::sigh:::
I'm still trying to get my head wrapped round the concept that there's an edge to the universe. Ok, if so, what's beyond the edge? Huh? :confused3:
I think I'm getting a headache. Hawking always makes that happen. :roll:
Or as I like to say, our finite minds are incapable of comprehending the infinite.
Crikey! Headaches getting worse! Deep, this is getting deep...
I wonder if it ends like a racquetball court.
Navel gazing is my specialty. The waters of the Arrow lakes are usually pretty calm so I can navel gaze without having to look down at my protruding belly. I just have to sit down by the water and look at my reflection.When you live in the Arrow Lakes there is lots of time for "getting deep".....:lol::lol: