Just looking out my window as I write this, and it is and it appears to be made of ice and snow.The sky is falling.
Wow! Arctic ice is at the lowest level of the year at the end of summer! Whoever wudda thunk!On Sept.21, scientists at the United States-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), announced that Arctic sea ice coverage had contracted to a near-unprecedented minimum of 3.74 million square kilometers on Sept. 15, the second lowest in 42 years of records
‘A Climate Emergency Unfolding Before Our Eyes.’ Arctic Sea Ice Has Shrunk to Almost Historic Levels
A near record low in sea ice coverage in the Arctic, combined with the loss of Greenland's glaciers, serves as a warning for climate changetime.com
Near-unprecedented minimum of 3.74 million square kilometers on Sept. 15, the second lowest in 42 years of records
2nd lowest in 42 whole years eh?
Not to mention the recent additions of ice flows in texas the last couple of days...which really caught the "summer tire all year" club off guard.Wow! Arctic ice is at the lowest level of the year at the end of summer! Whoever wudda thunk!
Ice free since 2013 must have got a winter blast this yearWow! Arctic ice is at the lowest level of the year at the end of summer! Whoever wudda thunk!