It Turns Out Ahmadinejad Was the Truthful One


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
Posted on Dec 4, 2007

By Robert Scheer

Bush is such a liar.

Or is he just out to lunch on the most important issue that he faces? In October, he charged that Iran’s nuclear weapons program was bringing the world to the precipice of World War III, even though the White House had been informed at least a month earlier that Iran had no such program and had stopped efforts to develop one back in 2003.

Is it conceivable that Bush was telling the truth at his press conference Tuesday when he stated that he learned of the National Intelligence Estimate report, which contained that inconvenient fact, only last week? Even if Bush read the NIE report, he clearly doesn’t respect it, for at his press conference he said “the NIE doesn’t do anything to change my opinion about the danger Iran poses to the world—quite the contrary.” Not that he has anything against the NIE, whose directors he handpicked. “I want to compliment the intelligence community for their good work. Right after the failure of intelligence in Iraq, we reformed the intelligence community.”

But whether or not the intelligence agencies are reformed, the president still ignores them. He didn’t listen when they told him he was wrong in claiming that Iraq had purchased yellow cake uranium from Niger and he doesn’t listen now when they tell him his alarms about Iran are without factual foundation. The difference this time around is that because Bush is a discredited lame duck the intelligence chiefs were a bit more forthcoming with their findings in a report that has, in part, been made available to the public.

The whole episode shows that our democratic system retains at least some essential checks and balances, but it also is depressing to see that, in this instance at least, the fanatical leader of a theocracy seems to have a higher regard for truth than does the president of the world’s greatest experiment in representative democracy.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who took office as Iran’s president in August of 2005, two years after Iran’s nuclear weapons program ended, has now been vindicated in his claims that Iran has abandoned the weaponization program. Not so Bush, who has summarily dismissed the intelligence community’s findings and, using his favorite tactic in dealing with debacles, is sticking to his original story. A story, as in the case of the earlier Iraq threat inflation, that too many in the mass media and Congress, including some leading Democrats, have bought.

Take Hillary Clinton, who said that “Iran is seeking nuclear weapons, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is in the forefront of that” by way of defending her vote for a resolution that, like the one she voted for before the Iraq war, blindly supports rather than seriously questions the president’s case for war. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was absolutely correct in calling candidate Clinton out on that vote and challenging her lame excuse that she had not read the full intelligence report before her Iraq war vote. “Members of Congress,” Obama cautioned, “must carefully read the intelligence before giving the president any justification to use military force.”

Not a bad idea. In the case of Iraq’s non-nukes, the intelligence evidence supporting Bush was flimsy at best when it did not directly contradict his key assertions. In the case of Iran, it is now publicly understood that there is no such evidence, flimsy or otherwise. But don’t count on that to stop the bipartisan coalition of invasion hawks from pushing on.

Once again, they will attack the United Nations’ experts, who have been proved right in Iran as they were in Iraq. A spokesman for the International Atomic Energy Agency pointed out that the NIE report supports the agency’s view that there is “no evidence” of an undeclared nuclear weapons program in Iran and “validates the assessments of [IAEA Director General] Mohamed ElBaradei, who continuously said in his public statements that he saw no clear and public danger, and that therefore that there was plenty of time for negotiations.”

Can we get ElBaradei to run in the Iowa caucus? Why are our leading presidential candidates so easily fooled?

It’s humiliating to all of us who believe in a free press, separation of powers and individual liberty that a system of government designed by its founders to hold leaders accountable can be so easily manipulated by an unremarkable loser who has been rewarded throughout his life for screwing up. It is hoped that this time around the truth will catch up with him before he gets us in yet another bloody war, just to show he can.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Small wonder that no one in international politics has been compared with Hitler more often than has Bush.

But in all fairness, part of the problem has been the ready willingness of the Democrats to eagerly endorse everything that criminal liar has stood for. Luckily, there has been a change with Senator Biden openly declaring that if Bush invades Iran, he will petition the House of Representatives for impeachment.

What has taken so goddamn long for him or for other Democrats to do so is beyond all belief.


Council Member
May 24, 2006
Great Satan
I think its funny that the left has vilified the US's Intelligence agencies and and called them liars and incompetents for the last "x" number of years, but they release one NIE that says Iran stopped their Nuke program (which Iran has always denied having in the first place) and now they are a bastion of light, truth, and above reproach...their word is now gospel, yea, verily handed down from the burning bush itself.



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
And remember folks... there are no homosexuals in Iran. Ahmadinejad has said so and he speaks the truth. So everything he says must be true. Homesexuality is an American phenomenom.


Council Member
May 24, 2006
Great Satan
And remember folks... there are no homosexuals in Iran. Ahmadinejad has said so and he speaks the truth. So everything he says must be true. Homesexuality is an American phenomenom.

Well, they have homosexuals, but just not like we do.

Our's aren't crushed under walls, or hung from cranes in public squares....

Those persians...they really are a compassionate bunch aren't they?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I think its funny that the left has vilified the US's Intelligence agencies and and called them liars and incompetents for the last "x" number of years, but they release one NIE that says Iran stopped their Nuke program (which Iran has always denied having in the first place) and now they are a bastion of light, truth, and above reproach...their word is now gospel, yea, verily handed down from the burning bush itself.

For God's sake listen to yourself. A democratically elected government in Iran was overthrown by Americans so they could install the Shah. You remember the Shah? He was the guy that put Iranians through hell for about twenty years. Iranians are certainly a "bastion of light" compared with the U.S.. Do you remember the WMD that were supposed to be in Iraq? Do you remember the other lies that led to the invasion of that country? Probably not....


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
I think its funny that the left has vilified the US's Intelligence agencies and and called them liars and incompetents for the last "x" number of years, but they release one NIE that says Iran stopped their Nuke program (which Iran has always denied having in the first place) and now they are a bastion of light, truth, and above reproach...their word is now gospel, yea, verily handed down from the burning bush itself.


Actually, I think this current report is just more evidence of their incompetence and irrelevance. It is made public long after all the relevant facts are well known and can be interpreted as an attempt to retroactively change the motivation of sanctions. It does all of this without giving any actual evidence. By stating the well known truth as if they have known it since 2003 they make the people who already dislike bush even happier, with more ammunition. But by touting this document around in their exuberance people (not read the left) give it undue stature, and thus they give undue credit to the insidious statement (without proof) that Iran had a nuclear weapons program. Then if you consider for a moment that they are not as incompetent as they seem, you may wonder if this was their intent: propaganda which sacrifices the lame duck to the wolves.

But never subscribe to malevolence that which can be subscribed to ignorance.


Council Member
May 24, 2006
Great Satan
For God's sake listen to yourself. A democratically elected government in Iran was overthrown by Americans so they could install the Shah. You remember the Shah? He was the guy that put Iranians through hell for about twenty years. Iranians are certainly a "bastion of light" compared with the U.S.. Do you remember the WMD that were supposed to be in Iraq? Do you remember the other lies that led to the invasion of that country? Probably not....

So you do believe that our intelligence services were lying about Iraq, but are now telling the truth about Iran. You like the messenger when you like the message. So who's not listening to themselves?

I suppose if Iran is now a "Bastion Of Light" which is defined as "democratically elected martinets having their strings yanked by theocratic maniacs" then you are correct. But somehow I still doubt you would choose to live there.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Well, they have homosexuals, but just not like we do.

Our's aren't crushed under walls, or hung from cranes in public squares....

Those persians...they really are a compassionate bunch aren't they?

But that is OK because in the 1950's we helped the Shah get to power. So anything this current Iranian govt. does is OK. We must listen to ourselves and ignore the tens of thousands of Iranians put to death by stonings, hangings for things such as being different like that 16 year old girl whom they hung.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
But that is OK because in the 1950's we helped the Shah get to power. So anything this current Iranian govt. does is OK. We must listen to ourselves and ignore the tens of thousands of Iranians put to death by stonings, hangings for things such as being different like that 16 year old girl whom they hung.

That is why it is better to use diplomatic techniques which do not involve forcing the current regime to be increasingly reactionary. Attempting to weaken a country cannot possibly improve the quality of life of individuals living there and leaves nothing but a recourse to war. Hostile economic diplomacy will never allow for the civil diplomacy which is necessary to influence the social factors that you quote. That is why people with a genuine interest in improving conditions in these countries can oppose all forms of hostility without cognitive dissonance.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
But that is OK because in the 1950's we helped the Shah get to power. So anything this current Iranian govt. does is OK. We must listen to ourselves and ignore the tens of thousands of Iranians put to death by stonings, hangings for things such as being different like that 16 year old girl whom they hung.

Lest we forget, you also helped Saddam Hussein get to power. Later you killed hundreds of thousands of people to get him out of power. Maybe it would be better if you stopped giving that kind of "help".


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
``I think its funny that the left has vilified the US's Intelligence agencies and and called them liars and incompetents for the last "x" number of years,``

Can you cite an example?


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
Ever since the US got involved in Iran in the early 5o's the US track record in the Middle East has been dismal at best. The US Intelligence group would be better off disbanded and the US could sign contracts with the British, Germans and Israelis. So far all of those groups have been pretty accurate. The US group is batting in the low .100's and that is unthinkable for the billions we taxpayers pour into the black hole at Langley, VA. It is time for a new Intel team and coach too. Now that Bush has been fully unmasked, when is it Cheney's turn? Normbc9


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
But that is OK because in the 1950's we helped the Shah get to power. So anything this current Iranian govt. does is OK. We must listen to ourselves and ignore the tens of thousands of Iranians put to death by stonings, hangings for things such as being different like that 16 year old girl whom they hung.

So your point is what? That Iran's judicial/political system is about as bad as the one responsible for abducting and torturing people internationally?

Do you think the US should invade Iran for humanitarian reasons like they did in Iraq?

International Red Cross

The conflict in Iraq has created a humanitarian crisis of historic proportions, yet the international response has been grossly inadequate. More than two million people are uprooted within Iraq and as many have fled to neighboring countries. Those who helped the coalition forces are in grave danger, but few are receiving protection. International Rescue Committee teams are on the ground to deliver relief.
You can Help: Tell Congress to pass legislation to protect and assist fleeing Iraqis >

Refugee Stories
IRC senior policy adviser Anna Husarska visited Iraqi refugees in Jordan and Syria and is telling their stories:

Yes we can see how concerned Americans are about the welfare of people who live on the other side of the planet and aren't American.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
White House had been informed at least a month earlier that Iran had no such program and had stopped efforts to develop one back in 2003. Scheer always is.....the report said the project was stopped in 2003, BUT may have been restarted since then, Iran definitely continues to set up to enrich uranium, and the report says "Tehran at a minimum is keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons"

Why is Iran developing the ability to enrich uranium? Hmmmmmm?

Thank God the Israelis , who have an effective and usually accurate intelligence system, will not stand for a nuclear armed Iran......they may be called upon to save the world from that particular disaster.

When (and IF) the time comes, they will step up to the plate.

I hope.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'm very suspicious of people with nuclear weapons (lots) who are very suspicious of people who don't have them yet. Especially since there's a few gallons of oil in the suspect country (Iran).

So I guess it's genocide by sanctions for Iran, my goodness lawyers will be employed for decades laying charges against the Americans and the Zionists and Bankers. If Iran looses. If Iran dosen't loose all those war criminals will be decorated war heros.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Lest we forget, you also helped Saddam Hussein get to power. Later you killed hundreds of thousands of people to get him out of power. Maybe it would be better if you stopped giving that kind of "help".

Ah that is such garbage. Saddam did it all by himself. There is tons of literature about how he came to power and none of it involve the CIA or America. The Shah...yes, He worked his way up the ranks as a thug, an arm breaker, a strong arm in the Baath Party. When he became head of the Iraq secret police he decided it was a good idea for the current weak president to resign. He solidified his power one afternoon and it was all videotaped. He called the ruling party together and said their are traitors amoung us. He even accused his childhood friend and right hand man of being a traitor. When the friend stood up and tried to reason by saying...

"I have always been loyal to you. What have I done that you would accuse me of being a traitor. I have known you all of my life and have been beside you."

Saddam's response...

"SHUT UP! Take him away!"

He was promptly executed

It is all on video for you to see. And when Saddam pulled out a hankerchief to wipe his feighned tears... they all did as well. The CIA could never have done that so perfectly. It was all him.