Please inform me by private message if STB actually post anything on subject, aside from personal attacks and name calling.
This has been a time saving public service announcement by NZDoug.
Oh dear me! Nut Zone Doug is under HUGE PRESSURE from his Beijing Butcher Masters to sell the Red Chinese Propaganda!
Here are some fun questions we should be asking LIE-berals:
Why is it that LIE-beral friendly media is working so very hard to SHARE THE BLAME for Wuhan Virus with various levels of govt that DID NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY to deal with the Pestilence early on in any sensible way?
I point out that our provincial premiers have been doing all the heavy lifting on the Wuhan Mess - ordering and enforcing social distancing, making lists of non essential biz that must closed down and closing schools and such - while Our idiot Boy Justin and his federal LIE-berals IGNORED all the travellers carrying the Pestilence through our air ports that ARE REGULATED BY federal LIE-berals!
Wuhan Pestilence was BROUGHT TO CANADA by travellers that federal LIE-berals SHOULD HAVE BEEN REGULATING and did not!
In other news LIE-beral friendly Ontari-owe news media has been offering up fair praise for the job Doug Ford is doing and yet they also happily throw mud at him by printing NASTY SMEARS about alleged violations of our “civil rights’! Social distancing is a PROVEN way to keep SAFE in a Pandemic - yet LIE-berals keep muttering about the “unfairness” of ticketing idiots who refuse to behave sensibly - as if Ford were some sort of dictator in the Trudope mold!!
IT IS MY RIGHT not to be exposed to a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease and it is OUR RIGHT to avoid having our entire country BANKRUPTED because a minority of IDIOTS engage in risky stupid behaviour! The whiners complaining about being banned from the park and of being prevented from holding large parties are VIOLATING THE RIGHTS OF THE MAJORITY and should be punished accordingly!
A similar LIE-beral friendly media CON JOB is being perpetrated south of the border where LIE-beral minded state officials - WHO ARE in control of local public health units - are castigating Trump for not doing enough - even as some state governors dragged their feet on doing ANYTHING!
The Yankee health care system is essentially IN PRIVATE HANDS and offers state officials LIMITED CONTROL - with NO REAL ROOM at all for federal influence - until and unless there is a proven national disaster - yet desperate LIE-berals seek to blame Trump anyway!
And in related news - New York City is the Yankee epicentre for the Pestilence simply because it is a MAJOR transportation hub - with people from all over the planet passing through its airports and hotels - with INEVITABLE infection of the general public by Wuhan Virus carriers who have not been restricted in their travels!
And as we KNOW - China was at the start of the Pestilence - with Iran close behind and WE KNOW how loudly LIE-berals would SCREAM if Trump had suggested closing the borders to Chinese and Iranian Pestilence carriers!
Thus the ONLY WAY to protect New Yorkers would have been to CLOSE THE AIRPORTS AND QUARANTINE TRAVELLERS! And of course Trump has already been HATED for wanting to close the borders to Muslim Terrorists - how much meaner would the personal attacks by LIE-berals have become if Trump wanted to close the borders to Muslims and ethnic Chinese because both groups are travelling from Wuhan Virus EPICENTERS!
LIE-berals want it BOTH WAYS! They want to virtue signal to potentially dangerous religious and ethnic groups and they want to AVOID RESPONSIBILITY for the consequences of NOT RESTRICTING problem plague carriers!
We all know that LIE-berals are HIGHLY RELUCTANT to close border or restrict travellers under any circumstances! In Toronto during the SARS CRISIS - the virus seemed to be coming under control - until some bored idiots broke quarantine and went out to inflict a second wave of infections on us!
During the SARS MESS, LIE-berals were highly resistant to limiting travel and only grudgingly implemented screening at airports - with NO real restrictions on travellers and LIE-berals followed the same play book during the early and middle stages of the Wuhan Crisis and LIE-berals ONLY BEGAN TO GET SERIOUS about Wuhan AFTER it became abundantly CLEAR that Wuhan carriers could be INFECTIOUS without showing any symptoms!
LIE-berals suddenly registered on how hard it would be to track sick people if they did not show ANY symptoms of being ill - thus the sudden LIE-beral interest in social distancing - in preference to forcing travellers to quarantine! LIE-berals seek the EASY WAY in all things!
And in other news - isnt it nice of Our idiot Boy Justin to send China SIXTEEN TONS of good Cdn medical gear and then later - AFTER China got a grip on the Pandemic - Chinese industry sold Ontari-owe 62,000 FAULTY MEDICAL MASKS!
In related news, WE KNOW that SARS originated with Chinese people eating Civet Cats, Bird Flu originated on unsanitary Chinese Poultry farms, Swine Flu originated on unsanitary Chinese HOG farms and Wuhan Virus originated with Chinese eating Fruit Bats that carry the Virus!
So WHY are the Beijing Butchers trying to convince the world that Wuhan Pestilence was created in a U.S. army military lab?
After the SARS mess - China promised to do a better job of restricting so called “wet markets” where bush meat from Fruit bats and Civet Cat and other wild life were being sold - but that promise has been FORGOTTEN - and the result has been the Wuhan Crisis - coming from those same Wet Markets!
Should we assume Chinese thinking is influenced by the Cdn govt decision - made in summer 2019 - to EXPEL some Chinese nationals who had been working at a Cdn research lab and the Chinese had been caught shipping assorted virus samples BACK TO BEIJING for reasons nobody can explain!
There was speculation in some circles that China was getting engaged in biological warfare and wanted samples of bacteria that we held so they could tinker with them to make them ore dangerous to us in ways we could not easily respond to!
Frankly - from the beginning of the 20th century on - MANY GOVTS have dreamed of being able to create a virus that would hit their enemies hard while the home population was protected by an antidote! Alternatively - there have been mad dictator dreams of turning loose a Pandemic on the world - with the Dictator being the only one to have a cure - that could be sold at HIGH PROFIT!
In late summer 2019 - there was a wave of expulsions of Chinese citizens from both Canada and United States - with this SPECIFIC CONCERN by security officials that Red China was planning some sort of biological weapon!
We should ask if Beijing Butchers are spreading this rumour of Yankee involvement in creating Wuhan Virus to HIDE CHINESE INVOLVEMENT! Or is Beijing smearing Yankees out of SPITE over the embarrassing uprising in Hong Kong and over the exposure of Chinese Slave Labour Camps or over the Trump Trade War that China has been losing!
Based on the treatment meted out to Cdns - meaning The Two Michaels - Spavour and Kovrig - snatched off the street and held in solitary confinement as punishment for Cdn arrest of Huawei CEO Meng who is now lounging under LOOSE house arrest at her luxurious Vancouver mansion while awaiting her fate regarding the accusations of violating United Nations Sanctions against Iran and she is also accused of BANK FRAUD within United States related to the sanctions; along with the Chinese choice last fall - to ban imports of Cdn Pork and canola oil - we can see that China is openly HOSTILE to the West!
In other news - China continues its ugly habit of harassing ships that stray into waters that China has UNILATERALLY CLAIMED as its territory - over the protests of FIVE other govts who have been SHUT OUT of what fairly should be either their home waters or free and open sea lanes! Yes - China now claims control over waters that had previously been INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ROUTES!
In the most recent incident, a Vietnamese fishing boat was rammed and sunk by a Chinese destroyer in what had PREVIOUSLY BEEN Vietnamese home waters!
The Beijing Butchers are BEYOND being untrustworthy -they are becoming OUT- RIGHT DANGEROUS! And LIE-beral excuses on behalf of the Beijing Butchers ARE NOT making the world a safer place!