Israeli F-35s


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
It appears New Zealand hasn't committed to buying any f35s. So the question is, what's it to you who has spent how much on the f35?
Thank you for asking.
FYI, NZ 's total population is less than greater Toronto, my home town.
One of my brothers is a veteran of the CDN military.
I am a pilot who learned to fly in Canada.
I have been involved in aviation for my whole life, starting in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets.
I was born in Toronto,
I have lived in Toronto, MTL, Rio de Janeiro, NYC, Dallas, and spent part of my childhood in Point Pleasant, NJ.
I have many friends in the USA.
I have travelled to many places in the world and consider myself a citizen of the Planet Earth, and it is my belief that the American military industrial complex is the greatest threat to the world.
Its greatest symbol is the Lockheed F35, and I post these facts ro reinforce the idea that procuring these weapons would be a grave mistake.
Feel free to put me on your ignore poster list, as is your right.
How do you feel about procurement of these weapons?
I can't be bothered with Kamerad Spillbrewski, as name calling, vilification, and personal attacks isn't my thing.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I guess you dont recognize what it is I implied, and what it is you did.

Look in the mirror, point, and are a fuc King hypocrite.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
I guess you dont recognize what it is I implied, and what it is you did.
Look in the mirror, point, and are a fuc King hypocrite.
Gerry, no need to get potty mouth, tell us more.
Get it out of your system, in plain English would be agreeable.
Get those inner thoughts out here, it can be thereapeutic.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Gerry, no need to get potty mouth, tell us more.
Get it out of your system, in plain English would be agreeable.
Get those inner thoughts out here, it can be thereapeutic.

Did you do what I told you to do?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Thank you for asking.
FYI, NZ 's total population is less than greater Toronto, my home town.
One of my brothers is a veteran of the CDN military.
I am a pilot who learned to fly in Canada.
I have been involved in aviation for my whole life, starting in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets.
I was born in Toronto,
I have lived in Toronto, MTL, Rio de Janeiro, NYC, Dallas, and spent part of my childhood in Point Pleasant, NJ.
I have many friends in the USA.
I have travelled to many places in the world and consider myself a citizen of the Planet Earth, and it is my belief that the American military industrial complex is the greatest threat to the world.
Its greatest symbol is the Lockheed F35, and I post these facts ro reinforce the idea that procuring these weapons would be a grave mistake.
Feel free to put me on your ignore poster list, as is your right.
How do you feel about procurement of these weapons?
I can't be bothered with Kamerad Spillbrewski, as name calling, vilification, and personal attacks isn't my thing.

Gerryh - The rather SHORTER and definitely MORE TO THE POINT Answer that Nut Zone Doug is avoiding is that he has

NO IDEA HOW TO EXPLAIN COHERENTLY why he should be legitimately BITCHING over the Weapon buying choices

of other countries!

Nut Zone Doug CLAIMS to have been born in Canada - but has REFUSED to do more than visit the place for several DECADES!

He finds the country of his birth UNSATISFACTORY to live in! And he follows the values of Our idiot Boy Justin in preferring the Beijing Butchers!

One wonders if Nut Zone Doug agrees with Pierre Trudope in his fawning praise for what Pierre called "the genius of Chairman Mao

in rushing 30 million Chinese to the gallows"! Yes- Our NASTY PET gave whole heated AND PUBLIC APPROVAL

to SOVIET MASS MURDER! And Our idiot Boy Justin tells us he LIKES the way the Chinese get things done! And idiot brother Sacha

claims that bloody handed Cuban dictator Castor was SUPERIOR to any merely elected South American leader!

Our PET Pierre even publicly claimed the war against Nazi Germany was nothing more than BRITISH IMPERIALISM!

One wonders if Nut Zone Doug shares the Trudope clan DISGUST with conventional democracy?

Sadly the answer seems to be YES - Nut Zone Doug cheers on the SOVIET SOCIALIST FORCES of the world! Especially in Beijing!

Nut Zone Doug appears COMMITTED to his new life in New Zealand - which has NO INTEREST

in buying new jet fighters OF ANY SORT!

So again - WHY does he care what other countries do or buy? Other than being motivated by his heartfelt support

of the Beijing Butchers!

In fact - New Zealand is TOO BUSY worrying about OFFENDING the Beijing Butchers who have sent all manner of SPIES

and propaganda meisters and poisonous influencers into the country in an effort to SCARE New Zealand into OBEDIENCE

that will be suitable to the Beijing Butchers!

A similar propaganda war is being waged in Australia and as a result propaganda meisters like Nut Zone Doug are in TROUBLE

because Australia IS NOT AS COWED as Beijing Butchers would like! In fact - Australia has just called

FOR AN INTERNATIONAL INQUIRY into the lies and evasions that the Beijing Butchers told us during the early and middle stages

of the Wuhan Pandemic!

Thus people like Nut Zone Doug are burning the midnight oil in an effort to cast Beijing Butchers in a BETTER LIGHT!

Nut Zone Doug is having his usual level of success in this propaganda war - that is - he ONLY INFLUENCES the gullible!


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Israel is a terrorist state.
Good point!
Best go to Girths Israel thread so you can state truth and get goofy face photos of comedians from Girth.
for example
Name calling doesn't answer my question, lets try this again.
Are you guys referring to the terrorist attacks at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946?
.................................................. .......
The King David Hotel bombing was a terrorist attack carried out on Monday, July 22, 1946, by the militant right-win Zionist underground organization the Irgun on the British administrative headquarters for Palestine, which was housed in the southern wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem during the Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine. 91 people of various nationalities were killed, and 46 were injured.
The hotel was the site of the central offices of the British Mandatory authorities of Palestine, principally the Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and the Headquarters of the British Armed Forces in Palestine and Transjordan. When planned, the attack had the approval of the Haganah, the principal Jewish paramilitary group in Palestine, though, unbeknownst to the Irgun, this had been cancelled by the time the operation was carried out. It was conceived as part of a response to Operation Agatha (a series of widespread raids, including one on the Jewish Agency, conducted by the British authorities) and was the deadliest directed at the British during the Mandate era (1920-1948 )
Disguised as Arab workmen and as hotel waiters, members of the Irgun planted a bomb in the basement of the main building of the hotel, whose southern wing housed the Mandate Secretariat and a few offices of the British military headquarters. The resulting explosion caused the collapse of the western half of the southern wing of the hotel.[15] Some of the inflicted deaths and injuries occurred in the road outside the hotel and in adjacent buildings.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
OH, NO!!!
New article from Communist propaganda news outlet,
U.S. military News….. 21 years of screw ups!!!!
Canada, don’t buy this piece of junk!!!
The Hidden Troubles of the F-35
The Pentagon will have to live with limits on F-35’s supersonic flights
WASHINGTON — An issue that risks damage to the F-35’s tail section if the aircraft needs to maintain supersonic speeds is not worth fixing and will instead be addressed by changing the operating parameters, the F-35 Joint Program Office told Defense News in a statement Friday.
The deficiency, first reported by Defense News in 2019, means that at extremely high altitudes, the U.S. Navy’s and Marine Corps’ versions of the F-35 jet can only fly at supersonic speeds for short bursts of time before there is a risk of structural damage and loss of stealth capability.
The problem may make it impossible for the Navy’s F-35C to conduct supersonic intercepts.
“This issue was closed on December 17, 2019 with no further actions and concurrence from the U.S. services,” the F-35 JPO statement read. “The [deficiency report] was closed under the category of ‘no plan to correct,’ which is used by the F-35 team when the operator value provided by a complete fix does not justify the estimated cost of that fix.
“Supersonic flight is not a big feature of the F-35,” Clark said. “It’s capable of it, but when you talk to F-35 pilots, they’ll say they’d fly supersonic in such limited times and cases that — while having the ability is nice because you never know when you are going to need to run away from something very fast — it’s just not a main feature for their tactics.”
In fact, going supersonic obviates the main advantages of the F-35, Clark said. “It sort of defeats all the main advantages of the F-35,” he explained. “It takes you out of stealthiness, it burns gas like crazy so you lose the range benefits of a single engine and larger fuel tank. When you go into afterburner, you are heating up the outside of your aircraft.”
That creates all kinds of signatures that can be detected by an adversary, Clark said.
More - Early Bird Brief


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Nut Zone Doug, were you raped by Hasidic Jews when you lived in Canada?

It would certainly explain a lot... might well ask what manner of MAJOR MALFUNCTION Nut Zone Doug is working with!

But actually I think he is the latest generation "Manchurian Candidate"!

The Manchurian Candidate was an old movie starring Frank Sinatra as a U.S. army pow captured in Korea

and taken to a special camp in the wilds of Manchuria to have his mind BRAINWASHED by Chinese Soviet spies!

The idea was to turn the candidate into a weapon that could be activated at the right time to assassinate the Yankee President!

Nut Zone Doug seems to be a "new and improved" candidate in that he only wants to assassinate the Yankee Character

and kill their values and political policies!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Best move your problems to your "Israel" thread, amigo.
Shalom Aleichem.

So..........we should assume that is a YES!

And now Nut Zone Doug is TERRIFIED of what his Beijing Butcher Masters will do to him

IF HE DOES NOT SELL enough Soviet Socialist Propaganda!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Canada invests another US$70M in F-35 development despite no commitment to buy

OTTAWA — The federal government has made another multimillion-dollar investment into the development of the F-35 stealth fighter jet, even as it weighs a new extension to the $19-billion competition to replace Canada's aging CF-18s.
Canada made the annual F-35 payment to the U.S. military last week, spending US$70.1 million (CAD$98.57 million) to remain one of nine partner countries in the fighter-jet project. Each partner is required to cover a portion of the plane's multibillion-dollar development costs to stay at the table.
Staying in the program has advantages, as partners get a discount when purchasing the jets and compete for billions of dollars in contracts associated with building and maintaining them. The F-35 is being built by U.S. defence giant Lockheed Martin.
While the new payment brings Canada's total investment in the F-35 to US$541.3 million since 1997, the government says Canadian companies have also secured US$1.8 billion in work related to the stealth fighter......More


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Canada invests another US$70M in F-35 development despite no commitment to buy

Look on the bright side.............spending some money to keep up appearances so the LIE-berals CAN PRETEND

they are interested in national security is NOT fooling anybody! But it does keep Yankee anger over our virtual abandonment

of NATO down to a dull roar! Not that Our idiot Boy is actually FOOLING anybody!

On the plus side the new govt that is coming to replace Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals MIGHT get some benefit from the

previous investments at some point down the road?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Look on the bright side.............spending some money to keep up appearances so the LIE-berals CAN PRETEND
they are interested in national security is NOT fooling anybody! But it does keep Yankee anger over our virtual abandonment
of NATO down to a dull roar! Not that Our idiot Boy is actually FOOLING anybody!
On the plus side the new govt that is coming to replace Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals MIGHT get some benefit from the
previous investments at some point down the road?

Hey stupid, did you read the article, specifically this paragraph.

While the new payment brings Canada's total investment in the F-35 to US$541.3 million since 1997, the government says Canadian companies have also secured US$1.8 billion in work related to the stealth fighter.

Now shut up about shit you know nothing about and are to lazy to do a little research.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Hey stupid, did you read the article, specifically this paragraph.

While the new payment brings Canada's total investment in the F-35 to US$541.3 million since 1997, the government says Canadian companies have also secured US$1.8 billion in work related to the stealth fighter.

Now shut up about shit you know nothing about and are to lazy to do a little research.

Getting some business making MINOR COMPONENTS of a very costly aircraft

IS NOT QUITE THE SAME THING as actually taking national security seriously!

LIE-beral Ottawa HAS ALREADY BEEN TOLD that Cdns WILL NOT be given access to any of the MORE SOPHISTICATED

COMPONENTS of the aircraft such as weapon operation software and radars the like!

Thanks to OUR IDIOT BOY - Yankee trust in Canada has deteriorated to the point that EVEN IF WE BUY F 35`s

WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REPAIR THE ELECTRONICS as we will NOT be given access to necessary software!

Even if we BUY F 35`s - any work needed on the critical software components MUST BE DONE IN UNITED STATES!

By TRUSTED military people! We would have to transport the aircraft to a United States military base where the machines could be

worked on in PROPER SECURITY!

Our idiot Boy has done SUCH A GREAT JOB of supporting China and its "basic democracy" that Our idiot Boy has told us he

SO ADMIRES that Canada is now seen as a POTENTIAL SECURITY THREAT!

Last year when our NATO ALLIES MET to discuss Crimea and Huawei and other security issues - OUR IDIOT BOY

WAS NOT INVITED! NOR WAS OUR LIE-beral defense minister - the NITWIT Sajjan!

And hey gerryh - YOUR WILD RAGE at my comments indicates just HOW WORRIED LIE-berals really are about things like

our ROTTED OUT military, our DAMAGED relationships with NATO allies, the LIE-beral desire to suck up to Beijing Butchers by

allowing Huawei to install its SPY GEAR technology here in defiance of the wishes of ALL OUR ALLIES!

Washington knows very well that with so much Cdn and Yankee biz integrated - Huawei can use Canada as an easy side door

entry to United States!

WORST OF ALL - Washington realizes that POISONED LIE-beral immigration policy is producing a new generation of Cdns

WITH NO REAL LOYALTY to NATO Or to our traditional allies!

Civil service union HOGS are aiding LIE-berals in teaching our kids a POISONED VISION of a deceitful LIE-beral world!

And your defense of LIE-beral hypocrisy is to suggest I did not read a deceitful post? How LAME are you?



Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Hey stupid, did you read the article, specifically this paragraph.
While the new payment brings Canada's total investment in the F-35 to US$541.3 million since 1997, the government says Canadian companies have also secured US$1.8 billion in work related to the stealth fighter.
Now shut up about shit you know nothing about and are to lazy to do a little research.
Good going.
Milk this for all its worth!
Just don't buy them!
O Canada !


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Good going.
Milk this for all its worth!
Just don't buy them!
O Canada !

Professor researching Covid-19 was killed in an apparent murder-suicide, officials say

By Carma Hassan and Rebekah Riess, CNN. Published: May 6, 2020

A University of Pittsburgh professor on the verge of making "very significant findings" researching Covid-19, according to the university, was shot and killed in an apparent murder-suicide over the weekend, police said.

The research assistant professor, identified as Bing Liu, was found in his townhouse Saturday with gunshot wounds to the head, neck, torso and extremities, according to the Ross Police Department.

Investigators believe an unidentified second man, who was found dead in his car, shot and killed Liu in his home before returning to his car and taking his own life.

(That`s ODD! If you are going to kill yourself - then why not simply do it at your murder scene? Unless of course you are being BLACKMAILED into doing the murder of Bing and then returned afterwards to your care - to meet up with the black mailer who them KILLED YOU and made it look like suicide?)

(That the murdered man was doing critical research on Wuhan Virus adds a VERY SINISTER layer of intrigue to the killing!)

Police believe the men knew each other, but say there is "zero indication that there was targeting due to his (Liu) being Chinese," according to Detective Sgt. Brian Kohlhepp.

(In other words - it was not a racist hate crime! Are we meant to think it was some sort of lovers quarrel? Or shoudl we see a SINISTER agency working in the background?)

(This crime should be regarded as deeply suspicious due to the effort the Beijing Butchers are putting into shifting blame for Wuhan Virus away from them! And we MAY ASK if Beijing is not profiting NICELY from selling all sorts of DEFECTIVE medical gear at high prices while the world is so desperate for protective gear?)

(In addition there are reports out of Russia that THREE doctors who have been critical of Russian handling of the Virus have “accidentally” fallen out hospital windows - with 2 dead and 1 critically injured - and the nature of these crimes suggests there has been deliberate state sponsored murder of these critics! Such a vicious state sponsored response would not be unusual for Putin and Russia!)

(We know also that during the Hong Kong pro democracy protests - Beijing Butchers used local agents to try to silence critics in Canada - with the methods used ranging from thinly veiled threats against individuals and maybe against their families back in China as well!)

(We know that in summer 2019, a Chinese visiting scientist was arrested at a Winnipeg lab and DEPORTED from Canada after RCMP raised questions about odd shipments of assorted Bacteria to China! There was even speculation at that time that China might be seeking to create a damaging virus for which only they had the cure and which they could then sell to the world at a fine profit!)

(We know that 4 Chinese Scientists allegedly “got lost” last year and were found wandering on a U.S. army base under mysterious circumstances! Just how much snooping and prowling and spying are Chinese agents doing?)

(We know that World Health Organization and others have chided China in past years regarding its careless handling of Wuhan Virus as it was being studied in their labs! And THE FACT THAT CHINA was studying the Virus does strongly suggest that China KNEW it could be dangerous!)

(We know that various agencies friendly to China, including Cdn groups, AIDED the Beijing Butchers to STOCKPILE medical gear in the months before Beijing admitted the Wuhan Virus had reached EPIDEMIC proportions in China -during which time World Health Organization officials parroted the dishonest Chinese Communist party propaganda! Who even went so far as to edit down and moderate its early assessment of Wuhan Virus - under ORDERS from the Beijing Butchers!)

(We KNOW that Wuhan Virus emerged as a major health issue in the weeks after Beijing Butchers spitefully banned imports of Cdn Pork over the arrest of Huawei CEO Meng - and that the Wuhan City population immediately increased its consumption of locally caught Fruit Bats - KNOWN TO CARRY Wuhan Virus!)

(All this stuff should lead to some very hard questions about Chinese activities!)

The university issued a statement saying it is "deeply saddened by the tragic death of Bing Liu, a prolific researcher and admired colleague at Pitt. The University extends our deepest sympathies to Liu's family, friends and colleagues during this difficult time."

"Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications," his colleagues at the university's Department of Computational and Systems Biology said in a statement.

Members of the university's School of Medicine describe their former colleague as an outstanding researcher and mentor, and have pledged to complete Liu's research "in an effort to pay homage to his scientific excellence."

(Maybe we should ask if Beijing figured it could use its dictatorial powers to control Wuhan Virus infection rates MORE EASILY than govt in less carefully disciplined western populations? Did Beijing have some idea of PROFITING from the release of Wuhan Virus- and the idea backfired as Wuhan Virus turned out to be MORE DANGEROUS than China expected?)

(Certainly the number of Yankees demonstrating and demanding that the economy be re-opened DOES SUGGEST that getting control of the Virus in United States will be VERY DIFFICULT as multiple pockets of Wuhan Virus will endure there for quite some time!)

(Even worse is the reality that Wuhan Virus will probably persist in Africa and South America for YEARS TO COME and that getting control of it in those continents WILL REQUIRE A VACCINE - and does China plan to PROFIT GREATLY be developing and selling such a vaccine?)

(United States is uniquely vulnerable to Wuhan Virus and to any other Pandemic due to its for profit health care system! Yankees simply do not have a mind set conducive to protecting the “group” in the same way as Cdns or Europeans do!)

(That Yankee sense of individual responsibility also mandates individual responsibility for protection against a Pandemic and as we have seen - large public gatherings and grocery stores and old folks homes are IDEAL SPOTS from which to spread such a Pandemic!)

(Isolation is the only current protection against Wuhan Virus! Some people refuse to accept the danger of the Virus; others refuse to pay the cost of protection; and still others are UNABLE to obtain protection due to being dependent on others for basic things like work and meals and personal support!)

(All of this is to illustrate that Beijing Butchers are NOT TO BE TRUSTED and that our govt MUST RESPOND MUCH MORE SWIFTLY IN FUTURE to any hint of another Pandemic approaching! We could have saved staggering sums of money and many lives by closing the borders earlier - as was done in Australia and New Zealand!)

(ALL THE EVIDENCE coming out of Chinese Wet Markets indicate there are MORE PANDEMICS WAITING IN THE WINGS! We simply cannot afford another Pandemic - after all - the CURRENT WUHAN PANDEMIC is crippling enough! A second Pandemic hard on the heels of this one would bring CATASTROPHE to the planet!)

(It does not really matter much whether scientist Bing Liu was murdered in a lovers quarrel or whether he was a victim of the Beijing Butchers who want the Wuhan inspired CHAOS to continue in the West for sinister reasons known only to Beijing! We will probably never know if Bing Liu might have been killed so he could not use his medical knowledge to halt the Wuhan Pestilence - by providing a cure!)

(The FACT IS We have been given AMPLE WARNING that SUSPICION MUST BE THE ORDER OF THE DAY when dealing with Beijing Butchers!)