Israeli F-35s


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
An article from todays CBC News site.
"The high-speed hard sell: why the F-35 is coming to a Canadian air show".
I find the 2085 comments most agreeable, on the whole.
For example
Patrick Anglin
Haven't we done enough bombing around the world acting 'above our weight' helping out our Yankee masters? What good came of Libya? Is there peace in Afghanistan? Theses are not tools of peace.
Canadian interceptor aircraft only need to be fully and solely defending Canada's airspace under our NORAD obligation."


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Canada buying a first strike aircraft is ludicrous.

19 billion dollars is 4 pipelines


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Why don't we invest in a good old Patriot missile defence system like our pals in Saudi Arabia?
They're hot!


Nut Zone Doug spews again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be hard for you to think of ways to threaten the west.....................................

now that the latest Russian missile tests have FAILED...........................................

and endangered the lives of Russians......................

living near the launch zone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And oh dear me...............................................

the tests of the latest Yankee missiles are GOING SMOOTHLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While Yankees are also getting on with production of their latest USEFUL smart munitions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now after huddling with your Red Chinese over seers..................................

you are reduced to making comment about Patriot Missiles...................................

that have been proven to WORK JUST FINE.......................................................

to the dismay of Soviet dictators around the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a hopeless, gormless TWIT you are..................................

spewing your crude propaganda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Direct result of Israeli F35.
We, Canada, could be doing this too!
Ummm, I think there should be a study on de-icer fluid cancer composition on local communities, before any decisions to get more involved.
Put in a few moonshine stills and the AV gas will be even better as well as no ice anywhere.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

now that the latest Russian missile tests have FAILED...........................................

you are reduced to making comment about Patriot Missiles...................................

that have been proven to WORK JUST FINE.......................................................

to the dismay of Soviet dictators around the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does a test in the US come after the item is in full production, judging Boeings lates headlones that is just the way the US conducts 'test'. Which version would be dangerous to 'the locals' (rather than locos like you and the other retards)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Put in a few moonshine stills and the AV gas will be even better as well as no ice anywhere.


THE PROOF IS clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yankee weapons WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Russian and Chinese................................................

NOT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your idiot threats are EMPTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like your head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for Boeing and its troubles........................

WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Air travel these days is for people WHO ENJOY...................

PAYING to be herded................................

LIKE CATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


air travel is the DIRTIEST and most environmentally...............

DAMAGING way to move people or goods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I have said before..........................


merely by cutting back on gravy for HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Cdn Geographic Magazine told us a year after 9/11..........


WILL SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
A discussion on the merits of the F35.
"In 2014, the plane’s woeful record finally caught the eye of CBS’s 60 Minutes, which documented how the program was seven years behind schedule and already $163 billion over budget. The Pentagon, however, simply plunged ahead. Its current plan: to buy more than 2,600 F-35s by 2037, with the assumption that their service lives will possibly extend to 2070. In Pentagon terms, think of it as a multi-generational warplane for America’s multi-generational wars.
Five years after that 60 Minutes exposé and 13 years after its first flight, the F-35 unsurprisingly remains mired in controversy. Harper's Andrew Cockburn recently used it to illustrate what he termed “the Pentagon Syndrome,” the practice of expending enormous sums on weapons of marginal utility. The F-35, he noted, “first saw combat [in 2018], seventeen years after the program began. The Marines sent just six of them on their first deployment to the Middle East, and over several months only managed to fly, on average, one combat sortie per plane every three days. According to the Pentagon’s former chief testing official, had there been opposition, these ‘fighters’ could not have survived without protection from other planes.”
So far, in other words, the F-35 has had an abysmally low rate of availability. Technically speaking, it remains in “initial operational testing and evaluation,” during which, as defense journalist Dan Grazier has noted, it achieved a “fully mission capable rate” of just 11% in its combat testing phase. (The desired goal before going into full production is 80%, which is, in a sense, all you need to know about the “success” of that aircraft so many years later.) Compounding those dreadful percentages is another grim reality: the F-35’s design isn’t stable and its maintenance software has been a buggy nightmare, meaning the testers are, in a sense, trying to evaluate a moving and messy target.
These and similar problems led President Trump and former acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan to push possible alternatives to the F-35 as a way of pressuring Lockheed Martin to improve its performance. In December 2016, before he even entered the Oval Office, for example, Trump tweeted about building F-18 Super Hornets in place of the F-35. Later, Shanahan advocated for an updated version of the venerable F-15 Eagle, made by Boeing, a company for which he had only recently been a senior executive. But the president’s tweets have moved on, as has Shanahan, and Lockheed Martin continues to hold all the cards. For the Pentagon, it’s still the F-35 or bust."


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
A discussion on the merits of the F35.
"In 2014, the plane’s woeful record finally caught the eye of CBS’s 60 Minutes, which documented how the program was seven years behind schedule and already $163 billion over budget. The Pentagon, however, simply plunged ahead. Its current plan: to buy more than 2,600 F-35s by 2037, with the assumption that their service lives will possibly extend to 2070. In Pentagon terms, think of it as a multi-generational warplane for America’s multi-generational wars.
Five years after that 60 Minutes exposé and 13 years after its first flight, the F-35 unsurprisingly remains mired in controversy. Harper's Andrew Cockburn recently used it to illustrate what he termed “the Pentagon Syndrome,” the practice of expending enormous sums on weapons of marginal utility. The F-35, he noted, “first saw combat [in 2018], seventeen years after the program began. The Marines sent just six of them on their first deployment to the Middle East, and over several months only managed to fly, on average, one combat sortie per plane every three days. According to the Pentagon’s former chief testing official, had there been opposition, these ‘fighters’ could not have survived without protection from other planes.”
So far, in other words, the F-35 has had an abysmally low rate of availability. Technically speaking, it remains in “initial operational testing and evaluation,” during which, as defense journalist Dan Grazier has noted, it achieved a “fully mission capable rate” of just 11% in its combat testing phase. (The desired goal before going into full production is 80%, which is, in a sense, all you need to know about the “success” of that aircraft so many years later.) Compounding those dreadful percentages is another grim reality: the F-35’s design isn’t stable and its maintenance software has been a buggy nightmare, meaning the testers are, in a sense, trying to evaluate a moving and messy target.
These and similar problems led President Trump and former acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan to push possible alternatives to the F-35 as a way of pressuring Lockheed Martin to improve its performance. In December 2016, before he even entered the Oval Office, for example, Trump tweeted about building F-18 Super Hornets in place of the F-35. Later, Shanahan advocated for an updated version of the venerable F-15 Eagle, made by Boeing, a company for which he had only recently been a senior executive. But the president’s tweets have moved on, as has Shanahan, and Lockheed Martin continues to hold all the cards. For the Pentagon, it’s still the F-35 or bust."
An enlightening post, than you.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
OH, NO !!!
The F35's Stealth isn't stealthy.
COLOGNE, Germany — In the illustrious history of the F-35 fighter jet, add a pony farm outside Berlin as the place where one company claims the plane’s stealth cover was blown.
The story that follows is a snapshot in the cat-and-mouse game between combat aircraft — designed to be undetectable by radar — and sensor makers seeking to undo that advantage. In the case of the F-35, the promise of invisibility to radar is so pronounced that it has colored much of the jet's employment doctrine, lending an air of invincibility to the weapon: The enemy never saw it coming.
But technology leaps only last so long, and Russia and China are known to be working on technology aimed at nixing whatever leg up NATO countries have tried to build for themselves.
Now, German radar-maker Hensoldt claims to have tracked two F-35s for 150 kilometers following the 2018 Berlin Air Show in Germany in late April of that year. The company’s passive radar system, named TwInvis, is but one of an emerging generation of sensors and processors so sensitive and powerful that it promises to find previously undetectable activities in a given airspace.
more - Early Bird Brief


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
OH, NO !!!
The F35's Stealth isn't stealthy.
COLOGNE, Germany — In the illustrious history of the F-35 fighter jet, add a pony farm outside Berlin as the place where one company claims the plane’s stealth cover was blown.
The story that follows is a snapshot in the cat-and-mouse game between combat aircraft — designed to be undetectable by radar — and sensor makers seeking to undo that advantage. In the case of the F-35, the promise of invisibility to radar is so pronounced that it has colored much of the jet's employment doctrine, lending an air of invincibility to the weapon: The enemy never saw it coming.
But technology leaps only last so long, and Russia and China are known to be working on technology aimed at nixing whatever leg up NATO countries have tried to build for themselves.
Now, German radar-maker Hensoldt claims to have tracked two F-35s for 150 kilometers following the 2018 Berlin Air Show in Germany in late April of that year. The company’s passive radar system, named TwInvis, is but one of an emerging generation of sensors and processors so sensitive and powerful that it promises to find previously undetectable activities in a given airspace.
more - Early Bird Brief




Nut Zone Doug FAILS TO NOTICE......................................

that Germany is an ally of United States!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thus will not be using the new sensors...........................................

to track Yankee military aircraft ..............................................................

for hostile purposes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news.....................................

NUT ZONE DOUG IS CLUELESS about the implications.................................................

of the new sensors...........................................

TRACKING THE STEALTH AIRCRAFT BEING BUILT BY................................................

RUSSIA AND CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news..................................

a Russian landing craft that strayed to close to a beach..................................

was deliberately SUNK by an enraged male Walrus............................

that used its tusks to rip large holes in the "trespasser" vessel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The landing craft immediately sank......................................

no word on whether the crew went down with the ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Does a test in the US come after the item is in full production, judging Boeings lates headlones that is just the way the US conducts 'test'. Which version would be dangerous to 'the locals' (rather than locos like you and the other retards)


United States is a democracy.............................

it would be HARD TO HIDE

repeated failed missile tests..............................

that scattered radiation widely as the Russians did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news..........................

how good a view of military activity can MHz get...............................

from the small viewing window of his PADDED CELL ..........

that merely looks out into the hospital corridor???????????



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States WAS a Democracy.

STILL IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is why IDIOTS LIKE YOU..............................

and dictators like Hitlary......................................................

and demagogues like Al Sharpton........................................

ARE NOT YET IN CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it is why LIE-berals are SO FOCUSED ON IMPEACHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BECAUSE LIE-berals KNOW they have LOST the economic debates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So they SEEK DESPERATELY FOR A KANGAROO COURT FRAME UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are INDIGNANT..........................................

that Trump might seek DIRT on either Hitlary from the Russians......................................

or dirt on Biden Jr. from Ukraine.............................................

BUT LIE-berals have nothing to say ABOUT THE POSSIBLE EXISTENCE OF SUCH DIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are SO ARROGANT that they believe THEIR RECORD should be inviolate and never looked at...........................

while at the same time they CURSE TRUMP for refusing to hand over HIS TAX RETURNS....................................

that have ALREADY BEEN VETTED AND ACCEPTED BY IRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are so hypocritical they deem it a criminal offense for Trump to ask for EVIDENCE of wrong doing........................

in FOREIGN COUNTRIES..........................................

while at the same time LIE-berals deem it THEIR RIGHT..................................

to go on a fishing expedition through Trump records THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN EXAMINED.................................

BY YANKEE GOVT OFFICIALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are SO DELUDED............................

they actually THINK a nasty SMEAR CAMPAIGN.....................................

is a superior election winning strategy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
OH, No!!!
Another fly in the fly’s ointment.
It's official: top Pentagon officials will NOT clear the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for full-rate production this year, after setbacks during a crucial testing phase.
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Ellen Lord on Friday said officials may not sign off on the F-35 full-rate production milestone -- a sign of confidence in the program to produce more fighter jets -- until as far out as January 2021 because of the latest testing lapse.
"I'm going to make some decisions about when that full-rate production decision will be made shortly," Lord said at a briefing at the Pentagon Friday.
Last month, it was revealed that the Lockheed Martin-made F-35 would not complete its already-delayed formal operational test phase by the new fall deadline due to a setback in the testing process. first reported that while F-35 Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) was supposed to be complete by late summer, the testing was incomplete due to an unfinished phase known as the Joint Simulation Environment. The F-35 Joint Program Office and Pentagon at the time confirmed the delay.
"We are not making as quick progress on the Joint Simulation Environment integrating the F-35 into it," Lord told reporters during the briefing. "It is a critical portion of IOT&E," she said, adding inspectors need to get JSE "absolutely correct" before further testing can be done.
The Office of the Secretary of Defense would be the authority to sign off on the decision, moving the program out of its low-rate initial production (LRIP) stage.
Keep away from this dud, bud.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The fifth-generation stealth fighter is reportedly still facing numerous issues, ranging from minor to critical ones, even after two decades of development and billions of dollars spent. But while its manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, is working on fixing them, Tel Aviv instead wants to make its own amendments to the troubled jet.

Israel will be introducing several major modifications to the F-35 jets that it has ordered from US Lockheed Martin in a bid to make the aircraft fit the country's vision of how the fighter should operate, as well as to boost its capabilities and fix certain issues, The National Interest reported.
One of the key things to be changed by the Israelis, the magazine pointed out, is the fighter's on-board computer system. Tel Aviv wants to fit it with its own Command, Control, Communications and Computing (C4) system, which will be running "on top" of Lockheed Martin's own operating system. The latter has raised many issues with other countries ordering F-35s, as they want access to its open code in order to modify it. Lockheed Martin, however, has so far given them only limited access.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
According to various reports, Kurdish forces have been withdrawing from the 120-kilometre (75 miles) wide and 30-kilometre (20 miles) deep Turkey-proposed "safe zone" in north-eastern Syria. However, the situation on the ground is changing rapidly, international observers say, describing scenarios of further developments in the region.

On 17 October, Turkey and the US struck an agreement on a five-day truce in north-eastern Syria amid Ankara's Operation Peace Spring, launched earlier in the month in a bid to expel the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Daesh* remnants from the region. The People's Protection Units (YPG) – the backbone of the SDF – is viewed by Ankara as an affiliate of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), designated as a terrorist organisation in Turkey.
Having found themselves in dire straits, the SDF reached an agreement with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in mid-October seeking to resist Turkey's advance. In just a few days, the SAA has made considerable progress: Syrian government forces have reportedly deployed to Tabqa, Raqqa, and Kobane, previously controlled by the US-backed SDF. News emerged on Sunday that the SAA had surrounded Turkish troops in the Syrian border town of Ras al-Ain.
As for Manbij and Ain al-Arab, their fate is due to be discussed during the upcoming Sochi talks in Russia, as Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu outlined in an interview with Kanal 7 on 20 October.
Meanwhile, the US is withdrawing all of its nearly 1,000 troops from northern Syria, with hundreds of trucks having crossed the border of western Iraq on Monday.
Turkey & Damascus Likely to Work Out 'Formula' to Create a Neutral Zone in the North

Given the rapidly changing geopolitical environment in the region, the question arises as to how the situation will unfold in the near future and whether it will morph into a larger conflict involving the Turkish-led forces and the SAA.
Philip Giraldi, a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer, believes that an escalation of the conflict into a regional war is unlikely.
"If it were to come to an actual war, Turkey is much more powerful than Syria", the CIA veteran emphasises. "But it will not come to that. Turkey sees a vital national interest in establishing a safe or neutral zone along the Syrian border due to the threats from the several Kurdish groups. It will do just that using proxies or its own soldiers if necessary".​
According to Giraldi, Damascus "will have to put up with it", but obviously "some formula with Ankara will likely be worked out".
He highlights that while Erdogan definitely has popular support at home for establishing a safe zone, the population of Turkey "is strongly opposed to anything more aggressive vis-à-vis Syria".
"Bear in mind that Erdogan's position is weak due to his recent major defeat in local elections, so he will have to be careful in how he proceeds to protect his own voter base", the former CIA field officer stresses.