Tubby terrorist missed Kentucky Fried Chicken
Brad Hunter
April 1, 2019
April 1, 2019 3:53 PM EDT
Hungry Hamza. BBC
A fast-food fanatic who joined jihadis fighting for ISIS moaned endlessly about missing Kentucky Fried Chicken, leaving a sour taste in the mouths of fellow terrorists.
Called “Hungry Hamza,” the fat fanatic was even teased by other members of the death cult for his massive midsection and love of cakes.
But his real name is Hamza Parvez — aka Abu Hamza al-Britani — and the ISIS fighter has been captured in Syria.
The tubby terror told the BBC he wanted to quit Islamic State but was too terrified to do so.
Col. Saunders of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hungry Hamza’s favourite. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
And as the caliphate crumbled and food became scarce, he managed to lose around 70 pounds.
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“You don’t have to tell me what city I’m in, but can I ask: ‘Is there a McDonald’s here?’” he told The Washington Post.
“You’re pretty fat. You should lay off the ice cream,” one of his Twitter followers once posted.
He was asked in one exchange: “If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would you eat?”
Dreams of a jihadi. TWITTER
He responded: “Unhealthy. Spicy wings, cake, chips.”
Despite his love of junk food, there was a dark sinister side to the true believer who hailed a “golden era of jihad.” Eventually, he wanted to leave.
“There were many times I did try to pack up and leave but the reality was that wasn’t as easy as it sounds.”
He added: “Regret is not even the word. If there was a stronger word, I would use it. What happened was completely horrific.”
Mohammed Ismail – dubbed Osama bin Bieber by fellow jihadis — was executed for spying.
Meanwhile, one of the U.K.’s youngest ISIS recruits called “Osama bin Bieber” by fellow fanatics has been taken off the board by Islamic State for being a spy.
Mohammed Ismail — who was just 18 went he left England to join ISIS in March 2014 — was killed by the death cult’s executioners after becoming suspicious of his loyalties.
The Sunday Times reports that he confessed to betraying the killers to the British secret service and others.
His youthful looks earned him the moniker Osama bin Bieber after pop star Justin Bieber. POSTMEDIA
He was executed in front of a cameraman who captured his final agonizing moments.
A source said: “They made a video of him. He said he was sorry, but it shows how he died.”
Terror pals nicknamed the boy after Canadian pop star Justin Bieber for his youthful looks — and devotion to jihad.
Brad Hunter
April 1, 2019
April 1, 2019 3:53 PM EDT
Hungry Hamza. BBC
A fast-food fanatic who joined jihadis fighting for ISIS moaned endlessly about missing Kentucky Fried Chicken, leaving a sour taste in the mouths of fellow terrorists.
Called “Hungry Hamza,” the fat fanatic was even teased by other members of the death cult for his massive midsection and love of cakes.
But his real name is Hamza Parvez — aka Abu Hamza al-Britani — and the ISIS fighter has been captured in Syria.
The tubby terror told the BBC he wanted to quit Islamic State but was too terrified to do so.
Col. Saunders of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hungry Hamza’s favourite. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
And as the caliphate crumbled and food became scarce, he managed to lose around 70 pounds.
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“You don’t have to tell me what city I’m in, but can I ask: ‘Is there a McDonald’s here?’” he told The Washington Post.
“You’re pretty fat. You should lay off the ice cream,” one of his Twitter followers once posted.
He was asked in one exchange: “If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would you eat?”
Dreams of a jihadi. TWITTER
He responded: “Unhealthy. Spicy wings, cake, chips.”
Despite his love of junk food, there was a dark sinister side to the true believer who hailed a “golden era of jihad.” Eventually, he wanted to leave.
“There were many times I did try to pack up and leave but the reality was that wasn’t as easy as it sounds.”
He added: “Regret is not even the word. If there was a stronger word, I would use it. What happened was completely horrific.”
Mohammed Ismail – dubbed Osama bin Bieber by fellow jihadis — was executed for spying.
Meanwhile, one of the U.K.’s youngest ISIS recruits called “Osama bin Bieber” by fellow fanatics has been taken off the board by Islamic State for being a spy.
Mohammed Ismail — who was just 18 went he left England to join ISIS in March 2014 — was killed by the death cult’s executioners after becoming suspicious of his loyalties.
The Sunday Times reports that he confessed to betraying the killers to the British secret service and others.
His youthful looks earned him the moniker Osama bin Bieber after pop star Justin Bieber. POSTMEDIA
He was executed in front of a cameraman who captured his final agonizing moments.
A source said: “They made a video of him. He said he was sorry, but it shows how he died.”
Terror pals nicknamed the boy after Canadian pop star Justin Bieber for his youthful looks — and devotion to jihad.
