
Can we combine all the ISIS threads please.

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • Why of course

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Yep

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Well I mean really, yes

    Votes: 9 29.0%

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Tubby terrorist missed Kentucky Fried Chicken
Brad Hunter
April 1, 2019
April 1, 2019 3:53 PM EDT
Hungry Hamza. BBC
A fast-food fanatic who joined jihadis fighting for ISIS moaned endlessly about missing Kentucky Fried Chicken, leaving a sour taste in the mouths of fellow terrorists.
Called “Hungry Hamza,” the fat fanatic was even teased by other members of the death cult for his massive midsection and love of cakes.
But his real name is Hamza Parvez — aka Abu Hamza al-Britani — and the ISIS fighter has been captured in Syria.
The tubby terror told the BBC he wanted to quit Islamic State but was too terrified to do so.
Col. Saunders of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hungry Hamza’s favourite. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
And as the caliphate crumbled and food became scarce, he managed to lose around 70 pounds.
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“You don’t have to tell me what city I’m in, but can I ask: ‘Is there a McDonald’s here?’” he told The Washington Post.
“You’re pretty fat. You should lay off the ice cream,” one of his Twitter followers once posted.
He was asked in one exchange: “If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would you eat?”
Dreams of a jihadi. TWITTER
He responded: “Unhealthy. Spicy wings, cake, chips.”
Despite his love of junk food, there was a dark sinister side to the true believer who hailed a “golden era of jihad.” Eventually, he wanted to leave.
“There were many times I did try to pack up and leave but the reality was that wasn’t as easy as it sounds.”
He added: “Regret is not even the word. If there was a stronger word, I would use it. What happened was completely horrific.”
Mohammed Ismail – dubbed Osama bin Bieber by fellow jihadis — was executed for spying.
Meanwhile, one of the U.K.’s youngest ISIS recruits called “Osama bin Bieber” by fellow fanatics has been taken off the board by Islamic State for being a spy.
Mohammed Ismail — who was just 18 went he left England to join ISIS in March 2014 — was killed by the death cult’s executioners after becoming suspicious of his loyalties.
The Sunday Times reports that he confessed to betraying the killers to the British secret service and others.
His youthful looks earned him the moniker Osama bin Bieber after pop star Justin Bieber. POSTMEDIA
He was executed in front of a cameraman who captured his final agonizing moments.
A source said: “They made a video of him. He said he was sorry, but it shows how he died.”
Terror pals nicknamed the boy after Canadian pop star Justin Bieber for his youthful looks — and devotion to jihad.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Tubby terrorist missed Kentucky Fried Chicken
Brad Hunter
April 1, 2019
April 1, 2019 3:53 PM EDT
Hungry Hamza. BBC
A fast-food fanatic who joined jihadis fighting for ISIS moaned endlessly about missing Kentucky Fried Chicken, leaving a sour taste in the mouths of fellow terrorists.
Called “Hungry Hamza,” the fat fanatic was even teased by other members of the death cult for his massive midsection and love of cakes.
But his real name is Hamza Parvez — aka Abu Hamza al-Britani — and the ISIS fighter has been captured in Syria.
The tubby terror told the BBC he wanted to quit Islamic State but was too terrified to do so.
Col. Saunders of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hungry Hamza’s favourite. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
And as the caliphate crumbled and food became scarce, he managed to lose around 70 pounds.
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“You don’t have to tell me what city I’m in, but can I ask: ‘Is there a McDonald’s here?’” he told The Washington Post.
“You’re pretty fat. You should lay off the ice cream,” one of his Twitter followers once posted.
He was asked in one exchange: “If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would you eat?”
Dreams of a jihadi. TWITTER
He responded: “Unhealthy. Spicy wings, cake, chips.”
Despite his love of junk food, there was a dark sinister side to the true believer who hailed a “golden era of jihad.” Eventually, he wanted to leave.
“There were many times I did try to pack up and leave but the reality was that wasn’t as easy as it sounds.”
He added: “Regret is not even the word. If there was a stronger word, I would use it. What happened was completely horrific.”
Mohammed Ismail – dubbed Osama bin Bieber by fellow jihadis — was executed for spying.
Meanwhile, one of the U.K.’s youngest ISIS recruits called “Osama bin Bieber” by fellow fanatics has been taken off the board by Islamic State for being a spy.
Mohammed Ismail — who was just 18 went he left England to join ISIS in March 2014 — was killed by the death cult’s executioners after becoming suspicious of his loyalties.
The Sunday Times reports that he confessed to betraying the killers to the British secret service and others.
His youthful looks earned him the moniker Osama bin Bieber after pop star Justin Bieber. POSTMEDIA
He was executed in front of a cameraman who captured his final agonizing moments.
A source said: “They made a video of him. He said he was sorry, but it shows how he died.”
Terror pals nicknamed the boy after Canadian pop star Justin Bieber for his youthful looks — and devotion to jihad.
Put him in a cage and parade him down the street, like the Romans used to do.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS bride wore lingerie but jihad was his true love
Brad Hunter
April 18, 2019
April 18, 2019 11:11 AM EDT
Former ISIS bride Varvara Karaulova has been released from prison.
An ISIS bride said she donned sexy lingerie to seduce her bombing betrothed but it was terrorism that owned his heart.
Varvara Karaulova, 23, was released early from her four-and-a-half-year sentence because a Russian court believed she had been brainwashed.
And the former Moscow State University philosophy student now admits she was “stupid.”
Karaulova fell in love with ISIS fanatic Airat Samatov, 36, during a steamy online courtship.
Hottest. Jihadi. Ever. Was it his sense of humour that caused a young Russian woman to fall in love with terrorist Airat Samatov?
She vanished in 2016 but was nabbed en route to the killing fields of Syria when her father notified the Russian secret service. By this point, the then 20-year-old was hopelessly brainwashed.
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The naive young woman said she wore sexy lingerie in her desperate desire to please her new man.
“What I did and what happened is the biggest stupidity I’ve ever done in my life, for which I cannot stop blaming myself. I keep thinking about it,” she said.
Former ISIS bride Varvara Karaulova during her brainwashing phase.
It’s believed Islamic State wanted to groom her to be a suicide bomber.
Meanwhile, another ISIS bride claims she was driven into the arms of the fanatics by Islamophobia at her British school.
Now 30, the woman who goes by the name of Fatima spent two years in the caliphate before fleeing. Her experiences are similar to another bride, the notorious Shamima Begum, now stripped of her British citizenship.
Notorious ISIS bride Shamima Begum. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
When she arrived in Syria in 2015, Fatima said she was given ISIS propaganda books excusing the death cult’s darkest excesses such as the murder of children, keeping sex slaves and frequent beheadings.
“Once you’re too far in,” she told The Stylist, “for some, it can be difficult to get out.”
“(But) when someone ties you to a stereotype for years, eventually you get tired of trying to prove people wrong, and out of anger, you start living up to that stereotype.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS hate preacher getting the gang back together?
Brad Hunter
May 7, 2019
May 7, 2019 5:14 PM EDT
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary was released from a British prison and appears to be getting the old gang back together. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
British intelligence services fear that notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary is getting the old gang back together.
Choudary — who was recently released from prison — served three years for being one of ISIS’s biggest cheerleaders in the U.K.
Now, experts are worried the bile-fuelled fanatic could galvanize fellow Islamic State travellers.
Among those Choudary helped radicalize and encourage was London Bridge terror attack ringleader Khuram Butt, soldier Lee Rigby’s killers and members of the banned terror group al-Muhajiroun.
Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary, 51, was released from a British prison after serving less than half his sentence. He offered a grim little smirk. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
The 52-year-old smiled as he strolled a London street as his seven devoted followers — called the Hateful Eight by British tabloids — are once again gathering around him, sources said.
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But he must wear an electronic ankle bracelet that monitors his movements.
Sources told The U.K. Sun that his network is “starting to emerge again” with cells across London.
“Choudary was Britain’s most famous jihadi and led a localized network of London extremists,” terror expert Dr. Paul Stott said.
“His return to this hotspot fills those who remember the dark days of al-Muhajiroun with dread.”
Scott added: “He’ll be rubbing shoulders with ex-ALM members who’ve been released in recent years, spreading hate and fuelling extremism.”
The hate preacher’s reemergence comes on the heels of the inquiry into the London Bridge terror attacks.
The June 2, 2017 attack killed five men and three women when wannabe jihadis drove a van through a throng of tourists.
Relatives and other loved ones of the dead described their anguish at the inquiry.
Nurse Kirsty Boden was killed that day while racing to help other victims of the attack.
The 28-year-old Australian earned the moniker “Angel of London Bridge” for her heroics.
Nurse Kirsty Bolden was killed by terrorists on London Bridge when she selflessly ran to help. FACEBOOK
Her boyfriend James Hodder told the inquiry he remains “head over heels in love” with terror heroine.
“Her actions that night don’t surprise anyone who knew her,” he said. “To Kirsty, it would not have seemed brave; she loved people and lived her life helping others.”
He added: “To Kirsty, her actions that night would just have been an extension of how she lived her life. We are so proud of her. Our wounds will never fully heal.”
The inquiry is expected to last several months.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
45,000 ISIS kids returning home a 'ticking time bomb'
Brad Hunter
May 8, 2019
May 8, 2019 4:30 PM EDT
The Cubs of the Caliphate will be returning home and that's a big worry for terror experts.
They grew up in a war zone and with a toxic ideology.
Now, counter-terrorism officials fear that the 45,000 ISIS raised children are poised to create bloodshed and mayhem across the West.
Thousands of rootless children are trickling back to their home countries following the obliteration of the death cult’s caliphate.
“This is a ticking time bomb,” EU anti-terror chief Gilles de Kerchove said.
According to The Times of London, the spawn of ISIS families are encountering a slew of problems, including being denied education and health care.
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These Cubs of the Caliphate are not recognized as citizens because their birth certificates were issued in the crumbled caliphate.
There are fears that the return of an estimated 45,000 children of ISIS could be a ticking time bomb. SCREENGRAB
Brainwashing and brutalizing their children — particularly the boys — was part of Islamic State’s twisted M.O.
Thousands were trained to use guns and explosives. Many have been indoctrinated into ISIS’s vile worldview.
One former cub of the caliphate told how he helped his father decapitate prisoners.
de Kerchove said at a conference in Rome it was important to deradicalize female ISIS recruits as a bandage to stop future attacks in Europe.
There are fears that the return of an estimated 45,000 children of ISIS could be a ticking time bomb. SUPPLIED
The Norwegian Refugee Council reports that there are 45,000 stateless children — and they expect those numbers to spike when 30,000 Iraqis return from refugee camps in Syria.
About 90% are reportedly wives and children marinated in the ISIS ideology.
According to a report last year from King’s College London, 145 of the 850 British citizens who joined ISIS were women.
One expert predicted: “The U.K. will have major problems.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary radicalized Sri Lankan bomber: Report
Brad Hunter
May 14, 2019
May 14, 2019 1:23 PM EDT
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary was released from a British prison and appears to be getting the old gang back together. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary allegedly radicalized at least one of the Sri Lankan suicide bombers.
According to the BBC, citing security services, Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed, 37, was the go-between for Islamic State and the bombers.
“He was completely radicalized and supported the extremist ideology. I tried to reason with him,” a source told the BBC.
“When I asked him how he got into this … he said that he attended the sermons of the radical British preacher Anjem Choudary in London. He said he met him during the sermons.”
Suicide bomber Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed was allegedly radicalized by a notorious British hate preacher.
Mohamed grew up in the United Kingdom and was educated there.
Outrage erupted when Choudary — one of the U.K.’s most notorious hate preachers — was sprung from jail after serving just three years of a five-and-a-half year sentence.
He was convicted in 2016 for his role as an ISIS cheerleader and encouraging young Muslims to sign up for suicide bombings.
Choudary’s extremist group, al-Muhajiroun, was banned following terror attacks in London.
In addition, the vile imam is accused of radicalizing some of the country’s most notorious terrorists.
Sri Lanka suicide bombers line up for a team photo. Mastermind Zahran Hashim is the one without the mask.
Among his perverted protegees were the London Bridge attack ringleader and the killers who murdered soldier Lee Rigby in the street.
Mohamed attempted to obliterate the luxury Taj Samudra hotel in Colombo on Easter Sunday.
Sources said the hapless terrorist botched his martyr moment and fled before joining his pals and blowing himself to kingdom come.
In a previous interview with the Daily Mail, his sister Samsul Hidaya said Mohamed became increasingly withdrawn and intense as he morphed into extremism.
“My brother became deeply, deeply religious while he was in Australia,” she said. “He was normal when he went to study in Britain, and normal when he came back.”
Footwear and personal belongings of victims kept close to the scene of a suicide bombing at St. Sebastian Church in Negombo, Sri Lanka. Gemunu Amarasinghe / AP
When he returned to Sri Lanka, he was totally different.
She added: “He had a long beard and had lost his sense of humour. He became serious and withdrawn and would not even smile at anyone he didn’t know, let alone laugh.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS sickos vow bloodbaths for New York, London
Brad Hunter
May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019 3:03 PM EDT
ISIS nutjobs have high hopes in their new campaign vowing to destroy London and New York.TWITTER
The lunatics of ISIS have ramped up their propaganda with three new posters threatening New York City and London.
The posters appear to be inciting lone wolf attacks on the two megalopolises.
One features a suicide bomber standing in front of a flame-engulfed Big Ben warning: “London attacks coming soon.”
In the second poster, a knife-wielding masked ISIS terrorist raises his knife over the Big Apple, rallying death cult fanboys to “fight them in your country”.
The tagline for the latest threats? “Just Terror”.
Just terror. TWITTER
“And when the sacred months have passed,” the London message reads, “then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush.”
But according to the Daily Mail, the fanatics skipped a crucial line in the verse from the Koran: “If any of the idolaters seeks of thee protection, grant him protection till he hears the words of God; then do thou convey him to his place of security.”
Whoa. That doesn’t sound like ISIS.
The latest round of ISIS fanfare was created by the Ash Shaff Media Foundation. The watchdog Terror Research and Analysis Consortium (TRAC) posted the images to Twitter.
Party on ISIS, party on. TWITTER
Islamic State’s opportunistic flacks frequently claim responsibility for unconnected terrorist attacks, natural disasters and anything else not nailed down.
When Notre Dame burned in Paris, ISIS issued a missive calling it divine retribution. The Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka were also PR fodder.
And the goal for the West is apparently to flood the streets with “rivers of your unclean blood.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Trial of Navy SEAL accused of killing IS prisoner set for June
Associated Press
May 24, 2019
May 24, 2019 5:14 PM EDT
This 2018 file photo provided by Andrea Gallagher shows her husband, Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher, who has been charged with murder in the 2017 death of an Iraqi war prisoner. (Andrea Gallagher via AP, File)
SAN DIEGO — The court martial of a SEAL accused of killing an Islamic state prisoner under his care in Iraq in 2017 is scheduled to start June 10.
Navy spokesman Brian O’Rourke says the trial should last about two weeks.
It had been scheduled to start Tuesday, but that date was pushed back after the defence raised concerns that the government’s monitoring of its emails to find a news leak had compromised Chief Edward Gallagher’s right to a fair trial.
Gallagher’s lawyers want the prosecution disqualified and the judge recused if he knew about the scheme.
The judge is expected to discuss his decision at a hearing on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump said Friday he is considering pardons for several American military members accused of war crimes.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS killer who beheaded Scandinavian hiker 'regrets it'
Brad Hunter
May 31, 2019
May 31, 2019 12:10 PM EDT
Louisa Jespersen, 24, from Denmark and her friend Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway were allegedly decapitated by killers while backpacking in Morocco. FACEBOOK
The twisted ISIS member accused of masterminding the murder of two young Scandinavian women backpacking in Morocco has confessed to beheading one of them.
Last December, Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, and Maren Ueland, 28, of Norway, were slaughtered near Mount Toubkal.
“I beheaded one of them … I regret it. We loved ISIS and we prayed to God for it,” fanatic Abdessamad Ejjoud, 25, admitted in court, according to AFP.
The women — both outdoors enthusiasts — were enjoying a once-in-a-lifetime trip when they were slaughtered.
ISIS fanatic Abdessamad Ejjoud has admitted beheading one of the women murdered in Morocco. He regrets it now. GETTY IMAGES
Immediately after the slayings, a sickening video of the carnage was posted on social media. It was also sent to the parents of the two victims.
The gang of killers cry out during the video: “It’s Allah’s will. This is revenge for our brothers in Hajine in Syria. These are your heads, enemy of God.”
A mountain guide who met the two women described them as “happy” as, unknowingly to them, the clock ticked towards their grim fate.
“They were smiling, chatty and sociable. They talked a lot with the other people around,” Rachid Imerhade told AFP.
But before the women went to Morocco, the girls’ parents expressed their concern “because of the chaotic situation.”
This undated handout picture shows 28-year-old Maren Ueland from Norway. – Islamists are suspected to have carried out the murder of two young Scandinavian women trekking in southern Morocco, one of whom was beheaded, a source close to the probe said on December 19, 2018. The source told AFP that one of the women — 24-year-old Louisa Vesterager Jespersen from Denmark and 28-year-old Maren Ueland from Norway — had been beheaded. HO / AFP/Getty Images
According to the U.K. Sun, 19 people were arrested in connection to the murders that shocked the world.
While Morocco hasn’t executed anyone since 1999, the death penalty remains on the books and many in the North African country want to see the killers hang.
A petition called for ultimate justice has been signed by 3,000 people.
Moroccans pay tribute to murdered Dane Louisa Vesterager Jespersen and Norwegian Maren Ueland in Rabat on December 22, 2018. (FADEL SENNA/AFP/Getty Images)
The petition reads: “The death penalty is undoubtedly the right solution to this horrible crime, as a Moroccan, I request the application of Articles 393, 399 of the Moroccan Penal Code.”
Under the country’s law, premeditated murder and crimes involving torture will get you the noose.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS bride dolled up sex slaves to prepare them for sexual assaults
Postmedia News
June 2, 2019
June 2, 2019 5:11 PM EDT
(Getty Images)
A 29-year-old informant who helped the CIA hunt an ISIS leader is accused of putting makeup on women and underage girls before they were sexually assaulted.
According to The U.K. Sun, Nisrine Assad Ibrahim — better known as Umm Sayyaf — allegedly helped capture American aid worker Kayla Mueller and nine Yazidi women and underage girls, who were later reportedly sexually assaulted by ISIS leaders.
The Sun reported human rights lawyer Amal Clooney, wife of actor George Clooney revealed Ibrahim’s alleged deeds to the United Nations security council last month.
Clooney said Ibraham allegedly locked the women “in a room, instigated their beatings and put makeup on them to ‘prepare them for rape.’”
Clooney asked the UN security council that Ibrahim be transferred to the United States to face persecution.
The Guardian reported Ibrahim helped the CIA and Kurdish intelligence in February 2016 to pinpoint the hideout location of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Despite her help in hunting Baghdadi — who remains at large — Ibrahim has been sentenced to death in Iraq and will likely be never released from custody.
ISIS killer who beheaded Scandinavian hiker ‘regrets it’
ISIS sickos vow bloodbaths for New York, London
45,000 ISIS kids returning home a ‘ticking time bomb’


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Canadian ISIS fighter details plot to smuggle jihadis into U.S.
Brad Hunter
June 7, 2019
June 7, 2019 6:48 PM EDT
A Canadian ISIS fighter has detailed how the death cult planned to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. over the Mexican border.
A Canadian ISIS fanatic has revealed the secret plot to smuggle jihadis into the U.S. from Mexico and unleash carnage.
The chilling confession was revealed by the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) and published in Homeland Security Today.
ISIS fighter Abu Henricki — a dual Canadian-Trinidadian citizen — revealed last month he was sought out by the death cult’s leadership.
The terrorists wanted their chosen killers to take a route through Central America, using English speakers and other Westerners to cross into the U.S.
Central American migrants, part of the caravan hoping to reach the U.S. border, get a ride on trucks, in Donaji, Oaxaca state, Mexico. An ISIS fighter claims the terrorists wanted to smuggle jihadis into the U.S. Marco Ugarte / AP
Financial institutions were the primary targets, according to Fox News.
“ISIS has organized plots in Europe with returnees so it seems entirely plausible that they wanted to send guys out to attack. The issue that makes a North American attack harder is the travel is more difficult from Syria,” Anne Speckhard, who co-conducted the study as the director of ICSVE and Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University, told Fox News.
“So the idea that they would instead use people who were not known to their own governments as having joined ISIS might make it possible for them to board airplanes.”
Henricki was allegedly drawn to the caliphate in Syria to be an ISIS fighter but a chronic illness apparently dashed those dreams.
This Oct. 2, 2014, file photo shows the facade of the New York Stock Exchange. The U.S. stock market opens at 9:30 a.m. EST on Thursday, Feb. 8 2018. Richard Drew / AP
Instead, Islamic State’s intelligence arm “invited” him to join other Trinidadians to take part in the attacks.
The object?
“Cripple the U.S. economy.”
According to the report, Henricki claimed he would travel from Puerto Rico to Mexico before crossing the Rio Grande.
“The plan came from someone from the New Jersey state of America. I was going to take the boat from Puerto Rico into Mexico. He was going to smuggle me in,” he told investigators, adding Wall Street was the final destination.
“They wanted to use these people (to attack inside the U.S.) because they were from these areas,” Henricki said.
But Henricki revealed he ended up backing out and for his good sense was thrown into an ISIS prison and tortured.
His wife — also a Canadian — was caged in the women’s prison.
He told the scholars that the plot is defunct as most of the potential participants are all dead.
A representative from Canada’s Global Affairs was not immediately able to respond to Fox News for comment.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS 'no longer a quasi-state' but ideology 'alive and well': Canadian general
Canadian Press
June 10, 2019
June 10, 2019 9:54 AM EDT
Brig.-Gen. Colin Keiver, shown in a this 2018 handout image provided by the Canadian Armed Forces helicopter, flying over Iraq.HO / THE CANADIAN PRESS
CALGARY — Canada’s former commander in Iraq says the Islamic State may have been defeated on the battlefield, but the militant group remains alive and well as an insurgency and could still wield strong influence in the war-torn region.
From June 2018 until last month, Brig.-Gen. Colin Keiver served as commander of Joint Task Force Impact, responsible for the Canadian Armed Forces counter-Daesh mission in the Middle East. Daesh is the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State.
“Daesh or ISIS in Iraq or northeast Syria has been defeated in the sense that they are ,” said Keiver in an interview with The Canadian Press.
“They no longer hold any ground, but they are absolutely still alive and well in the background … seeking to expand their influence and undermine the governments of Iraq and other nations.”
Keiver points to the growth of the Daesh ideology in the Pacific, in Indonesia and in Mali. He said these aren’t individuals who have fled Iraq.
“This ideology resonates with certain people for certain reasons, and they latch onto it and they use it as a means to push their agenda and … the terrorism they’re doing,” he said.
“The ideology has in no way at all been defeated. We are a long ways away from the complete elimination of violent extremist organizations in the world.”
The Iraqi government has been criticized for failing to provide basic services such as water and electricity to its citizens and for not cracking down on widespread corruption and discrimination against certain ethnic groups.
Those factors were cited as key contributors to the rise of the Islamic State in 2014. The group used the grievances to gather support and take control of large swaths of territory.
Keiver said Iraq has progressed to a point where security has improved enough that the government can start focusing on improving basic services. But he notes Iraqis won’t be patient for long.
“It’s bought them time and now with that time they need to act in other areas. It is now very much up to the government of Iraq to come together in peace now and start making things happen in the same way they came together in 2014 to defeat Daesh,” he said.
“Summer will be a test for them … How will the government of Iraq react to protests if they happen.”
The Canadian military contingent includes 850 troops spread out across the region. Among them are military trainers, special-forces soldiers and medical personnel in Iraq, trainers in Jordan and Lebanon, and crews with transport planes in Kuwait.
The federal government recently extended the mission to March 2021. Keiver said he has no idea what Canada’s role in the future will be, but he predicts Iraq is going to require ongoing international assistance for the foreseeable future.
“It’s a safe assumption to state that there will be a continuing requirement for assistance in these areas and areas we haven’t even thought of yet,” Keiver said.
“When will we leave Iraq? I don’t know. All I know is that it was the government of Iraq that asked us for help and we responded to that need.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS terrorist on his pal Jihadi John, bloodlust-fuelled executioner
Brad Hunter
June 18, 2019
June 18, 2019 5:36 PM EDT
Jihadi John. A friend remembers...
They called the ISIS killers The Beatles because of their British accents.
But their sick tune was ‘Bloodshed, yeah, yeah, yeah.’
Now, the jihadi called Ringo has broken his silence on the rise and fall of the twisted executioner known the world over as Jihadi John.
Alexanda Kotey (AKA Ringo), 35, told the Daily Mirror about his friendship with Jihadi John, real name Mohammed Emwazi.
He added that despite the sickening executions carried out by Jihadi John, he forgives his friend and was emotionally wrought when the Allies took John off the board.
Alexanda Kotey (AKA Ringo), 35, told the Daily Mirror about his friendship with Jihadi John, real name Mohammed Emwazi. CNN
In fact, he revealed that he wept when the executioner was killed by a drone strike in November 2015.
“I cried. I was completing my sniper training in the Hama area [in the west of the country],” he said.
“I asked the person in charge of snipers if I could be allowed to return to Raqqa to check out news about a friend and he allowed me to go.”
He added: “I didn’t tell him who he was. I didn’t like to make it known I had that *relationship. Emwazi himself was not known — I mean that he was the person behind the mask.”
This image made from video posted on a militant website on Monday, April 29, 2019, purports to show the leader of the Islamic State group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, being interviewed by his group’s Al-Furqan media outlet. (Al-Furqan media via AP) AP
“I cried and decided to stay at home for while and not speak to anybody. I don’t think anyone dared to go to his funeral except people in the hospital and the ones who buried him.’
Kotey now regrets his decision to join Islamic State, telling the Mirror he wasn’t sure if he executed anyone.
Not The ISIS Beatles.
“I can’t say to be honest … I can’t say I agree with it and I don’t know what I would do in that situation,” he said.
The U.S. considers him a “designated terrorist” and a danger who “likely engaged in the group’s executions and exceptionally cruel torture methods.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Thousands of ISIS sleeper agents pose deadly threat for West
Brad Hunter
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019 5:10 PM EDT
A Canadian ISIS fighter has detailed how the death cult planned to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. over the Mexican border.
The West faces an avalanche of ISIS sleeper jihadis in the coming days, a Kurdish commander warns.
Mervan Kamishlo — a commander in the Syrian Democratic Forces — said jihadis from the crushed caliphate have gone to ground in Syria.
Now, they are plotting revenge on the West, he said.
“There still thousands of sleepers here. When we succeeded militarily, they disappeared,” Kamishlo told the Daily Mirror.
And that means bad news, particularly for Europe, already a favourite target of the terrorists.
There are fears that the return of an estimated 45,000 children of ISIS could be a ticking time bomb. SCREENGRAB
“Absolutely 100% they could — they are alive and they have a command structure,” Kamishlo told the newspaper.
“They still think they are a state. Their sleeper network is a mafia. They will come back. Baghdadi [ISIS’s leader] is smart militarily. He and his commanders are clever mentally.
“We believe he is in Syria and able to communicate with his commanders. This presents a global threat to everyone, not just here, but in the West, too.”
This image made from video posted on a militant website July 5, 2014, purports to show the leader of the Islamic State group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, delivering a sermon at a mosque in Iraq during his first public appearance. Uncredited / AP
And the veteran fighter said that Westerners were the most dangerous of the death cult’s killers.
“The most dangerous of the fighters were not locals Arab fighters. They were Europeans, yes the British. I fought against them,” Kamishlo said.
“They were the most dangerous. Clever, well-educated, and that they gave up so much back home shows commitment.”
Kurdish forces backed by the West have been the tip of the spear against ISIS which has become a virtual state since losing all its territory.
But the viper still has plenty of venom.
“Some were big Daesh commanders. They were smart and that mixed with terrorism makes them dangerous,” Kamishlo told the Mirror.
An equal threat is the offspring of ISIS, the so-called Cubs of the Caliphate.
“There are tens of thousands of Islamic State children in the refugee camps whose minds are poisoned,” the veteran soldier said.
“They witnessed beheadings, torture, murder, men hanging in the street, women beaten, killed because their hair is showing, and war. Daesh showed the world how dangerous they are.”
He added: “These children need lots of psychological, specialist treatment to help them, or they will be a danger to the world in years to come.
“Like a ticking bomb. It is a tragedy but it is also a big fear.”


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
N.J. woman pleads guilty for a second time as ISIS' double agent
Fatima Texiwala
June 25, 2019
June 25, 2019 6:18 PM EDT
Police stand on duty at the Brooklyn Federal Court in New York.DON EMMERT/AFP/Getty Images
A New Jersey woman is facing a second sentence after continuing to work for ISIS as a double agent.
Sinmyah Amera Ceasar, 24, appeared Monday at the Brooklyn Federal Court for sentencing.
“A spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of New York said the sentencing adjourned until Tuesday morning,” reported the Daily Mail.
According to federal prosecutors, Ceasar was arrested back in 2016 but an agreement with federal prosecutors dismissed her potential life in prison sentencing.
Instead, she pleaded guilty in 2017 for helping the terrorist group with material support.
Officials say she was dismissed under a supervised release.
Despite her agreement with prosecutors, she remained loyal to ISIS and worked as a double agent to the group.
“She played two main roles, which I would characterize as a disseminator and a connector,” government witness Dr. Lorenzo Vivilo, director of the program on extremism at George Washington University, told the federal court on Monday, according to the New York Post.
Ceasar used social media to gain support for ISIS and connected those looking to become new group members.
“She clearly adopts the fringe worldview that is ISIS. The way she speaks is the way someone in ISIS would speak,” Vivilo said from the witness stand.
Court documents reveal Ceasar had interrupted investigation by destroying evidence such as her Facebook posts and texts.
This March, she pleaded guilty once again, this time for the obstruction of justice.
“My assessment is that she retains the mindset of ISIS. She refers to this court, this whole system, as a ‘kafir’ (infidel) system,” he testified. “She implies the only way to practice Islam is to practice ISIS. Which is clearly not the case.”
The defense said she was raped as a child, was an 11th grade dropout and has PTSD issues, reported the Post.
Alleged Canadian ISIL fighter on joining terrorist group
Let ISIS fighters come back to Canada. Then arrest them


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Islamic State recruiter known as 'Umm Nutella' sentenced to four years
June 26, 2019
June 26, 2019 3:30 PM EDT
In this file photo taken on April 30, 2017, a member of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces removes an Islamic State flag in the town of Tabqa. (DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP/Getty Images)
NEW YORK — A U.S. judge on Wednesday sentenced an Islamic State recruiter known as “Umm Nutella” to four years in prison, far less than federal prosecutors had sought, even though she double-crossed them after agreeing to cooperate.
Under the sentence imposed by U.S. District Judge Jack Weinstein, New Jersey-born Sinmyah Amera Ceasar, 24, also will get credit for the 29 months she has already served, a spokesman for the Brooklyn U.S. Attorney’s Office said.
U.S. Attorney Richard Donoghue had asked the judge to send her to prison for 30 to 50 years, consistent with federal sentencing guidelines for the two federal charges to which Ceasar pleaded guilty.
Defense attorneys urged leniency for Ceasar, citing a troubled childhood of sexual abuse and being handed off among foster families, the New York Daily News reported on Tuesday.
In handing down the sentence on the third day of a hearing in the 2-1/2-year-long case that prosecutors had kept under wraps until Monday, Weinstein said sentencing guidelines were too harsh for this case, local media reported.
“It’s apparent that this young woman is in need of serious educational, medical, and economic support,” the New York Post quoted the judge as saying. “This sentence will also save her as a human being.”
Ceasar, who was arrested in November 2016 at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York as she tried to leave the United States, pleaded guilty the following February to conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, according to a June 17 sentencing memo.
In the memo, Donoghue called her a “committed recruiter and self-described ‘assistant’” to the Islamic State.
She confessed to using Facebook and other platforms to connect people with Islamic State members who would help them travel to territory controlled by the group and expressed her own desire to go there “and die as a martyr,” Donoghue said.
At the time of her plea, Ceasar agreed to cooperate with the government. But while she was free on bail between April and July 2018, prosecutors said she reconnected with some of the very people she had identified as Islamic State members.
Donoghue said Ceasar also resumed using her code name “Umm Nutella” in her communications, which she sought to cover up.
“The name ‘Umm Nutella’ was how the defendant identified herself to the other ISIS operatives and supporters with whom she communicated,” he said.
Faced with new charges, Ceasar pleaded guilty on March 7 to obstruction of an official proceeding, prosecutors said.