
Can we combine all the ISIS threads please.

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    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • Why of course

    Votes: 5 16.1%
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    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Well I mean really, yes

    Votes: 9 29.0%

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Canadian who admitted to plotting terrorist attacks asks for ’second chance’
Canadian Press
More from Canadian Press
March 4, 2018
March 4, 2018 5:23 PM EST
Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy's Facebook profile dated October 2015. (Facebook)SunMedia
A Canadian who admitted to plotting a terrorist attack on New York City is pleading for “a second chance” in a letter submitted to the court ahead of his upcoming sentencing.
In the letter filed to a New York court on Friday, Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy of Mississauga, Ont., outlined his personal history with addiction and mental illness, and explained that he felt American airstrikes against the Middle East drove him to jihadism.
The 20-year-old wrote that he felt that Americans were trying to disrupt the lives of people in the Middle East with airstrikes and he thought “it was appropriate to use similar methods back until and unless they stop.”
The 24-page hand-written letter, addressed to the judge in his case and partially redacted, is part of a package his lawyers submitted ahead of his sentencing for multiple terrorism-related charges that he pleaded guilty last year.
El Bahnasawy described his disenfranchisement with western society, including “so-called democracy and freedom.”
He said he chose to go to the U.S. to carry out the plan because Canada had recently stopped its airstrikes, “and it didn’t make sense to transgress back against them in such a way.”
People walk on a subway platform in New York on June 22, 2016. .S. authorities said a 19-year-old Canadian pleaded guilty to terrorism-related charges in connection with what they call an ISIS-inspired plot to target landmarks in New York City more than a year ago, including Times Square and the city’s subway system. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York says the Canadian, identified as Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy, of Mississauga, Ont., has been in custody since the FBI arrested him in New Jersey in May 2016.
Police secretly arrested El Bahnasawy, then 18, in what they said was a plot by Islamic State sympathizers to attack New York City concert venues, subway stations and Times Square. He was arrested after travelling from Canada to New Jersey in 2016. The records in his case were sealed for over a year as police tried to hunt down his accomplices.
Authorities announced the charges against him after two other suspects were arrested in Pakistan and the Philippines.
The Canadian didn’t discuss the specifics of the plot in the letter, instead focusing on why he decided to go to such extremes.
“My detailed reasons about this is in no way a justification for it, I merely am explaining my thought process at the time,” he wrote, adding that he no longer believes extremism is the answer.
“There are many issues in this world but I don’t want to lose my life or freedom to try fixing them, and I definitely do not want to resort to violence or harm to fix them. I sincerely apologize for my (behaviour) and I only ask for a second chance.”
El Bahnasawy also used the letter to outline his struggles with addiction and mental illness, including several trips into hospital psychiatric wards and rehab centres. He said he spent a month in a psych ward in Kuwait, and eight months in rehab in Egypt. Court records show he also spent time at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.
“I want to experience life away from drugs and away from war and violence,” he wrote.
He wrote that he wondered where he would be if anyone who knew about his plans had encouraged him to find a more productive way to fight the injustice he saw in the world.
The young man’s lawyers, in a submission included in the package with the letter, requested the judge impose a sentence “no greater than necessary to comply with (the law).”
They suggested that his release might coincide with “the onset of Abdulrahman’s mid-twenties when his cognitive development will be complete.”
El Bahnasawy’s sentencing hearing is scheduled for April 9.
Canadian who admitted to plotting terrorist attacks asks for


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Scary Spice: Ex showed daughter ‘ISIS beheading’ videos | Toronto Sun

Sickening ISIS video shows boy, 4, shooting prisoner in the head
Brad Hunter
More from Brad Hunter
March 5, 2018
March 5, 2018 5:44 PM EST
A little boy -- estimated to be about 4-years-old -- executes an ISIS prisoner.
A deranged new video from Islamic State shows children as young as four murdering prisoners.
The shocking video first emerged in late 2017, but according to the Daily Mail, the death cult has re-released it to ignite its lost fervour.
A little boy — estimated to be about 4-years-old — executes an ISIS prisoner.
It shows one boy — estimated to be about four-years-old — playing with plastic balls.
And then he shoots a prisoner in the with a small-calibre handgun.
When he’s finished his grisly handiwork, he fires the gun into the air and shouts “Allahu akbar!”
A little boy — estimated to be about 4-years-old — executes an ISIS prisoner. Afterwards, he shouts, ‘Allahu Akbar’.
The tiny terrorist — dressed in his wee all-black ISIS ensemble — orders a 10-year-old to behead another prisoner. He makes the throat-slashing gesture.
The older boy then beheads the terrified prisoner.
Another child, about seven, jumps off a merry-go-round, grabs a knife and beheads another prisoner. Blood spurts onto the ride.
The terror toddler then orders an older boy to behead an Islamic State prisoner.
Meanwhile, a Fagin-like ISIS operative who planned a bloody blitz targeting gay nightclubs in London has a secret.
Terror teacher Umar Haque, 25, was a frequent flier looking for transgender prostitutes, The U.K. Sun reports.
Haque’s bizarre scheme — in typical ISIS fashion — called for the creation of a death squad made up of brainwashed junior jihadis.
When cops questioned him, he allegedly exploded in a rage about “mass fornication and illicit behaviour.”
Umar Haque was convicted of plotting terrorist acts in London. Among his targets were gay nightclubs. Ironically, a computer search revealed he had a penchant for transgender prostitutes. METROPOLITAN POLICE
But when asked about his sexual predilections, he turned ashen.
“He was shaken to the core by the questions around transsexual prostitutes,” a British detective told the tabloid. “It appears to show him as a complete hypocrite.’’
Haque — a religious studies teacher — was arrested last May and convicted of planning terror attacks last Friday in London.
But investigators were alarmed that he had come into contact with more than 100 children whom he bombarded with ISIS propaganda videos. Haque went so far as to have the children reenact Islamic State executions and attacks.
“It’s better than the nonsense you guys are teaching children,” he told cops.
Many of the children were so juiced on jihad they needed to be deradicalized.
Detectives said his bloodlust was spurred by the Westminster Bridge attack.
“Gay clubs, definitely,” he told cops of his targets, adding he also wanted to hit Tower Bridge and Heathrow Airport.
“I don’t like Britain,” the jihadi sniffed.

Sickening ISIS video shows boy, 4, shooting prisoner in the head | Toronto Sun


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Oct 26, 2009
ISIS' rape victims 'were like living corpses': UN
Associated Press
More from Associated Press
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018 10:17 PM EST
A member of the Iraqi forces walks past a mural bearing the logo of the ISIS group on March 1, 2017, in the village of Albu Sayf, on the southern outskirts of Mosul. (AHMAD AL-RUBAYE/AFP/Getty Images)
The U.N. envoy for sexual violence in conflict who just returned from Iraq said Friday she found “a gross lack” of support for women and girls who were raped and forced into sexual slavery by Islamic State extremists, and survivors she met “were like living corpses.”
Pramila Patten said the survivors were released early this year and told her they are confined to camps because of the double stigma of being victims of sexual violence and sexual slavery, and of being associated with IS — and fear of being perceived as an affiliate of the militant group.
“Some also expressed a fear of being detained,” she told a news conference Friday. “So they are very much confined, including by their parents. They are not stepping out of their camp and have not had an opportunity to avail themselves of even the limited psycho-social support that there is inside the camp.”
Patten, who visited Iraq from Feb. 26-March 5, said many women who remain displaced expressed serious concerns for their safety if they return home and shared their fear of reprisals.
She said she met with all religious leaders, and while “they show a lot of empathy toward the women returning” she was told that Turkmen women will be rejected by their community. And she said Yazidi women, who have historically been subjected to persecution, expressed a wish to leave Iraq.
During a lightning charge in June 2014, IS fighters took over Iraq’s second-largest city, Mosul, and nearly a third of the country, plunging it into the most severe crisis since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. Mosul was liberated last July, and Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared an end to the Islamic States’ self-styled caliphate.
But Patten said the impact of the conflict and IS occupation is impacting not only the women but their children.
She said provincial authorities in Mosul told her women who were raped and held as sex slaves have abandoned their children born to IS fighters. As a result, she said, the authorities have had to set up orphanages for “thousands of children.”
Patten said she will be seeking more information about the orphans, who are from all religious faiths — Turkmen, Shiite, and Yazidi.
In talks with prime minister Abadi and regional and provincial officials, she said it was essential to shift “the stigma from the victims to the perpetrators.”
Despite all humanitarian efforts, Patten said, “I find a gross lack of both physical and mental health, psycho-social support, and especially in the quality of the psycho-social support that is required by survivors of sexual violence.”
“There is a need for very specialized service, which I think is simply not there,” she said.
In her meetings, Patten said she also called for a scaling-up of medical, mental health and psychological services and economic opportunities for victims of sexual violence.
Patten said she also relayed to government officials a strong message from survivors to step up efforts to free those still in captivity and locate the missing.
According to officials dealing with genocide and religious leaders, she said, 3,154 Yazidis are missing including 1,471 women and girls — and 1,200 Turkmen are missing including 600 women and 250 children.
ISIS’ rape victims ‘were like living corpses’: UN | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Iraqi courts sending 300 ISIS fanatics to the gallows
Brad Hunter
More from Brad Hunter
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018 1:10 PM EDT
Suspected Islamic State members sit inside a small room in a prison south of Mosul, Tuesday, July 18, 2017. Hundreds of suspected Islamic State members swept up by Iraqi forces in Mosul are being held in a cramped and stifling prison just outside the city. (AP Photo/Bram Janssen)
Justice will look more like the end of a rope than a virgin-packed paradise for more than 300 ISIS fanatics.
Hundreds of male and female jihadis reportedly have been sentenced to death by Iraqi courts.
Among the doomed are 97 foreign nationals. Another 185 have been sentenced to life in prison by jurists in Baghdad — and that’s just since the start of the year.
The U.K. Sun reports that 11 who were convicted of terrorism charges were executed on Monday.
Citing the newspaper al-Arabiya, the British tabloid said the accused Islamic State zombies are being tried in two courts. One deals with foreign fighters and women, while the other, located near onetime ISIS headquarters Mosul, is dealing with Iraqis.
Most of the death cult’s ladies auxiliary are from Turkey and former Soviet satellite states. A German was sentenced to death in January.
French jihadist Djamila Boutoutaou, 29, was sentenced to life in prison for belonging to the Islamic State. GETTY IMAGES
The Mosul court has been the busiest, with 212 given one-way tickets to the morgue, another 150 sentenced to life in prison, and a further 341 to assorted jail terms.
“It has been proven that they carried out criminal actions at public hearings conducted in accordance with the law during which the convicts’ rights were guaranteed,” Supreme Judicial Council spokesman Abdel Sattar Bayraqdar said.
After bitter battles that raged most of 2017, Iraq finally declared victory over ISIS in December, ultimately obliterating the Islamic State’s so-called caliphate.
According to the United Nations, around 6,000 jihadis are currently on death row.
Latest ISIS poster threatens US President Donald Trump — and Seattle.
Meanwhile, the beleaguered terror group has uttered more bombastic threats. This time, ISIS is doubling down on targeting U.S. President Donald Trump.
Oh, and they’re threatening to burn down Seattle, too.
ISIS spinmasters released a poster of a handcuffed Trump with a gun pointed to his head. Seattle burns in the background.
The warning reads: “Soon the calamities will be in your lands until it is filled with charred skulls.”
Suspected Islamic State members sit inside a small room in a prison south of Mosul, Tuesday, July 18, 2017. Hundreds of suspected Islamic State members swept up by Iraqi forces in Mosul are being held in a cramped and stifling prison just outside the city. (AP Photo/Bram Janssen)
Justice will look more like the end of a rope than a virgin-packed paradise for more than 300 ISIS fanatics.
Hundreds of male and female jihadis reportedly have been sentenced to death by Iraqi courts.
Among the doomed are 97 foreign nationals. Another 185 have been sentenced to life in prison by jurists in Baghdad — and that’s just since the start of the year.
The U.K. Sun reports that 11 who were convicted of terrorism charges were executed on Monday.
Citing the newspaper al-Arabiya, the British tabloid said the accused Islamic State zombies are being tried in two courts. One deals with foreign fighters and women, while the other, located near onetime ISIS headquarters Mosul, is dealing with Iraqis.
Most of the death cult’s ladies auxiliary are from Turkey and former Soviet satellite states. A German was sentenced to death in January.
French jihadist Djamila Boutoutaou, 29, was sentenced to life in prison for belonging to the Islamic State. GETTY IMAGES
The Mosul court has been the busiest, with 212 given one-way tickets to the morgue, another 150 sentenced to life in prison, and a further 341 to assorted jail terms.
“It has been proven that they carried out criminal actions at public hearings conducted in accordance with the law during which the convicts’ rights were guaranteed,” Supreme Judicial Council spokesman Abdel Sattar Bayraqdar said.
After bitter battles that raged most of 2017, Iraq finally declared victory over ISIS in December, ultimately obliterating the Islamic State’s so-called caliphate.
According to the United Nations, around 6,000 jihadis are currently on death row.
Latest ISIS poster threatens US President Donald Trump — and Seattle.
Meanwhile, the beleaguered terror group has uttered more bombastic threats. This time, ISIS is doubling down on targeting U.S. President Donald Trump.
Oh, and they’re threatening to burn down Seattle, too.
ISIS spinmasters released a poster of a handcuffed Trump with a gun pointed to his head. Seattle burns in the background.
The warning reads: “Soon the calamities will be in your lands until it is filled with charred skulls.”
Iraqi courts sending 300 ISIS fanatics to the gallows | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS BLOOPERS?: Seized footage shows terrorists fighting, tumbling
Postmedia News
More from Postmedia News
April 26, 2018
April 26, 2018 3:37 PM EDT
Footage obtained by US. military reportedly shows ISIS soldiers in training, including some ill-timed leapfrogging. (YouTube/Defense Flash News)
Even ISIS fighters have off days. It’s even better when it’s caught on film.
According to the Daily Mail, videos reportedly seized by U.S. military stationed in Afghanistan in March included four minutes of footage the terrorist group didn’t want anyone to see.
Considered a blooper reel of sorts, the video showed masked ISIS soldiers training by performing poorly timed leap-frogs, bunny hopping and pushups.
In another clip, masked soldiers can be seen pointing and talking to an out of view camera in an attempt to record propaganda. The men had to do several retakes after one of the talking heads flubs his lines while his peers can be seen training and waving ISIS flags the background.
There’s also footage of militants walking up some rocky hills. Unfortunately, one of the jihadis missteps and slips, tumbling down the mountainside with gun in hand.
According to military newspaper Stars and Stripes, the humourous ISIS compilation was released by U.S. Special Operation Forces to undermine the terrorist group’s dark and violent reputation.
The news outlet reported the comical footage was obtained from hours of propaganda materials found during a raid of the Darzab district in Afghanistan’s Jowzjan province. The video looked similar to footage released by ISIS in November 2015.
The outtakes may have been part of the creation of an ISIS recruitment video.
ISIS 'blooper video' show terrorists falling over in propaganda | Daily Mail Online
ISIS BLOOPERS?: Seized footage shows terrorists fighting, tumbling | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Servers used by ISIS propaganda sites seized in Canada, Europe, U.S.
Associated Press
More from Associated Press
April 27, 2018
April 27, 2018 1:41 PM EDT
In this Jan.23 2018 file photo, a French solider watches code lines on his computer at the French Defense ministry stand during the International Cybersecurity forum in Lille, northern France. Michel Spingler / AP
PARIS — Police in Europe, the United States and Canada have seized servers and data from Islamic State propaganda outlets in a multi-country operation aimed at tracking down radicals and crimping the group’s ability to spread its violent message.
The two-day operation was the culmination of efforts started in late 2015, after co-ordinated IS attacks that killed 130 people in Paris, according to a statement from European police agency Europol.
Police notably targeted the IS-branded Aamaq news agency, as well as al-Bayan radio, and Halumu and Nasher news sites.
Aamaq spreads information online in at least nine languages and has been used to claim IS was behind attacks in multiple countries, from the 2016 nightclub attack in Florida to a deadly supermarket hostage-taking in southern France last month.
The operation was led by Belgian prosecutors and also involved authorities in the U.S., Canada, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Bulgaria and Romania.
Canadian officials were saying little Friday.
“Terrorist organizations like Daesh continue to use the internet to recruit new members and radicalize people to their violent ideology,” said Dan Brien, a spokesman for Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, using the Arabic name for the Islamic State group.
“Identifying and removing this material is a priority for law enforcement agencies around the world. As this relates to an ongoing law enforcement operation, it would be inappropriate for me to comment further.”
While Europol said the operation “punched a big hole in the capability of IS to spread propaganda online and radicalize young people in Europe,” it didn’t shut down the propaganda altogether.
For example, Nasher continued to share IS statements and Aamaq reports Friday through channels on encrypted messaging network Telegram.
The Islamic State group has used sophisticated and ever-changing communications tools to spread its apocalyptic message to disillusioned Muslims living in the West, to persuade them to reject Western ideals of pluralism and tolerance. High-quality videos, complete with thrumming beats and slick editing techniques, have unlimited reach thanks to social networks. Extremists with gentle American accents narrate radio broadcasts aimed at U.S. internet users.
European authorities involved in the operation Wednesday and Thursday said it showed the importance of international co-operation in fighting online radicalization, which has helped fuel deadly attacks in multiple countries in Europe and the U.S.
It aimed “to destabilize this apparatus by seizing and dismantling servers used to diffuse IS propaganda and to identify and arrest its administrators,” the Belgian public prosecutor’s office said.
Two prior international police operations, notably targeting Aamaq’s mobile app and web infrastructure, paved the way for this week’s raids. One led by Spain’s Civil Guard that seized servers in Panama allowed authorities to identify radicals in 133 countries via their interaction with IS propaganda, according to Europol and a Civil Guard statement.
The operation came as more than 70 countries vowed to bolster efforts to stop financing for IS and al-Qaida. Participants at an international conference in Paris on Thursday promised to improve international co-ordination and transparency of money flows.
Servers used by ISIS propaganda sites seized in Canada, Europe, U.S. | Toronto Sun


Time Out
May 14, 2018
South City
Surelly as well as knowledge. ISIS will miss they victimivism in both Syria and Iraq then they want to break in Libya or arms in reserve force in the real terrorists of Tunisia with Sharia laws for 2018 and 2017 and up in age.

Why not ISIS in reserves in Tunisia's troops with 150,000 terrorist troops.

I know 150,000 in military of Tunisia's reserves are funny.

I prefer terrorism before the United States if they got Tunisia's military reserve unity.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
ISIS bride facing rope: 'I thought I married a rapper'
Brad Hunter
More from Brad Hunter
May 22, 2018
May 22, 2018 1:49 PM EDT
French ISIS bride Djamila Boutoutao, 29, begs an Iraqi court for her life. So far, 40 jihadi brides have been executed in the country. GETTY IMAGES
These gallows-bound brides are probably wishing they were bridesmaids.
Dozens of foreign women who married ISIS extremists face being sentenced to death daily, and a vengeful Iraq isn’t wasting any time in delivering justice to the terror fangirls.
According to the U.K. Sun, each woman is given just 10 minutes to desperately plead for their lives before judges decide their fate.
But after three years of ISIS-led horror, the judges may be in no mood for mercy.
Goodbye, Mr. Bomb. Convicted Belgian ISIS member Tarik Jadaoun, known by his nom de guerre Abu Hamza al-Beljiki, was sentenced to death. GETTY IMAGES
Widely despised in the war-ravaged country for backing their jihadi hubbies, the ISIS ladies auxiliary are conjuring up a wide array of excuses and alibis before the court.
French citizen Djamila Boutoutao, 29, appeared dumbfounded as to what was going on.
“I thought I had married a rapper,” she told the court. “It was only when we arrived in Turkey for a week-long ‘holiday’ that I discovered my husband was a jihadist.”
She added: “I’m a victim. My husband beat me and locked me up in a cave with my children when I refused to follow him (to Iraq).”
According to The Guardian, there are an estimated 40,000 foreigners — including 1,900 French citizens — who skipped away to live in the now obliterated ISIS caliphate.
This gaggle of Russian ISIS brides have all been sentenced to life in prison. GETTY IMAGES
Boutoutao says she’s not getting a lot of information, help or sympathy.
“I’m going mad here. I’m facing a death sentence or life in prison. No one tells me anything, not the ambassador, not people in prison,” she told the judges.
“Don’t let them take my daughter away. I am willing to offer money if you can contact my parents. Please get me out of here.”
So far, the British newspaper estimates at least 40 women have been sent to the gallows out of a total of 300 ISIS-linked executions.
But all is not lost. Last month in a Baghdad court, 19 Russian women were spared the rope and given life sentences instead for “joining and supporting” the death cult.
Al Jazeera reports that more than 20,000 have been detained and are rotting away in Iraqi jails.
ISIS bride facing rope: ‘I thought I married a rapper’ | Toronto Sun


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
While the US and Israel support Isis, Iran is killing them off and they are the bad guys?

I betcha all the christians killed by Isis must HATE people who think like that .

Israel ‘giving secret aid to Syrian rebels’, report says
Direct funding, food, fuel and medical supplies allegedly provided by Israeli state to keep Isis and Iranian-allied forces in neighbouring civil war at bay

Israel Reportedly Providing Direct Aid, Funding to Syrian Rebels
It's been known that Israeli hospitals have treated wounded Syrian fighters, but Wall Street Journal report uncovers direct support in cash, without which fighters say they 'wouldn't have survived'

We finally know what Hillary Clinton knew all along – US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding Isis
There is a bizarre discontinuity between what the Obama administration knew about the jihadis and what they would say in public

US and Saudi Arabia arms significantly enhanced Isis’ military capabilities, report reveals
Number of US and Saudi supplied weapons in Isis’ hands goes 'far beyond those that would have been available through battle capture alone'

While Israel takes US christian tax dollars illegally because they never signed the NNPT, and have nuclear weapons, so all the aid they get from the US is a Welfare CRIME.

ISIS Kills 29 Christians on Church Bus Trip to Popular Monastery

Iraq's Christians persecuted by ISIS
More than 125,000 of Iraq's Christians have been forced to flee the homeland they have lived in for nearly 2,000 years because of ISIS violence and threats
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Alleged IS supporter accused of urging Prince George attack
Associated Press
More from Associated Press
May 23, 2018
May 23, 2018 8:02 AM EDT
Court artist sketch by Elizabeth Cook of Husnain Rashid in the dock at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London, Wednesday Dec. 6, 2017 where he appeared accused of helping would-be terrorists prepare attacks, including by sharing a photo of Prince George and his school address on social media. (Elizabeth Cook/PA via AP)
LONDON — An alleged supporter of the Islamic State group is on trial in Britain accused of encouraging attacks on 4-year-old Prince George.
Prosecutors say 32-year-old Husnain Rashid provided an “e-toolkit for terrorism” on an online channel he ran under the name the Lone Mujahid.
Prosecutor Annabel Darlow told a jury Wednesday that Rashid encouraged attacks on a range of targets, including “injecting poison into supermarket ice creams and targeting Prince George at his first school.”
Prosecutors say one post included a photo of the prince, his school’s address, a silhouette of a jihadi fighter and the message “even the royal family will not be left alone.”
Rashid denies preparing terrorist acts, encouraging terrorism and disseminating a terrorist publication.
His trial at London’s Woolwich Crown Court is expected to last six weeks.
Alleged IS supporter accused of urging Prince George attack | Toronto Sun