Is Vegetarianism/Veganism The New Religion in N.A.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
A woman I know once said to me that she could not eat heart because it was a muscle. When I pointed out that most meat is muscle, she was incredulous. Some people don't know what they are eating (just go by any Micky Ds or such purveyors of garbage).


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
lol That's funny, CLiff. Someone actually once told me they don't eat meat because it means killing. I suggested that ripping some carrot out of the ground isn't conducive to the health of the carrot either.

Now we are talking some common sense.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
lol That's funny, CLiff. Someone actually once told me they don't eat meat because it means killing. I suggested that ripping some carrot out of the ground isn't conducive to the health of the carrot either.

If vegetarians read The Secret Life of Plants they would be in a culinary quandary.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The bottom line Cliff is we were all bestowed with Common sense, but I guess if we were there'd be nothing to argue about.........LOL


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Some vegetarians do not eat meat due to religious beliefs...

No, pretty much all vegetarians do not eat meat due to religious beliefs. Some "claim" that there is science behind their decision but that is not true. Some claim that they simply "do not like meat" but that is not true either. There is only one reason to remove all meat from ones diet and science has nothing to do with it.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
And as for vegetarianism affecting the brain, meet the following vegetarians:

Mark Twain, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin, and

...Adolph Hitler...

"Do you know that your Führer is a vegetarian, and that he does not eat meat because of his general attitude toward life and his love for the world of animals? Do you know that your Führer is an exemplary friend of animals, and even as a chancellor, he is not separated from the animals he has kept for years?...The Führer is an ardent opponent of any torture of animals, in particular vivisection, and has declared to terminate those conditions...thus fulfilling his role as the savior of animals, from continuous and nameless torments and pain."

—Neugeist/Die Weisse Fahne (German magazine of the New Thought movement)
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
...Adolph Hitler...

"Do you know that your Führer is a vegetarian, and that he does not eat meat because of his general attitude toward life and his love for the world of animals? Do you know that your Führer is an exemplary friend of animals, and even as a chancellor, he is not separated from the animals he has kept for years?...The Führer is an ardent opponent of any torture of animals, in particular vivisection, and has declared to terminate those conditions...thus fulfilling his role as the savior of animals, from continuous and nameless torments and pain."

—Neugeist/Die Weisse Fahne (German magazine of the New Thought movement)

Excellent. So now there are three points I can agree with Hitler on.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
I'm surprised people take this issue so seriously and personally. I eat meat. Always have, always will. My friends vary on the scale from complete vegan to meat eaters like me. Who cares why they eat what they do? Who cares why I eat what I do? It's just not an issue. Well, except for when my one morally superior non-red meat eating friend will want a taste of my osso bucco. Then it's on!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm surprised people take this issue so seriously and personally. I eat meat. Always have, always will. My friends vary on the scale from complete vegan to meat eaters like me. Who cares why they eat what they do? Who cares why I eat what I do? It's just not an issue. Well, except for when my one morally superior non-red meat eating friend will want a taste of my osso bucco. Then it's on!

Absolutely correct Tracy, and even more to the point why is there so much to do about that nefarious barbaric fiend, Adolf Hitler?- he didn''t deserve to eat anything better than rat poison.


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
I must say, to the poster who is bound and determined to prove that people who do not eat what he/she thinks they should are in fact mentally ill- what kind of mental illness makes you so concerned with something so innocuous? Is it OCD maybe??

Why is liking something for a number of reasons the same as religion, which requires faith in certain metaphysical things??

The comparison of voluntary choice of edibles to having faith in mythology is stupid and I assume the reason you are so obsessed to make others swallow (see what I did there?? :)) such a stupid notion is because, as you have provided ample evidence for in this thread alone, is you are a stupid jackass....

How preferences can be conflated and then somehow mocked as being religious is beyond me. I happen to like Spiderman comics, and don't really like Superman comics- is my preference for Spiderman over Superman some kind of mental illness?? They're both comic books about superheroes in costumes, but I prefer one and don't really like the other, for various reasons... am I somehow "buying into dogma" or something?? If you can say the same about my choice of comic books as you can about my diet you truly are a stupid, stupid person- it's like you want people to leave this site or something- I have given up posting here in the past due to caustic A-holes like you and I think such a time might be at hand again with the recent influx of loud-mouth bullying asshats- thanks for the free time you grade A jack-off :)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I've always wondered why some religious folk get angry when their beliefs are questions. I know for myself, I've always believed in the concept of to each his own.

Of course getting angry and name-calling, like an elementary school child, just reinforces the notion that ones religion has a limited base in reality. There is a firm difference between one that chooses not to eat something because they don't like it and somebody that chooses to abstain from something based upon some philosophical idea that is not grounded in common sense let alone science.

For myself, I have no major concerns or cares about vegetarians/vegans. It's just interesting to discuss their religion. I discuss the Catholic religion on other threads.