You can see there is no pattern in all that archived data.
Temperature: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Daily (°C) -36.6 -38.4 -37.4 -28 -10.9 1.9 5.4 3 -8.4 -22.3 -32 -34.5 -19.9
Daily Maximum (°C) -33.1 -35 -34.1 -23.9 -7.6 4.4 8.4 5.4 -5.5 -18.6 -28.6 -31 -16.6
Daily Minimum (°C) -40.3 -42 -40.9 -32.2 -14.5 -0.7 2.4 0.6 -11.4 -26.1 -35.6 -38.1 -23.2
Extreme Maximum (°C) -1.1 -1.1 -12.2 -2.8 6 17.8 19.4 16.7 6.1 1.7 -1.7 -2.1
Date(yyyy/dd) 1958/23 1963/05+ 1988/12 1971/26 1988/17 1957/30 1950/16 1965/03 1966/01 1955/09 1947/11 1978/23
Extreme Minimum (°C) -53.3 -55.3 -52.8 -48.9 -31.1 -13.9 -2.2 -10.5 -31.7 -41.7 -48.2 -51.7
Short season up there for growing tomatoes and cukes! :lol:
Go to the link,the data's there from many years ago,notice any trends?
I did right away,for instance it gets cold in the winter and warm in the summer every year.
No change in total rainfall,winds,etc etc year after year....or is this data supposedly corrupted?
I remember some of those years,looks accurate to me.
You mean CCCCCCCCCCCCold in the winter and Nnnnnnnnnnnnot quite so cold in the summer! :lol:
I have no idea what you are geting at or what all that mass of data that you give no explanation for is supposed to convey7.
Looks fairly straight forward to me! Daily av. temp., daily min. temp., daily max. temp. ext. warm for month, ext. cold for month.............. not rocket science. Precipitation means rain above zero C and snow below zero C