Is Islam a threat to those that do not practice it


House Member
May 25, 2004
The Qur'an and Science

In Islam, there is no conflict between faith in God and modern scientific knowledge. Indeed, for many centuries during the Middle Ages, Muslims led the world in scientific inquiry and exploration. The Qur'an itself, revealed 14 centuries ago, is filled with scientific facts and imagery that are supported by modern findings.



Nominee Member
Jul 14, 2004
Thanks you posting that I also found a website where you can post or submit questions to Islamic scholars. I have found they are very helpful too. Thank-you.


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
I think most people can make the distinction between regular believers and extremists, regardless of which religion they claim to follow. I admittedly know little about Islam, but I do know it's a peaceful religion.

Aren't there some verses of the Qur'an that condone "killing the infidel"?
I read something about this recently. If I remember correctly, "infidel" refers not to "unbelievers" but a specific tribe (or something) that was at war with the Moslems at the time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2004
It seems to me that Islam IS a threat to free thinking people of the world. This is a religeon that places women below goats and put out a hit on Salmond Rushdie for a work of FICTION! When you look at the troubles around the world, Indonesia, Russia, America, The Middle East, Nepal, Sri Lanka, etc etc ad naseum, it is ALWAYS Muslims involved.
I am beginning to think that they sijmply HATE the rest of the world and should be penned into their own countries and not allowed to leave!
Before you all jump on me for hate, ask yourself WHY those supposedly moderate Muslims never speak up against the fundamentalists loud and clear? They never turn them in or help to stop their own hatreds.


House Member
May 25, 2004
I think everyone should jump on you for hate and ignorance. Should I start counting the killings by the Christians. How about the crusades. Wasn't Hitler a Christian.

I think you are not being wise enough for mixing the fundamntalists with the people of Islam. Should I blame every Christian for the doings of Hitler or the orders of the Pope.

I think you should read more about what is happening around you as moslems are fighting the same war against the fundamentalists as you are.


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
I doubt Hitler was a Christian - just because someone says they're a Christian doesn't make them one. Same with these so-called Muslims. They're no more followers of Islam than a member of the KKK is a Christian.

You're right - Masalla's post was rather hate-filled.


House Member
May 25, 2004
What I meant is Hitler was fighting under the sign of the cross. He might've been something else. But I was trying to make a point to Masalla's that we can't go around profiling everyone for the deads of the few.


Time Out
Sep 3, 2004
the left coast
Absolutely. I was actually agreeing with you - a lot of wars are fought in the name of religion, but a little research would show that nobody's God encourages them to go blow other people up.


Nominee Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RE: Is Islam a threat to those that do not practice it

moghrabi said:
True. Even Bush said that God told him to invade Iraq.
Do you have a link for that one I really could use that in another thread I have been working on. As for Hitler he was a Christian, or he claimed to be anyway. However, these recent times have cast an ugly shadow on Islam an for that matter all religions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2004
RE: Is Islam a threat to

I knew some would not like to hear what I said, but I stand by it because I don't see any moderate countries of Islam condemning the events of the fundamentalists. One can only assume that these countries tacitly approve or at the very least, are afraid to speak out. If they are peace loving, they need to put that peace on the line and tell the world they are against what 'some' followers, however misguided, are doing throughout the world. Whether some people like it or not, most of the people I know have a similar opinion. Talking about Hitler doesn't dispel the current facts. (I didn't see the Swastika as a sign of the cross either.) Children were shot down running for freedom today by Muslims in Chechnya. I'm sorry if the people following Islam don't like the opinions of some, but stand up for your religeon then and shout it out. The rest of the world is waiting, and hoping.


House Member
May 25, 2004
I do like your opinion because it is your opinion. But we can't be too broad in accusing all Muslims for the deeds of the few. Arab countries do condemn what is happening. But you are not going to see it on CNN or Fox because the western governments want to paint the picture of hate on all Muslims. As a matter of fact, Egypt was the very first country to condemn the ugly attack.

As for Hitler, yes he was a Christian and he burned millions of children. The Crusaders killed hundreds of thousands of children. Yet this does not give me the tight to justify what happened in Russia. It is an ugly work by misguided people who say they follow Islam. Islam does not allow this kind of crime. No women, children or elderly should be a target during a war.

Now let me take you to the US war on terror in Iraq. Aren't the Americans doing the same thing to Iraqi children with clustered bombs and depleted Uranium? Yes they are in a civilized way so the world will not jump on them as terrorists.


House Member
May 25, 2004
Re: RE: Is Islam a threat to those that do not practice it

Chewy said:
moghrabi said:
True. Even Bush said that God told him to invade Iraq.
Do you have a link for that one I really could use that in another thread I have been working on. As for Hitler he was a Christian, or he claimed to be anyway. However, these recent times have cast an ugly shadow on Islam an for that matter all religions.

Chewey. I'll try to find a link for you when Bush said his father (not Bush SR) told him to invade Iraq. I remember there was a whole lot of discussion about that.


Nominee Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RE: Is Islam a threat to those that do not practice it

moghrabi said:
I do like your opinion because it is your opinion. But we can't be too broad in accusing all Muslims for the deeds of the few. Arab countries do condemn what is happening. But you are not going to see it on CNN or Fox because the western governments want to paint the picture of hate on all Muslims. As a matter of fact, Egypt was the very first country to condemn the ugly attack.
Egypt lost a number of their countrymen. I don't know the exact number.

moghrabi said:
Now let me take you to the US war on terror in Iraq. Aren't the Americans doing the same thing to Iraqi children with clustered bombs and depleted Uranium? Yes they are in a civilized way so the world will not jump on them as terrorists.
Wrong is wrong, no matter what nation, what culture and what faith.

moghrabi said:
Chewey. I'll try to find a link for you when Bush said his father (not Bush SR) told him to invade Iraq. I remember there was a whole lot of discussion about that.
that would be great thank you.


Electoral Member
Jul 12, 2003
Eastern USA
Chewy and moghrabi :
Here is an interesting article regarding that quote

As far as Islam being a threat to people that don't practice it, I say no. People are a threat to people that believe differently. When you combine misinformation and fear, the results can be very dangerous. Islam is a message of peace, as is Christianity, buddhism, or any other doctrine you might follow or study. It is only when certain people distort these doctrines for their own benefit that a threat arises.

That same question could be asked of Christianity. Is Christianity a threat to those who don't practice it? If you could ask the people of Africa after the missionaries came with soldiers to "save and enlighten the heathens", their answer would probably be yes. If you could ask anyone from the middle ages who stood in the path of the Crusades, they would probably say yes. And I'm willing to bet there are quite a few in the Middle East presently that would answer yes to that very question.
Although religions have long been spread through conquest, A religion isn't something to be feared. A country's leaders manipulating their people for their own purposes is. Iraq was one such country. So, sadly, is the USA.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
All good points being made here. I still am of the mind that certain groups of people use religion as a tool to achieve there own ends. Christians, moslems, but they are a miniority. It is also good to read good history of the middle east so you can understand where alot of the resentment and angry comes from. These things did not happen over night.
I also think people confuse the taliban treatment of women as the molsem way, a very extreme over the top example.


House Member
May 25, 2004
Re: RE: Is Islam a threat to those that do not practice it

Chewy said:
moghrabi said:
I do like your opinion because it is your opinion. But we can't be too broad in accusing all Muslims for the deeds of the few. Arab countries do condemn what is happening. But you are not going to see it on CNN or Fox because the western governments want to paint the picture of hate on all Muslims. As a matter of fact, Egypt was the very first country to condemn the ugly attack.
Egypt lost a number of their countrymen. I don't know the exact number.

moghrabi said:
Now let me take you to the US war on terror in Iraq. Aren't the Americans doing the same thing to Iraqi children with clustered bombs and depleted Uranium? Yes they are in a civilized way so the world will not jump on them as terrorists.
Wrong is wrong, no matter what nation, what culture and what faith.

moghrabi said:
Chewey. I'll try to find a link for you when Bush said his father (not Bush SR) told him to invade Iraq. I remember there was a whole lot of discussion about that.
that would be great thank you.


I agree with you 100%. Wrong is wrong is wrong no matter what religion of culture. The point I am making is that the Americans are doing worse than that but in a different way.

Egypt did not lose anyone in Russia. All people killed were of Russian origin.