Iran under Sanction Pressures – Reaction?

Oil Sanction

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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Nope, just threaten too.
And nobody else threatens to? The sabre rattlers get more absurd everyday. Goober and his projecting what might happen, Ironside and his love affair with weapons of mass destruction... What would ever happen if we ran out of people to attack? Maybe the Iranian government is nuts, but it takes one to know one.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Yeah right. Iran also has nuke cable airliners, transport trucks and tugboats too.

Iran has a right to space program, just like they have a right to a peaceful nuclear program.

I'm a proud patriotic Canadian, but I disagree with getting closer to Israel and encouraging more US conquests. I don't support Canada getting involved in a shooting war with Iran. The middle east's problems aren't our business.

If Iran shuts down the Persian gulf, Canada as an energy exporter would benefit. Please explain why Canadians should get their panties in a knot over higher global energy prices...

In time of war Canada is obliged under treaty to supply oil to the USA and that war effort even if Canadians go without. Something like that.

And nobody else threatens to? The sabre rattlers get more absurd everyday. Goober and his projecting what might happen, Ironside and his love affair with weapons of mass destruction... What would ever happen if we ran out of people to attack? Maybe the Iranian government is nuts, but it takes one to know one.

You're not forgetting the domestic supply of people who can be designated attackable with a pen or just push submit if you're using an office PC, which you would probably be using. Pens are soo yesterday. A lot of the real action is right here on this continent. Christians for instance or Latinos or Caughkasians it dosn't really matter as long as there's enough of them to stampede into radicalism like protest and organic gardening or the abortion issue. We would hear very little from the outside world then. We would probably believe that nothing bad happened over there until the chickens started to die from radiation poisoning over here.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
In time of war Canada is obliged under treaty to supply oil to the USA and that war effort even if Canadians go without. Something like that.
I believe the term 'national emergency' is the generic term used as such it could be anything including a natural disaster or even perceived threat, like the Persian Gulf being closed. With all of them on war rations I wonder who the oil will be for, resale like Quebec did with some Hydro that crossed their land?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
And nobody else threatens to? The sabre rattlers get more absurd everyday. Goober and his projecting what might happen, Ironside and his love affair with weapons of mass destruction... What would ever happen if we ran out of people to attack? Maybe the Iranian government is nuts, but it takes one to know one.

What did you say yesterday about attacking the message and not the messenger. Problem computing facts today in the Matrix??


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
What did you say yesterday about attacking the message and not the messenger. Problem computing facts today in the Matrix??
When someone keeps spouting paranoid delusions, do we try to solve the general problem of paranoia or do we address the one spouting paranoid delusions? I think what you continually spout about Iran is a problem that only you can deal with. Smoke some pot and mellow out dude.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
When someone keeps spouting paranoid delusions, do we try to solve the general problem of paranoia or do we address the one spouting paranoid delusions? I think what you continually spout about Iran is a problem that only you can deal with. Smoke some pot and mellow out dude.

Paranoid delusions. Well it appears that many people are nervous as hell about Iran with or with the ability to produce a Nuke.
Add in the regime is full of nutbars that run the Gamut from real religious wackos tp those that think they know where the Hidden Imam is.

And if being nervous about these wackos is now called paranoia. Then I have no problem with that term.

Please explain all benefits with Iran having nukes. Or can you? May cause a chip in that old Matrix to fry or chip.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
And nobody else threatens to? The sabre rattlers get more absurd everyday. Goober and his projecting what might happen, Ironside and his love affair with weapons of mass destruction... What would ever happen if we ran out of people to attack? Maybe the Iranian government is nuts, but it takes one to know one.
Cliffy, You will never understand, just enjoy what you have. :)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Paranoid delusions. Well it appears that many people are nervous as hell about Iran with or with the ability to produce a Nuke.
Add in the regime is full of nutbars that run the Gamut from real religious wackos tp those that think they know where the Hidden Imam is.

And if being nervous about these wackos is now called paranoia. Then I have no problem with that term.

Please explain all benefits with Iran having nukes. Or can you? May cause a chip in that old Matrix to fry or chip.
There are religious nut bars everywhere, in every country, in every government. There a ton of crack pots who think they know what god wants in our own country and in every country that has nukes. You are not paranoid about them. Why the hell get your balls in a know about Iranians? Iran hasn't attacked anybody. The US, Britain, France and many others with nukes have. What really makes you so crazy about Iran?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I believe the term 'national emergency' is the generic term used as such it could be anything including a natural disaster or even perceived threat, like the Persian Gulf being closed. With all of them on war rations I wonder who the oil will be for, resale like Quebec did with some Hydro that crossed their land?

In a war like seems to be starting the Pentagon will consume twice what it does now I would think. When uncle sam gets desperate he will suck Canada Dry for the war effort.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
There are religious nut bars everywhere, in every country, in every government. There a ton of crack pots who think they know what god wants in our own country and in every country that has nukes. You are not paranoid about them. Why the hell get your balls in a know about Iranians? Iran hasn't attacked anybody. The US, Britain, France and many others with nukes have. What really makes you so crazy about Iran?

The US was the only country to use Nukes in War Time - Please tell me where the UK, France and many other have used Nukes in War. That statement sounds like one my good friend and buddy EAO, or was that a typo?

We have a different way of seeing things. Would make a Nuke War in the region a higher probability


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
The American marines' pissing on the dead, places our military in the region at risk and nullifies much valid criticism of the crazies in the Middle East.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The American marines' pissing on the dead, places our military in the region at risk and nullifies much valid criticism of the crazies in the Middle East.

The Taliban made a statement today, that it was no big deal basically - As both sides are talking - About time.

Lastly - Any foreign troops - Translation - US -UK - NATO - are all at risk even in areas where the US has ships stationed.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The US was the only country to use Nukes in War Time - Please tell me where the UK, France and many other have used Nukes in War. That statement sounds like one my good friend and buddy EAO, or was that a typo?

We have a different way of seeing things. Would make a Nuke War in the region a higher probability
I guess I wasn't clear enough. NATO countries with nukes, have attacked other countries (but did not use nukes). Iran has not attacked anybody, with or without nukes. Why do you Really have a hard on for Iran?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
As both sides are talking - About time.
The Taliban had a whirlwind tour of Texas not long before 9/11, the Taliban turned down whatever they were offered.

In a war like seems to be starting the Pentagon will consume twice what it does now I would think. When uncle sam gets desperate he will suck Canada Dry for the war effort.
Being in the heart of OPEC do they really have to run home when they need their fuel tanks filled?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I guess I wasn't clear enough. NATO countries with nukes, have attacked other countries (but did not use nukes). Iran has not attacked anybody, with or without nukes. Why do you Really have a hard on for Iran?

I have stated time and again why I am against Iran with a Nuke Wpns capacity. Go back and catch up.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I have stated time and again why I am against Iran with a Nuke Wpns capacity. Go back and catch up.
The reasons you have presented make no sense when put up against the fact the people who have nukes, attack other countries, and Iran, who don't and may not ever have nukes because so far all that has been presented is speculation and innuendo, has not attacked anybody. It is illogical and irrational to get your balls in a knot over them. So I'm questioning your Real motive. Something does not add up.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The reasons you have presented make no sense when put up against the fact the people who have nukes, attack other countries, and Iran, who don't and may not ever have nukes because so far all that has been presented is speculation and innuendo, has not attacked anybody. It is illogical to get your balls in a knot over them. So I'm questioning your Real motive. Something does not add up.

What does not add up is your inability to see the region and what and how other countries will react to a Nuke capable Iran.