Many here have suggested legalizing prostitution because these women are poor and so have no other option.
Hasn't anyone considered our collective responsibility in this then? How can we as a society allow women (or men, sinse some posters here brought up male prostitution) to fall to such a desperate situation in the first place? If the issue is poverty, then we have a collective responsibility to help. And if it's greed (i.e., the prostitute isn't poor but simply wants more money) then it ought not be tolerated, considering the social concequences involved. It's not just AIDS (you can solve that with a condom), but rather the wide range exploitation of women, a rising divorce rate, the pormotion of women as sex objects in the general psyche, and even, believe it or not, the harassement of men who don't want to participate in extreme cases such as in China, where prostitution is absolutely everywhere, salons, hotels, bath houses, KTV's, it never seases to amaze where I'll be offered it next.
In most cities here where I go for the first time, I'll run into it unintentionally sinse they use different fronts in different places. It's not like you only find it in red-lighted houses here, where it's obvious. There are many places where a foreigner wouldn't even guess that they'd have it by just looking at the building from the outside. And needless to say it's offensive when we walk in and then find out it's there! In the end, it's equal to harassement. Strange that we're now bringing up sexual harassement on the part of females towards males, sinse the topic is usually in reverse, but in the end, men have equal right to not have to face such harassement as the women.
So in the end, legalizing prostitution would in fact end letteing many people off the hook for their responsibilities:
1. Poor women wouln'd be expected to seek help anymore.
2. Society as a whole would no longer need to concern itself with the poor and poverty (after all, that's what prostitution is for, right?).
3. The prostitutes from showing general respect and courtecy for the people in the cities in which they live by invading every place where one might find a bed or private room (Hotels, bath houses, etc.; I'd even walked into a KTV with some friends and co-workers, just for us to run out in shock less than a minute later when we realised that it was just a more subtle brothel using a decent KTV as a front (and both the women and men in our group were equally offended by it), which is absolutely offensive and insulting to our dignity as human beings. I've even seen obvious brothels next foor to or across the street from primary and middle schools and even kindergartens, with University districts crawling with them!
These are collective responsibilities we must consider before we just abandon them and legalize prostitution. Once it becomes 'acceptable', people will start washing their hands of the problem, at which stage it would just become epicemic.