How we treat prostitutes


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
CBC News
EDMONTON - An autopsy will take place Monday on a woman's body found over the weekend in a wooded area near Edmonton.

A contract oilfield worker doing routine site checks found the body Saturday near an oil well north of Camrose, about 50 kilometres southeast of Edmonton.

INDEPTH: Edmonton's murdered women

Forensic investigators and members of Calgary's major crimes unit are on the scene.

They have been joined by members of Project KARE, a special RCMP unit investigating the cases of 84 women who have gone missing or been found murdered over the past 20 years across Western Canada.

RCMP are not expected to release the woman's name, age or cause of death until Tuesday, but say it appears she died recently.

Police won't link her death to the murder of former Edmonton prostitute Debbie Darlene Lake, whose body was found in the same area two years ago.

However, some area residents say they're afraid their background has become a dumping ground for young women's bodies.

"What is going on around here? Where are they coming from?" asked Grace Dahl. "Someone must know the area, that is all I can say."


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: How we treat prostitu

Between that and the pig farm ordeal here, those are reason enough to legalize and regulate it and try to control it. Let them have a safe legal place to conduct their business. Hopefully that would solve part or most of the pimp problem. These girls are somebodies children and if they don't want to leave the business, society owes them to have a safe place to conduct it in (plus hopefully most will get off the local street corner.) Just like the legal "shooting galleries" they have downtown.(Vancouver) Something similar to that place. Safe and clean with a nurse.

Have more programs and resources for the women (and some men too I guess) to get off the street, get cleaned up, clean place to live and teach them work and life skills.

After all, Prostitutes are people too and most of them probably don't want to do it. But are trapped by drugs and pimps. It is a hard lifestyle to get out of, especially when or if you become an addict. Throwing them in jail does not help the problem. Throwing pimps and johns in jail would be better.

Col Man

Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2005
Leeds England
the male prostitute thing is big in england
i seriously considered becoming a ¨man whore¨..
i was offered a job with a top escort agency, and they would pay me 200-300 pounds um thats about 400-600 canadian dollars an hour... :)
and all this to take rich women out fot a meal and then give them one afterwards.... :D
they said i could earn up to 5k a free ;)
seemed like a good deal to me..
however at the time i was a busy with other thing and i wasnt desperate for the cash so i let it pass...

as for female prostitution i have two things to say :

the first is that i had a girlfriend who was a prostitute and it was fine by me..
i had great sex believe me and i didnt have to pay and she was rich....

secondly i also used to be good friends with a madame of a brothel...
she had a thing for me as she was in her late 30s and i was young and in my early 20s at the time but we never got it together as i was just too young and naive to realise her advances..i regret it now im older and realise how it actually was..dudes i could have had some mindblowing times with this woman....
she was a wonderful woman and used to tell me all the stories about what went on there...

from what i gathered they both did it for the money as opposed to the drugs or alcohol..
my ex gf could earn the same as i was offered and the madame earned even more as she got a cut off of all the girls who workd for her...
my girlfriend worked a normal day job too..
and as far as i know the madame is retired now and sitting on a fortune..

my experience is that prostitutes do a great service to this world..
i say maximum respect to them....


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
RE: How we treat prostitu

Col, maybe in England it's different. Or maybe you gf was with an agency?

Here in BC, the prositutes have to have a pimp. A girl working a corner is "bumped" with no pimp. or taken. With a pimp if she wants to leave she has to pay a 'fee" with is usually set to impossible.


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
Re: RE: How we treat prostitu

Twila said:
Col, maybe in England it's different. Or maybe you gf was with an agency?

Here in BC, the prositutes have to have a pimp. A girl working a corner is "bumped" with no pimp. or taken. With a pimp if she wants to leave she has to pay a 'fee" with is usually set to impossible.

I was in a really seedy bar once, and heard these hookers talking about raising their prices, and stuff....kinda like a union meeting or something.
I think that women are in control of their own sexuality and they should be able to exploit it as they see fit.

In places with legalized prostitution the STI rate among prostitutes is quite low, because every week or two they have to get a medical exam to get their license renewed.

Keeping prostitution illegal and under the table is just another way to keep women down.


House Member
Dec 1, 2004
Saint John N.B.
I really like the idea of our prostitutes forming their own union. Just to see them participating in our Labour Day Parade would bring a tear of joy to this old eye!


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
Legalized prostitution? Sure it can work. I've seen it in Holland and in Nevada, but where do we as a society draw the line?

If you wouldn't want your own mother, sister or daughter doing it, why would you want someone else's to?

There is no added value to our society by having legal prositution, however I do believe we shouldn't be throwing the girls themselves in jail as they mostly are victims of society and circumstance, we should focus our attention at the Pimps and clients.

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
There is no added value to our society by having legal prositution

Yes there is, the value would be the health and safety of the workers/clients(and their families in some sad cases), which would be less sketchy than it is now.

Either way prostitution will be here whether we like it or not. It's not the oldest profession for a reason. As long as it's here and there are people desparate enough to survive on it, we as may as well give them some protection vs. disease & exploitation.


Electoral Member
Dec 6, 2004
Whitby, Ontario
Jo Canadian said:
Either way prostitution will be here whether we like it or not. It's not the oldest profession for a reason.

Just because a lot of people take up protitution or use protitutes doesn't mean we should make it legal. It that should we define our laws? Things are only illegal if people don't do it, but if it become prevalent we make it legal?

Would you want any important woman (mom, sister, daughter, wife) in your life to take up protitution?


Electoral Member
RE: How we treat prostitu

In Nevada where prostitution is legal they have the lowest incidence of sexually transmitted diseases of all the 50 United States. I have also been to Holland where the practice of safe sex is mandatory. It should be a personal choice!

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now
Would you want any important woman (mom, sister, daughter, wife) in your life to take up protitution?

The answer to that is no. But take in consideration those that have to go to that extreme. If my sister/mother/daughter was in on it I'd be worrying less about their predicament if I knew there were safety measures to protect them.

Just because you don't know anyone in that situation doesn't mean it's their problem and you shouldn't have to worry for their health and safety. I'm sure your current attitude would have second thoughts if it was your relative working in a (currently) unsafe and unpredictable environment.
the argument that we dont want our mothers, daugters, wives going into prostitution keeps comming up. But guess what. When it comes down to it, it's their body, their choice. What about other professions? should wommen be barred from seeking political office because they'd be to emotional? barred from preventing surgery because it's gross and they're dainty? barred from being a police officer because it's dangerous? Wake up! We're not in the dark ages anymore!


Electoral Member
Dec 5, 2004
Was Victoria, now Ottawa
Often it's not there choice. Sometimes it's a pimp that makes that choice for them. Or it's there last and only choice. It's a shame we live in a world where people (mostly women) do this. I like the idea of charging johns for the crime.

Gordon J Torture

Electoral Member
May 17, 2005
I was going to reply, but I now do not feel safe to reply to this thread in any way, shape or form without the risk of being banned.

Apparently it is better to completely ignore certain issues than to express your ideas.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Gordon J Torture said:
I was going to reply, but I now do not feel safe to reply to this thread in any way, shape or form without the risk of being banned.

Apparently it is better to completely ignore certain issues than to express your ideas.


Please pay attention: If you can express you ideas in a respectable manner, and not attack other forum members with inflammatory remarks and name-calling, then your posts would not be deleted.

I for one am interested in what you have to say regarding the treatment of prostitutes. However, if you feel you can't do that in a civil manner, then maybe it's best that you don't post.

Gordon J Torture

Electoral Member
May 17, 2005
Vanni, I am very capable of doing it in a civil manner however, lately, anything I say results in a gang of attackers teaming up to tell me to move out of Canada because my views are worthless and such things.

Actually, were you not the one who said that?

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Gordon J Torture said:
Vanni, I am very capable of doing it in a civil manner however, lately, anything I say results in a gang of attackers teaming up to tell me to move out of Canada because my views are worthless and such things.

Actually, were you not the one who said that?

Nope...not me, look again Gord...

You have to realize that your views are me, the extreme right have the same complaints that you are having, and they have all gone through the same growing pains that you are with respect to civillized posting.

To make it perfectly clear. Attacking ones politics is perfectly acceptable in a particularly heated debate. Personally attacking a forum member is not.