How the GW myth is perpetuated


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The fact that a ship carrying environmentalists (including, inevitably, a couple of Guardian journalists) on a "Climate Change Tour" to Antarctica, organised by a "Professor of Climate Change" at the University of New South Wales, has had to be rescued after being stuck for days in thick ice is surely one of the most delicious ironies of all time.

I don't know why they had to be rescued, though. We should have just let global warming free them.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Summer in the Antarctic is when the global warming effect is at it's height

I must have missed something in physics class. I was under the impression that things got warmer in summer and warmth melts ice. Is this not so? Or is global warming sort of like new math where everything is backassward?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I must have missed something in physics class. I was under the impression that things got warmer in summer and warmth melts ice. Is this not so? Or is global warming sort of like new math where everything is backassward?

You're using the 'old math'... I too was confused about it, but the UN passed some new laws in physics that explains everything really well and how a tax will reverse the effects of global warming.

Why, 'o why didn't we pay that tax 10 years ago - that boat wouldn't never have gotten stuck in the ice had we paid heed!


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
You're using the 'old math'... I too was confused about it, but the UN passed some new laws in physics that explains everything really well and how a tax will reverse the effects of global warming.

Why, 'o why didn't we pay that tax 10 years ago - that boat wouldn't never have gotten stuck in the ice had we paid heed!

It's more physics than mathematics. Carbon dioxide absorbs electromagnetic energy in the infrared spectrum (what is often referred to as "heat" in layman's terms). Most of that infrared heat is reflected from the planet's surface because the Earth acts as a partial blackbodyt to incoming solar radiation (that is abosrbing incoming shortwave radaition and emitting as longwave radiation). The CO2 molecule becomes temprorarily energized, eventually settling back to its ground state and releaseing a phonton in the infrared spectrum. Avbout 50% of the time, this will be reflected back towards the Earth.

If there is more CO2 in the atmosphere, there is more infrared photons that will be reflected back to earth. Actually then we do get into some math--Shwarzchild equations for radiation transfer. But solving them is fairly rudimentary, showing that doubling the CO2 concentration will increase the global average temperature by about 1 deg C, ignoring ecosystem feedback effects.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Another year of record setting cold... even the laughable and desperate attempts of the AGW Fraud to change the narrative to 'climate change' and blame all this on carbon seems to be increasingly threadbare.

It won't stop them.. because this is a cult.. irrational and credulous to a psuedo scientific priesthood who see no obligation to prove their case. They can only cast dire, fear drenched predictions from their pulpits.. and cast out of the Temple (Universities) all who dare to question their dogma.

It has all become closely alligned with the Global trading and financial cartels through carbon credits.. as a way to impose shortages and form desperate labour forces.. integral to their profit equations.

IT'S a SICK, SICK, SICK construct.. led by some very malicious elements.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I always find it amusing as soon as enough people realize most of the predictions
are nonsense a new study appears with the consensus of scientists. Within hours
the green lobby and the scientists are out promoting the latest threats. Science
lobbies for more money for more surveys and the greenies are out promoting the
sky is falling so they can arrange new ad campaigns to tell us there is a problem.
The real problem is an ongoing one that has gone on for millions of years.
The climates constantly change and will continue to change long after we are gone
For me its not so much denying the claims made as much as it is I am fed up with the


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You mean the arctic (polar) lows that we have every winter?

How many would be dead over the past week without fossil fuels?

Polar (Arctic) low

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A polar low is a small sized and short-lived atmospheric low pressure system that is found over the ocean areas pole ward of the main polar front in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The systems usually have a horizontal length scale of less than 1,000 km and live for less than a couple of days. They are part of the larger class of mesoscale weather systems. Polar lows can be difficult to detect using standard weather reports and are a problem to high-latitude operations, such as shipping and gas and oil platforms.

Polar lows have been also known as by using many other terms, such as comma cloud, mesocyclone, polar mesoscale vortex, Arctic hurricane, Arctic low, and cold air depression. Today the term is usually set aside for the more-energetic systems that have near-surface winds of at least gale force (17 m/s).

Change the name and you can induce great fear.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The current arctic spell in North America is now the coldest since the 1880s in many cities (like NYC).

Oh.. right the new narrative.. is 'Climate Change'.. so this fits right in, just ignore those previous predictions.. now ANYTHING proves AGW. :roll:


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
The current arctic spell in North America is now the coldest since the 1880s in many cities (like NYC).

Oh.. right the new narrative.. is 'Climate Change'.. so this fits right in, just ignore those previous predictions.. now ANYTHING proves AGW. :roll:

Toasty warm here in BC. Sucks for skiing. No snow on the mountains.

Weather isn't climate. Just because there's snow outside today doesn't mena claimte change is a pile of crap.