How the GW myth is perpetuated


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Venus has a very weak magnetosphere. And yet it's night-time temperature is similar to it's sday time temperature. Your theory about magnetism holding heat in fails there. Not to mention you have no physical basis for your model. You may be able to fool the non-scientists here with your chicanery, but you won't fool me.

We are getting magnetopause magnetosphere and magnetic field mixed up in this discussion. They are three different things.
A magnetopause is the torrid above and out form the equtorial region of a body, a magnetosphere is the bubble sheath surrounding the body and the magnetic field is of the solid body itself as far as I've been able to fathom. they are all magnetic fields of differing form.

Venus it is said has a very weak magnetic field but a very pronounced magnetopause complete with an ion tail that does brush earth during close conjunction.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
HEre's an artilce on Main Sequence Star modelling. I'm going to read it myself later!

Main Sequence Stars

Well I've gone over it very quickly (two beers) and I must confess to being impressed but negatively so. The IEEE does not agree.
I cannot read another word and must wash my brain with more beer.
I hope we can remain civil.

" Main sequence stars are characterised by the source of their energy. They are all undergoing fusion of hydrogen into helium within their cores. The rate at which they do this and the amount of fuel available depends upon the mass of the star. Mass is the key factor in determining the lifespan of a main sequence star, its size and its luminosity. Stars on the main sequence also appear to be unchanging for long periods of time. Any model of such stars must be able to account for their stability."

They emphasize that every feature of the Sun as we now observe it, defies both the gravitational assumptions and the standard gas laws relating to pressure, density, temperature and relative motions of gases. The deepest observable surface of the Sun yields a temperature of about 6,000 degrees Kelvin. As we peer into the darker interior of sunspots we see coolerregions, not hotter. But moving outward to the bottom of the corona, the temperature jumps spectacularly to almost 2 million degrees. Thus, the superheated shell of the Sun’s corona reverses the expected temperature gradient predicted by models of internal heating.
It seems that the Sun does not even “respect” gravity. The mass of charged particles expelled by the Sun as the solar wind continues to accelerate beyond Mercury, Venus, and Earth. Solar prominences and coronal mass ejections do not obey gravity either. Nor does sunspot migration. Nor does the movement of the atmosphere, since the upper layers rotate faster than the lower, reversing the situation predicted by theory, while the equatorial atmosphere completes its rotation more rapidly than the atmosphere at higher latitudes, another reversal of predicted motions.If the Sun’s atmosphere were subject only to gravity and the hot surface, it should be only a few thousand kilometers thick instead of the hundred thousand kilometers or more that we measure. Even the shape of the Sun defies the expectations of theory. The revolving Sun should be an oblate sphere. But it is a virtually perfect sphere, as if gravity and inertia have been overruled by something else.
For the electrical theorists, the “something else” should be obvious from the dominant observed features of the Sun (in contrast to things assumed but never seen). The anomalies facing the standard model of the Sun are predictable features of a glow discharge, as we shall demonstrate in coming Pictures of the Day.
See also: Mar 09, 2005 Arc Lamp in the Sky
Jan 27, 2005 Making Sense of Emptiness
Oct 15, 2004 Solar Tornadoes
Apr 27, 2005 The Electric Glow of the Sun
Oct 06, 2004 The Iron Sun
Jan 07, 2005 The Wayward Sun

Projecting Nuclear Fusion onto the Sun


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I don't know about you Beav but I made no claim of the magnetosphere retaining planetary heat. Did you?
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Hannes Alfyen magnetohydrodynamics 1970 Nobel prize in physics, much of todays nuclear sun model is based on that work. Which he substantially refuted even as he accepted the prize, they would have none of it and proceeded with the award anyway..

Perhaps we should include the climatic change observable at this time on the other planets in the solar system and marvel at the power of CO2.

We should also gape in wonder at the gravitational change in the Nobel Prize since that time, it no longer seems to be the constant it was, what with mass less entidties like Obama and Gore able to attract such great chunks. We in this column should expect ours in the mail any day now.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
We should also gape in wonder at the gravitational change in the Nobel Prize since that time, it no longer seems to be the constant it was, what with mass less entidties like Obama and Gore able to attract such great chunks. We in this column should expect ours in the mail any day now.

The fact that you would conflate the Nobel Peace Prize to the Nobel Prize in Physics is not a glowing indication of your understanding dim rodent. The Peace Prize is a joke. The Nobel Prize in scientific disciplines means something. No Nobel Laureate claiming the prize in Physics has won the prize for playing a game of Risk.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The fact that you would conflate the Nobel Peace Prize to the Nobel Prize in Physics is not a glowing indication of your understanding dim rodent. The Peace Prize is a joke. The Nobel Prize in scientific disciplines means something. No Nobel Laureate claiming the prize in Physics has won the prize for playing a game of Risk.

You are stupid, peace is sciences greatest challenge, there is little disipline in the art of science. Nobel Prize is a brand , I't means nothing now.
beer is good, .god is good, they're related, Ihope to pblish in the spring.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
You are stupid, peace is sciences greatest challenge, there is little disipline in the art of science. Nobel Prize is a brand , I't means nothing now.

You should probably lay off the brownies dim rodent. Or modify the potency, it's clearly affecting you. As you said to someone else today, you need an editor.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I'm just wondering what you think keeps the heat in on the side of the planet not facing the sun, if it isn't the atmosphere.

Land and sea temperature of course.

You should probably lay off the brownies dim rodent. Or modify the potency, it's clearly affecting you. As you said to someone else today, you need an editor.

I sense that you may not have understood the material, it makes perfect sense, you didn't get it. How does my substance abuse affect your comprehension?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Go have a beer you angry little bitch.

:lol: Did your period start? I'm not angry at all. You seem a little unbalanced though. Try some of beavers brownies and mellow out. Or try your own prescribed beer, though maybe you're an angry drunk.

How's that math coming?

I sense that you may not have understood the material, it makes perfect sense, you didn't get it.

Well, don't mistake misunderstanding for disagreement. I disagree about the peace problem; to me peace is a political problem. Unless you think science should be ruling nations, I don't think that's reasonable. There's a huge difference between policy and scientific findings. But if you care to elaborate, exactly when do you think the other prizes- Physics, Chemistry, Physiology- became meaningless, and if possible could you give examples?

How does my substance abuse affect your comprehension?

When you post from an alternate reality I have no frame of reference. Though I do enjoy reading your posts. I would engage you if I didn't. :D