The only one that's been tested to my knowledge...
I'm sorry to hear about your limited knowledge.
The only one that's been tested to my knowledge...
I'm sorry to hear about your limited knowledge.
Venus has a very weak magnetosphere. And yet it's night-time temperature is similar to it's sday time temperature. Your theory about magnetism holding heat in fails there. Not to mention you have no physical basis for your model. You may be able to fool the non-scientists here with your chicanery, but you won't fool me.
As opposed to your unlimited knowledge? :lol:
HEre's an artilce on Main Sequence Star modelling. I'm going to read it myself later!
Main Sequence Stars
I don't know about you Beav but I mad no claim of the magnetosphere retain planetary heat. Did you?
We should also gape in wonder at the gravitational change in the Nobel Prize since that time, it no longer seems to be the constant it was, what with mass less entidties like Obama and Gore able to attract such great chunks. We in this column should expect ours in the mail any day now.![]()
The fact that you would conflate the Nobel Peace Prize to the Nobel Prize in Physics is not a glowing indication of your understanding dim rodent. The Peace Prize is a joke. The Nobel Prize in scientific disciplines means something. No Nobel Laureate claiming the prize in Physics has won the prize for playing a game of Risk.
Rocks keep their story straight.
I would think a man named Petros would know!![]()
You are stupid, peace is sciences greatest challenge, there is little disipline in the art of science. Nobel Prize is a brand , I't means nothing now.
I'm just wondering what you think keeps the heat in on the side of the planet not facing the sun, if it isn't the atmosphere.
You should probably lay off the brownies dim rodent. Or modify the potency, it's clearly affecting you. As you said to someone else today, you need an editor.
Go have a beer you angry little bitch.
I sense that you may not have understood the material, it makes perfect sense, you didn't get it.
How does my substance abuse affect your comprehension?