Climate does NOT naturally change in this short of a time span. That's MY point.
Climate change should take hundreds if not thousands of years.
The climate in my area has changed in less than 50, less than 25.
THAT isn't norm
Climate does NOT naturally change in this short of a time span. That's MY point.
Climate change should take hundreds if not thousands of years.
The climate in my area has changed in less than 50, less than 25.
THAT isn't normal.
Well, I don't know who determines what is normal or not. 50 years and/or 25 years - are small samples of what has transpired over the last million years. Sometime is changes slowly, other times more quickly but even scientists have concluded that they actually don't know how much IF ANY human inhabitation has affected the changes. The weather where I live hasn't changed all that much over time: Winter 2020 we hardly had any snow and this past winter we had a lot. That was in 1 year!! Last summer, we experienced (as did B.C.) some really hot days - that isn't the first time. It got hot like that when I lived in Vancouver in the early '70's - I would soak up the sun on the beach at English Bay with my friends. It was incredibly hot at that time as well. I actually experienced heat stroke which is something I've never had before. So I'm sorry, I simply do not believe we are being told the truth - period. So you & I agree to disagree and I'm ok with that.