How the GW myth is perpetuated


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
This last week was a typical one for the Big Climate enforcers. Denialfinder-General Raúl Grijalva, having clamped the electrodes to seven climate dissidents, then announced that maybe the ones on the genitals were going a bit far. I'm proud to say that two of the Grand Climate Inquisitor's targets - Willie Soon and Richard Lindzen - appear alongside my own humble contribution in the new book Climate Change: The Facts, personally autographed copies of which are now available to order via the SteynOnline bookstore. "Personally autographed" by me, I hasten to add. Professors Lindzen and Soon are strapped to the rack in Inquisitor Grijalva's dungeon and can't reach the pen.

As for Michael E Mann, he had a busy week that included a new paper and a new fawning profile and a new fraudulent claim against those scientists who disagree with him (starts about two minutes before the end of the radio interview). Of the new paper, Judith Curry has a question for Dr Mann:
How can the pause be both 'false' and caused by something?
(By the way, do support the campaign to make Judith Curry the new IPCC chairman.)

As for the fawning profile, it promises to be "the most intimate interview with Professor Michael Mann ever published", so maybe he'll tell us whether the man who gave him his fraudulent Nobel Prize, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, ever tried out his renowned breast-hovering technique on Mann.

And there's a new movie about climater deniers called Merchants Of Doubt. "Doubt"? Will they succeed in making "doubt" a pejorative the way they have "skeptic"? Judging from the Astroturfed spam raves, yes! So, as a contrast to Merchants Of Doubt, I thought we'd lighten up for our Saturday movie date and enjoy the hilarious 2004 laugh-riot climate comedy I mentioned last week The Day After Tomorrow:


The Day After Tomorrow :: SteynOnline


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

How can the pause be both 'false' and caused by something?
see above
According to Norman Loeb, an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Langley Research
Center in Hampton, Virginia, and the principal investigator of a space-borne
sensor called the Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System, or CERES, the answer
is almost certainly no.

"Heating is still going on," he said. "It's just not in terms of the surface air temperature."
The entire schtick is based on surface temperatures. See above.

"You can't just look at short periods of time," Loeb said. "You have to look at the record over a long period of time to see the pattern. There will be natural fluctuations at shorter time scales, but we really shouldn't conclude that that's a change and global warming is going away."
And yet the focus remains on the past 45 years. See above.
But even given the scientific evidence that points toward definite warming, and data that shows that the last three decades have been the hottest on record,each one a little bit warmer than the last.
Which record? The one this guy says:
"You can't just look at short periods of time," Loeb said. "You have to look at
the record over a long period of time to see the pattern.
See above.
Scientists are studying ocean temperatures with instruments known as “Argo
floats.” These instruments drift freely throughout the world’s oceans, collecting temperature and salinity measurements to a depth of around 6000 feet. The floats rise to the surface and transmit their data to a satellite every 10 days. Currently, more than 3,600 Argo floats distributed in the planet's oceans show that the oceans are taking up heat over time, according to Loeb.
6000ft is almost a mile and a quarter from the surface. See above.

Global warming heard of taxation and hid.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Pollution Pimp Pharrell Williams Wants To Fight Climate Change

Jerome Hudson ‏@JeromeEHudson
Pharrell Williams urges climate change awareness. From a private jet. Where he sits, alone:



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
COP21 Paris climate conference already in trouble as countries miss submission deadline

Reuters reports that the upcoming COP21 Paris climate conference, widely hyped by greens and politicians to be the conference which will achieve the great international climate breakthrough, is already in trouble – that the USA is one of the few countries which could be bothered to submit their climate action plan homework by the agreed deadline.
According to Reuters;
“… emitters such as China, India, Russia, Brazil, Canada and Australia say they are waiting until closer to a Paris summit in December, meant to agree a global deal.

“It’s not the ideal situation,” said Niklas Hoehne, founding partner of the New Climate Institute in Germany which tracks submissions, known as Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).

In 2013, the United Nations invited INDCs by March 31, 2015, from governments “ready to do so” – the early, informal deadline was meant to give time to compare pledges and toughen weak ones.

Late submissions complicate the Paris summit because it will be far harder to judge late INDCs.

“The earlier the better,” said Jake Schmidt, of the U.S. National Resources Defense Council. “It allows people to look at each others’ targets and judge whether or not they pass muster.”

The White House official noted that both the United States and China already outlined plans last year, saying: “That adds up to a fantastic running start.”

U.S. to submit plans to fight global warming; most others delay | Reuters
The lack of enthusiasm by major CO2 emitters strongly suggests that the Paris meeting will simply be a dreary repeat of the pointless Lima circus – but then, we already knew that, didn’t we?

COP21 Paris climate conference already in trouble as countries miss submission deadline | Watts Up With That?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
COP21 Paris climate conference already in trouble as countries miss submission deadline

an 'informal' deadline... how did your denier blog reference miss that, hey Locutus. As it stands, countries that have submitted to the "informal" deadline account for a 3rd of all emissions... including the U.S. and the 28 countries of the EU. Of course, as was highlighted at the time of the Nov-2014 U.S.-China agreement, it was anticipated the U.S. submission would parallel specifics within that agreement... as was... as is... the expectation for China.

thanks for highlighting that Harper Conservatives didn't make the "informal" deadline.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
25 Years Of Predicting The Global Warming ‘Tipping Point’

For decades now, those concerned about global warming have been predicting the so-called “tipping point” — the point beyond which it’ll be too late to stave off catastrophic global warming.

It seems like every year the “tipping point” is close to being reached, and that the world must get rid of fossil fuels to save the planet. That is, until we’ve passed that deadline and the next such “tipping point” is predicted.

Would you believe it was eight years ago today that the United Nations predicted we only had “as little as eight years left to avoid a dangerous global average rise of 2C or more.” This failed prediction, however, has not stopped the U.N. from issuing more apocalyptic predictions since.

more scary stories

25 Years Of Predicting The Global Warming 'Tipping Point' | The Daily Caller


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The Sound Of Settled Science

By Kate on May 29, 2015 6:04 AM | 1 Comment

From the Journal of Preemptive ***-Covering;
Scientists at the University of Southampton predict that a cooling of the Atlantic Ocean could cool global temperatures a half a degree Celsius and may offer a "brief respite from the persistent rise of global temperatures," according to their study.

This cooling phase in the Atlantic will influence "temperature, rainfall, drought and even the frequency of hurricanes in many regions of the world," says Dr. Gerard McCarthy. The study's authors based their results on ocean sensor arrays and 100 years of sea-level data.

Steve Goddard ‏@SteveSGoddard

Climate alarmists change their story every couple of weeks. No remorse. No SCIENCE. Just keep the scam money flowing.