Good thing it's climate and not weather.
San Francisco experiences driest January on record
You're too slow to catch on. Don't worry the world still needs ditch you're labeling this climate? Walter, in the other thread you just labeled the Melbourne city update from member Locutus as weather... wassup? And here I thought you could distinguish one from the other. Go figure, hey!
You're too slow to catch on. Don't worry the world still needs ditch diggers.
Walter, your regular confirmation bias is no surprise... why not, instead, surprise with your alternate prioritized important list.
Something pollsters have known for decades. As have rust and dirt pimps. The low hanging fruit like waldo suck that drivel up.
Your fixation/obsession is funny.
It's sad really. I can only imagine what he must be like in real life, when faced with rejection? Or skepticism.he cannot resist. constitutionally incapable of setting himself apart, from walking away. too feeble and weak is the brain, the psyche, the will. :lol: