How the GW myth is perpetuated


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
go with your strengths member DuhSleeper! Go with your strengths! :mrgreen:


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
would be nice if you followed your own advice. Then, as we have all come to know, we wouldn't hear from you again.

what's wrong... you don't like a counter voice/opinion rustling your clubhouse? Clearly you guys can't handle anything that doesn't strictly line up with your overt denial! Pussies!


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
what's wrong... you don't like a counter voice/opinion rustling your clubhouse? Clearly you guys can't handle anything that doesn't strictly line up with your overt denial! Pussies!

Intelligence in the counter voice would be nice. Unfortunately, we are stuck with a talking head only. Regurgitating populous clap trap that has been spoon fed to him. No thinking needed, just re-spout what his gw alarmists have brainwashed him with.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
bullshyte. I'm replying with legitimate references, legitimate citation. If that's your idea of "populous crap"... revel in your denial... cause that's all ya got. You stepped out a short while back and failed big time - like I tell member lil' taxi, you (and he) should step out more often and showcase your brilliance!

Try again. Talking heads like you are a dime a dozen. All you have done here, is the same the previous have done, regurgitated talking points. Nothing you and your alarmist gods have to say would be able to convince me and many many others that there is anything to worry about. Like I said, I remember the 70's even if you don't or choose not too. If even just ONE of the many dire predictions had come true concerning pollution and global warming we would all be dead now. Nothing has changed. GW "scientists" predicting doom and gloom so that they can continue to get funding from the weak minded and keep their gravy jobs. I have not seen ANYTHING to convince me that it is anything but that.

So, it is you and your compatriots that have "failed big time", not me. You want to lap up all the bullshyte that they continue to spout, you go right ahead. Just don't expect those with half a brain that think for themselves to follow suit and follow you over the precipice like a good little lemming.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
If even just ONE of the many dire predictions had come true concerning pollution and global warming we would all be dead now.

name a few of your claimed "dire predictions" that were made and didn't come true. Let's put a face/name to these so-called predictions you're wailing on about. Step up and support your statement.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
name a few of your claimed "dire predictions" that were made and didn't come true. Let's put a face/name to these so-called predictions you're wailing on about. Step up and support your statement.

right...... already done and you discounted it because of the site. So, like I said, I remember, and many more on here do also, even if you don't or choose not too.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Try again. Talking heads like you are a dime a dozen. All you have done here, is the same the previous have done, regurgitated talking points.

talking head? Buddy... I'm not initiating these points. I've made a concerted effort to attempt to NOT purposely post something first... I'm in total reaction mode to anything youse guys are posting. And I'm the talking head???

buddy... if I'm replying with talking points, replying to the C&P denier wizardry, just what are those denier gems you appear to revel in... other than a repeat of denier talking points? Again, I reply to what's posted... those replies are all sourced and referenced to legitimate scientists/scientific organizations. If that's what you call "regurgitated talking points"... ain't science a beeatch... to you?

right...... already done and you discounted it because of the site. So, like I said, I remember, and many more on here do also, even if you don't or choose not too.

refresh my recall... what site, what post?

So, it is you and your compatriots that have "failed big time", not me. You want to lap up all the bullshyte that they continue to spout, you go right ahead. Just don't expect those with half a brain that think for themselves to follow suit and follow you over the precipice like a good little lemming.

science is your friend... don't be afraid of it!


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Intelligence in the counter voice would be nice. Unfortunately, we are stuck with a talking head only. Regurgitating populous clap trap that has been spoon fed to him. No thinking needed, just re-spout what his gw alarmists have brainwashed him with.

You could fairly make that claim if you had actually put forth a sensible argument yourself at some point. But the only thing you've ever posted is angry diatribes completely devoid of any logic at all. I suspect your response to this will be quite angry as well, if the past is any indication.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Politicians will leave no stone unturned in their zeal to fleece the taxpayer. He should look at the disaster that is BC's carbon tax scam.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Gawd I hate these long goodbyes when the visitor stands at the open door with the cold wind blowing in when he has his coat on and you're in your shirt sleeves..........................

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Try & keep this one clean guys. Much (never all) of the more
repulsive and blatant trolling has been expunged from this
Thread over the last couple of months, in an effort to make
it more inviting to those interested in the topic to review and
debate the issue.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Politicians will leave no stone unturned in their zeal to fleece the taxpayer. He should look at the disaster that is BC's carbon tax scam.

you have yet to put forward anything to support your repeated claims that the BC carbon tax is a "disaster"... is a "sham". You have been repeatedly challenged to do so. In the thread that held detailed discussion on the BC carbon tax, many... many... positive critical reviews/assessments were put forward (cited/referenced).

UAH Confirms 2014 Was Not Hottest Year

satellite record... as distinct from the 4 major surface termperature datasets; again, as previously posted, of those 4, JMA has just announced that 2014 is the warmest year on their surface temperature record.

(note: UAH 2014 is the 3rd warmest year of their record)... did someone speak to a warming pause?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Hilarious: Warmists accuse fossil fuel industry of Climategate e-mail hacking.

if you actually bothered to review the clip, you would see your parroting of that twitter feed has no basis to what was shown in that clip. What is true, what was said, is that persons that received fossil-fuel industry funding purposely manipulated those emails by both taking them out of context and purposely providing agenda driven misinterpretations of meaning.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
drinkin' the koolaid.

yes, yes you are! How inspired can you be to continue to dip into the "Steve Goddard" twitter feed well? Again, the guy has absolutely no credibility and has been repeatedly debunked in his claims... again, how embarrassing does Goddard have to be for even a guy like Tony Willard Watts to cut Goddard lose from WTFIUWT? And yet you continue to pull from Goddard's inane commentary!