Is it not possible to get through that millions of Quebeckers identify as Canadians. If Quebec is allowed to separate as an undivided entity, you are agreeing with the notion that (say) four million Quebeckers can force 3 1/2 million Quebeckers to cease to be Canadian and become something less.
And that all those English speaking Canadians who live in the Province of Quebec can be abandoned and left to the tender mercies of a gang of xenophobes who are determined to eradicate English in Quebec.
Your apathy translated to the political level has already allowed those Anglophones to be deprived of many of their Rights as Canadians.
That says nothing about the position of the indigenous peoples who have always linked more closely to the English culture.
Judging from other separations in history, those born prior to separation would likely keep their pan-Canadian citizenship if precedent should be followed, as the example of Algeria from France, for instance.