Hockey Is Back: NHL And Players Reach Tentative Deal, Ending Lockout


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Wouldn't be a bit surprised considering there will only be 48 games this season, to see one or two of those teams finally make a move, JLM.

I won't be watching any games as I am cancelling Shaw when I get high-speed internet.

I'm not overly enamored with Shaw myself, but I guess they are all "tarred with the same brush"!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I was quite surprised at the number of really angry fans out there. I just finished going through every article the Huff Post had on the end of the lock-out. The majority of comments were from fans who weren't going right back to watching the NHL whether at the arena's or on TV. It will be interesting to see if their anger has legs. At the same time, I am glad that the lock-out ended for all the small businesses who might be able to recoup some of their losses yet this year.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Make no mistake JLM, I have no problem with the players making bags of cash. As far as I'm concerned, that is entirely between them and the team that they negotiate with.

There was a real price that is/was paid by the loss of income to the support staff and I feel that it was/is the responsibility of both the owners AND the players on that front.

Again, my beef relates to the PA demanding a senior share of all of the revenues in addition to the guaranteed salaries when they haven't put one dollar up for the risk.

It'd be like me demanding that you buy a house to flip for profit... JLM puts up all the money to buy the place, hires me to do the renos (my salary) and then I demand that I get 50% of the selling price when the house gets sold.

I wouldn't believe in a million years that you would go for a deal like that, so why should the owners?

was there 18000 people watching you each day, who had paid?
You don't get it do you Sports/entertainment is the business, not everyday trades.
People want to be entertained,and will pay for it, very different.

I was quite surprised at the number of really angry fans out there. I just finished going through every article the Huff Post had on the end of the lock-out. The majority of comments were from fans who weren't going right back to watching the NHL whether at the arena's or on TV. It will be interesting to see if their anger has legs. At the same time, I am glad that the lock-out ended for all the small businesses who might be able to recoup some of their losses yet this year.

In my opinion, if people don't go to watch something they actually enjoy very much, just for spite and
to get back at the sport, they are only begrudging themselves, as they will miss what they want to see.

Some will do that for a while, as happened before, but if they really like the game at that level,
they will eventually return, doesn't have any impact on the nhl, as not enough will permanately stay
If they actually didn't return 'ever', and thousands upon thousands did that, then it would make a
Why would that ever happen, it is canada's game, we loveit, why would we stay away forever, what
would be the point of doing that.

Nothing was done to the fans, they really saved money by not having hockey, it was 'themselves', the
owners and players who lost all the money over the three months.

I have no feeling that any of them have done anything to me, what did they do. I just went about
my business for the 3 months, doing other stuff, now I will watch hockey again. I'm not joined at
the hip to any team, I can manage my time without them or with them, took them awhile to hash it
all out, won't happen again for ten years.

The cities that don't really care about hockey, haven't paid much attention to any of this lockout,
probably forgot all about it, they won't be upset with anyone, but might begin to go again if they
don't have anything else to do, that is why they went in the first place.
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Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
they do not compare to any 9 to 5 worker, or any lineman, or welder or electrician,
no one comes to watch any of those workers work, and pays to do so, and the bosses do not make big profits from ticket revenue, different world.

Why not? Are you telling me an entertainer is worth more to our society than someone else who keeps the infrastructure of the society intact? I disagree. I don't disagree that if most of us had the chance to do it, we would too, but that doesn't take away from the fact that our values are out of whack when we value an athlete or an actor higher than someone who actively contributes to our way of life.

They don't work till 65, they have a very short time to make their money at
that level.

Boo f***ing hoo. When the playing days are done, the option is there for them to get a real job. The average player is done in his early to mid 30s: thats just getting into prime earning potential for pretty much every other occupation out there.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Why not? Are you telling me an entertainer is worth more to our society than someone else who keeps the infrastructure of the society intact? I disagree. I don't disagree that if most of us had the chance to do it, we would too, but that doesn't take away from the fact that our values are out of whack when we value an athlete or an actor higher than someone who actively contributes to our way of life.

Boo f***ing hoo. When the playing days are done, the option is there for them to get a real job. The average player is done in his early to mid 30s: thats just getting into prime earning potential for pretty much every other occupation out there.

You've stated it well, Wulfie. These guys expect the same pay or more than neuro surgeons.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek

I'm not overly enamored with Shaw myself, but I guess they are all "tarred with the same brush"!

I figured it was a waste of money, JLM. I downgraded to the basics awhile ago and haven't had any trouble finding programs of interest. Watching Foyle's War right now. Love Michael Kitchen. :smile:

Olie Jokinen of the Winnipeg Jets had some interesting comments to make when he faced the media today. Jokinen refused to talk during the lock- out, saying he would make his remarks once a settlement was reached - he was true to his word.

Among other remarks he stated:

"Those are the ones putting money in our pocket," he said. "They're buying tickets and come to watch us every night. They have all the reasons to be angry. If nobody shows up in our games, I respect that, too. They have all the reasons not to show up."’

I've also read apologies from the Jets and the Penguins to their fans, today. I expect more teams will follow.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Why not? Are you telling me an entertainer is worth more to our society than someone else who keeps the infrastructure of the society intact? I disagree. I don't disagree that if most of us had the chance to do it, we would too, but that doesn't take away from the fact that our values are out of whack when we value an athlete or an actor higher than someone who actively contributes to our way of life.

Boo f***ing hoo. When the playing days are done, the option is there for them to get a real job. The average player is done in his early to mid 30s: thats just getting into prime earning potential for pretty much every other occupation out there.

no, I don't think anyone is more worthy than anyone else.

not telling you what I think it should be, but what it is, that is the way our society works, people
have decided it that way, they want the entertainment and sport, (after they have worked all day),
Don't understand the hatred and resentment of sports figures, and why you think they are not deserving
of their share.

Our family has always been a very hard working group, 'who' also loves sports, and have been thoroughly
entertained and invigorated over the years watching and participating as well.

I would never deny anyone the ability of making money at something they have spent years and years
learning, practicing, and have given many years of their lives to become good enough to be a professional.

Just as respectable as any person who has spent time becoming a tradesman, or whatever else they decided
to become.

your little 'boo --- remark explains very quickly your lack of understanding of athletes and sports,
and also entertainers. Guess you can't carry a tune, or skate, or throw a ball, can you chew gum
and walk at the same time? lol lol lol


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I suppose it's like most things, go for what the traffic will bear! We appear to be entering into another recession, so what the traffic will continue to bear remains to be seen.-:)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I figured it was a waste of money, JLM. I downgraded to the basics awhile ago and haven't had any trouble finding programs of interest. Watching Foyle's War right now. Love Michael Kitchen. :smile:

Olie Jokinen of the Winnipeg Jets had some interesting comments to make when he faced the media today. Jokinen refused to talk during the lock- out, saying he would make his remarks once a settlement was reached - he was true to his word.

Among other remarks he stated:

"Those are the ones putting money in our pocket," he said. "They're buying tickets and come to watch us every night. They have all the reasons to be angry. If nobody shows up in our games, I respect that, too. They have all the reasons not to show up."’

I've also read apologies from the Jets and the Penguins to their fans, today. I expect more teams will follow.

I heard all of the opologies too, a nice gesture, but don't really think it was necessary, are people so
lacking in anything else to do, that they sulk and whine and complain and blame players and owners because
they can't adjust to waiting a measley 3 months to see an nhl team play, there was lots of hockey, they
didn't have to go without seeing games, whats the matter with people that they have to be so upset
because two parties need some time to hash out their new nhl agreement, that is life, that is how our
democracy works.
fans are wimps, and think everything is about 'them'.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
brian burke, g.m. toronto mapleleafs has just been fired

I wonder if it was a blow up over trying to acquire luongo, just wondering, very well could be a big
part of it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
brian burke, g.m. toronto mapleleafs has just been fired

I wonder if it was a blow up over trying to acquire luongo, just wondering, very well could be a big
part of it.

I'll miss a boil on the backside!


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Hey, I love onion sandwiches.
Slice a large spanish onion and soak the slices in wine vinegar for twenty minutes.
Warm several crusty buns
Open a jar of pickled herring
Slice a bun and butter both halves
Stack one half of the bun with alternating layers of onion and herring
Top the layers with the other half of the bun
Enjoy watching European football on a large-screen TV

Including a side of Diovol and ranitidine certainly wouldn't hurt.:shaking2:


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
When I can't sleep I watch baseball or the NHL..............good sleeping potion........glad they're back and will be making lots and lots of coin.

I've never been an athlete - but always a good athletic supporter.:roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
When I can't sleep I watch baseball or the NHL..............good sleeping potion........glad they're back and will be making lots and lots of coin.

I've never been an athlete - but always a good athletic supporter.:roll:

this hockey season should be fun,they have to hit the ice running, only 48 games to play,'all' games
within own conference.

So much luck will be a part of it, as injuries will happen, and not that much time to heal and get

At least there will be something constructive and fun to watch on tv, as most of the programmoing is
garbage, and in the middle of winter, the tv in the evenings is a big part of our lives.

as much as most of us trash and somewhat dislike 'garry bettman', I am watching his board of directors

press conference, and his 'personal' message to 'all' was very well said, and now he is taking




Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Which conference is Winnipeg going to be in this year? I think it would be more interesting if say they played 32 games against the West and 16 games against the East. J.M.I.O. -:)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Which conference is Winnipeg going to be in this year? I think it would be more interesting if say they played 32 games against the West and 16 games against the East. J.M.I.O. -:)

I think they are still in the south east conference for this season, and 'all' games this season are
within a teams conference, no team will be playing 'out' of their own conference, teams will be playing
often, most will be playing every other day, so travel must be at a limit.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
brian burke, g.m. toronto mapleleafs has just been fired

I wonder if it was a blow up over trying to acquire luongo, just wondering, very well could be a big
part of it.

Wondering if anything will really change considering his replacement has been working under Burke for awhile. I won't lose any sleep over his firing that's for sure.


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
Do people in Toronto still buy into blaming the GM for the incompetence that rules Maple Leaf Sports? The board of directors will still direct the bureaucracy to make money rather than be truly competitive, so it doesn't really matter who is steering the barge. As much as we decry some of the owners for being the shysters and con men that they can be, we can see the results of (mis)management by committee in Toronto...

(yeah and I laugh because I don't like the Leafs)


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
When I can't sleep I watch baseball or the NHL..............good sleeping potion........glad they're back and will be making lots and lots of coin.

I've never been an athlete - but always a good athletic supporter.:roll:

Should have signed that post......."Jacques Strap"