Make no mistake JLM, I have no problem with the players making bags of cash. As far as I'm concerned, that is entirely between them and the team that they negotiate with.
There was a real price that is/was paid by the loss of income to the support staff and I feel that it was/is the responsibility of both the owners AND the players on that front.
Again, my beef relates to the PA demanding a senior share of all of the revenues in addition to the guaranteed salaries when they haven't put one dollar up for the risk.
It'd be like me demanding that you buy a house to flip for profit... JLM puts up all the money to buy the place, hires me to do the renos (my salary) and then I demand that I get 50% of the selling price when the house gets sold.
I wouldn't believe in a million years that you would go for a deal like that, so why should the owners?
was there 18000 people watching you each day, who had paid?
You don't get it do you Sports/entertainment is the business, not everyday trades.
People want to be entertained,and will pay for it, very different.
I was quite surprised at the number of really angry fans out there. I just finished going through every article the Huff Post had on the end of the lock-out. The majority of comments were from fans who weren't going right back to watching the NHL whether at the arena's or on TV. It will be interesting to see if their anger has legs. At the same time, I am glad that the lock-out ended for all the small businesses who might be able to recoup some of their losses yet this year.
In my opinion, if people don't go to watch something they actually enjoy very much, just for spite and
to get back at the sport, they are only begrudging themselves, as they will miss what they want to see.
Some will do that for a while, as happened before, but if they really like the game at that level,
they will eventually return, doesn't have any impact on the nhl, as not enough will permanately stay
If they actually didn't return 'ever', and thousands upon thousands did that, then it would make a
Why would that ever happen, it is canada's game, we loveit, why would we stay away forever, what
would be the point of doing that.
Nothing was done to the fans, they really saved money by not having hockey, it was 'themselves', the
owners and players who lost all the money over the three months.
I have no feeling that any of them have done anything to me, what did they do. I just went about
my business for the 3 months, doing other stuff, now I will watch hockey again. I'm not joined at
the hip to any team, I can manage my time without them or with them, took them awhile to hash it
all out, won't happen again for ten years.
The cities that don't really care about hockey, haven't paid much attention to any of this lockout,
probably forgot all about it, they won't be upset with anyone, but might begin to go again if they
don't have anything else to do, that is why they went in the first place.