

Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Na. You are a bunch of assholes.



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Global Impotent-Old-Man-Rage Levels Rise By 3 Metres After Thunberg Named Person Of The Year

Like a tsunami of fetid masculinity washing over the beachhead of bare minimum progress, old man rage levels crested at record highs today, following the news that Greta Thunberg has been named Time magazine’s Person (Who Owned All Of The Blatantly Backwards Asses) Of The Year.
“Other than coalescing support around a movement to save the planet, then backing it up by sailing across an ocean twice, initiating rallies of astonishing size and fervour in most of the world’s largest cities, and inspiring an entire generation of young people to take action on climate change, what on Earth has that young lady done to deserve Person of the Year?” screamed an extremely triggered guy, as he rapidly flooded his own basement with ineffective anger.
“Not like Trump, who received the honour for his incredible humanitarian work to save the lap dances, and signing a bill to protect 10,000 hectares of bacon double-cheeseburgers in perpetuity. Now there’s a leader.”
Around the world, the effects of the meltdown of misdirected fury were immediately visible, as people grappled with the audacity of a young person who insisted on wanting a whole entire future.
In Canada, online comment sections were suddenly swamped with men railing against being told what to do by a teenager. This from the same group of people who had also made it abundantly clear that they would not be accepting warnings or advice from leading scientists, experts, leaders, or anyone who has been outside with any regularity in the last 20 years.
In the United States entire communities were inundated with the unasked for opinions of actual human dinosaurs; ones who had the odd, sad distinction of willfully hastening their own extinction.

And in Australia, even as rampant forest fires reduced the air quality levels in Sydney to that of Uranus, many proud blokes took to mansplaining how Greta Thunberg *cough* doesn’t know shit *cough, cough* about the science behind all of this climate change stuff *collapses in the middle of the street*.
For her part, Greta Thunberg remained her typical focussed self, saying that she would likely decline the magazine’s award, “As there is now quite literally no Time left.”
Chicken little chirps again. Woo Hoo. Best laugh I've had today, Clifford.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Brazilian president Bolsonaro calls activist Greta Thunberg a 'brat'
December 10, 2019
December 10, 2019 4:35 PM EST
Swedish environment activist Greta Thunberg speaks during a conference with scientists at the COP25 Climate Conference on December 10, 2019 in Madrid, Spain. (Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
BRASILIA — Brazil’s right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro called Swedish climate change campaigner Greta Thunberg a “brat” on Tuesday after she criticized mounting violence against indigenous people in which two Amazon tribesmen were shot dead three days ago.
“Greta said the Indians died because they were defending the Amazon (forest). How can the media give space to a brat like that,” Bolsonaro told reporters, using the Portuguese word “pirralha.”
The teen activist retorted by changing the biographical description on her Twitter account to “Pirralha.”
Thunberg turned a spotlight on the struggles of the world’s indigenous peoples to protect the environment on Monday at the United Nations climate change summit in Madrid.
Two indigenous men of the Guajajara tribe in eastern Amazon were shot dead on Saturday in a drive-by shooting not far from where a prominent tribesman who defended the Amazon rainforest was also killed last month.
Story continues below
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“The indigenous peoples are literally being murdered for trying to protect the forest from illegal deforestation. Over and over again. It is shameful that the world remains silent about this,” Thunberg wrote in a tweet on Monday that angered Bolsonaro.
Thunberg has taken on world leaders in the past. A video of the 16-year-old Swede giving U.S. President Donald Trump a “death stare” at a U.N. climate summit in New York in September went viral on social media.
Indigenous communities in Brazil are facing escalating violence since Bolsonaro took office in January, vowing to reduce tribal rights to land and allow commercial exploitation of their protected reservations. Tribes have faced violence especially from illegal loggers and miners.
Questioned about the Guajajara murders, Bolsonaro told reporters “any death is worrying” and that his government will enforce the laws against illegal deforestation.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Brazilian president Bolsonaro calls activist Greta Thunberg a 'brat'
December 10, 2019
December 10, 2019 4:35 PM EST
Swedish environment activist Greta Thunberg speaks during a conference with scientists at the COP25 Climate Conference on December 10, 2019 in Madrid, Spain. (Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images)
BRASILIA — Brazil’s right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro called Swedish climate change campaigner Greta Thunberg a “brat” on Tuesday after she criticized mounting violence against indigenous people in which two Amazon tribesmen were shot dead three days ago.
“Greta said the Indians died because they were defending the Amazon (forest). How can the media give space to a brat like that,” Bolsonaro told reporters, using the Portuguese word “pirralha.”
The teen activist retorted by changing the biographical description on her Twitter account to “Pirralha.”
Thunberg turned a spotlight on the struggles of the world’s indigenous peoples to protect the environment on Monday at the United Nations climate change summit in Madrid.
Two indigenous men of the Guajajara tribe in eastern Amazon were shot dead on Saturday in a drive-by shooting not far from where a prominent tribesman who defended the Amazon rainforest was also killed last month.
Story continues below
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but your article continues below.
“The indigenous peoples are literally being murdered for trying to protect the forest from illegal deforestation. Over and over again. It is shameful that the world remains silent about this,” Thunberg wrote in a tweet on Monday that angered Bolsonaro.
Thunberg has taken on world leaders in the past. A video of the 16-year-old Swede giving U.S. President Donald Trump a “death stare” at a U.N. climate summit in New York in September went viral on social media.
Indigenous communities in Brazil are facing escalating violence since Bolsonaro took office in January, vowing to reduce tribal rights to land and allow commercial exploitation of their protected reservations. Tribes have faced violence especially from illegal loggers and miners.
Questioned about the Guajajara murders, Bolsonaro told reporters “any death is worrying” and that his government will enforce the laws against illegal deforestation.
Meanwhile many of those indigenous are the very ones illegally deforesting the Amazon and very likely lighting fires to clear the land faster. I just love the selective bias of these climate hysterics./s


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Greta is Time Person of the Year.

Obvious choice.

Oh sure............................

Just like giving Barack Obama that Peace Prize for..................................

uh..................what WAS THAT FOR anyway?????????????????????

The guy had just barely found out where the executive bathroom was when they awarded him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Meanwhile many of those indigenous are the very ones illegally deforesting the Amazon and very likely lighting fires to clear the land faster. I just love the selective bias of these climate hysterics./s be fully accurate Brazilian natives have ALWAYS LIT fires to clear land............................

problem is that now SOME PEOPLE ...............

are lighting fires...................

to help MULTI NATIONAL CORPORATIONS CLEAR THE LAND so they can have plantations of Eucalyptus trees

instead of the local vegetation because Eucalyptus is a fast growing softwood......................

and MAKES BETTER TOILET PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is PROFIT in wiping up poop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To bad about the local wild life that is DISPLACED by the Eucalyptus monoculture that does not provide suitable food

or habitat for that wild life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Otherwise - Bolsinero is quite right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Swedish Demon Troll GRETA IS A BRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is certainly way off target with her climate whines!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you suppose it would take to get her to talk about how environmentally UNSOUND...............................

toilet paper is produced??????????????

Or HOW CARELESSLY we Cdns dispose of the used product!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And do you suppose she was EVER MADE AWARE of the Cdn LIE-beral plan to dump millions of litres of.................

SEMI TREATED WASTE into Northumberland Strait from a BIG TOILET PAPER MILL in New Brunswick????????????

Or maybe Troll Greta - who we have to assume USES toilet paper at least once per day........................

figures toilet paper producers should get an ENVIRONMENTAL PASS??????????????

HOW CLUELESS IS GRETA???????????????????????




The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Considering her tender age, not too damn much, pete................but.............she has seen CO2! :roll:
Hissy fits over hundredths of a degree. It takes a special kind of person to see CO2 and sense a hundredth of a degree C.

Global stupidity crisis.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
From Time Mag.
"Thunberg is not a leader of any political party or advocacy group. She is neither the first to sound the alarm about the climate crisis nor the most qualified to fix it. She is not a scientist or a politician. She has no access to traditional levers of influence: she’s not a billionaire or a princess, a pop star or even an adult. She is an ordinary teenage girl who, in summoning the courage to speak truth to power, became the icon of a generation. By clarifying an abstract danger with piercing outrage, Thunberg became the most compelling voice on the most important issue facing the planet.
Along the way, she emerged as a standard bearer in a generational battle, an avatar of youth activists across the globe fighting for everything from gun control to democratic representation. Her global climate strike is the largest and most international of all the youth movements, but it’s hardly the only one: teenagers in the U.S. are organizing against gun violence and flocking to progressive candidates; students in Hong Kong are battling for democratic representation; and young people from South America to Europe are agitating for remaking the global economy. Thunberg is not aligned with these disparate protests, but her insistent presence has come to represent the fury of youth worldwide. According to a December Amnesty International survey, young people in 22 countries identified climate change as the most important issue facing the world. She is a reminder that the people in charge now will not be in charge forever, and that the young people who are inheriting dysfunctional governments, broken economies and an increasingly unlivable planet know just how much the adults have failed them.
“She symbolizes the agony, the frustration, the desperation, the anger—at some level, the hope—of many young people who won’t even be of age to vote by the time their futures are doomed,” says Varshini Prakash, 26, who co-founded the Sunrise Movement, a U.S. youth advocacy group pushing for a Green New Deal.
Thunberg’s moment comes just as urgent scientific reality collides with global political uncertainty. Each year that we dump more carbon into the atmosphere, the planet grows nearer to a point of no return, where life on earth as we know it will change unalterably. Scientifically, the planet can’t afford another setback; politically, this may be our best chance to make sweeping change before it’s too late.
Next year will be decisive: the E.U. is planning to tax imports from countries that don’t tackle climate change; the global energy sector faces a financial reckoning; China will draft its development plans for the next five years; and the U.S. presidential election will determine whether the leader of the free world continues to ignore the science of climate change.
“When you are a leader and every week you have young people demonstrating with such a message, you cannot remain neutral,” French President Emmanuel Macron told TIME. “They helped me change.” Leaders respond to pressure, pressure is created by movements, movements are built by thousands of people changing their minds. And sometimes, the best way to change a mind is to see the world through the eyes of a child."


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
From Time Mag.
"Thunberg is not a leader of any political party or advocacy group. She is neither the first to sound the alarm about the climate crisis nor the most qualified to fix it. She is not a scientist or a politician. She has no access to traditional levers of influence: she’s not a billionaire or a princess, a pop star or even an adult. She is an ordinary teenage girl who, in summoning the courage to speak truth to power, became the icon of a generation. By clarifying an abstract danger with piercing outrage, Thunberg became the most compelling voice on the most important issue facing the planet.
Along the way, she emerged as a standard bearer in a generational battle, an avatar of youth activists across the globe fighting for everything from gun control to democratic representation. Her global climate strike is the largest and most international of all the youth movements, but it’s hardly the only one: teenagers in the U.S. are organizing against gun violence and flocking to progressive candidates; students in Hong Kong are battling for democratic representation; and young people from South America to Europe are agitating for remaking the global economy. Thunberg is not aligned with these disparate protests, but her insistent presence has come to represent the fury of youth worldwide. According to a December Amnesty International survey, young people in 22 countries identified climate change as the most important issue facing the world. She is a reminder that the people in charge now will not be in charge forever, and that the young people who are inheriting dysfunctional governments, broken economies and an increasingly unlivable planet know just how much the adults have failed them.
“She symbolizes the agony, the frustration, the desperation, the anger—at some level, the hope—of many young people who won’t even be of age to vote by the time their futures are doomed,” says Varshini Prakash, 26, who co-founded the Sunrise Movement, a U.S. youth advocacy group pushing for a Green New Deal.
Thunberg’s moment comes just as urgent scientific reality collides with global political uncertainty. Each year that we dump more carbon into the atmosphere, the planet grows nearer to a point of no return, where life on earth as we know it will change unalterably. Scientifically, the planet can’t afford another setback; politically, this may be our best chance to make sweeping change before it’s too late.
Next year will be decisive: the E.U. is planning to tax imports from countries that don’t tackle climate change; the global energy sector faces a financial reckoning; China will draft its development plans for the next five years; and the U.S. presidential election will determine whether the leader of the free world continues to ignore the science of climate change.
“When you are a leader and every week you have young people demonstrating with such a message, you cannot remain neutral,” French President Emmanuel Macron told TIME. “They helped me change.” Leaders respond to pressure, pressure is created by movements, movements are built by thousands of people changing their minds. And sometimes, the best way to change a mind is to see the world through the eyes of a child."
Truth to power , yea right . Let’s all give our governments more are of collective labour. They have proven to be fiscally responsible with our tax dollars , and I am sure they can find many greasy paws that it will stick to . But after we have given all our wealth to government who is going to fix the problem ?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
From Time Mag.
"Thunberg is not a leader of any political party or advocacy group. She is neither the first to sound the alarm about the climate crisis nor the most qualified to fix it. She is not a scientist or a politician. She has no access to traditional levers of influence: she’s not a billionaire or a princess, a pop star or even an adult. She is an ordinary teenage girl who, in summoning the courage to speak truth to power, became the icon of a generation. By clarifying an abstract danger with piercing outrage, Thunberg became the most compelling voice on the most important issue facing the planet.
Along the way, she emerged as a standard bearer in a generational battle, an avatar of youth activists across the globe fighting for everything from gun control to democratic representation. Her global climate strike is the largest and most international of all the youth movements, but it’s hardly the only one: teenagers in the U.S. are organizing against gun violence and flocking to progressive candidates; students in Hong Kong are battling for democratic representation; and young people from South America to Europe are agitating for remaking the global economy. Thunberg is not aligned with these disparate protests, but her insistent presence has come to represent the fury of youth worldwide. According to a December Amnesty International survey, young people in 22 countries identified climate change as the most important issue facing the world. She is a reminder that the people in charge now will not be in charge forever, and that the young people who are inheriting dysfunctional governments, broken economies and an increasingly unlivable planet know just how much the adults have failed them.
“She symbolizes the agony, the frustration, the desperation, the anger—at some level, the hope—of many young people who won’t even be of age to vote by the time their futures are doomed,” says Varshini Prakash, 26, who co-founded the Sunrise Movement, a U.S. youth advocacy group pushing for a Green New Deal.
Thunberg’s moment comes just as urgent scientific reality collides with global political uncertainty. Each year that we dump more carbon into the atmosphere, the planet grows nearer to a point of no return, where life on earth as we know it will change unalterably. Scientifically, the planet can’t afford another setback; politically, this may be our best chance to make sweeping change before it’s too late.
Next year will be decisive: the E.U. is planning to tax imports from countries that don’t tackle climate change; the global energy sector faces a financial reckoning; China will draft its development plans for the next five years; and the U.S. presidential election will determine whether the leader of the free world continues to ignore the science of climate change.
“When you are a leader and every week you have young people demonstrating with such a message, you cannot remain neutral,” French President Emmanuel Macron told TIME. “They helped me change.” Leaders respond to pressure, pressure is created by movements, movements are built by thousands of people changing their minds. And sometimes, the best way to change a mind is to see the world through the eyes of a child."

Trump's probably apoplectic that HE'S not Person of the Year, again. He's locked up someshere in the cellar of the White House screaming "It's mine! It's mine!

Where's my Time cover?!

Where's my Nobel Peace Prize?!

Where's my portrait on the Dollar Bill?!

Where's my monument?!"

Wait for the Tweet storm.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Pretty graph; what is "hadcrut3vg1"? and what are its units?
It's an IPCC surface temperature data set. Its units are 10ths and 100ths of 1°C.

How did exponential warming from exponential CO2 only yield a 1/100 degree C over 19 years?


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
Sorry.............I didn't post the graph.

Oh right, sorry. Your post quoted it (why?) from Petros who's on my ignore list. What's its source I wonder, and why not identified?
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