

Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
If a child trying to save the planet makes you lose your mind, you’re one of the adults trying to ruin it.
Ah, has often been pointed out...........the planet will survive us. As for your child saint, I guess she has to pick her battles and her careless use of plastics is not one of them. Meanwhile the oceans are full of it. Beaches around the world are polluted with it. And ocean critters are busily ingesting it..........but hey.........who cares when your masters are more concerned with propping you up in order to continue their erroneous and misguided war against oil all the while reaping its benefits.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Still waiting for the message of hope and resilience, Dan. Meanwhile it is all anger, angst, pointing of fingers, and a whole bunch of unsubstantiated idiocy with a dose of hypocrisy thrown in for good measure.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I'll ask The Iching for you Mo.
It says:
Hexigram 24 Return


Going out and in without distress.
A friend arrives.
Without fault to,
instead of returning to one's path in seven days,
come back again.
It is beneficial to have a goal to move to.

Returning early from what one was doing, for something better. There is nothing wrong with this, and it shouldn't give any stress. There is still progress. It is a good idea to not lose sight of one's aims.

Line 2:
Put to rest and return.
Good fortune.

Putting one's intention to rest and return. Things go well.

Line 3:
Urgently returning,
Without fault.

Some dangerous situation makes returning urgent. It's not wrong to do so.

Hexagram 24 is changing to: Hexagram 11. Passing Through

Passing through.
Little goes, much comes.
Good fortune, progressing.

Things move easily and supplely. Gains clearly outweigh the losses. Things go well and there is progress.

The Image
Heaven and Earth interact: Passing Through.

The sovereign, by deciding, accomplishes Heaven and Earth's way.
Assisting each other, Heaven and Earth harmonize,
in order to support and assist the people.

Line 3 in the first hex is usually "NOW".
But, I'll take that as a positive forecast over all...Just sayin.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I highly doubt a demon would waste its time possessing the kid, STB. Even demons have standards. ;-):lol:

Sadly Mowich - you seem unaware of the GREED...............

that possesses LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To understand why a LIE-beral demon would be DELIGHTED to possess Greta Troll..............

one only has to study the history of Green Energy in Ontari-owe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is an article illustrating the increasing incestuous relationship between Green Power producers and LIE-beral govt!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board signs agreement to buy renewable power company Pattern Energy Group

From The Cdn Press

Published November 4, 2019

TORONTO — The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board has signed a deal to buy renewable power producer Pattern Energy Group Inc.

The values the company at US$6.1 billion, including debt.

The Canadian investment manager says it will pay US$26.75 per share in cash for the company.

(It is nice that our govt is putting our pension money to work - making MORE MONEY to keep the CPP financially stable!! But the move brings SERIOUS CONFLICT of interest issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(For one thing - Cdns generally ARE HOSTILE to mouldy green energy because its PRICE TAG - paid to FRIENDS of the LIE-beral party IS SO HIGH!! IT is notable that Ontari-owe LIE-berals were paying UP TO NINE HUNDRED PERCENT MORE for green power than what they were paying to water powered or nuclear powered electricity producers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

(In other news - Ontari-owe LIE-berals converted a coal burning plant in Thunder Bay area to burn “biomass” instead - but there is no Cdn source of bioamss so it is shipped in from Europe!! Biomass - made from garbage burns cleaner than coal - but the electricity being produced at the Thunder Bay plant now costs TWENTY FIVE TIMES MORE than water power!! But LIE-berals DID SAVE 60 electricity union HOG jobs by switching to biomass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It is this willingness to equate benefits for HOGS - who happen to be SELLING THEIR SUPPORT to LIE-berals - as being best for all of Canada that is the troubling aspect of MOST LIE-beral investment schemes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(EVEN WORSE- LIE-berals promised to buy any and all green power - regardless of our needs - at those GROSSLY INFLATED PRICES!! That madness meant that water was dumped freely over dams TO GET RID OF IT since our power grid was already overloaded with costly green power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1)

(Yes LIE-berals LOCKED US into buying a gross oversupply of green power so huge that we were repeatedly FORCED to sell that power off to United States at a real bargain rate- literally just GIVING AWAY the costly stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(SO now we have CPPIB planners powerfully MOTIVATED TO PRESSURE their LIE-beral govt overlords to KEEP THE GREEN PRICE HIGH to make their investments look better!! IT is a CLEAR CONFLICT OF INTEREST between the interests of HOGS and the daily desires of ordinary people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Ontari-owe Wynne-bag LIE-berals were DESTROYED in the last election largely over their mouldy green electricity price gouging and now we have federal LIE-berals getting into the mouldy green act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Pattern Energy has a portfolio of 28 renewable energy projects with an operating capacity of 4.4 gigawatts in the United States, Canada and Japan.

Once the deal closes, CPPIB has signed a deal with Riverstone Holdings LLC to combine Pattern Energy and Pattern Energy Group Holdings 2 LP (Pattern Development) to bring together the operating assets with the development firm.

The transaction is expected to close by the second quarter of 2020, subject to Pattern Energy shareholder approval, regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.

(The other unpleasant aspect of this pension deal is that LIE-beral big investors are CROWDING OUT ordinary people at every turn!! Anybody who has money invested with a bank or other financial institution will know that your money goes into a “pool” with other similar investors with similar amounts of money available - and that the INVESTMENT OPTIONS and RATES OF RETURN ON INVESTMENT are REGULATED by how much money you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Translated that means that small investors get small opportunities and POORER RATES OF RETURN than big players!! We are being shoved aside and treated unfairly by our own govt!! OSSTF - our Ontari-owe high school teachers who are currently trying to BULLY the Ford govt to get WAY MORE GRAVY - has the largest privately held pension fund in all of North America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(OMERS- our Ontari-owe municipal worker HOGS have a private pension fund in the top five in all of North America and Quebec municipal workers are the poor cousins being only in the top ten of all North America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The point I make is that HOGS are wagging the Cdn investment dog and doing so with BORROWED MONEY - since 75 percent of ALL GOVT REVENUE ends up being spent on HOG salaries and pensions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(HOGS take the best pay, the best jobs, the best investments and the best holidays!! NO WONDER OUR govt books do not balance - with such a pack of gravy grabbing fiscal vampires sucking us dry!! Even worse- LIE-berals have decided to follow the classic third world dictator play book and HIRE a huge gang of Cdns in order to BUY their loyalty to LIE-beral govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The monthly job reports indicate the truth - each month there are more part-time jobs for ordinary people and ever more GREAT JOBS FOR HOGS!! Our deficit financing and inability to fund new and badly needed public transit are a direct result of this shameless LIE-beral lust for power and disgraceful vote buying at any price!!!)

(An economy where ONLY HOGS win and ordinary people always LOSE - is NOT SUSTAINABLE - as Wynne-bag Ontari-owe LIE-berals - and the general public have discovered to their cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017


Rather HAS LOST IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greta ONLY OFFERS "HOPE AND RESILIENCE" to a fabulously GREEDY cabal of LIE-berals..............................

and civil service union HOGS and corporate CEOS...........

who hope to build their Brave New World........................

on top of the wreckage OF OUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cat is out of the bag and now catching LIE-beral Mice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is NO WAY in a Democracy to promote the hugely costly privileges of a GREEDY MINORITY..........................

in the face of overwhelming opposition from the MAJORITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We - the majority can see clearly that LIE-berals intend to REMOVE OUR COMFORTS..................................

AND REMOVE OUR PRIVILEGES.............................................

in order TO ENHANCE THEIR OWN ALREADY CONSIDERABLE ENTITLEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is NOW NO WAY to hide this proven fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
The answer is in the graph bottom right corner

Thanks Moose.

The source of Mowich's graph - or rather which was used to create that graph - is; a very big database of climate records, with interactive software that can be used to construct graphs for any set of the records over any period of time. As with most statistics, you can limit your query to produce a graph that reinforces almost any shade of opinion. Here's a less-targeted graph I got the software to chart:

(Sorry, image insertion not working. If you want, you can go to the website & make any graph you like.)

Quoting from the website:

"I started this site in 2008 because I wanted to dig underneath what seemed like extreme claims and counter-claims in the "Global Warming Debate". Ten years on, it now seems clear to me that CO2 is indeed the primary driver of global warming, which is proceeding at roughly 1.5°C per century, but with some interesting short and long-term cycles overlaid. These cycles can produce shorter-term periods of both flatline and rapid increase, which get both 'sides' over-excited..... .....Please read the notes on things to beware of - and in particular on the problems with short, cherry-picked trends. Remember that the signals we are dealing with are very, very noisy, and it's easy to get misled - or worse still, to mislead others...."
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Thanks Moose.

The source of Mowich's graph - or rather which was used to create that graph - is; a very big database of climate records, with interactive software that can be used to construct graphs for any set of the records over any period of time. As with most statistics, you can limit your query to produce a graph that reinforces almost any shade of opinion. Here's a less-targeted graph I got the software to chart:

(Sorry, image insertion not working. If you want, you can go to the website & make any graph you like.)

Quoting from the website:

"I started this site in 2008 because I wanted to dig underneath what seemed like extreme claims and counter-claims in the "Global Warming Debate". Ten years on, it now seems clear to me that CO2 is indeed the primary driver of global warming, which is proceeding at roughly 1.5°C per century, but with some interesting short and long-term cycles overlaid. These cycles can produce shorter-term periods of both flatline and rapid increase, which get both 'sides' over-excited..... .....Please read the notes on things to beware of - and in particular on the problems with short, cherry-picked trends. Remember that the signals we are dealing with are very, very noisy, and it's easy to get misled - or worse still, to mislead others...."

FPS, Islander.................for the last time..........I did not post the graph. Got that now.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Terence Corcoran: Here are the signs of hope Greta's so 'desperate' for that show there'll be no climate apocalypse

In the dying days of the two-week United Nations’ 25th Congress of the Parties (COP25) in Madrid, a meeting described as Kafkaesque in one report, Time magazine Newsmaker of the Year Greta Thunberg said she and her Extinction Rebellion cohorts are “desperate for any sign of hope.” Well, here are two big signs of hope for today’s youth: The latest carbon emissions data and forecasts suggest the UN’s climate catastrophe scenarios are way off the mark.

Thirty years ago, when Time’s apocalyptarian editors declared Earth as Planet of the Year for 1988, they warned of the global environmental meltdown to come. Oceans will rise, deserts will grow, and human existence will be threatened. According to computer projections, claimed Time in late 1988, “the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere could drive up the planet’s average temperature 3 F to 9 F by the middle of the next century.”

Not happening. That temperature disaster (equal to an increase of 3 and 5 C) has been officially postponed at least 50 years. “If the current trend continues we may see temperature increases 3-5 degrees C by the end of the century,” the head of the UN’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said in its 2018 report.

But even that scaled-back WMO temperature outlook is not going to happen. Recent commentary from two climate researchers demonstrate that alarmism about rising temperatures and global environmental disaster are not justified for two reasons. First, the worst-case scenarios that are the basis for the constant barrage of catastrophic warnings from the UN and others have little or no basis in real science. Second, the latest global carbon emissions projections suggest the world is already well on the road to holding the world temperature increase down to manageable non-catastrophic levels.

In a recent Forbes commentary, University of Colorado scientist Roger Pielke Jr. documented how UN officials at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) developed extreme carbon scenarios that were used to create dangerously high temperature projections. The IPCC’s most alarming outlook, a “business as usual” scenario, assumed that global carbon emissions would reach 80 billion tons a year by the end of the century. As Pielke writes, with that scenario, “The apocalypse had been scheduled.” Pielke outlines how the extreme became the official scenario. Instead of producing a range of possible emissions scenarios as it had in the past, the IPCC’s 2013 assessment report began focusing on one scenario, almost a worst-case outlook, that became the launch pad for sensational conclusions promoted by journalists, politicians and activists. “Decisions made within the IPCC have contributed to the apocalyptic turn in discussions of climate, moving us away from constructive discussions, scaring children and contributing to overheated rhetoric.”

Importantly, the apocalyptic outcome of the worst-case scenario — brought on by 80 billion tons of carbon emissions annually at the end of this century — continue to be broadcast even though there is ample evidence that the 80 billion projection is totally out of line with current trends. The scenario, says Pielke, “wildly overstates” even current emissions and portrays a future that is “highly unlikely if not impossible.”

Another researcher, Justin Ritchie at the University of British Columbia, recently produced a graphic demonstration of the extreme divergence between the IPCC’s apocalyptic scenarios and the latest trends in carbon emissions. Instead of tracking toward 80 billion tons any time soon, the International Energy Agency plots current emissions at less than 35 million tonnes and more or less flat-lining through to 2040. Ritchie, a post-doctoral research fellow at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, plotted the IEA data on his Twitter feed showing that carbon emissions appear stable and non-catastrophic.

The current trend in carbon emissions supports a dramatically non-apocalyptic outcome through to the end of the century. While the worst-case IPCC scenario implies temperature increases of +4 C, the trend plotted by the IEA suggests much lower increases. In an interview, Ritchie said the IEA scenario “put us heading toward 2.2-2.6 C warming by 2100. Another way of framing it is an additional 1.3-1.6 C from now.”

An end-of-century increase of 1.3-1.6 C would still be inconsistent with the Paris Agreement, but it is “well outside the range of what most would consider catastrophic — more in a range of potentially manageable.” Ritchie, in a 2017 research paper, noted systemic errors and other problems behind the IPCC worst-case scenario, including use of data that failed to predict recent shifts in energy use that moved earlier coal trend lines downward.

Ritchie supports Pielke’s argument that “we are heading for a long plateau” in global carbon emissions. If the IEA is right, said Ritchie, “before the middle of the century we are not off track the Paris Agreement goals.” Beyond 2050 will depend on the trajectory of emissions in the second half of the century.

Pielke concluded his ground-breaking Forbes commentary with a note on the importance of understanding how “a fateful decision by the IPCC to selectively anoint an extreme scenario from among a huge range of possible futures has helped to create the climate apocalypse, a scary but imaginary future.”

This imaginary future continued to dominate the COP25 meeting in Madrid over the past two weeks, motivating the language used by journalists, politicians and bureaucrats — and filling Greta and others with hopelessness. Pielke and Ritchie offer more than signs of hope. There will be no apocalypse.


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019

I'm not sure that their 'signs of hope' are more than just that. I believe there are scientists on both 'sides' of this discussion and any of them, or any group, can be just as easily mistaken in their attempts at prediction as any of the others.

As for the probability of apocalypse, I don't think the world can continue to populate, consume or pollute at anything resembling the present rates, without bringing it on. I think the young are wise to be concerned and scared, even though they find themselves largely locked into the prevailing patterns.

I'm old enough to have thought that I'll be gone before it gets really serious. Now I'm not so sure. For one thing I feel fairly certain that unimaginably huge mass-migration is coming. Complain all you want about legal/illegal immigration; big as it is 'you ain't seen nothing yet'. I think the pressure on borders and resources will become so irresistible it will lead to Big War.

Maybe we'll pre-empt the ecological collapse of our civilization by having a nuclear holocaust instead.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I'm not sure that their 'signs of hope' are more than just that. I believe there are scientists on both 'sides' of this discussion and any of them, or any group, can be just as easily mistaken in their attempts at prediction as any of the others.

As for the probability of apocalypse, I don't think the world can continue to populate, consume or pollute at anything resembling the present rates, without bringing it on. I think the young are wise to be concerned and scared, even though they find themselves largely locked into the prevailing patterns.

I'm old enough to have thought that I'll be gone before it gets really serious. Now I'm not so sure. For one thing I feel fairly certain that unimaginably huge mass-migration is coming. Complain all you want about legal/illegal immigration; big as it is 'you ain't seen nothing yet'. I think the pressure on borders and resources will become so irresistible it will lead to Big War.

Maybe we'll pre-empt the ecological collapse of our civilization by having a nuclear holocaust instead.

Well that's a cheery post there, Islander especially the part about the nukes. I do agree with your 'we ain't see nothing yet' take on migration/immigration but fail to see how it would come to war. I still believe that the next war will be over lack of potable water and in that case your scenario about nukes may very well come to pass.


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
Well that's a cheery post there
"It's being so cheerful that keeps me going" :)
I still believe that the next war will be over lack of potable water
That seem quite probable; agrees with my feeling that we're threatened by multiple dangers of our own making, any one of which could trigger disaster.

Meantime I do try to live cheerfully day-to-day, and pursue some sadly insignificant tactics to increase the danger as little as practical; staying frugal and keeping my footprint as low as I can afford. Electric vehicles, heat pumps, home renovations etc. are not feasible. I shun plastics as much as I can. My hobbies are growing vegetables and woodwork. Recently I've begun learning 'traditional' woodwork - using only human-powered hand tools.

Lest I sound too saintly to be true, I should say that in my younger days I was as guilty as anyone of acquiring all the convenience-and-comfort consumer goods I could afford, and lusting for more. My only consolation about that is that 'times were different' but it's an overworked excuse.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
The problem is NOT people in general. The problem is the effetards in management.

They may not even be what is commonly considered "human"
So don't blame the victims...when you see that, you know you are echoing the guilty.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'CHILL, GRETA, CHILL': Trump mocks teen climate activist Thunberg
December 12, 2019
December 12, 2019 4:06 PM EST
WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump reprised his ridicule of 16-year-old Greta Thunberg on Thursday after the Swedish climate activist was named Time’s Person of the Year for 2019.
Thunberg won the magazine’s annual honorific on Wednesday for her work inspiring millions of young people to take action against climate change.
“So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!” Trump, 73, wrote on Twitter, commenting on another person’s tweet congratulating Thunberg.
Thunberg responded by updating her Twitter biography to include: “A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old-fashioned movie with a friend.”
The spat, which propelled Thunberg to trend on Twitter with several hashtags, came on the fourth anniversary of the Paris climate pact that Trump withdrew from soon after taking office.
It was not the first time the Republican president targeted Thunberg.
In September, Trump retweeted a clip of the teenager’s speech to a United Nations climate summit in which she angrily denounced world leaders for failing to tackle climate change by demanding: “How dare you?”
His sarcastic commentary: “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!”
Thunberg also changed her Twitter biography following that slight to describe herself as “A very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future.”
Thunberg had also been a contender for the Nobel Peace Prize, an honour Trump covets.
Trump himself received the Time magazine designation in 2016 after he won the U.S. presidential election over Democrat Hillary Clinton.