

Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Greta Thunberg Threatens to Put World Leaders Who Don't Act on Global Warming 'Against the Wall'

He's safe because he is NOT a world leader you are saying?

Our idiot Boy Justin is the ANTITHESIS OF A LEADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article illustrating the growing friction that the FAILED LIE-beral immigration policy is producing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With some comments of my own in brackets):

Be patient on language: Say Quebec immigrants

By Giuseppe Valiante. Cdn Press.

Published Sept. 16, 2018

MONTREAL - Along Montreal's Saint-Laurent Boulevard are rows of greystone and red-bricked buildings dating from the early 20th century, many of which used to house businesses owned by first-generation Jewish immigrants who didn't speak French very well.

(Yes and there is an issue for Quebec LIE-berals - too many immigrants prefer to learn ENGLISH!! But the larger issue is about the cost of tending to unskilled and ill educated illegals who will require LIFE LONG govt aid and about the cost of Muslim Terror as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Steve Schreter's clothing store — opened by a relative in 1928 — is one of the few from that time period remaining on the city's famous strip.

Schreter and his family, particularly the youngest among them, can all speak French, Quebec's only official language.

"People's education was disrupted by WW2," said Schreter, whose father, a Jew from Romania, moved to Montreal in 1948 and eventually bought the store 10 years later from his first cousin, Joseph.

"They weren't educated — in that sense. They had street smarts, they had entrepreneurial skills. They managed to learn French well enough to do their business.

"But, they probably could never have passed a (French) test."

(The REAL ISSUE is the sort of values that modern new comers bring with them!!)

A French-language test, however, is what newcomers to the province will have to pass if they want to remain in Quebec, according to a controversial election promise by the party leading opinion polls.

(And that is apparently another issue for Quebecers - they do not want the illegals that Our idiot Boy is deliberately seeking out as they are ill educated and costly and resist learning French while seeking English language proficiency - Quebec sees such people as a cultural THREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Federal LIE-beral and Quebec provincial values are clashing!! Quebec does not want enclaves of aliens who cannot speak French and who are NOT assimilating into Quebec culture!! But a similar hostility to those who refuse to assimilate is also growing in all parts of Canada!! It is especially difficult for Muslims who hold views and values that are so radically different to our main stream - and who are often openly hostile to Cdn women, Jews and other “infidels”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Francois Legault says his Coalition Avenir Quebec, if elected Oct. 1, will reduce annual immigration by 20 per cent and expel newcomers who fail a French-language exam after three years in the province.

Legault is armed with a series of statistics he says reveal how the "integration" of immigrants in Quebec has been a "failure" under the Liberals.

If Quebec's official language isn't protected from the threat of non-francophone immigration, Legault says he worries "our grandchildren won't speak French."

But the Schreter family, along with leaders of many of Quebec's prominent immigrant communities, are urging Legault to be patient.

First-generation immigrants might not speak French well, but their children will, they say — because their experience proves it.

Moreover, these communities are asking how many of their members would be around today if their grandparents had to pass a French exam when they arrived following the Second World War.

"I would not be here," said Antonio Sciascia, 71, if his parents — who came to Canada from Italy with him in 1958 — had to pass a French test to stay in the country.

The head of the Quebec branch of the National Congress of Italian-Canadians said in an interview his parents never really learned the language — but he certainly did, as did his siblings and his five children.

"(This policy) is an insult to immigrants," said Sciascia, a commercial lawyer. "We have proven how integrated our community has become.

"We built this country — literally. The major buildings you see today, the roads, it was Italian builders."

(And THERE is the real issue with LIE-beral immigration policy!! Earlier immigrants made their own way and PAID their own way - in a society that had LOTS of menial labouring work!! To bad those jobs are LONG GONE and there is little work for a newly arrived illegal to perform!! But courtesy of LIE-berals there are LOTS of welfare programs for illegals to access - even as our taxes and debt levels SOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals actually expect they can BULLY US into letting LIE-berals put the economic welfare of illegals AHEAD of the welfare of Cdns merely so LIE-berals can BUY votes from illegals and cling to power at any price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Nicholas Pagonis, president of the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal, who opened his own accountancy company, said few Greek immigrants in the 1950s would have passed a French test.

(At least Greek immigrants were not trying to impose Sharia Law on us and not trying to force our govt to support Mujahideen terrorists instead of United States and Britain!! We are back to that issue of VALUES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Subsequent generations, however, are mostly fluent in English, French as well as Greek, said Pagonis, 72.

(And some Quebecers are HOSTILE to anybody speaking English on their turf!!!!!!)

"I cannot imagine Montreal today, how it would look like, if the thousands of immigrants who came here in the 1950s and 1960s were thrown out after a couple of years," he said in an interview.

Parti Quebecois Leader Jean-Francois Lisee in May promised to reduce the annual number of immigrants to the province, stating like Legault that the "integration" of newcomers to Quebec has been a "failure."

Now, he refuses to give a specific number of annual immigrants his government would welcome. A PQ government, he says, would seek immigrants who already speak French before they arrive in Quebec.

(This will be difficult as there are so few French speaking immigrants to chose from!! Haitians have always been welcome in Quebec- but of course they are usually ill- educated and can thus contribute little to the local economy!! There are also French speaking African immigrants but they work with the same problem of limited skills and poor education!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Lisee and Legault cite statistics indicating immigrants have significantly higher unemployment rates than Canadian-born citizens, and they talk about how 90 per cent of newcomers who take French-language courses fail the exam.

The portrait of Quebec's immigrants depends on what stats are used, however.

Quebec's statistics bureau indicates the unemployment rate for immigrants has decreased every year since 2013, from 11.3 per cent to 8.7 per cent in 2017. Quebec's overall unemployment rate is about 5.4 per cent.

(The Quebec immigrant unemployment rate might have benefited from LIE-berals shipping bus loads of unemployed illegals to Toronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The 2017 auditor general report reveals that 64 per cent of 40,946 immigrants over the age of 16 who moved to Quebec in 2013 said they knew how to speak French.

Moreover, immigrant children are forced under law to attend French-language school, virtually ensuring they will become francophone.

(And how many will switch over and use English as soon as they can?? Since English skill assures access to a LARGER BIZ COMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Marjorie Villefranche, head of Maison D'Haiti, a well-known Haitian institution in Montreal, said Legault's immigration policy doesn't directly affect her French-speaking community, but is nonetheless "abominable."

"How did we transform a population that we need — that contributes to the country — into people we don't want?" she said in an interview.

(Blame the modern digital economy that has replaced human muscle power with machines- thus reducing the number of jobs open to unskilled immigrants!! And also blame GENEROUS LIE-beral welfare programs for people who arrogantly dismiss US as immoral INFIDELS!! It is quite simple to understand- for those that TRY to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Demographer Jack Jedwab says Quebecers who strongly support Legault and Lisee's immigration rhetoric and their policies largely come from parts of the province with little to no immigration.

(In other words - Legault supporters don’t want to share the costly experiences of their more urban neighbours!! With the added frustration that LIE-berals have let in so many immigrants they are now holding the door open for their pals and relatives- regardless of Cdn opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The 20,000-person town of Joliette, for instance, located in a riding held by the PQ's deputy leader 75 kilometres northeast of Montreal, welcomed a total of 75 immigrants in 2017, according to statistics he compiled from federal government data.

(The clash of values is clear and obvious - the majority of Cdns want REDUCED immigration - while our Somali born LIE-beral immigration minister supports a DOUBLING of current immigration levels!! LIE-beral social engineering and frantic efforts to BUY VOTES is pitting LIE-beral wants against Cdn public needs!!!!!!!!!!!)

Sorel-Tracy, a roughly 40,000-resident town northeast of Montreal, welcomed 30 immigrants in 2017.

The same pattern is repeated across the province — except in Montreal, where 44,610 of the province's 52,390 immigrants who came in 2017 settled.

"People who live outside Montreal are being persuaded that immigration is a threat and the fact they don't have direct contact with it makes it in some ways easy for politicians and others to tap into those anxieties," said Jedwab.

(People in many parts of Canada look at the parade of mug shots and arrested criminals and bleeding gunshot victims and CANNOT AVOID coming to the conclusion that LIE-beral immigration choices ARE CONSISTENTLY BAD!!!!!!!!)

Legault isn't explicitly calling immigration a "threat," however, Jedwab explained.

"He talks about their 'integration' — and he allows people to deduce what they want from that," Jedwab said. "It's almost a code word."

(We must deal with home grown thugs and criminals - but many Cdns are asking WHY LIE-berals think we MUST accept foreign born criminals?? LIE-berals have outraged many Cdns by being so reluctant to deport those who accepted our charity and then turned and ABUSED US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(People like Legault believe that being invited into a country is like being invited to visit a home - the SUITABLE GUEST is one who is on their best behaviour so as not to insult the host!! Cdns are tired of being INSULTED by LIE-berals and their racist supporters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
you think i'm going to disable ad blocker to read your source you worthless old senile hoe?

i do notice the title says "thanks to China", hahaha. communism wins again.


Lots of trees planted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By people who have previously DEVASTATED their landscape..............................

and are NOW TERRIFIED of regular land slides and flash floods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indians and Chinese are NOT environmentalists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it is good that they are awakening to their own previous folly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
British Queen Praises Young Climate Activists in Christmas Speech

"The challenges many people face today may be different to those once faced by my generation, but I have been struck by how new generations have brought a similar sense of purpose to issues such as protecting our environment and our climate," the queen said.
Her words followed a discussion of the 75th anniversary of D-Day celebrated this June.
"I well remember the look of concern on my father's face. He knew the secret D-Day plans but could of course share that burden with no one," she recalled. The queen was a teenager during World War II and, after she turned 18 in 1944, she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service, a women's auxiliary branch of the army, according to TIME. She was the first female member of the royal family to be "a full-time active member in the women's service," The Associated Press reported at the time.
2019 has been a big year for the youth climate movement. "Climate strike" won Collins Dictionary's Word of the Year and Greta Thunberg, who helped launch the movement when she began a one-student strike in front of Swedish parliament in August 2018, was chosen as TIME Magazine's Person of the Year. In September, a week of global climate strikes drew more than seven million participants, making the week one of the largest global protests in history.
The British queen's praise for the young activists contrasts with the responses of other world leaders. U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly mocked Thunberg, most recently lashing out when she won Person of the Year, HuffPost reported.
"So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!" he tweeted at the time.
Brazil's right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro called Thunberg a "brat" earlier this month, and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison criticized climate strikers for skipping school in November of last year.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
British Queen Praises Young Climate Activists in Christmas Speech
"The challenges many people face today may be different to those once faced by my generation, but I have been struck by how new generations have brought a similar sense of purpose to issues such as protecting our environment and our climate," the queen said.
Her words followed a discussion of the 75th anniversary of D-Day celebrated this June.
"I well remember the look of concern on my father's face. He knew the secret D-Day plans but could of course share that burden with no one," she recalled. The queen was a teenager during World War II and, after she turned 18 in 1944, she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service, a women's auxiliary branch of the army, according to TIME. She was the first female member of the royal family to be "a full-time active member in the women's service," The Associated Press reported at the time.
2019 has been a big year for the youth climate movement. "Climate strike" won Collins Dictionary's Word of the Year and Greta Thunberg, who helped launch the movement when she began a one-student strike in front of Swedish parliament in August 2018, was chosen as TIME Magazine's Person of the Year. In September, a week of global climate strikes drew more than seven million participants, making the week one of the largest global protests in history.
The British queen's praise for the young activists contrasts with the responses of other world leaders. U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly mocked Thunberg, most recently lashing out when she won Person of the Year, HuffPost reported.
"So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!" he tweeted at the time.
Brazil's right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro called Thunberg a "brat" earlier this month, and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison criticized climate strikers for skipping school in November of last year.
Who did you think was to lead the NWO other than the Royals? Some pie licking granola eater?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
British Queen Praises Young Climate Activists in Christmas Speech

"The challenges many people face today may be different to those once faced by my generation, but I have been struck by how new generations have brought a similar sense of purpose to issues such as protecting our environment and our climate," the queen said.
Her words followed a discussion of the 75th anniversary of D-Day celebrated this June.
"I well remember the look of concern on my father's face. He knew the secret D-Day plans but could of course share that burden with no one," she recalled. The queen was a teenager during World War II and, after she turned 18 in 1944, she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service, a women's auxiliary branch of the army, according to TIME. She was the first female member of the royal family to be "a full-time active member in the women's service," The Associated Press reported at the time.
2019 has been a big year for the youth climate movement. "Climate strike" won Collins Dictionary's Word of the Year and Greta Thunberg, who helped launch the movement when she began a one-student strike in front of Swedish parliament in August 2018, was chosen as TIME Magazine's Person of the Year. In September, a week of global climate strikes drew more than seven million participants, making the week one of the largest global protests in history.
The British queen's praise for the young activists contrasts with the responses of other world leaders. U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly mocked Thunberg, most recently lashing out when she won Person of the Year, HuffPost reported.
"So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!" he tweeted at the time.
Brazil's right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro called Thunberg a "brat" earlier this month, and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison criticized climate strikers for skipping school in November of last year.


POOR CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His "climate strike" idols HAVE FAILED in their quest!!!!!!!!!!

The govt is not changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Economic policies are the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals HAVE FAILED to rush to reserves and shower dorks like Cliffy with NEW GRAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How on Earth will Greta attract public attention next time - prior to the next Climate Conference???????????????????

Will she sail in on a raft made of dead Lemmings?????????????????????????????????????


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Poor Cliffy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He TRULY BELIEVES that Greta the high school drop out............................................

with her assorted learning disabilities....................................

is the smartest person he knows - or has ever heard of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cliffy DOES NOT get out much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

New Greta On The Shelf Doll Will Track Your Climate Sins
December 2nd, 2019
U.S.—A fun new "Greta on the Shelf" doll will watch you every day and fly back to the UN each night to report your climate sins to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The doll is equipped with eye sensors programmed to detect activities that are harmful to the environment.
"Greta sees you when you're sleeping, she knows when you drive your SUV to the store instead of taking public transportation," the manufacturer said. "She knows if you've been bad or carbon-neutral, so be carbon-neutral for goodness' sake!
One couple in Portland proudly displayed their new doll and lectured their children on the true meaning of Christmas: fighting climate change. "We're gonna play a fun game for the holidays this year -- try to be good little carbon-neutral children, or Greta will tell on you!"
"How dare you!" the doll chanted as the kids of the household left the door open while the heater was on. "You have stolen my dreams and my childhood."
The doll then blasted off toward UN headquarters using its jet engines to report on the naughty children, who will receive coal in their stocking. They will be snitched on again, however, if they burn the coal for warmth.
Greta is programmed to detect activities including these:
  • Leaving the light on when you exit a room
  • Leaving the fridge open
  • Driving an SUV
  • Parents participating in illicit activities that may lead to the creation of more humans
  • Using a plastic straw instead of sticking your face in a beverage and slurping
  • Forgetting your reusable grocery bags at home
  • Getting a cut-down Christmas tree
  • Getting a carbon-heavy plastic Christmas tree
  • Turning on any electric appliances
  • Using the heater instead of rubbing two sticks together
    for warmth
Children have responded enthusiastically to the doll so far, saying things like, "Mommy, I'm scared," and "Make the bad girl go away."


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It's OK. The sixteen-year-old Swedish girl won't hurt you. I promise.

No - the Swedish Demon Possessed TROLL will not hurt us....................


Too bad T-bonesforbrains is to dumb to see that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's OK. The sixteen-year-old Swedish girl won't hurt you. I promise.
Will this teenage Canadian girl hurt you?

She is a "climate change realist" who doesn't have anger issues, can't see CO2 come out of exhaust pipes, is a student not a drop out and seemingly no learning disability.

Greta could learn a lot from her teenage peers.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
No - the Swedish Demon Possessed TROLL will not hurt us....................


Too bad T-bonesforbrains is to dumb to see that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doesn’t fit the narrative. Big government will save us .