

Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Greta Thunberg Threatens to Put World Leaders Who Don't Act on Global Warming 'Against the Wall'
He's safe because he is NOT a world leader you are saying?

Someone should get child services involved, obviously a troubled child being used by adults.

She admitted she was mentally ill.

Poor little girl.

I won't be surprised when I hear she was involved in a mass shooting or something.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Someone should get child services involved, obviously a troubled child being used by adults.
She admitted she was mentally ill.
Poor little girl.
I won't be surprised when I hear she was involved in a mass shooting or something.
I promise the sixteen-year-old Swedish girl won't hurt you, Boom.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Oh that is a great photo of the "climate experts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it lends credence to the podcast by Ezra Levant MOCKING those alleged scientist...................

who signed the online petition that CBC propagandists are touting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a refresher re- those alleged scientists::::

IN OTHER NEWS - lets talk ABOUT THOSE 11,000 "CLIMATE SCIENTISTS"............................

signing a petition warning us about the coming apocalypse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The always insightful and often controversial Ezra Levant offers us some thoughts about the ALLEGED 11,000 climate scientists that recently signed a petition about global warming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In a RebelMedia youtube video that you can find yourself - just google "Ezra Levant talks about 11,000 climate scientists"...................

just like I did - if you want to watch it - and we know LIE-berals WONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

Levant gives us the BACKGROUND INFORMATION on the training and qualifications of those “climate experts”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Levant mentions that 400 of the 11,000 are CDNS and he gives us this background information - complete with images taken from facebook and Linkedin pages ::

One Cdn “scientist is: Chief Occupational therapist at a western Cdn facility

Another is a Teacher working with challenged kids

Another is a lawyer

Another is a guy who works for a light bulb manufacturer

Another is a retired family physician

Another is a physiology instructor at a School of Dentistry

There is a Data analyst at a Children`s Hospital

There is also an Assistant director of summertime activities at an extremely exclusive private school in Ontari-owe

Another is a self professed “Green Technology specialist” whose major credentials apparently come from a NON ACCREDITED University located in eastern Canada- with headquarters in Honolulu/Hawaii - meaning it is a “diploma mill” - pay them enough money and you will magically become an expert in your chosen field!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is some guy with a 40 year old degree for “product development who spent most of his life working for a BIG Soap manufacturer and is now retired and looking for grant money to experiment with turning water into hydrogen fuel

A student studying data analysis methodology and working part time as a running instructor

A woman who won a prestigious Hindu Award for her studies in reincarnation- yeah this one is really out of this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A post doctoral Fellow at an Ontari-owe University who is examining the “sacrificial aspects” of romantic relationships

A guy working as a “sociologist.

An older woman who is a self professed “eco activist” who supports nature reserves - and - Well gosh - so do I - I have sought out a number of such reserves due to their pleasing isolation and readily accessed camping sites - but it doesnt make me a climate scientist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A reporter on philosophical questions such as why does time always move forward and never backward??????????

There is even a Cdn listed as being connected somehow to Mohawk College here in Ontari-owe and his expertise is listed as

“Bullsh+t detection and analysis” and the guy is apparently currently unemployed..........................

and I think the bullsh+t detector might be the most honest of the bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently most LIE-beral Fake news is so crudely obvious the B.S. detector feels no need to expose it further?????????????????

Levant points out that NONE of the Cdn so called climate scientists ARE ACTUALLY TRAINED in meteorology or any closely related field involving the atmosphere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These people are nothing more than private citizens who have clicked on a link to “LIKE” an article and LIE-berals - with their usual LUST FOR FAKE NEWS - have blown these casual readers up into CLIMATE EXPERTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it not amazing how often LIE-berals feel the desperate need to EXAGGERATE ALL THEIR STATEMENTS - and to make themselves sound more important with such easily dis-proven and easily MOCKED claims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Levant points out -the Mohawk College B.S. detector does seem to be rather tongue in cheek with his environmental concerns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The MOST NOTABLE part of the Levant report - is just how many of the “scientists” are ACTUALLY CIVIL SERVICE UNION HOGS - WORKING FOR ONE OF OUR FOUR LEVELS OF GOVT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL LIE-beral policy is failing and their climate crap is failing FASTER than any other part of their grossly self serving political program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as I have pointed out before - HOGS are prepared to DESTROY the lives of ordinary people in order to finance HOG ENTITLEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Oh that is a great photo of the "climate experts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it lends credence to the podcast by Ezra Levant MOCKING those alleged scientist...................

who signed the online petition that CBC propagandists are touting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a refresher re- those alleged scientists::::

IN OTHER NEWS - lets talk ABOUT THOSE 11,000 "CLIMATE SCIENTISTS"............................

signing a petition warning us about the coming apocalypse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The always insightful and often controversial Ezra Levant offers us some thoughts about the ALLEGED 11,000 climate scientists that recently signed a petition about global warming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In a RebelMedia youtube video that you can find yourself - just google "Ezra Levant talks about 11,000 climate scientists"...................

just like I did - if you want to watch it - and we know LIE-berals WONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

Levant gives us the BACKGROUND INFORMATION on the training and qualifications of those “climate experts”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Levant mentions that 400 of the 11,000 are CDNS and he gives us this background information - complete with images taken from facebook and Linkedin pages ::

One Cdn “scientist is: Chief Occupational therapist at a western Cdn facility

Another is a Teacher working with challenged kids

Another is a lawyer

Another is a guy who works for a light bulb manufacturer

Another is a retired family physician

Another is a physiology instructor at a School of Dentistry

There is a Data analyst at a Children`s Hospital

There is also an Assistant director of summertime activities at an extremely exclusive private school in Ontari-owe

Another is a self professed “Green Technology specialist” whose major credentials apparently come from a NON ACCREDITED University located in eastern Canada- with headquarters in Honolulu/Hawaii - meaning it is a “diploma mill” - pay them enough money and you will magically become an expert in your chosen field!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is some guy with a 40 year old degree for “product development who spent most of his life working for a BIG Soap manufacturer and is now retired and looking for grant money to experiment with turning water into hydrogen fuel

A student studying data analysis methodology and working part time as a running instructor

A woman who won a prestigious Hindu Award for her studies in reincarnation- yeah this one is really out of this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A post doctoral Fellow at an Ontari-owe University who is examining the “sacrificial aspects” of romantic relationships

A guy working as a “sociologist.

An older woman who is a self professed “eco activist” who supports nature reserves - and - Well gosh - so do I - I have sought out a number of such reserves due to their pleasing isolation and readily accessed camping sites - but it doesnt make me a climate scientist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A reporter on philosophical questions such as why does time always move forward and never backward??????????

There is even a Cdn listed as being connected somehow to Mohawk College here in Ontari-owe and his expertise is listed as

“Bullsh+t detection and analysis” and the guy is apparently currently unemployed..........................

and I think the bullsh+t detector might be the most honest of the bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently most LIE-beral Fake news is so crudely obvious the B.S. detector feels no need to expose it further?????????????????

Levant points out that NONE of the Cdn so called climate scientists ARE ACTUALLY TRAINED in meteorology or any closely related field involving the atmosphere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These people are nothing more than private citizens who have clicked on a link to “LIKE” an article and LIE-berals - with their usual LUST FOR FAKE NEWS - have blown these casual readers up into CLIMATE EXPERTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it not amazing how often LIE-berals feel the desperate need to EXAGGERATE ALL THEIR STATEMENTS - and to make themselves sound more important with such easily dis-proven and easily MOCKED claims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Levant points out -the Mohawk College B.S. detector does seem to be rather tongue in cheek with his environmental concerns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The MOST NOTABLE part of the Levant report - is just how many of the “scientists” are ACTUALLY CIVIL SERVICE UNION HOGS - WORKING FOR ONE OF OUR FOUR LEVELS OF GOVT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL LIE-beral policy is failing and their climate crap is failing FASTER than any other part of their grossly self serving political program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as I have pointed out before - HOGS are prepared to DESTROY the lives of ordinary people in order to finance HOG ENTITLEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has just occurred to me to POINT OUT.........................

that Greta Thunberg IS NOT a high school grad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHE DROPPED OUT of high school at age 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doesnt that just reassure you regarding her intellectual

credentials and her capacity to research climate change




Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Crazy to think that Thunberg was born just the year before I started posting on this forum. I've been posting on here almost her entire life.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You dont have inner peace dude

And Cliffy picks A WHITE GUY.................................

as his exemplar of inner peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW ABSURD of our muddled anti white in all things...........

native bigot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I promise the sixteen-year-old Swedish girl won't hurt you, Boom.

Oh that is very reassuring.....................................


The lousy lawyer who spends so much of his time Trolling

this site because he has so little real work to do.....................

is now offering up half baked Psychiatric opinions as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Nature is cruel.

CERTAINLY NATURE IS CRUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Earth is enduring extinction of multiple species....................

and LOSS OF HABITAT for many species......................

but LIE-berals are relatively UNAFFECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How CRUEL is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I predict that after a couple more $25 - $35 BILLION DOLLAR federal LIE-beral deficits...........................

then the habitat for CDN LIE-berals WILL BE SERIOUSLY ERODED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just in time for the next election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isnt that a HAPPY THOUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!