
French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Androgyny is from ancient the Bible God is a spirit with no phyiscal body and he created male and female HAS 2 SEPARATE GENDERS.

Name any religion that did not start as a pagan religion.

Any god who is not well tied to both genders is not a worthy god. That is why the ancients created them androgynous.

Modern Christians and Muslims love war and theirs gods of war way to much though to change him back to being androgynous.

There is no equality of the sexes in either Christianity or Islam which shows their corruption.



Electoral Member
May 12, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Name any religion that did not start as a pagan religion.

Judaism in ancient times and Christianity in the first century AD

Any god who is not well tied to both genders is not a worthy god. That is why the ancients created them androgynous.

The God of the bible makes male and female AS SEPARATE BIOLOGICAL genders. the pagan gods all demand rapes, human sacrifice, pedophilia, etc

Modern Christians and Muslims love war and theirs gods of war way to much though to change him back to being androgynous.

the Christian God is not a god of war unlike the greco roman gods of war Ares and Mars

[There is no equality of the sexes in either Christianity or Islam which shows their corruption.]

pot meets kettle gnosticngopel of St Thomas say women are not worthy to enter in the kingdom of heaven.

Christianity say we are one in Christ (Galation 3:28). Islam which copy its doctrine from Gnosticism say the majority of people in Hell are women


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The God of the bible makes male and female AS SEPARATE BIOLOGICAL genders. the pagan gods all demand rapes, human sacrifice, pedophilia, etc
Your understanding of paganism is beyond nothing. You are just spouting Christian propaganda. Your understanding of the history of the bible is also severely lacking.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Judaism in ancient times and Christianity in the first century AD

The God of the bible makes male and female AS SEPARATE BIOLOGICAL genders. the pagan gods all demand rapes, human sacrifice, pedophilia, etc

the Christian God is not a god of war unlike the greco roman gods of war Ares and Mars

[There is no equality of the sexes in either Christianity or Islam which shows their corruption.]

pot meets kettle gnosticngopel of St Thomas say women are not worthy to enter in the kingdom of heaven.

Christianity say we are one in Christ (Galation 3:28). Islam which copy its doctrine from Gnosticism say the majority of people in Hell are women

You are so far off in your idiocies that I am not interested in denouncing them all.

Thanks for the chat.

If you wish to return to learn instead of making all kinds of weird statements across all religions I am here for you.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Your understanding of paganism is beyond nothing. You are just spouting Christian propaganda. Your understanding of the history of the bible is also severely lacking.

Forgive him. He seems young and puts no thinking behind his foolish remarks.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
He has all the zealotry of a new convert and all the understanding of someone who has never picked up a book.

No argument for sure, as his link showed.

He also has Gnostic Christians doing everything but eating their own children.



Electoral Member
May 12, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Your understanding of paganism is beyond nothing. You are just spouting Christian propaganda. Your understanding of the history of the bible is also severely lacking.

this from somebody who believed the new age/theosophist lies that claim Christianity copy pagan religions

human sacrifice is common in pagan religions in ancient times


Electoral Member
May 12, 2008
Toronto, Canada
You are so far off in your idiocies that I am not interested in denouncing them all.
Thanks for the chat.
If you wish to return to learn instead of making all kinds of weird statements across all religions I am here for you.

this from somebody who constantly attack christians and Christianity but gets but hurt when a Christian decide to criticise his satanic Luciferian stuff


Electoral Member
May 12, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Heres a photo of Anderson Cooper with his brother and his Mom, Gloria Vanderbilt pictured in front of the Carthegenian Idol Tanit that demands human sacrifice



Electoral Member
May 12, 2008
Toronto, Canada
RTD investigates the dark secret behind East Java’s traditional dance known as Reog Ponorogo. The main organiser behind the colourful show is the Warok, a revered figure believed to have spiritual powers. But should the Warok become involved with a woman, he can lose his abilities forever. To preserve their powers, Waroks employ young boys who learn to keep house, dance and anything else that's demanded of them, including providing sexual favours.

young boys are forced to be homosexual for "religious" reasons"

women will strip them of thier "powers"

sounds familiar!


Electoral Member
May 12, 2008
Toronto, Canada

Fank Zappa is an admitted satan/devil worshipper like many musicians in his time

Rocker Frank Zappa (who discovered the awful truth December 4, 1993 the second he died) proudly boasted:
"I'm the devil's advocate. We have our own worshippers who are called 'groupies.' Girls will give their bodies to musicians as you would give a sacrifice to a god." (Peters Brothers, What About Christian Rock, p. 17)


Electoral Member
May 12, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Queen, Freddie Mercury and the Devil

Queen was once one of the world’s most successful bands. The band was headed up by front man and flamboyant homosexual Freddie Mercury. This video reveals some history about Queen and their place in Satan’s plan that the media, movie and music industries would rather you didn’t know. Was Freddie Mercury’s famous song “Bohemian Rhapsody” an autobiography based on his own life? Does the band hate Christianity? Would they rather go to hell than to heaven? Once again we reveal another example of a band doing Satan’s bidding.



Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Queen, Freddie Mercury and the Devil

Queen was once one of the world’s most successful bands. The band was headed up by front man and flamboyant homosexual Freddie Mercury. This video reveals some history about Queen and their place in Satan’s plan that the media, movie and music industries would rather you didn’t know. Was Freddie Mercury’s famous song “Bohemian Rhapsody” an autobiography based on his own life? Does the band hate Christianity? Would they rather go to hell than to heaven? Once again we reveal another example of a band doing Satan’s bidding.

Was Freddie Mercury a Islamic sleeper agent or a Klingon spy?

The prophet Donald of Trump (p*ss be on him) gives the answer in his Epistle To The Ainu. Sura 69.

Unfortunately everyone on this thread is utterly unworthy so after your deaths you will go to work for a millenia in the Martian dilithium crystal mines.


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Fank Zappa is an admitted satan/devil worshipper like many musicians in his time

Rocker Frank Zappa (who discovered the awful truth December 4, 1993 the second he died) proudly boasted:
"I'm the devil's advocate. We have our own worshippers who are called 'groupies.' Girls will give their bodies to musicians as you would give a sacrifice to a god." (Peters Brothers, What About Christian Rock, p. 17)


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
RTD investigates the dark secret behind East Java’s traditional dance known as Reog Ponorogo. The main organiser behind the colourful show is the Warok, a revered figure believed to have spiritual powers. But should the Warok become involved with a woman, he can lose his abilities forever. To preserve their powers, Waroks employ young boys who learn to keep house, dance and anything else that's demanded of them, including providing sexual favours.

young boys are forced to be homosexual for "religious" reasons"

women will strip them of thier "powers"

sounds familiar!
Yes indeed. This type of bullspit is prevalent in all the major Abrahamic religions too.

Further proof we are not the result of "special creation " but rather we are semi-evolved animals who only "think that we think".


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Judaism in ancient times and Christianity in the first century AD

The God of the bible makes male and female AS SEPARATE BIOLOGICAL genders. the pagan gods all demand rapes, human sacrifice, pedophilia, etc

the Christian God is not a god of war unlike the greco roman gods of war Ares and Mars

[There is no equality of the sexes in either Christianity or Islam which shows their corruption.]

pot meets kettle gnosticngopel of St Thomas say women are not worthy to enter in the kingdom of heaven.

Christianity say we are one in Christ (Galation 3:28). Islam which copy its doctrine from Gnosticism say the majority of people in Hell are women
Galatians was written centuries after Jeez.

Who cares what these fools say. We can get more wisdom from watching 'South Park' than reading the mental masturbations of diseased minds.

Torah-we are ﹰﹰSO unique & women have cooties, they are unclean: New Testament- we are more so,and we have more magic, our women have more cooties & co : Quran-convert or we'll kill you, and since we know we are the FINAL revelation ever ever ever, we have a perfect right to murder children, fly into buildings, decapitate thousands etc.. God says so, our women yave the most cooties: LDS Hey guys we are more cockamamie & wackadoodle than the rest of you put together. Yee haw & off to rule our own planet as a god when we croak.

What a sad, yet true, commentary on Homo Sapiens.

Why have extraterrestrials never visited us? Probably because we are the laughing stock idiots of our galaxy.
