Global Warming: still the ‘Greatest Scam in History’


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Ahh, yes!

Sipping milkshakes with Betty Lou down at the Drug Store lunch counter, Robert Plant howling over the Eight Transistor, LSD 25 ...



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
As has the hominid but I doubt Cliff's genes can be held up without a belt.

Adaptation is what makes life lively.

Nova Scotia food prices are up 17% over last year next year it suggests double that increase at least. Farm insurance cost will of course have to obey trends of distruction production, which seem to indicate a downturn in hemispheric food production. This of course is a good time to remind the reader of the four horsemen, pestulance, famine, disease, war. You will go there and or you will die. Mother nature knows best.
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Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Nova Scotia food prices are up 17% over last year next year it suggests double that increase at least. Farm insurance cost will of course have to obey trends of distruction production, which seem to indicate a downturn in hemispheric food production.
Since we feed a lot of the world, here in North America ....


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Some people still think it's 1972.

Some people think it,s 2019.
We can,t possibly even suggest what year it might be. Throw away your calendars ,now dosen,t have a number. There is no human idea more fukked up than history. The truth would set us at each others throats. How in fuk can we assign a date to the beginning of eternity? We can,t actually ever come down outta the trees. I live under a big elm tree, there,s no bananas on it. Next full moon movin through the branches I will post some moving pictures. Maybe even a film/clip/moving picture.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Nova Scotia food prices are up 17% over last year next year it suggests double that increase at least. Farm insurance cost will of course have to obey trends of distruction production, which seem to indicate a downturn in hemispheric food production.
All is well if winter doesn't hit 2 weeks into September again.

Hail suppression pilots will earning their money this year.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Did fall come earlier last year? Choose your seeds carefully. Milky flour makes bad bread.

This coming week if we get some sun I,ll put ion the best seed I can find and pray we don,t transition into winter two weeks ahead of the usual, I,m not convinced this will happen,
this little ice age is serious bizzines whole lota starvation just arround the corner, I,ll eat almost anything, others would rather not but the slow moving meat will eventually become difficult to pick up. Why did the ****in climate have to change nnow, in my retirement I had not invisioned eating rats, howerver recipes are numerous and I think I can cope for a bit. You can stuff the bread where the sun don,t shine, I am a meat eater. How much do you way by the weigh?
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
This coming week if we get some sun I,ll put ion the best seed I can find and pray we don,t transition into winter two weeks ahead of the usual, I,m not convinced this will happen,
this little ice age is serious bizzines whole lota starvation just arround the corner, I,ll eat almost anything, others would rather not but the slow moving meat will eventually become difficult to pick up. Why did the ****in climate have to change nnow, in my retirement I had not invisioned eating rats, howerver recipes are numerous and I think I can cope for a bit. You can stuff the bread where the sun don,t shine, I am a meat eater. How much do you way by the weigh?
Rabbits. The cute and tasty bunny type.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
This coming week if we get some sun I,ll put ion the best seed I can find and pray we don,t transition into winter two weeks ahead of the usual, I,m not convinced this will happen,
this little ice age is serious bizzines whole lota starvation just arround the corner, I,ll eat almost anything, others would rather not but the slow moving meat will eventually become difficult to pick up. Why did the ****in climate have to change nnow, in my retirement I had not invisioned eating rats, howerver recipes are numerous and I think I can cope for a bit. You can stuff the bread where the sun don,t shine, I am a meat eater. How much do you way by the weigh?
The gym work has really paid off, Yes?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The Sun is God Cliffy. That God has connections.You can,t make hay when the Sun don,t shine, all your pathetic efforts, bowing and scraping will not change that mind, it,s a minor God in this galaxcy afterall and it must obey the big guy.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
So no actual sea rise eh, cliffy...and suddenly no one can any find magic washhrooms any more because some dummies ate em all.

CA sea level rise alarmist study ignores 30 years of NOAA data with no coastal sea level rise acceleration

This measured data shows that none of these California locations are experiencing coastal sea level rise acceleration since climate alarmist first made such erroneous and flawed sea level acceleration claims before the U.S. Senate in 1988.

Here is a question for you Cliffy: Why is it people who defend pedos and child trafficking, and fakenews, always lie about everything else?