Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Wanna know why climate is changing?

The posted map show the position of the magnetic north pole from 1831 to 2001

12500 years ago the pole was at the bottom of James Bay. Anyone remember what the weather was like in Canada? The skiing must have been incredible with a 1.5km base.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Wanna know why climate is changing?

The posted map show the position of the magnetic north pole from 1831 to 2001

12500 years ago the pole was at the bottom of James Bay. Anyone remember what the weather was like in Canada? The skiing must have been incredible with a 1.5km base.

Is man made pollution causing the pole to shift?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Is man made pollution causing the pole to shift?
Maybe for some people, the ones who like pollution perhaps? Do you like pollution? Do you think pollution has caused the baseline of the jet stream to move northward by 400km? Is pollution good even if it isn't creating these changes?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I've know this for years. This study didn't reveal anything that wasn't already known.

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Jet stream moving north, study finds
Study author says to look south for what your region might become
The Associated Press
updated 7:50 a.m. CT, Mon., April 21, 2008

WASHINGTON - The jet stream — America's stormy weather maker — is creeping northward and weakening, new research shows.
That potentially means less rain in the already dry South and Southwest and more storms in the North. And it could also translate into more and stronger hurricanes since the jet stream suppresses their formation. The study's authors said they have to do more research to pinpoint specific consequences.
From 1979 to 2001, the Northern Hemisphere's jet stream moved northward on average at a rate of about 1.25 miles a year, according to the paper published Friday in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. The authors suspect global warming is the cause, but have yet to prove it.
The jet stream is a high-speed, constantly shifting river of air about 30,000 feet above the ground that guides storm systems and cool air around the globe. And when it moves away from a region, high pressure and clear skies predominate.
Two other jet streams in the Southern Hemisphere are also shifting poleward, the study found.
Look south for future
The northern jet stream "is the dominant thing that creates weather systems for the United States," said study co-author Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at the Carnegie Institution of Washington in Stanford, Calif. "Basically look south of where you are and that's probably a good guess of what your weather may be like in a few decades."
The study looked at the average location of the constantly moving jet stream and found that when looked at over decades, it has shifted northward. The study's authors and other scientists suggest that the widening of the Earth's tropical belt — a development documented last year — is pushing the three jet streams toward the poles.
Climate models have long predicted that with global warming, the world's jet streams would move that way, so it makes sense to think that's what happening, Caldeira said. However, proving it is a rigorous process, using complex computer models to factor in all sorts of possibilities. That has not been done yet.
Trees slow to keep up
A rate of 1.25 miles a year "doesn't sound like much, but that works out to about 18 feet per day," Caldeira said. "If you think about climate zones shifting northward at this rate, you can imagine squirrels keeping up. But what are oak trees going to do?
"We are seeing a general northward shift of all sorts of phenomena in the Northern Hemisphere occurring at rates that are faster than what ecosystems can keep up with," he said.
Dian Seidel, a research meteorologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who wrote a study about the widening tropical belt last year, said she was surprised that Caldeira found such a small shift. Her study documented that the tropical belt was bulging at a much faster rate. Caldeira said his figures represent the minimum amount of movement.
The jet stream also factors into bumpy air travel. It is a cause of clear air turbulence that airline pilots try to avoid by tracking where the jet stream is.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Maybe for some people, the ones who like pollution perhaps? Do you like pollution? Do you think pollution has caused the baseline of the jet stream to move northward by 400km? Is pollution good even if it isn't creating these changes?

I hate pollution. I recycle my butt off, drive a 4 cylinder, walk when i can, use as little home energy as possible, donate to the NPS and the preservation of open spaces of historical sites to protect from businesses, etc.

I am doing my part which is a heck of a lot more than many delegates in Copenhagen are doing. I think they have burned up their share of carbon for the year on that trip.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Friday, December 18, 2009

Heavy snow brings travel chaos to Britain

Heavy snow brought chaos to Britain today, with schools closed, power disrupted, flights cancelled, roads closed, motorists stranded in their cars and rail services disrupted.
Heavy snow blankets Marden's Hill in East Sussex

The UK's second-busiest airport - Gatwick in West Sussex - had to shut for more than seven hours, while there were no early-morning flights at Luton airport in Bedfordshire.

Luton Airport remained closed until 10am, with a number of easyJet flights affected including flights to Glasgow, Paris, Geneva and Nice.

Heathrow Airport in we

DB The nutty remnants still clinging to UCK (united cold kingdom) frozen shores are being punished for deporting my ancestors to this cold dead continent x # of generations ago. How's the vineyard now mlord?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Hey I do too and not because I'm green but because I'm cheap. This is why any carbon tax they try come up with to pay back quadrillions plus interest to a handful of deadbeat jackasses in Europe doesn't bother me because I'm already aware of what is going on in the world and planned for it long ago. Hell I even made my career choice based on the fact that any natuion with gold has no choice but mine it make someone who can find gold worth as much as the gold.

It's all a game but if you don't know the rules you're never going to win let alone compete.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I hate pollution. I recycle my butt off, drive a 4 cylinder, walk when i can, use as little home energy as possible, donate to the NPS and the preservation of open spaces of historical sites to protect from businesses, etc.

I am doing my part which is a heck of a lot more than many delegates in Copenhagen are doing. I think they have burned up their share of carbon for the year on that trip.

You have it exactly right, I don't know how many times it has to be said before people can get it through their thick heads, but here's one more time. This problem will be solved by ordinary people changing their habits in small ways one kw. or one litre at a time over many years. A few dozen goofs in Copenhagen are just adding to the problem. Turn the thermostat down two degrees, park your car on the lawn when you wash it, walk to the local grocery store. Simple concepts that people can't seem to grasp.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Dosen't precession proceed according to the solar magnetic fields regulating affect on the terrestrial fields magnetic pole/axis. isn't the axis of rotation and the magnetic axis the same thing really because they cannot be understood separately?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Hey I do too and not because I'm green but because I'm cheap. This is why any carbon tax they try come up with to pay back quadrillions plus interest to a handful of deadbeat jackasses in Europe doesn't bother me because I'm already aware of what is going on in the world and planned for it long ago. Hell I even made my career choice based on the fact that any natuion with gold has no choice but mine it make someone who can find gold worth as much as the gold.

It's all a game but if you don't know the rules you're never going to win let alone compete.

Isn't it customary, for security reasons, to bury the treasure finders once the lode has been secured for the kings vaults?:smile:(grin)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Does the atmosphere have an axis?

The magnetic pole has a set axis?

Can the magnetosphere effect atmospheric gasses and liquids?

the atmosphere has many axis that vary constantly don't it? I'm guessing that any thing with mass has an axis. does an hurrican rotate arround an axis? In the electric universe idea, ther atmosphere is directly driven by solar magnetic fields
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