Well, if any of the folks who think that the climate isn't now warming due primarilly to greenhouses gases can explain why the stratosphere is cooling, when the troposphere is warming, maybe then I'll seriously consider that the theory is wrong.
Seriously, try to find an explanation for that. I'll wait.
And for the few folks here who think that global warming means monotonically increasing temperatures, you need to do some further reading. The trend from global warming is 0.017°C a decade or there abouts, and natural variability is on the order of degrees...that's why you have to look at long term time series, or you'll make incorrect assessments as many have.
So, if you listen to the blatherers who don't know climate from weather, it looks like global warming has ended 15 times or so in the last 150 years, or once every decade or so.
Yet the absolute heat that the Earth retains continues to build...hmm I wonder why?