George W. Bush on Leno


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Wall Street was doing pretty well under Bush. They were allowed to destroy the entire nation's economy in order to help them get a bigger bonus.

That's just meaningless rhetoric.

The Affordable Care Act is having a bumpy start, but we are just at the beginning. The true impact will not be known for quite some time.

The troubles right now are indicative of just how messed up their system was before this. Look how many people who were counted as "insured" didn't actually have comprehensive health coverage. Guess who foots that bill if they get sick and don't have coverage?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You have a good heart colpers but Obama's mediocrity is a million jigawatts better than Bush.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The koolaid crowd all come to the defence of Obama.......sooo predictable :lol::lol:
So true, and they wonder how it is we see through their facades, lol. I guess since deductive reasoning and objectivity go hand in hand, it wouldn't come to them easily, lol.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The Affordable Care Act is having a bumpy start, but we are just at the beginning. The true impact will not be known for quite some time.

The true impact is being felt now and will get worse!

The troubles right now are indicative of just how messed up their system was before this. Look how many people who were counted as "insured" didn't actually have comprehensive health coverage.
Wow... what a spin! Hundreds of Millions WERE insured with good plans and had their plans taken from them with promises from Obama that they could keep them.

Now millions will pay more in premiums and deductibles.

And this is just the individual market. The employer market starts next year.

Guess who foots that bill if they get sick and don't have coverage?
Who do you think?

If the person works they would have been responsible. I am an example. In my early 20's I had a lapse in coverage and received emergency care and post care. I was responsible for my bill.

But again... who do you think foots the bill?

But anyways...

Look at how happy Bush is...

I bet that BURNS some.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
The true impact is being felt now and will get worse!

How can you possibly feel the true impact of something that isn't even rolled out yet?

Wow... what a spin! Hundreds of Millions WERE insured with good plans and had their plans taken from them with promises from Obama that they could keep them.

Now millions will pay more in premiums and deductibles.

And this is just the individual market. The employer market starts next year.

It is not sufficient to simply ask if someone has insurance or not. What that insurance actually covers is just as important.

I personally don't think that doing this through the private insurance companies is the best way to go. I think a government option makes a lot more sense since it is much less convoluted, but the people in the US didn't support that, they supported this.

Who do you think?

If the person works they would have been responsible. I am an example. In my early 20's I had a lapse in coverage and received emergency care and post care. I was responsible for my bill.

But again... who do you think foots the bill?

But anyways...

Medical costs are the number one cause of personal bankruptcy in the US. Even people with insurance are winding up bankrupt. When people can't afford to pay for their medical bills, the costs wind up being spread out to other consumers through higher prices and higher taxes.

Look at how happy Bush is...

I bet that BURNS some.

I enjoyed watching the interview. It is nice to see him in a less evil context :)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
How can you possibly feel the true impact of something that isn't even rolled out yet?

But it IS being rolled out and the impact IS being felt. Millions and millions are losing health insurance and being forced to the exchanges.

Where have you been Ruff? The roll out is happening NOW and the impact is being felt NOW.

It is not sufficient to simply ask if someone has insurance or not. What that insurance actually covers is just as important.
That is not what the administration told the country... "If you like your plan... you can keep it." Do we need to go over that again?

Is that why the elderly are being forced to buy plans with prenatal care etc? (for example... and there are hundreds more examples)

I personally don't think that doing this through the private insurance companies is the best way to go. I think a government option makes a lot more sense since it is much less convoluted, but the people in the US didn't support that, they supported this.
No the people didn't support that... nor did they support this. It was Obamacare that got the Dems flushed from the House and the Senate to lock in 2010.

Medical costs are the number one cause of personal bankruptcy in the US. Even people with insurance are winding up bankrupt. When people can't afford to pay for their medical bills, the costs wind up being spread out to other consumers through higher prices and higher taxes.
And what makes you think that Obamacare fixes that? That is what the ACA does... it spreads the risk. It spreads the risk to consumers with higher premiums and my guess will be higher taxes. We... the tax payers... are already on the hook to the ACA for Billions.

And the subsidies... I love that buzz word. People will get subsidies... don't worry, there are subsidies. People are finding out that either they aren't getting any at all or even with the subsidy they are going to be paying a lot. If someone has a job a significant amount of their pay check is going to the ACA. The better they do in life the more they will pay. Those are just the individuals plans. When the employer plans come up next year for review... look out.

I enjoyed watching the interview. It is nice to see him in a less evil context :)
Glad you enjoyed!


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Bush has apparently become a good golfer. I saw him interviewed on the golf channel one day. Sounds like he shoots a good game and knows the game quite well.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
But it IS being rolled out and the impact IS being felt. Millions and millions are losing health insurance and being forced to the exchanges.

Where have you been Ruff? The roll out is happening NOW and the impact is being felt NOW.

I used "rolled out" as in it being fully in effect. The very first steps have started, open enrollment has started, but the plans don't come into effect until next year. The part where you have to pay for it is obviously not going to be a popular part of the process.

Once everything is up and running, and there is some time to actually collect some data on what impact it is having, then we can really judge it.

That is not what the administration told the country... "If you like your plan... you can keep it." Do we need to go over that again?

Is that why the elderly are being forced to buy plans with prenatal care etc? (for example... and there are hundreds more examples)

No the people didn't support that... nor did they support this. It was Obamacare that got the Dems flushed from the House and the Senate to lock in 2010.

Health Care was a pretty big part of the last presidential election, and Obama won by a pretty good margin.

Obviously the line about "If you like your plan, you can keep it" was misleading at best, so that certainly is not something that he should have said.

And what makes you think that Obamacare fixes that? That is what the ACA does... it spreads the risk. It spreads the risk to consumers with higher premiums and my guess will be higher taxes. We... the tax payers... are already on the hook to the ACA for Billions.

Spreading risk is what all insurance does. Having everyone properly insured from the start is much less costly. Under the current system, you are not just paying for the people who can't pay for their own care, but you are also paying for all the costs associated with trying to get them to pay before they ultimately have to write off the money. US hospitals have to put a massive amount of man hours into just trying to get paid for their services.

Under the current system as well, you can't deny care to someone who is in urgent need, but it would be much less costly to treat the person if they were able to get care before it became an urgent need.

And the subsidies... I love that buzz word. People will get subsidies... don't worry, there are subsidies. People are finding out that either they aren't getting any at all or even with the subsidy they are going to be paying a lot. If someone has a job a significant amount of their pay check is going to the ACA. The better they do in life the more they will pay. Those are just the individuals plans. When the employer plans come up next year for review... look out.

Everyone in the US has always had a large portion of their paycheck going towards healthcare. I think it is a dumb system, but you guys are so scared of the word "government" that logical health care plans don't seem to fly.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I used "rolled out" as in it being fully in effect. The very first steps have started, open enrollment has started, but the plans don't come into effect until next year. The part where you have to pay for it is obviously not going to be a popular part of the process.

Nor are the lies.

Once everything is up and running, and there is some time to actually collect some data on what impact it is having, then we can really judge it.

No... it can be judged right now and it is a disaster.

Health Care was a pretty big part of the last presidential election, and Obama won by a pretty good margin.

Health Care did not play a big part at all. It was a popularity contest. A smear campaign.

Obviously the line about "If you like your plan, you can keep it" was misleading at best, so that certainly is not something that he should have said.

It was a flat out lie done purposefully to get the country to a point to where there may be no turning back.

Spreading risk is what all insurance does. Having everyone properly insured from the start is much less costly. Under the current system, you are not just paying for the people who can't pay for their own care, but you are also paying for all the costs associated with trying to get them to pay before they ultimately have to write off the money. US hospitals have to put a massive amount of man hours into just trying to get paid for their services.

That still will happen... only it will be less effective and the US Govt. will have to keep putting tax payer money into it above what they already are getting for the mandates.

Under the current system as well, you can't deny care to someone who is in urgent need, but it would be much less costly to treat the person if they were able to get care before it became an urgent need.

And you think the ACA will change human behavior? I don't think so.

Everyone in the US has always had a large portion of their paycheck going towards healthcare. I think it is a dumb system, but you guys are so scared of the word "government" that logical health care plans don't seem to fly.

It will be even larger portion and it will grow.

Scared... no. Aware, fooled and mad... yes. Well not everyone has been fooled. I love going around saying "I told you so!" I feel bad for those that saw the train wreck coming but could not stop it. To the libs and Dems and any supported this that had their plans cancelled and now will pay even more... I love it.

Like this one... Jessica Sanford... the one Obama mentioned by name as a success story. A single mother and her own business, Obama supporter LOVED the ACA. She was told she'd get health insurance for $169 a month. She was so elated she wrote to the President and he spoke to the press about her.

But then... reality sunk in. The state said she is not entitled to the some of the subsidies and she'd have to pay more. THEN she was informed she is not entitled to ANY subsidy and has to pay the full amount.

She now says she cannot afford insurance and has to go without it. That's Obamacare!

But no no Jessica. You are in the system... you will pay it. The IRS will ensure the government gets THEIR money from you.

Rude Awakening for Federal Way Woman Who Got Shout-Out From President – Can’t Afford Obamacare Policy After All | Washington State Wire - News of Capitol Importance

I used "rolled out" as in it being fully in effect. The very first steps have started, open enrollment has started, but the plans don't come into effect until next year. .

You are right... people like Jessica aren't getting the impact at this very moment. They just have to deal with the stress of knowing that an astronomical part of their checks will be going to support Obamacare in a month and a half. And the stress that if she doesn't pay the bill... IRS will be coming to her for payment or fines.

Not a bad system Ruff. Glad you support it.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
There are certain things that are legitimately not his fault. The US system is well designed to allow fringe groups to raise hell and slow everything down, and there isn't much one person can do about that.

The biggest problem for the democrats is that they tend to be much less pragmatic than the republicans. The guys on the left are more prone to high minded idealism, while a not insignificant portion of the right was recently willing to bankrupt the nation to get their way.

Given that the democrats ran the country long enough to cure all the problems, what happened? Was it accidental?


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Nor are the lies.

No... it can be judged right now and it is a disaster.

Again, you can't judge the full impact before the plan is even up and running.

Health Care did not play a big part at all. It was a popularity contest. A smear campaign.

You can be cynical about elections all you want, but it is very clear that healthcare was a central issue in the last election.

It was a flat out lie done purposefully to get the country to a point to where there may be no turning back.

There are always opportunities to change things down the line.

I don't think they fully understood how insurance companies would change their policies based on the new rules, which is why I again thing that a government option would have made much more sense.

That still will happen... only it will be less effective and the US Govt. will have to keep putting tax payer money into it above what they already are getting for the mandates.

Taxpayers are on the hook either way, so you need to get past that and look at how to handle it most effectively.

And you think the ACA will change human behavior? I don't think so.

I am not talking about people who could have gotten care but just chose not to, I am talking about people who could not get care because they simply couldn't access it. Everyone who pays into the health system and pays taxes ends up covering the costs of treating these people eventually, so why not give people the option of getting intervention earlier when it is much cheaper?

Given that the democrats ran the country long enough to cure all the problems, what happened? Was it accidental?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Again, you can't judge the full impact before the plan is even up and running.

I can and I will. It is showing to be a disaster and problems will only increase.

You can be cynical about elections all you want, but it is very clear that healthcare was a central issue in the last election.

Ok... kind though you may be... your head is deep in the sand. Health Care was hardly an issue and certainly not a central issue last election. THEN we did not see what was coming... the reality of the ACA. Now we do. It is here.

There are always opportunities to change things down the line.

Wow... you're an idealist aren't you?

I don't think they fully understood how insurance companies would change their policies based on the new rules, which is why I again thing that a government option would have made much more sense.

They were simply following the rules the government gave them. Cancelling policies is not the insurance companies fault.

Taxpayers are on the hook either way, so you need to get past that and look at how to handle it most effectively.

Ok... repeal it... repeal Obamacare.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
I can and I will. It is showing to be a disaster and problems will only increase.

I don't think we will get anywhere in this discussion if you just flatly deny the importance of actual facts and research.

Ok... kind though you may be... your head is deep in the sand. Health Care was hardly an issue and certainly not a central issue last election. THEN we did not see what was coming... the reality of the ACA. Now we do. It is here.

Just because you didn't pay attention to it doesn't mean it wasn't an issue.

Remember when you said this?

"No the people didn't support that... nor did they support this. It was Obamacare that got the Dems flushed from the House and the Senate to lock in 2010."

So you claim that the ACA was the reason that Dems were voted out of the house and senate back in 2010, but in 2012 nobody saw this coming? The timeline doesn't seem to work.

Wow... you're an idealist aren't you?

Understanding that laws can be changed makes me an idealist? It is a simple fact.

They were simply following the rules the government gave them. Cancelling policies is not the insurance companies fault.

Ok... repeal it... repeal Obamacare.

I think that the involvement of insurance companies is making this whole thing much harder and more expensive than it has to be. Many of the issues with healthcare in the united states can be traced back to the government coddling the private businesses involved in healthcare.

If the government is going to mandate all of these things, why do you have to pay insurance companies to act as middle men? Why is the government not leveraging it's enormous buying power to push prices down for all citizens?

The system as it is now, before the ACA kicks in, is ridiculous and should not be the fallback plan.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I don't think we will get anywhere in this discussion if you just flatly deny the importance of actual facts and research.

As you go on pretending that all is well and for everyone to keep quiet and endure.

Just because you didn't pay attention to it doesn't mean it wasn't an issue.

Remember when you said this?

"No the people didn't support that... nor did they support this. It was Obamacare that got the Dems flushed from the House and the Senate to lock in 2010."

So you claim that the ACA was the reason that Dems were voted out of the house and senate back in 2010, but in 2012 nobody saw this coming? The timeline doesn't seem to work.

Pretty much yeah. It was the reason why they were voted out in 2010 and it had little effect two years later on the Presidential election.

And I do not think anybody saw this coming the way it is. You remember... "If you like your plan you can keep it." People who had plans were told not to worry and they would not be affected. Many of them supported Obama. Obama lied... plain and simple.

Understanding that laws can be changed makes me an idealist? It is a simple fact.

How successful have they been up to date?

I think that the involvement of insurance companies is making this whole thing much harder and more expensive than it has to be. Many of the issues with healthcare in the united states can be traced back to the government coddling the private businesses involved in healthcare.

They're just following the law.

If the government is going to mandate all of these things, why do you have to pay insurance companies to act as middle men? Why is the government not leveraging it's enormous buying power to push prices down for all citizens?

And where does the government get their money? The citizens and corporations. The citizens who have any sort of job are going to pay... the corporations will start next year if this doesn't get fixed. That means folks who get health insurance through their employers will start getting walloped next year with higher premiums and cancelled plans.

The system as it is now, before the ACA kicks in, is ridiculous and should not be the fallback plan.

It was better.


Good luck Eagle.

Yeah I am about done with him. At least he's amiable unlike the other bots.