Ford finally faces legal action.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
The paparazzi stuff goes a little far.

They are just reporting on the Mayor. They can't help it that he conducts himself like Charlie Sheen.

Yes it does. I wish people who hate Ford could see the bigger issue.

That we put an addict with the emotional maturity of a 10 year old and criminal connections up the wazoo in charge of 10 billion dollars in public funds?

Hey Petros, dug up this on the tattoes butt quoute you posted.

This from a blog:
June, 2006, will always be remembered for the arrest of 17 suspected terrorists in Ontario. But we may also recall it as the time when Antonia Zerbisias accused Christie Blatchford of “hate speech.”

Zerbisias, who writes a column about media in the Toronto Star, reflects the current cliches of the left with superb accuracy. She writes with a certain angry vigour, particularly when dealing with anyone who says a kind word about the U.S. government. But candid writing offends her if it comes from the other side of the argument.
That’s how she came to deliver a libelous accusation against Blatchford, a National Post alum who now writes for The Globe and Mail.

An amazing number of people, from the cops to CBC news editors, have tried their best to ignore the fact that the 17 arrestees are accused of a plot to kill in the name of Islam. Police blandly informed us that the accused came from all sections of our society (the employed, the unemployed, students, etc.), but failed to note this one central fact.
Blatchford, in her familiar style, reacted with fury against this craven pusillanimity. She accused the police and others of “ignoring the biggest elephant in the room.” As Blatchford said, Chief Bill Blair of the Toronto police even bragged about his force’s refusal to say in public what the police (like everyone else) knows: “I would remind you,” Blair said, “that there was not one single reference made by law enforcement to ‘Muslim’ or ‘Muslim community’” during the post-arrest news conference on Saturday.

Blatchford said that any fool should be able to figure out what their religion is — “They have first names like Mohamed, middle names like Mohamed and last names like Mohamed.”

For this statement of truth, Blatchford was compared to a Nazi. Her Globe column was “a Christie-nacht screed against a single community, tantamount to hate speech,” Zerbisias wrote.

The phrase “Christie-nacht” presumably struck the author as a brilliant bon mot. But in fact, the punned reference to the Nov. 9, 1938, Kristallnacht pogrom against Germany’s Jews represents both a libel against Blatchford and a snide insult to the memory of those Jews who perished at Nazi hands. If anyone can claim fealty to the Nazis’ habits of mind, it is the Islamofascists, not their enemies.

Yet as appalling as Zerbisias’s column may be, she is actually on-message: Since news of the 17 arrests broke, her newspaper has been doing its best to convince readers that the greatest threat facing Canada isn’t suicide bombers, but the stigmatization of the community from which they originate.


A few weeks ago, I noticed that Toronto Star writer Antonia Zerbisias was designated as a “featured speaker” at this January 18 anti-Israel hatefest in Toronto.
But the organizers sent a new email mass mailing this week (see below), and Zerbisias’ name now has been deleted from the announced speaking roster.
This raises a few possibilities:
(1) Zerbisias has been ordered by the Star not to appear (good for the Star).
(2) Zerbisias realized she shouldn’t appear (good for her).
(3) Zerbisias is under the weather and doesn’t feel up to the job — though this is unlikely due to the fact that she seems to update her Twitter feed every 4 seconds.
(4) Zerbisias will speak at the hatefest, but has asked organizers not to publicize this fact.
I guess I’ll have to show up on January 18 and see for myself!A few weeks ago, I noticed that Toronto Star writer Antonia Zerbisias was designated as a “featured speaker” at this January 18 anti-Israel hatefest in Toronto.
But the organizers sent a new email mass mailing this week (see below), and Zerbisias’ name now has been deleted from the announced speaking roster.
This raises a few possibilities:
(1) Zerbisias has been ordered by the Star not to appear (good for the Star).
(2) Zerbisias realized she shouldn’t appear (good for her).
(3) Zerbisias is under the weather and doesn’t feel up to the job — though this is unlikely due to the fact that she seems to update her Twitter feed every 4 seconds.
(4) Zerbisias will speak at the hatefest, but has asked organizers not to publicize this fact.
I guess I’ll have to show up on January 18 and see for myself!

What on earth do you think this has to do with Rob Ford?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
They are just reporting on the Mayor. They can't help it that he conducts himself like Charlie Sheen.

Go back and read what I wrote about Ford. Then if it is possible try to detach yourself from the Ford stuff and comprehend what I am saying about the media. Or just ignore it. Whatever?

That we put an addict with the emotional maturity of a 10 year old and criminal connections up the wazoo in charge of 10 billion dollars in public funds?
Beyond his personal life being a train wreck he has not been caught doing anything inappropriate with the public purse.

What on earth do you think this has to do with Rob Ford?
Petros and I were talking about The Toronto Star, it wasn't directed at you.

I don't hate him, I just think he's nuts.

Finally, Petros I wasn't addressing you about hating I agree with your comment on the Paparrazi stuff. It does go too far.

I think he's an addict who needs help.

He should resign.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Go back and read what I wrote about Ford. Then if it is possible try to detach yourself from the Ford stuff and comprehend what I am saying about the media. Or just ignore it. Whatever?

I read your posts, that is why I responded to them. If you do not think what I am saying is correct, try doing what I did and respond to my post.

Unlike what so many people here seem to think, if someone disagrees with you, it isn't just because they didn't read your post properly.

I understand your point, it is simply dumb though because your point is based on taking the word of a person who has been proven to lie over and over and over again.

Beyond his personal life being a train wreck he has not been caught doing anything inappropriate with the public purse.

That is certainly a matter of opinion.

The guy has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on his mishandling of the transit file, just to name one example. Now he wants to sink something like 2 billion dollars into a subway extension that serves no real purpose other than buying votes in Scarborough.

Petros and I were talking about The Toronto Star, it wasn't directed at you.

This is a public discussion board. If you don't want other people to comment on something, send it in a PM.

I think he's an addict who needs help.

He should resign.

That is one thing I agree with you on.

As far has how he should get help though, he doesn't deserve one lick of sympathy from the public. This is a guy who has constantly voted to try to eliminate programs that help addicts and disparaged programs that take a soft approach to these situations as "hug a thug" programs. The guy deserves to be thrown out on his *** and get a small taste of the treatment that he promotes for other people who do exactly what he does, but were not so lucky as to be born into money.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
He should certainly take a leave of absence until he gets a solid diagnosis and prognosis. Perhaps what he has is treatable or curable. We can speculate all we want but until an official diagnosis is made we don't know sh*t!

Is that what Ford would say about someone else in this situation?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Finally, Petros I wasn't addressing you about hating I agree with your comment on the Paparrazi stuff. It does go too far.

I think he's an addict who needs help.

He should resign.
I think he should hit rehab, a gym and spend as much time with his kids as he can. He is pushing things to the point that he'll blow out a heart valve, pop a noggin vessel or give cancer the opportunity to set in.

He doesn't need to apologize to the world, he needs to apologize to himself.

That isn't fair to his wife of kids. His wife is quite nice socially and physically.

We've all lost a friend or family member to addiction. His wife and kids don't need that experience just yet especially from their father.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
He should certainly take a leave of absence until he gets a solid diagnosis and prognosis. Perhaps what he has is treatable or curable. We can speculate all we want but until an official diagnosis is made we don't know sh*t!
yeah we do, he's morbidly obese and and has a drug problem...I don't need to see an official diagnosis and revealing it would be unethical anyway

I think he should hit rehab, a gym and spend as much time with his kids as he can. He is pushing things to the point that he'll blow out a heart valve, pop a noggin vessel or give cancer the opportunity to set in.

He doesn't need to apologize to the world, he needs to apologize to himself.

That isn't fair to his wife of kids. His wife is quite nice socially and physically.

We've all lost a friend or family member to addiction. His wife and kids don't need that experience just yet especially from their father.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
By lurking in a ravine and taking photos over a fence?

That is simply a lie. He has surveillance cameras facing that back fence and he searched Dale's camera after he dropped it running from him. We was not taking photos over the fence, period.

Rob, as the Mayor, was trying to conduct a land deal with the city. Obviously that is something that the media is going to want to investigate.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Poor Bear.
Says the guy pining for me for days on end, and doesn't get out much, lol.

When are you going to realize that insulting people doesn't make you any less wrong?
It wasn't an insult, you asked for proof.

As for being wrong, you haven't proven that, it's just your opinion, and your opinion doesn't hold much weight around here, so you know what it means to me, lol.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Says the guy pining for me for days on end, and doesn't get out much, lol.

It wasn't an insult, you asked for proof.

As for being wrong, you haven't proven that, it's just your opinion, and your opinion doesn't hold much weight around here, so you know what it means to me, lol.

This means a lot from a person as respected as yourself.