Ford finally faces legal action.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Personally I don't think that his explanation is all that great either. He says he values working with at risk kids, but says he quit because a kid swore at him. That is a pretty lame excuse.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
You can read the article for yourself.

They reported on an altercation that happened between Ford and a player on his team that lead to him leaving the team shortly after.

They clearly reported the varying witness accounts of the story, both positive and negative.

Rob Ford told he was unwelcome as a football coach at Toronto high school | Toronto Star

Personally I don't think that his explanation is all that great either. He says he values working with at risk kids, but says he quit because a kid swore at him. That is a pretty lame excuse.

I could write a story about you that was filled with unverifiable sources and raise all sorts of questions. Certainly doesn't make it true or ethical.

This story from 2010 was just one of many attempts by The Star to change the course of an election when they realized that George wasn't going to win.

Funny how you can't separate what I'm saying here.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Star Media Group (Star Medya Grubu, STAR Medya Yayıncılık A.Ş.) is a Turkish media company. Among other properties it owns the Star newspaper and the television station Kanal 24.
The company was co-founded by Ahmet Özal and Cem Uzan and was previously part of the Uzan Group. In 2004 Star was seized by the Turkish government, along with the other assets of the Uzan Group. The paper was transferred to the TMSF, and then sold several times. It is now again part of the Star Media Group, which was acquired by Fettah Tamince from Ethem Sancak in 2009,[1] with Tevhit Karakaya acquiring 50% in 2010.[2]


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Apparently they have an agenda known as the Atkinson Principle.

A strong, united and independent Canada
Social justice
Individual and civil liberties
Community and civic engagement
The rights of working people
The necessary role of government

Descendants of the original owners, known as "the five families", still control the voting shares of Torstar,[17] and the Atkinson Principles continue to guide the paper to this day. In February 2006, Star media columnist Antonia Zerbisias wrote on her blog:
“Besides, we are the Star which means we all have the Atkinson Principles — and its multi-culti values — tattooed on our butts. Fine with me. At least we are upfront about our values, and they almost always work in favour of building a better Canada.[18]

Star Media Group (Star Medya Grubu, STAR Medya Yayıncılık A.Ş.) is a Turkish media company. Among other properties it owns the Star newspaper and the television station Kanal 24.
The company was co-founded by Ahmet Özal and Cem Uzan and was previously part of the Uzan Group. In 2004 Star was seized by the Turkish government, along with the other assets of the Uzan Group. The paper was transferred to the TMSF, and then sold several times. It is now again part of the Star Media Group, which was acquired by Fettah Tamince from Ethem Sancak in 2009,[1] with Tevhit Karakaya acquiring 50% in 2010.[2]

Torstar Corporation (TSX: TS.B) is an independently owned Canadian broadly based media company that is named after its principal holding, the Toronto Star daily newspaper. Its headquarters are at One Yonge Street in Toronto.[2]
Its core businesses includes publishing daily and community newspapers, speciality publications, digital properties, Syndicate content, as well as women’s fiction


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006

Hey Petros, dug up this on the tattoes butt quoute you posted.

This from a blog:
June, 2006, will always be remembered for the arrest of 17 suspected terrorists in Ontario. But we may also recall it as the time when Antonia Zerbisias accused Christie Blatchford of “hate speech.”

Zerbisias, who writes a column about media in the Toronto Star, reflects the current cliches of the left with superb accuracy. She writes with a certain angry vigour, particularly when dealing with anyone who says a kind word about the U.S. government. But candid writing offends her if it comes from the other side of the argument.
That’s how she came to deliver a libelous accusation against Blatchford, a National Post alum who now writes for The Globe and Mail.

An amazing number of people, from the cops to CBC news editors, have tried their best to ignore the fact that the 17 arrestees are accused of a plot to kill in the name of Islam. Police blandly informed us that the accused came from all sections of our society (the employed, the unemployed, students, etc.), but failed to note this one central fact.
Blatchford, in her familiar style, reacted with fury against this craven pusillanimity. She accused the police and others of “ignoring the biggest elephant in the room.” As Blatchford said, Chief Bill Blair of the Toronto police even bragged about his force’s refusal to say in public what the police (like everyone else) knows: “I would remind you,” Blair said, “that there was not one single reference made by law enforcement to ‘Muslim’ or ‘Muslim community’” during the post-arrest news conference on Saturday.

Blatchford said that any fool should be able to figure out what their religion is — “They have first names like Mohamed, middle names like Mohamed and last names like Mohamed.”

For this statement of truth, Blatchford was compared to a Nazi. Her Globe column was “a Christie-nacht screed against a single community, tantamount to hate speech,” Zerbisias wrote.

The phrase “Christie-nacht” presumably struck the author as a brilliant bon mot. But in fact, the punned reference to the Nov. 9, 1938, Kristallnacht pogrom against Germany’s Jews represents both a libel against Blatchford and a snide insult to the memory of those Jews who perished at Nazi hands. If anyone can claim fealty to the Nazis’ habits of mind, it is the Islamofascists, not their enemies.

Yet as appalling as Zerbisias’s column may be, she is actually on-message: Since news of the 17 arrests broke, her newspaper has been doing its best to convince readers that the greatest threat facing Canada isn’t suicide bombers, but the stigmatization of the community from which they originate.


A few weeks ago, I noticed that Toronto Star writer Antonia Zerbisias was designated as a “featured speaker” at this January 18 anti-Israel hatefest in Toronto.
But the organizers sent a new email mass mailing this week (see below), and Zerbisias’ name now has been deleted from the announced speaking roster.
This raises a few possibilities:
(1) Zerbisias has been ordered by the Star not to appear (good for the Star).
(2) Zerbisias realized she shouldn’t appear (good for her).
(3) Zerbisias is under the weather and doesn’t feel up to the job — though this is unlikely due to the fact that she seems to update her Twitter feed every 4 seconds.
(4) Zerbisias will speak at the hatefest, but has asked organizers not to publicize this fact.
I guess I’ll have to show up on January 18 and see for myself!A few weeks ago, I noticed that Toronto Star writer Antonia Zerbisias was designated as a “featured speaker” at this January 18 anti-Israel hatefest in Toronto.
But the organizers sent a new email mass mailing this week (see below), and Zerbisias’ name now has been deleted from the announced speaking roster.
This raises a few possibilities:
(1) Zerbisias has been ordered by the Star not to appear (good for the Star).
(2) Zerbisias realized she shouldn’t appear (good for her).
(3) Zerbisias is under the weather and doesn’t feel up to the job — though this is unlikely due to the fact that she seems to update her Twitter feed every 4 seconds.
(4) Zerbisias will speak at the hatefest, but has asked organizers not to publicize this fact.
I guess I’ll have to show up on January 18 and see for myself!


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Rob Ford is in the situation Rob Ford is in because of the things Rob Ford has done. It wasn't the Toronto Star that made him smoke crack or cavort with gangsters.

Zerbisias and Blatchford are two sides of the same coin--lightweight political mouthpieces who take the daily fare of news, divvy it into its partisan chunks and provide the ideological context for people who like to be told what to think. They and their ilk are the informational equivalent of MacDonalds food--pre-digested, filling, without nutrition.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Rob Ford is in the situation Rob Ford is in because of the things Rob Ford has done. It wasn't the Toronto Star that made him smoke crack or cavort with gangsters.

Yes I agree on Fords woes. I disagree on the Stars tactics.

Zerbisias and Blatchford are two sides of the same coin--lightweight political mouthpieces who take the daily fare of news, divvy it into its partisan chunks and provide the ideological context for people who like to be told what to think. They and their ilk are the informational equivalent of MacDonalds food--pre-digested, filling, without nutrition.

Zerbisas isn't fit to lick Blatchfords boots. She is an outstanding news reporter, and author, having served abroad and on the police beat. Her column is well earned.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
I could write a story about you that was filled with unverifiable sources and raise all sorts of questions. Certainly doesn't make it true or ethical.

This story from 2010 was just one of many attempts by The Star to change the course of an election when they realized that George wasn't going to win.

Funny how you can't separate what I'm saying here.

If you published a newspaper article where you just made stuff up about me to hurt my reputation that would be libel.

If you have multiple witnesses claiming that they saw something happen, it is not unethical to report that you have these witnesses telling you that. In this case, they did quite an extensive investigation and reported the accounts of the event from players, coaches, witnesses, and school staff.

Ford tried to sue them over the article, but he didn't have a leg to stand on, because it is good journalism regardless of if he likes what people involved in the incident think about his actions.

The most interesting part of the story now seems to be the clear pattern of Ford lying. It was confirmed by multiple school and school board officials that Ford was asked to leave. He didn't quit as he claims.

Even the best depictions of Ford in this situation show an incredibly immature man who is definitely not fit to coaching kids.